School & Community Services
Theresa Padin, Director
15 Mary P. Hinsdale School
Winsted, Connecticut 06098
Champs After School Enrichment Program is funded by a grant received by the CT State Department of Education. The purpose is to provide academically enriching programs during our of school hours, to help children achieve higher academic performance during the school day.
Link to: ELECTRONIC 2024-2025 Elegant Yearly Events Calendar Planner
Theresa Padin, Director
15 Mary P. Hinsdale School
Winsted, Connecticut 06098
Champs After School Enrichment Program is funded by a grant received by the CT State Department of Education. The purpose is to provide academically enriching programs during our of school hours, to help children achieve higher academic performance during the school day.
Link to: ELECTRONIC 2024-2025 CHAMPS Re-Registration Form
Theresa Padin, Director
15 Mary P. Hinsdale School
Winsted, Connecticut 06098
Champs After School Enrichment Program is funded by a grant received by the CT State Department of Education. The purpose is to provide academically enriching programs during our of school hours, to help children achieve higher academic performance during the school day.
Link to: ELECTRONIC 2024-2025 CHAMPS Registration Form
Theresa Padin, Director
55 Oak Street
Winsted, Connecticut 06098
Champs After School Enrichment Program is funded by a grant received by the CT State Department of Education. The purpose is to provide academically enriching programs during our of school hours, to help children achieve higher academic performance during the school day.
School-Based Health Services
The School-Based Health Center is offered here for the benefit of the students.
Please note: The School-Based Health Center works in conjunction with the care provided by your child’s pediatrician and is not intended to replace regular care by your child’s primary health-care provider.
If you feel your child is in need of any of our services, please see what we offer below:
Available Services - The SBHC offers many services including: Medical Services, Mental Health Services, and Dental Services.
All children enrolled in the school based health care program are eligible to receive services regardless of insurance status. For medical and behavioral health services, CHC accepts most insurance plans and there are NO out of pocket expenses. For dental services, there is a small fee if there is no insurance coverage. If you have no insurance, please ask SBHC staff about HUSKY insurance.
To begin receiving services, please click the following link to sign up quickly and easily online!
- Link to: Enrollment Flyer
- Enlace a: Folleto de inscripción
Please note all parts of this registration/enrollment form must be completed, signed and returned to the Health Center or the School Main Office before your child can receive services.
Emily Bernard
15 Hinsdale Avenue
Winsted,Connecticut 06098
(860) 379-5423 x5262
Our Winsted Family Resource Center is one of 73 in Connecticut funded by the Connecticut State Department of Education since 1996.
Children born between Jan. 1, 2017and Dec. 31, 2017 are eligible to register for kindergarten starting in August of 2022. Please contact Emily Bernard at 860 379-5423 to receive the necessary information and forms.
The Winsted Family Resource Center believes that healthy development and good education begin before birth. Our goal is to develop comprehensive, integrated, community-based systems of family support and child development services.
The Winsted Family Resource Center helps provide the best start to all Winsted’s children and their families from all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups. The program is supported with state grant and local funding.
Family Resource Centers in Connecticut were created and modeled on Yale’s Ed Ziglar’s model of Schools of the Twenty-first Century. Their model is based on the needs of each community and can include the following seven components:
Parents as Teachers (PAT) – our infant/toddler, preschool parent education and support program. We share child development information through personal visits, play & learn groups, developmental screenings and resource and referral. These services are offered free of charge (link to PAT)
Support to Family Child Care Providers – our certified parent educators make monthly visits to home care providers to bring them developmentally appropriate activities and professional support.
Pre Kindergarten Program
Our Pre-K program serves students, ages 3 through 5, with and without disabilities. Preschoolers requiring special education services due to disabilities are eligible based on specific criteria established by the district in keeping with federal and state requirements. Peer Model students refer to those “typically developing” students who are included in the integrated classroom settings.
The term “integrated setting” refers to an environment that blends children with and without disabilities for learning experiences and building social relationships. This is the model that the Pre-K Program utilizes in order to follow best practice for providing preschool special education programming within the public school setting.
The Pre-K Program follows the CT Early Learning and Development Standards and assessments to guide its curriculum, into which other methodologies and strategies are woven in order to provide optimal learning experiences and kindergarten readiness for all students. The program also maintains a developmentally appropriate philosophy that meets students where they are and sets goals to support the individual’s progress across cognitive, social, and motor domains.
Peer models are selected by lottery. Preschoolers can become eligible for this lottery by first attending a Preschool Screening at the Mary P. Hinsdale School held the first Monday of each month during the school year. Appointments must be made in advance for 3 and 4 year olds by calling the Family Resource Center at 860 379-5423 x5262.
Parents as Teachers Program
In the first few years, children learn more and at a faster pace than at any other time in life. You help shape your child’s future through the kinds of experiences you provide. Your baby was born to learn, and as a parent, YOU are your child’s first and most important teacher.
Parents deserve the support that Parents as Teachers (PAT) offers to give your child the best possible start in life. PAT is a parent education and family support program serving families throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten.
Parents are supported by PAT certified parent educators trained to translate scientific information on early brain development into specific when, what, how and why advice for families. By understanding what to expect during each stage of development, parents can easily capture the teachable moments in everyday life to enhance all areas of development and enjoy your child!
Comprehensive PAT services include personal visits in your home to individualize information, Play & Learn groups for parent and child socialization, developmental screenings and linkages to community resources when needed.
Contact Emily Bernard at 860-379-5423 x 5262 for more information
President: Sarah Guenther
Co- Vice Presidents - Amanda Werner & Amanda Morin
Secretary: Mollie Deegan
Treasurer: Lindsey McEvoy
General PTO Email:
PTO meetings are from 6:15-7:15 pm in the library at Pearson School
Meeting Schedule:
- Jan 15, 2025
- Feb 12, 2025
- March 12, 2025
- April 9, 2025
- May 14, 2025
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