Agendas & Minutes 2018-2019 Archive
Regular BOE Meeting Agendas 2018-2019
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - AMENDED
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: August 14, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent and Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: August 14, 2018
Comments from the Chairman
a) BOE Retreat Overview
a) New Staff Members to Winchester Public Schools
b) Alliance Building Grant Update
c) Finance Report FY 2018
d) 1% non-lapsing fund
e) Facilities Update
Report on Hinsdale School Renovation Committee – Michelle Hintz
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – June 12, 2018
b) Minutes of Special Board of Education Meeting – July 9, 2018
Correspondence to the Board:
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendents’ Report
b) School Enrollment
d) New Hires
e) Gilbert Enrollment
f) Submission of Commissioner Network and Alliance Grant
Board Action Items:
a) Appointment of Batcheller Principal - Rosanne Field effective August 15, 2018.
b) Cost of School Lunches
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
Executive Session:
Initial discussion regarding Gilbert Contract Negotiations and Winchester
Education Association Contract.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: September 11, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent and Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: September 11, 2018
Comments from the Chairman
a) BOE Member – Excused Absence Process
a) “New” Enrollment Presentation
b) SBAC Results
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – August 14, 2018
Correspondence to the Board:
a) NIS-CT Audit
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendents’ Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) New Hires
e) Gilbert Enrollment
f) FY2019 Total Resource Budget
Board Action Items:
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Promotional SBAC Celebration Conversation
b) Quarterly Meetings with Gilbert BOE
c) Evaluation of Board Chairperson
Executive Session:
a) To discuss confidential Special Education matter
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: October 9, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: October 9, 2018
Comments from the Chairman
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – September 11, 2018
b) Minutes of Curriculum/Personnel Committee Meeting – September 25, 2018
c) Minutes of Policy Committee Meeting – September 25, 2018
d) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – September 25, 2018
Correspondence to the Board:
a) Annual Asbestos Letter
b) Update on Hinsdale Renovation – Michelle Hintz
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendents’ Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
e) Final Budget Report 2017-2018
f) 1st Quarter Financial Report 2018-2019
Board Action Items:
a) Correction to August BOE Minutes regarding Nancy’s Report
b) Approval of Revised School Security Plan
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Scheduling dates with Gilbert Board
Executive Session:
a) Update on ongoing negotiations with teachers (exec. session most likely)
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - Amended
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: November 13, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: November 13, 2018
Comments from the Chairman
a) Special Recognition – Kenny Perrault
b) Special Education Performance Report - Seamus Cullinan & Barbara Silverio
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – October 9, 2018
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – October 16 & 23, 2018
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – October 22, 2018
d) Minutes of Special Meeting – October 24, 2018
e) Minutes of Curriculum/Personnel Committee Meeting – October 30, 2018
f) Minutes of Policy Committee Meeting – October 30, 2018
g) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – October 30, 2018
h) Minutes of Special Meeting – November 1, 2018
Correspondence to the Board:
a) None
Update on HSRC by Michelle Hintz and Melony Brady-Shanley
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
e) New Hires
f) Soup’s On
g) Discussion - Driveway at Batcheller
Board Action Items:
a) Budget Transfers
b) Approval of WEA Teacher Contract 7/2019 – 6/2022
c) Voluntary Teacher Retirement Incentive
d) Approval of 2019-2020 School Calendar
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy #5144 – 1st Read
b) Policy #4000.1 - 1st Read
c) Policy #9327 – 1st Read
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: December 11, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: December 11, 2018
Comments from the Chairman
a) Report on School-Based Health Center
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – November 13, 2018
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – November 27, 2018
c) Minutes of Curriculum/Personnel Committee Meeting – November 27, 2018
d) Minutes of Special Meeting – December 6, 2018
Correspondence to the Board:
a) Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation Grant Received
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
Board Action Items:
a) Donation of $300.00 from Painting by Marge, Inc for the usage to support child’s lunch program.
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy #5114 – 2nd Read
b) Policy #4000.1 – 2nd Read
c) Policy #9327.1(a) – 2nd Read
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: January 8, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: January 8, 2019
Comments from the Chairman
a) Quarterly Financial Report
b) Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Timeline & Enrollment Projection
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – December 11, 2018
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – December 12, 2018
c) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – December 18, 2018
Correspondence to the Board:
a) Certified Teacher Retirement Letter
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
Board Action Items:
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
Executive Session:
a) Contract Process Update Regarding WPS / Gilbert Tuition Agreement
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special BOE Meeting Agenda - Amended date change
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: February 26, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: February 12, 2019
Comments from the Chairman
a) Update on Hinsdale School Renovation Committee
b) WBOE/Gilbert Negotiation Presentation
a) Literacy Leadership Institute Final Plan – WPS Staff
b) 1st year Employee Report
c) Initial Budget Presentation
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – January 8, 2019
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – January 14, 2019
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – January 24, 2019
d) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – January 31, 2019
e) Minutes of Policy Meeting – January 31, 2019
f) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting –January 31, 2019
Correspondence to the Board:
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
Board Action Items:
a) Approval of donation to the Summer Lunch Program from Valley Thrift Shop
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy #5141.3 – 1st Read
b) Policy #5141.4 – 1st Read
c) Policy #5144.1 – 1st Read
d) Policy #5144.4 – 1st Read
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - Amended
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: March 12, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: March 12, 2019
Comments from the Chairman
a) Bridges Math Presentation
b) Student Presentation
c) Batcheller & Pearson Mid-Year Audits - Principals
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – February 26, 2019
b) Minutes of Policy Meeting – February 26, 2019
Correspondence to the Board:
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
Board Action Items:
a) 2019 – 2020 Budget
b) Approval of Donation to the Critical needs fund from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Kent
c) Approval of Custodial and Executive & Administrative Contracts
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy #5141.3 - Students Health & Immunization – 2nd Read
b) Policy #5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault – 2nd Read
c) Policy #5144.1 - Use of Physical Force – 2nd Read
d) Policy #5144.4 - Discipline – 2nd Read
e) Policy #6142.101 – Student Nutrition & Physical Activity – 1st Read
f) Policy #6200 – Adult Continuing Education – 1st Read
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: April 9, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: April 9, 2019
Comments from the Chairman
a) 250 years Winchester, 50 years Earth Day
a) 3rd Quarter Financial Report
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – March 12, 2019
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – March 21, 2019
c) Minutes of Policy Meeting – March 26, 2019
d) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – March 26, 2019
e) Minutes of Special Meeting – April 3, 2019
Correspondence to the Board:
a) State of CT waiver request letter
b) 2019 Connecticut 4-H Leadership Award – R. Manzer
c) Report on Hinsdale Renovation Public Session
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
e) New Hire
Board Action Items:
a) Approval to submit the School Readiness Grant
b) Approval of School Readiness Agreement
c) Approval of Healthy Food Certification
d) Approval of non-renewals as it relates to the reduction in force.
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy #6142.101 – Student Nutrition & Physical Activity – 2nd Read
b) Policy #6200 – Adult Continuing Education – 2nd Read
c) Policy # 6114.1 – Fire Emergency Drills/Crisis Response Drills – 1st Read
d) Policy # 6159 – Individualized Education Program / Special Education – 1st Read
e) Policy # 6172.12 – Magnet Schools – 1st Read
Executive Session:
a) Update on Gilbert Corporation / Winchester Public Schools Negotiations
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - Amended
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: May 14, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: May 14, 2019
Comments from the Chairman
Student Acknowledgements:
a) Purpose Topic of Reading
a) Science Walkthroughs
b) Gilbert Presentation on Assessment Results
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – April 9, 2019
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – April 29, 2019
c) Minutes of Policy Meeting – April 30, 2019
d) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – April 30, 2019
e) Minutes of Finance Meeting – April 30, 2019
Correspondence to the Board:
a) All-Star Transportation Letter
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
e) New Hire
f) RFP for Pearson – Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Board Action Items:
a) Anticipated Community Eligibility Provision Monthly Federal Reimbursement for School Lunch Program
b) 2019-2020 School Calendar Revised
c) Approval of Sponsorship from Brown & Brown Insurance of $1000.00
d) Approval of Donation to the Critical needs fund from St. Andrew’s Episcopal
Church, Kent
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy # 6114.1 – Fire Emergency Drills/Crisis Response Drills – 2nd Read
b) Policy # 6159 – Individualized Education Program / Special Education – 2nd Read
c) Policy # 6172.12 – Magnet Schools – 2nd Read
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: June 11, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: June 11, 2019
Comments from the Chairman
a) End of Year Assessment Results
b) Year to Date Business Report
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – May 14, 2019
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – May 22, 2019
c) Minutes of Policy Meeting – May 28, 2019
d) Minutes of Finance Meeting – May 28, 2019
e) Minutes of Special Meeting – May 31, 2019
Correspondence to the Board:
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
e) New Hire
Board Action Items:
a) PowerSchool Efinance Plus Financial System $45,064.08
b) Single Source Approval – Otis Elevator $32,000.00
c) Replace Pearson School Sinks, Faucets and Associated Plumbing to Avon
Plumbing & Heating Co. Inc. $68,625.00
d) Replace Pearson Schools Front & Southeast side entry doors with Secure Access to
Goulet Glass Inc. $87,607.00
e) Approval of Nurse’s Union Contract
f) Approval of Superintendent’s Contract to June 30, 2022.
g) Decision Regarding Status of The Gilbert School Designation.
h) Ed Specification for Hinsdale
i) FRC Grant Approval
j) Recommendation to hire additional 4th-grade teacher due to an increase in
k) Board of Education Committee Membership 2019-2020
Unfinished Business:
a) Update on Gilbert Negotiations
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy # 6141.327(a) – Electronic Resources
b) Policy # 3520.14 – Cybersecurity (Tabled to September’s Policy Committee
c) Policy # 5131.81 – Cellular Phones / Electronic Communication Devices (Tabled
to September’s Policy Committee Meeting)
d) Policy # 5132 – Dress & Grooming (Tabled to September’s Policy Committee
Special Meeting Agendas 2018-2019
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: July 9, 2018 @ 10:00 am
Location: 178 West Road Winsted, CT
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business – BOE Retreat
a. Update Mission & Vision Statements
b. Update BOE Goals
c. Expectations of Attendance at Committee Meetings
d. Gilbert & WEA Negotiations
e. Messaging for Building Renovations
f. CABE Convention
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: October 16, 2018 @ 7:00 pm
Location: Town Hall, 3rd Floor Conference Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Interview and Selection of BOE Candidates
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: October 22, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
Location: The Gilbert School Conference Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Winchester Public Schools and The Gilbert School Negotiations
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: October 23, 2018 @ 7:00 pm
Location: Town Hall – 3rd Floor Conference Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Candidate interviews (executive session possible)
b) Board review of candidates qualifications (executive session)
c) Vote for selection of new BOE member
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: October 24, 2018 @ 3:00 pm
Location: Town Hall – 3rd Floor Conference Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Winchester Public Schools and The Gilbert School Negotiations
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: November 1, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
Location: The Gilbert School Library
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Negotiations regarding a successor contract between Winchester Public Schools and The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation.
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: November 14, 2018 @ 3:00 pm
Location: Town Hall – 3rd Floor Conference Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Negotiations regarding a successor contract between Winchester Public Schools and The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation.
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: November 27, 2018 @ 6:30 pm
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Executive Session
a) Level III Custodial Grievance
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: December 6, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
Location: Beardsley Library
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Winchester Public Schools and The Gilbert School
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: December 12, 2018 @ 6:15 pm
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Winchester Public Schools and The Gilbert School Negotiations
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: January 14, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Location: The Gilbert School Guidance Conference Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Negotiations regarding a successor contract between Winchester Board of Education and the W.L. Gilbert School Corporation
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: January 24, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
Location: 2nd Probate Room @ Town Hall
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. New business
a. Individual Working Budget Meeting
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda - Canceled due to weather
Date: February 5, 2019 @ 5:30 pm
Location: Town Hall – 3rd Floor Conference Room
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Negotiations regarding a successor contract between Winchester Board of Education and the W.L. Gilbert School Corporation
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: March 7, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Location: Beardsley Library
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Quarterly Gilbert Corporation / Winchester Public Schools BOE Meeting
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: Thursday, March 21, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Kristen Peterson, Shana DeVoux, Chris Royer, Richard Dutton, Alexia Propfe, and Cheryl Heffernan.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Discuss Joint Finance
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT – 3rd Floor Conference Room
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 @ 11:00 a.m.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Joint Finance Committee Meeting between Winchester Board of Education & The Gilbert Corp.
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT – Blue Room
Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Discuss the 2019 -2020 Fiscal Year Budget
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Discuss the 2019 -2020 Fiscal Year Budget
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Location: Gilbert School 2nd Floor Conference Room
Date: Monday April 29, 2019 @ 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Negotiations of the Gilbert School & Winchester Public Schools Contract for 2019-2020
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Location: NWCCC – Joyner Building – Room 134
Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 @ 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
- Call to order
- Roll Call
- Business
a) Facilitated Joint Board of Education / Gilbert Corporation meeting to discuss concerns, philosophy and collaboration.
4. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: May 31, 2019 @ 11:00 a.m.
- Call to order
- Roll Call
- Business
a) Negotiation of successor contract between Winchester Board of Education & Gilbert Corporation.
- Adjourn
Standing Committee Agendas 2018-2019
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Jamie Duffy, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Open Issues
- Informational: Discussion on how the Little Owls program, School Readiness, and Head Start programs all work together.
- Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 6:30 pm.
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Christine Royer, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3.
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Open Issues
a) Presentation - Year 2 Science Roll Out
b) Report out on October 5 PD - How did it go? - Future collaborative plans with Gilbert?
c) Walkthroughs including BOE?
d) First impressions on SRBI Data - Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 @ 7:15pm
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Facilitator: N. Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Christine Royer, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Open Issues
- Report out on October 5 PD - How did it go? Cover during BOE Meeting
- First impressions on SRBI Data – Next Curriculum Committee Agenda
- Future collaborative plans with Gilbert
- Reminder: Walkthroughs including BOE November 29, 2018, 8 AM -1 PM
a. purpose/targeted area
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda – Amended
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Facilitator: N. Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Christine Royer, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Open Issues
A) Update on ESSA since Devos has been in office
B) Update on performance of Decembers Assessments
1) Dibels & NWEA assessment progress
C) Discussion of Hinsdale design and school instructional programs
D) 1st year employee conversation
V. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Facilitator: N. Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Christine Royer, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan.
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Open Issues
- Bridges Math Presentation
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 @ 6:00 – 6:45 pm
Location: Pearson School – 2nd Floor Conference Room
Facilitator: N. Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Christine Royer, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan.
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Open Issues
a) Committee to observe and participate in STEAM Family Night @ Pearson School.
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 @ 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, and Jamie Duffy.
Call to order
I. Roll call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. New business
a) Tuition for students attending WPS from out of town
b) 2017-2018 Year end close out
c) Alliance Building Grant from the Department of Administrative Services (DAS)
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 @ 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, and Cheryl Heffernan.
Call to order
I. Roll call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. New business
a) Year to date budget update
b) Anticipated expense changes for special education
c) Anticipated facilities projects
d) Teacher Negotiations update
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 @ 6:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Kristen Peterson, Shana DeVoux, Chris Royer, Richard Dutton, Alexia Propfe, and Cheryl Heffernan.
Call to order
I. Roll call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. New business
a) Fiscal Year 2019 Timelines
b) Update on Negotiations
c) Open Discussion
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda - AMENDED
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2019 @ 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Kristen Peterson, Shana DeVoux, Chris Royer, Richard Dutton, Alexia Propfe, and Cheryl Heffernan.
Call to order
I. Roll call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. New Business
a) Gilbert Contract
b) 2020 Budget
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 @ 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Kristen Peterson, Shana DeVoux, Chris Royer, Richard Dutton, Alexia Propfe, and Cheryl Heffernan.
Call to order
I. Roll call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. New Business
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Pearson School – 2nd Floor Conference Room
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 @ 7:30 – 8:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Kristen Peterson, Shana DeVoux, Chris Royer, Richard Dutton, Alexia Propfe, Cheryl Heffernan, and K. Roy.
Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of Agenda
- New Business
a) Update on Gilbert Corporation & Board of Education Negotiation and Budget Planning. - Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 @ 7:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Kristen Peterson, Shana DeVoux, Chris Royer, Richard Dutton, Alexia Propfe, Cheryl Heffernan, and K. Roy.
Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of Agenda
- New Business
a) Gilbert Update Regarding Finances
b) Update on Negotiation with Gilbert Corp. - Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: September 25, 2018 @ 7:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, J. Duffy, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, C. Royer
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Open issues
a) Development of Social Media By-Laws for BOE Members
IV. New business
a) Review policies P5114, P5141.3, P5141.4, P5144.1
V. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Agenda - AMENDED
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: October 30, 2018 @ 7:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, and C. Royer.
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
IV. Open issues
a) None
V. New business
a) Review policies P5114, P5141.3, P5141.4, P5144.1
b) Social Media
c) Policy 4000.1 (Title 9)
VI. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Agenda - AMENDED Date Change
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2019 @ 7:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, and C. Royer
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
IV. Open issues
V. New business
a) 5141.3
b) 5141.4
c) 5144.1
d) 5144.4
VI. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Agenda – Amended Date Change
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 @ 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, and C. Royer
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
IV. Open issues
New business
a) 6114.1
b) 6142.101
c) 6159
d) 6172.12
e) 6200
V. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 @ 7:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, and C. Royer
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
IV. Open Issues
V. New Business
a) Policy #6114.1 - Instruction – Fire Emergency (Drills)/Crisis Response Drills
b) Policy # 6159 – Instruction – Individualized Education Program/Special Education
c) Policy # 6172.12 – Instruction – Magnet Schools
VI. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Pearson School – 2nd Floor Media Center
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 @ 6:45 – 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, R. Dutton, and C. Royer
- Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of minutes from the last meeting
- Open Issues
- New Business
1) Review Packet 3 – what was complete
2) Review Bylaws (in 3rd packet – 9130)
3) Review Packet 4 - Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 @ 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, R. Dutton, and C. Royer
- Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of minutes from the last meeting
- Open Issues
- New Business
1) Policy #3520.14 - Cybersecurity
2) Policy #6141.327 - Electronic Resources
3) Policy #5131.81 - Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices
4) Policy #5132 - Dress and Grooming
- Adjournment
Date: JULY 23, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
Packets distributed and list of other documents available to committee
VI ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES - minutes, posting meetings, etc. D Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley
VII CHARGE OF THE COMMITTEE (with proposed timeline) D Pfennin ger
Document describing charge distributed
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: July 30, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. New Business
a) Review RFP Draft
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: September 17, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. New Business
a) Develop Interview Questions
b) Review
c) Discussion of the pipe that runs under Hinsdale into the Mad River
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: September 27, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. New Business
a) Review Architect responses and select firms for interview.
OCTOBER 11, 2018 AT 5:30 PM
A. FRIAR – 5:30 PM
C. QA AND M – 7:30 PM
OCTOBER 15, 2018 AT 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
A. Sevigny @ 6:00 p.m.
B. Perkins Eastman @ 7:30 p.m.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: October 23, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. New Business
a) Possible selection of pre-referendum selection of Architecture service.
OCTOBER 29, 2018 AT 6:00 PM
- Roll Call
- Business
a) Initial planning meeting with Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates. - Adjournment
November 20, 2018, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call
2. Business
a) Update from Design Team
1) Update Schedule.
2) Meeting minutes & first pass floor plan based on programming meeting/goals.
3) Facility conditions update based on initial architects/engineer’s field visits.
4) Initial site plan options based on civil engineer’s discussion with town engineer.
5) Next steps.
3. Adjournment
December 17, 2018, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call
2. Business
a) Floor plan review
b) Site plan options/discussions
c) Facility conditions update based on architects/engineer’s field visits.
d) Opinion of probable construction cost
e) Schedule/Next steps.
3. Adjournment
JANUARY 28, 2019, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call
2. Business – Update from Design Team
a) Recap of our last meeting
b) Update on meeting with the State of Ct, School Construction grants on 1/23/19
c) Space Standards discussion (including directive from the State)
d) Floor plan impact & initial concepts
e) Updated estimates based on above information
f) Next steps
h) Approve invoices
3. Adjournment
Wednesday, February 13, 2019, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call
2. Business – Update from Design Team
a) Revised floor plan review
b) Revised site plan review
c) Revised Opinion of probable construction cost review
d) Schedule/Next steps.
3. Adjournment
Monday, February 25, 2019, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call
2. Business – Update from Design Team
3. Adjournment
Monday, March 11, 2019, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call
2. Business – Update from Design Team
a. Visuals for community meetings
b. Set dates, locations, and times for community meetings
c. Flyer for community information
3. Adjournment
Tuesday, March 19, 2019, AT 5:30 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call
2. Business – Update from Design Team
3. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Special Meeting
Location: Pearson School Cafeteria
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2019 @ 9:30 a.m.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Community Presentation
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Special Meeting
Location: Senior Center – Holabird Avenue
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 @ 2:00 p.m.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Community Presentation
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Special Meeting
Location: Pearson School – Cafeteria
Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Community Presentation
IV. Adjourn
Date: Monday, May 20, 2019, at 6:00 PM
Location: Town Hall Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
- Roll Call
- Business
- Town process for moving forward with the project
- Financing discussion
- Review of Ed Specs
- DRAFT of grant application
3. Adjournment
Regular BOE Meeting Minutes 2018-2019
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting - Minutes
Location: Town Hall – P. Francis Hicks Room, 2nd Floor
Date: August 14, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent and Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Jamie Duffy, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary: Doug Pfenninger, Chairman: Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
Call to order @ 7:00pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call:
PRESENT: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent S. Cullinan, Director of Student Services, J. Duffy, R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, M. Hintz, N. Mocarski, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, D. Pfenninger, BOE Chair, A. Propfe, C. Royer, S. DeVoux
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
Motion to establish Liaison to the PTO
First, M. Hintz, second J. Duffy – 8- 0 unanimous
Motion to read Dr. Ellen Stolts letter
First: M. Hintz, second J. Duffy – 8-0 unanimous
Motion to move up the appointment of Batcheller’s principal
First, C. Royers, second M. Hintz – 8-0 unanimous
Comments from the Chairman:
BOE Chairman D. Pfenninger gave a refresher of the July meeting. He read the Winchester Schools mission statement and the Board of Education mission statement. He stated the Board’s mission was to emphasize growth and development in students.
- New Staff Members to Winchester Public Schools – Principal Silverio of Pearson and Acting Principal Ms. Field of Batcheller recognized and presented new staff members of Winchester Public Schools; Pre-K (Mary Sue Hinks and Kishana Pinnock), Kindergarten Assistants (Jessica Seymour, Sheryl Dorie, Barbara LeFrancois) Kindergarten (Kaitlin Fasino), 1st/2nd grade (Samantha Carpinello, Katie Cimmino, Chiara DeBisschop), Special Education (Rebecca Daddona), Paraprofessionals (Monica Namey, Gigette Ursone, Kristy Stearns) Behavioral Technician (Alexis Calder) Climate Control Officer (Matt Fadziewicz) Nicollette Kovacs (Speech & Language) and Interventionists (Justina McGuire, Sherry Artruc). Closing statement
- Alliance Building Grant Update – N. O’Dea-Wyrick presented the Alliance Building Grant Update. Alliance Building Grant goes through to the end of October. Projects attempted at Hinsdale, state willing to switch Batcheller’s and Hinsdale. State provide permission to replace/repair the front steps at Batcheller. Bids are due on the 22nd of August. Pearson school projects completed – repaving of the parking lot and walkway, hand dryers installed, trying to replace countertops and sinks, trying to replace kitchen freezer with refrigerator/freezer combination, etc.
- Presentation of Rosanne Fields as Batcheller’s school Principal effective August 15th, 2018
Motion to approve Rosanne Field’s appointment as Principal
First: C. Royer, second: J. Duffy. – unanimous 8-0 - Finance Report FY 2018 – N. O’Dea-Wyrick presented. Larger remaining balance than anticipated, with an appropriation balance of $151,676. Grant funding not distributed until midyear. Used the state money first and held onto the town funds as long as possible. 72,000 balance in professional technical services and speech and language service/psychological services. Transportation was down due to lack of out of district attendance. Couldn’t get contracts by June 30th. A bit leftover because of workers comp and insurance cost reductions and fewer services for students in out of district magnet school. Transportation, All-Star, replacement of the buses for new equipment stated in the contract for four new big buses and two new small buses. All-Star is doing well and managed to get six new big buses and three new small buses. A fleet of 8 big buses within two years. Benefits of new buses – diesel, more reliable, under warranty.
- 1% non-lapsing fund. N. O’Dea-Wyrick presented. A non-lapsing fund is a fund with the authority to carry its balance from one fiscal year to the next. Requested nod to seek the Town’s permission to establish the fund for possible use as the go-ahead money for Hinsdale. $151,000 available for the fund. The non-lapsing fund cannot roll-over and has to be spent each year. Seamus, no surprises in special ed, numbers are down, with 26 students placed out of district as compared to and when Seamus started which was the 60s.
- Facilities Update Pearson and Batcheller’s teachers ordered to empty classroom and custodians ordered to do deep clean, with progress sheets on every room door – everything cleaned and painted. Batcheller’s playground cleaned up. Pearson walkway and parking lot repaved. Maintained lighting and eliminated middle island, which opened for 15 parking spaces. New carpeting in the music room. Pearson gym flooring was redone. Lockers repainted. Library new carpet and fresh paint, and new tables and whiteboards. Friends of Main Street donated train and decorations donated by the PTO to Pearson Library. Books organized by content and theme rather than the Dewey Decimal system which makes it easier for kids and teachers to find the necessary books. Group learning areas added to Pearson Library. Science labs painted, and new storage spaces added. Student resource center at Pearson painted and carpeted, with physical, sensory, and relaxing exercises added over the years for the students. C. Royers asked if the Pearson library is satisfactory, and Silverio stated there is still a long way to go, but there has been a lot of progress. Alliance Structural Grant has social media and updated books budget allotted. Outdated books have been replaced, but new books are always appreciated. Chairman asked about the exterior doors and exterior steamed windows. Nancy is still awaiting approval on the doors from the state, but the steamed windows are underway. Seamed windows would need to go to bid. Architectural mockup due back Sept. 10th. Eversource Project agreed to be utilized at Pearson and Hinsdale. The additional cost of 17,000.
Report on Hinsdale School Renovation Committee – Michelle Hintz
Two meetings so far. First used to meet everyone and establish positions. Second meeting walked through RFP. Friday to walk through Hinsdale with eight architects and a walk through with community members. Bids back Sept. 10th. Sept. 24 and 25, interviews with the architect. Architect announced Sept. 28. Completed Nov. 16th and prices estimated. After Nov. 16, Board of Education the matter will be put up for a referendum. C. Heffernan asked about State funds for the project. M. Hintz and M. Brady-Shanley advised the State will not get involved until the town has shown its support for the project but that the architects that bid on these projects are very experienced in what the State will agree to. Winchester has a high reimbursement rate for these projects at 70%. Hinsdale School renovation committee meeting information is available on the Winchester and the Winchester townsite.
Public Hearing: None.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – June 12, 2018
Motion to approve – First C. Heffernan. Second J. Duffy – 8-0 unanimous
b) Minutes of Special Board of Education Meeting – July 9, 2018
Motion to approve – First C. Heffernan, second J. Duffy – 8-0 unanimous
Correspondence to the Board:
Dr. Ellen Stoltz to the Commissioner of Education – praised the Winchester public schools and the Board of Education. When adults focus on the development of all student, all students benefit.
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendents’ Report - Continue curriculum with EdAdvance - Math and EL units completed by October 2018. Fall BOE meeting with an overview of the unit and curriculum changes. 20 staff members spend the summer working on the unit and curriculum planning, having completed NGSS training at Pearson. Students will focus on tsunamis. August 23th and 24th are new teacher orientations. August 27th BOE members welcome to attend 8:00 AM convocation. August 27th from 5:30pm-6: 30 pm PreK and K are running an Open House/Meet and Greet. August 27th and 28th is Teacher Professional Learning Day. August 28th from 2:00pm-3: 00 pm Grade 1 to 6 are hosting a Meet and Greet. September 4th is the first day of school for PreK and Kindergarten. September 18th from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm is Open House for Grades 1 and 2. September 20th from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm is the Open House for Grade 3 to 6. Student have the first week of school to develop relations and start the first unit of study. Completed Alliance Grant application and Commissioner’s Network Grants for $625,000 to Batcheller and $725,000 to Pearson. BOE held the 2nd Annual Summer Retreat. Summer finance report released, received via post. Postcards to family, more eye-catching then letters. Playground set to be delivered on August 27th – on site on the 29th and erection Sept. 4th. Two weeks to construct.
b) School Enrollment – Increased enrollment – new families from St Anthony’s, magnet school programs, and move-ins. Enrollment before was 531, as of now its 540 total students. The highest number of students in years. Torrington teachers say Winchester schools are doing well.
c) New Hires – Listed in the packet. Seamus adds they hired a special education teacher for essential skills class – Rebecca Dadona– for the kids with anxiety.
d) Gilbert Enrollment - conversation with Gilbert on enrollment – 464 Winchester students, international students number not yet reported, two students from other districts – 466. J. Duffy request to list by section. J. Duffy asked for the list in June, and Gilbert said did not have time to provide at that point.
e) Submission of Commissioner Network and Alliance Grant – submitted the application of the Alliance Grant. Currently, have the Commissioner’s Network Grant.
Board Action Items:
a) Cost of School Lunches – N. O’Dea-Wyrick presents. Need to raise the cost of school lunches based on a formula dictated by the feds. The formula states $2.92 for lunch. Currently charging $2.75. Suggests $2.90 for school lunches.
Motion to charge $2.90 for school lunches
First: M. Hintz, second, C. Royer. 8-0 unanimous.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business Discussion and Possible Action: None
Executive Session:
Initial discussion regarding Gilbert Contract Negotiations and Winchester Education Association Contract.Motion to go to executive session First J. Duffy, second C. Heffernan.
Motion to exit executive session First M. Hintz, Second A. Propfe
Motion to adjourn @ 9:19pm First: C. Royer, Second C. Heffernan
Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Jamie Duffy, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
Call to Order @ 7:10pm
Roll call:
Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe,
Jamie Duffy, Shana DeVoux, Christine Royer
Agenda Review Possible Action
Comments from the Chairman:
Excused absence process: Please call the BOE Chair as a courtesy if absent before the meeting.
We must begin to think about expanding partnerships in the community to promote further success as a community. This includes working with Gilbert Board, the Board of Selectman in the development of a community-wide strategic vision for all grades, Pre-K through 12.
New Enrollment Presentation - Melony Brady-Shanley - [BOE Packet page 3]
33 new families as of this report; Data includes where these families are living in the community. These locations include diverse areas around our community, single and multi-housing units.
Some students left district: These were mostly students who have moved out of town or left the state.
SBAC Results [BOE Packet pp. 4-10]
Significant gains - Out of 188 educational entities, Winchester Public Schools is ranked #1 for most improved math scores and #19 for most improved reading scores. Recognition of all those who helped to contribute to the success of the district’s success was made. These gains are a product of efforts of multiple individuals. Of particular note: Freeman Burr and Ellen Stoltz were present and recognized as key initiators leaders of our district’s success.
Question from BOE: How much of that financial contributions played a role in this success? Answer: It was a combination of leadership and monies/resources to program for students.
The superintendent will seek the extension of the Commissioner Network funds.
Results by subgroup will be presented at a later BOE meeting.
Public Hearing
Bob Geiger, Town Manager to comment:
“We cannot have a great town without a great school.”
Freeman Burr to comment:
“Thank you to Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley for the invitation and kind remarks. It is appropriate to give credit to the faculty/staff [for the success of the district].” Both Burr and Stoltz appreciated the welcome they received when they were here working in the district and were happy they were able to build credibility and trust with those in the district. Commended the BOE for their leadership.
Consent Agenda Items
Minutes - Motion to approve: FIRST: Michelle Hintz, SECOND: Dr. Richard Dutton → Unanimous.
Correspondence to the BOE
Presented NIS-CT Audit successfully completed. [BOE Packet, page 16]
Superintendent’s Report & Action Items
Superintendent’s Report - [BOE Packet, page 17-18]
Superintendent Brady-Stanley attended a panel called, “Performance Matters” with the State of Connecticut. The focus was on data systems. Members of The Gilbert School attended as well.
Finance - The playground is to be completed in 2 weeks. Grand opening date TBD
Alliance Grant approved. Commissioner’s Network funds approved.
Funding for the Hinsdale steps is from state funding. They are to be built to code and ADA compliance. Completion date TBD
The RFP - Closed as of yesterday, 9/10/18. We have received six (6) valid submissions. The Building Committee is to review these on September 17, 2018.
School Climate Officer (SCO) is to work with students on how to play together on the playground. To teach passion and inclusivity. Will not be armed.
Meet & Greets were held. Pre-K - K Open Houses. We had many families from Pearson as well. Sign in sheets for families were used to provide a record of the number of families.
74 families from Pre-K to K transition.
We had approximately 150 families in Pearson.
We also had four (4) half days from the heat. 85% to 88% degree rooms. Portable A/Cs were placed in on the third floor at Pearson.
Enrollment - holding steady at 538 for the district. We were had 518 enrolled last August. We are pulling people back to our district.
Chronic Absences - Attn. Averages shared page 20.
New Hires [BOE Packet pp. 21-31]
Gilbert Enrollment - We have been asking for enrollment numbers on a monthly basis
As if September: 472 students enrolled at TGS.
44 international students and two students (2) from other school districts
Board Action Items - None.
Unfinished Business
Regarding the 1% - Upon closure of 2017-18 BOE budget - once all bills have been paid, this will transfer over to the 2018-2019 school year. The Board of Selectmen has approved the 1%.
New Business
Promotional SBAC Celebration Conversation: Discussion on how to share the good news about student performance gains on SBAC. Ideas included social media, perhaps a booth at the Fall Foliage Festival, a banner at Pearson, among others.
Quarterly Meeting with Gilbert - We should be meeting with Gilbert at least four times a year. These meetings are beyond those Winchester BOE members who serve on the regular Gilbert meetings. We need to get dates on the calendar with Gilbert to have this happen. Negotiation dates have not yet been established.
Those who serve on the Gilbert Board will address this at the next meeting with Gilbert.
Negotiation dates will be set up in conjunction with Superintendent Brady-Stanley and Dr. Serio.
Evaluation of the Board of Education Chairman: To speak into the microphone more, but otherwise he is doing an excellent job.
Executive Session - 8:12pm
MOTION to invite Seamus Cullinan and Melony Brady-Shanley to go into Executive Session for the purposes to discuss a confidential legal matter. → FIRST: Cheryl Heffernan, SECOND: Michelle Hintz. → Unanimous.
MOTION to come out of Executive Session at 8:54 pm. → FIRST: Cheryl Heffernan, SECOND: Alexandria Propfe → Unanimous.
MOTION to adjourn at 8:55 pm. FIRST: Alexandria Propfe, SECOND: Cheryl Heffernan → Unanimous.
Winchester Board of Education Regular Meeting Minutes
Date: October 9, 2018
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent and Nora Mocarski, acting Chairman
Board of Education Members: Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Secretary: Nora Mocarski, Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer, Shana DeVoux and Doug Pfenninger
Call to Order @7: 00 pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
PRESENT: Chris Royer, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Melony Brady-Shanley, Nora Mocarski, Alex Propfe and Dr. Dutton
ABSENT: (excused) Doug Pfenninger; (unexcused) Shana DeVoux
Agenda Review:
Motion to add Letter of Resignation under Correspondence
First: Dr. Dutton; Second: Cheryl P - 5-0 unanimous
Friendly amendment - add letter as number C
First: Chris R; Second Alex P - 5-0 unanimous
Motion to add conversation about dates for Interviews under New Business as letter B.
First: Chris R; Second: Cheryl P - 5-0 unanimous
Motion to add ED09 under section Board actions items as C.
First: Chris R; Second: Cheryl P - 5-0 unanimous
Motion to add M Core loan approval item add under Board Actions item as D
First: Chris R; Second: Cheryl P - 5-0 unanimous
Motion to eliminate executive session.
First: Chris R; Second: Cheryl P - 5-0 unanimous
Comments from the Chairman:
It’s been a pleasure to be chairing tonight.
Presentations: None
Public Hearing: None
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
Motion to approve all.
First: Chris R; Second: Alex P - 5-0 unanimous
Correspondence to the Board:
a) Letter required by the state - all schools part of asbestos management - the letter was sent out
b) Hinsdale School Renovation: 6 firms HSRC - interviewing five firms on Thursday and Monday; Deciding following the meeting on Monday
c) Letter of resignation from Jamie Duffy - Nora read the letter that was received on October 1st at the town clerk's office; no letter was sent to the BOE; we have 30 days from receipt of the letter at town clerk's office
Superintendent's Report
Finance: Heading to Mediation on WEA negotiation
Community & Climate: Great job on the reading challenge; assembly called ‘Yes You Can’; Building strong community feeling within the school via assembly; Riverfront recapture field trip.
WPS enrollment is up four since August; 96% attendance rate; September was a rough month in both schools due to illness
Finance Report
Final 17-18 budget report - $4K end balance more than thought due to projects not being as expected - $155,025 will go into the non-lapsing fund (non-expiring fund)
1st quarter report: $15K unencumbered - extra money for snow; was able to hire a speech and language path. So saving money there because no longer contracting it out.
Pearson Playground completed
Replacing freezer and exterior doors at Pearson
Exterior lighting has been fixed, and the parking lot has been reconfigured at Batcheller
Roof leaking has been patched above three classrooms and cafeteria at Batcheller (may need to address the roof at a later date for long-term approach)
Looking to investigate the possibility of consolidating 8-9 bus stops on Pratt street to help facilitate traffic and address safety issues.
Board action items
Motion to amend the August BOE minutes, Switch Batcheller to Hinsdale
First: Cheryl H; Second: Chris R - 5-0 unanimous
No action needed on the approval of the revised school security plan - it will be signed by Nora, and the BOE needs to acknowledge it.
Motion to approve EO9 to allow the district to take part in the national school lunch
First: Chris R; Second: Cheryl - 5-0 unanimous
** Note - Alex left meeting at 7:33 pm
Motion to approval to execute the documents for the M Core Loan and have Nora sign
First: Dr. Dutton; Second: Chris R - 4-0 unanimous (one absent)
** Note - Alex rejoined meeting at 7:36 pm
New Business
Per current contract, the BOE should meet with Gilbert Board. Michelle will email proposed dates to board
Interview dates for BOE vacant spot - Tuesday the 23rd (start time TBD)
Motion to adjourn
First: Cheryl H; Second: Alex P - 5-0 unanimous
Date: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018
Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
Called to order at 7:01 pm.
Present: C. Royer, K. Peterson, M. Hintz, D. Pfenninger, N. Mocarski, R. Dutton, C. Heffernan
M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent. S. Cullinan, Director of Student Services, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, Barbara Silverio, Principal, Pearson School, Rosanne Field, Batcheller Principal
Excused: A. Propfe, S. DeVoux
Agenda Review
Add report of Curriculum Committee after Correspondence to the Board
MOTION: First: D. Pfenninger, Second: M. Hintz → U
Comments from Chair
Welcome Kristen Peterson
Professional Development session from last week was discussed, and the Board Chair thanked the faculty and staff for the time involved in the planning and engagement in training.
Kenny Perrault was recognized for helping a staff member in the Winchester Public Schools
Seamus Cullinan & Barb Silverio presented the SBAC & CTAA Special Education Performance Report
Special education students take the CT Alternate Assessment rather than Smarter Balanced if they qualify. Assesses standards in a way for students to access the test.
We hope to train all special education teachers to administer these tests.
2016-17 ELA and Math - Growth targets are established by the State of Connecticut. Winchester students who engaged in the CTAA showed stronger growth for Math than ELA
For ELA focuses for improvement, include using the Wilson reading program, reading specialists, coaches, remediation, inclusion including learning how to take the SBAC, instruction by core teachers, pull-out for discrete instruction
SERC has been providing some training. Winchester Public Schools is at the forefront of this training with SERC
Public Hearing - None.
Consent Agenda
First: Chris second Cheryl → U
Curriculum Committee reported out on the last meeting from October 30, 2018 - Nora Mocarski
Rachael Manzer presented the plans and tools for development and rolled out of the NGSS standards.
Critical thinking, real-world problems, professional development, curriculum template, science 4x week. Classroom Walkthroughs scheduled for November 29, 2018, from 8 am to 1 pm
Building Committee reported out - Michelle Hintz
Petrocelli was the firm that was unanimously selected. Documents to be made available mid-Fed. Community meetings will be scheduled to discuss renovations. No dollar figures are available at this point.
Any community questions or concerns about the transition of schools and programming are to be directed to Superintendent Brady-Shanley. The group met with the architects to begin initial discussions on building layout, security, etc. Looking at renovations to make Hinsdale safe and healthy environment. Architects must look at various options and ideas as required including, but not limited to, plans to renovate to new, a project based renovation, and the cost for the brand new building. This information is to be then given to the Town of Winchester to then decide the best course of action.
Citizens who wish for more information or to remain updated on the project are encouraged to go to - to be updated weekly.
The firm will report to the Board of Selectman (BOS). The BOS will have the final say if this goes forward
Note regarding a flood plan: every school has to file a plan to obtain funding.
Correspondence to the Board
Superintendent’s Report & Action Items
Attendance/absentee reported - WBOE Goals: Pearson’s goal under 5% and Batcheller under 7%
Hiring notices shared with Board
“Soup’s On” program and rationale discussed: to connect parents, children, and faculty members
Inclement weather cards sent in the mail regarding communication of procedures
Parent drop off at Batcheller - map shared. We will be at Batcheller for at least two more years. The concern to reduce congestion and ensure safety. Proposal for the creation of a 40’ long additional driveway - estimate $12,000.
MOTION: To authorize the superintendent to proceed with the 40’ driveway project in reference to the physical construction as necessary
First: R. Dutton, Second C. Heffernan → 4 for, 1 against, 2 abstain.
Superintendent Brady-Shanley agreed to do further research for our December BOE meeting regarding P & Z and two more quotes and public works, as well as to investigate possible consolidation of bus stops.
Board Action Items
Four budget transfers requested.
We did not have all grant information when we first constructed the budget. We also made assumptions of the cost of adding staff. Facilities are in need to repair especially at Pearson. Additional variable includes snow removal this year.
To move 30,000 from wages to cover Behavioral tech and Climate officer
To move 30,000 from wages for a long-term sub for a teacher out for the rest of the year
To move 100,000 from wages to facilities
To move 5,000 from wages to travel for reimbursement for miles and food for training such as Columbia training in Manhattan, to Boston for Reading. All reimbursements are at IRS rates for miles and meals.
MOTION: Move to approve line item transfers: First: R. Dutton, Second: M. Hintz → U
New Business
Teachers’ contract ratified.
MOTION: to accept the teacher’s contract as ratified.
First M Hintz. Second: Dr. Dutton → U
Teacher retirement incentive on page 43 of BOE packet to free up funding for the budget the following
year. One year only because some grants are sunsetting soon.
Change the language of date of receipt of the notice.
MOTION: to approve the teacher’s retirement incentive with changes to the language to “date of receipt.”
First: C. Heffernan, Second: R. Dutton → U
School calendar on the amended agenda
Collaborating with surrounding schools
MOTION to accept the school calendar for 2019-2020
First: M. Hintz, Second: R. Dutton → U
Policies - First Read
5114 - Suspension, Expulsion, Due Process
Must leave as “shall” suspend in the language, per state law.
4000 - Sexual discrimination. To include “including but not limited to…”
Policy to add the language discussed at the Policy Committee meeting. C. Heffernan to type up and add and to update “his or her” to “their…”
9327.1(a) - To strike the first paragraph before “OR.”
9327.1 Appendix reviewed
Second read in December.
Policy meeting to be conducted in December to be run by C. Heffernan in M. Hintz’s absence.
MOTION to adjourn at 8:59.
First: M. Hintz, Second: C. Royer.
Date: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2018
Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
Called to order at 7:01 pm.
Present: S. DeVoux, K. Peterson, M. Hintz, D. Pfenninger, N. Mocarski, R. Dutton,M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent., N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, Barbara Silverio, Principal, Pearson School, Rosanne Field, Batcheller Principal
Excused: C. Royer, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Services
Agenda Review
Add listing of 2019-2020 Board of Education Meeting Dates and Committee Meeting Dates
Motion: First: M. Hintz, Second: N. Mocarski → U
Comments from Chair - None.
Letter from the School-Based Health Center was read into the record by Superintendent Brady-Shanley.
The school-based team of specialists, administrators, and parent(s) would work to decide the most appropriate resource for the student on a case by case basis, between what the school offers and what the School-Based Health Center offers.
It was requested that this program is added to the larger discussion of the transition strategy between the Winchester Public Schools and The Gilbert School vis-a-vis transitioning therapy to The Gilbert School.
Public Hearing
Mr. James Poirot of 62 Spencer Street - requests that the Winchester Board of Education take into consideration the “downstream” impacts to families and children if the preschool and after school programs that are currently underway unfunded going forward. Asks that we ensure proper funding of these programs going forward.
Consent Agenda
Motion to strike “Negotiations” under III, a) from the Special Meeting Agenda of December 6, 2018.
First: K. Peterson. Second: N. Mocarski → U.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
First: N. Mocarski, Second: M. Hintz → U
Correspondence to the Board
Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation Grant was well received and the Winchester Board of Education would like to thank the Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation for its generosity.
Superintendent’s Report & Action Items
Superintendent’s Report was read into the record.
School enrollment was reviewed. Numbers net the same.
Chronic Absences was reviewed noting a bout of illnesses in September and in November. However, November numbers may have been influenced by families deciding to extend the Thanksgiving holiday.
Gilbert Enrollment was discussed.
Board Action Items
Motion to accept the $300.00 donation from Painting by Marge, Inc. for the usage to support child’s lunch program.
First: M. Hintz, Second: S. DeVoux → U
Motion to accept the 2019-2020 Board of Education Meeting Dates and Committee Meeting Dates
First: N. Mocarski, Second: S. DeVoux → U
New Business
Motion to correct the Index page that states “1st Read” for Policies #5114, #4000.1, and #9327.0 (1st Read), to state, “2nd Read” for each of the policies
First: N. Mocarski, Second: S. DeVoux → U
The BOE cannot change the language for Policy #5114 and Policy #4000.1 per state law.
Can change the language for Policy #9327.1
Motion to accept Policies #5114, #4000.1, and #9327.1
First: R. Dutton, Second: N. Mocarski → U
Motion to adjourn at 7:44 pm.
First: M. Hintz, Second: S. DeVoux → U
Date: TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019
Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
Called to order at 7:00 pm.
- Call to Order - 7 pm
- Roll Call - Present: K. Peterson, M. Hintz, D. Pfenninger, N. Mocarski, R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Service, M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent., N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, Barbara Silverio, Principal, Pearson School, Rosanne Field, Batcheller Principal
Excused: C. Royer
Unexcused: S. DeVoux
- Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action
- Regular Board of Education Agenda: January 8, 2019
- Comments from the Chairman
- Reminder to send agenda items at least one week before BOE meetings the Board Chair
- Superintendent evaluation scheduled for Thursday, January 10, 2019 - at 10 am
- Presentations
- Quarterly financial report [BOE page 6] - Appropriated budget current year. A modest positive balance of $16,496 as of this report
- Special Ed out of district cost (-289,185) - We received an increase of approximately 5 students to the district. We are working with shared services to continue working on bringing Special Education students back into our programs to save monies.
- Page 7 - already used a â…“ of the snow budget because of much use of salt and sand on Batcheller School.
- Page 8 - $90,206 projected balance. Using a conservative balance. We can carry over up to 15% because we don’t know what will happen with grant allocation next year. We also do not know the future of district grants.
- Page 9 – National School Lunch - Net income $18,374.
a) Some bills have not been paid yet because we are waiting for funds from the state.
b) Food Service funds will arrive regardless of the government shutdown.
- Quarterly financial report [BOE page 6] - Appropriated budget current year. A modest positive balance of $16,496 as of this report
- Page 3 - Overview of projects completed.
- Page 10 - Budget calendar shared.
- Page 11 - Budget Assumptions - Anticipating 1.8 million reductions to 2019-2020 budget because of an anticipated decrease in grant funding from the State of Connecticut. And can only carry over only 15%. We may not be an Alliance District next year.
a) Turn Around Office: Alliance DAS = for building structures. We are assigned into this.
b) Turn Around Office: Alliance SDE = for education, instruction remediation. We are assigned into this.
c) Turn Around Office: Commissioners Network = we must apply to be in this. Works hand in hand with Alliance, but don’t need to be in both.
d) We won’t know about the Alliance or Commissioner Network monies until May or June.
e) Too early to speak about what to ask of the taxpayer at this time.
f) Town Support for Education: unknown at this time.
- Page 13 - Enrollment projections discussed. Numbers on page 13
- Budget timeline discussed
- Projected enrollments discussed
- Public Hearing
- Consent Agenda Items
- MOTION: First: Dr. Dutton, Second: C. Heffernan → U
- Correspondence to the Board
- Superintendent Brady-Shanley read Mrs. Mary DiMauro’s retirement letter - effective on the last day of school in June of 2019.
- Superintendents’ Reports & Action Items
- Page 21 was read
- Page 22 student enrollment read
- Page 23 chronic absenteeism numbers are lower in both schools (good)
- Page 24 The Gilbert School enrollment: Reporting 515
- Board Action Items
- None
- New Business Discussion and Possible Action
- Executive Session
- MOTION: M. Hintz motion at 7:55 pm to go into executive session inviting Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick to discuss contract process update regarding WPS/Gilbert Tuition Agreement.
- Second: C. Heffernan → U
- MOTION: C. Heffernan to come out of executive session at 9:20 pm
- Second: M. Hintz → U
- MOTION: M. Hintz motion at 7:55 pm to go into executive session inviting Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick to discuss contract process update regarding WPS/Gilbert Tuition Agreement.
- Adjourn
- MOTION: A. Propfe to adjourn at 9:21 pm
- Second: C. Heffernan → U
- MOTION: A. Propfe to adjourn at 9:21 pm
Date: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019
Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
Called to order at 7:00 pm.
- Call to Order - 7 pm
- Roll Call - Present: S. DeVoux, K. Peterson, M. Hintz, D. Pfenninger, N. Mocarski, R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Service, M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent., N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, Pearson School, Rosanne Field, Batcheller School Principal
- Excused: C. Royer, A. Propfe, Barbara Silverio, Principal
- Unexcused: None.
- MOTION: To add “Next Generation Accountability” (ESSA) to “VI. PRESENTATIONS” as Item C, before the “Initial Budget Presentation, 2019-2020 ” First: M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan → U.
- Update on Hinsdale School Renovation Committee by M. Hintz
- Blueprints were discussed that incorporated plans for an additional 7,000 sq ft. added to the original plan. This additional square footage was made possible because the district provided an 8-year student enrollment look-back per State of CT requirement, instead of the 5-year look-back that was initially used.
- Next meeting will be in two weeks. The Building Committee will get updated floor plans that will reflect this 7,000 sq ft. increase. Costs will remain the same. Note that the State will not reimburse at 70% of those items it considers as maintenance. Maintenance examples include the floors and paint on the walls. However, things such as a parking lot and playground will be reimbursed at 70% as these items are not “maintenance." The building addition will be reimbursed at 70%.
- WBOE/Gilbert Negotiation Presentation
- The Winchester Board of Education Negotiation Team expressed a desire to meet with The Gilbert School to continue negotiations over a contract moving forward. However, the Negotiation Team has not met for the last four weeks to date. The February 5, 2019 meeting was canceled due to weather and has not been rescheduled. While Gilbert held their budget presentation for the public, this was not a negotiation meeting between the two parties. The Gilbert Negotiating Chair has been away. The Winchester Board of Education Negotiating Team expressed concern about the lack of meetings.
- The parties are far apart at this time. Gilbert is asking for 7.13 million, or over $600,000 more than last year. It would be a 10.15% increase which is a 17.7% per pupil increase.
- The Town Manager is looking for a 0% increase in budget.
- Our Winchester Board of Education budget is due to the Town before March 15, 2019. The Winchester Board of Education Negotiating Team expressed concern that The Gilbert tuition amount to be charged to the Winchester Board of Education has not been settled at this time.
- Update on Hinsdale School Renovation Committee by M. Hintz
- Literacy Leadership Institute Final Plan
- Principal Fields presented. Teams from Batcheller and Pearson attended six, half-day sessions during the school year at no cost to the district. Areas examined included, student success in literacy, leadership, professional development, student assessment, and family engagement. Goals were developed and measured with pre and post survey results.
- Literacy Leadership Institute Final Plan
a) Challenges were presented from a literacy survey and goals were created to meet
(1) For example topics such as “scheduling challenges” and “, small group instruction” were identified. From this, additional student intervention time and SRBI sessions were made possible.
b) Winchester faculty had the opportunity to work with other state districts in this program.
- 1st Year Employee Report
- In February, interviews were conducted with new employees and the survey results shared.
- In March, the findings of the faculty survey required by the Commissioners Network will be shared with the Board. The parent survey findings will also be shared.
- ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act - 3-year trend data shared [Handout]
- We are now at a Category 2 and very proud as we were in Category 4 while in Receivership (lowest Category 5).
- Our Goal is to get to Category 1, representative of the top performing schools in the State
- We have been recognized as a district of “Distinction” given the improvements made in the ESSA scores, particularly in the 2017-2018 school year.
- The concern is that we may be losing Commissioner’s Network funding as our district performs well and moves out of the status as a “district of concern.”
- Superintendent Brady-Shanley commended all faculty and staff members for their hard work and efforts and reiterated that every community member plays a critical role to ensure all students are successful.
- Question: What other districts are in Category 2?
- 1st Year Employee Report
a) Answer: Superintendent Brady-Shanley will get that information for the next Board meeting.
- Initial Budget Presentation, 2019-2020 [Handout]
- Winchester accomplishments shared
- Winchester educational initiatives shared
- Anticipating a total grant loss of $1,894,721, or -7.9%.
- This means a reduction of 12.95 FTE in the Winchester Public Schools as proposed, to ensure a 0% increase.
- The Gilbert contract is unresolved at this time.
- Winchester’s current 2018-2019 budget for Gilbert is $6,475,000 for 485 students, or $13,350 per pupil cost.
- Winchester is proposing $6,457,000 for Gilbert for 2019-2020, or $14,262 per pupil cost. With a projected decrease in student enrollment of 31 students at Gilbert from 485 to 454, this represents an increase of 6.8% or $912 per student increase to Gilbert.
- Gilbert is seeking a $7,132,000 budget allowance, or a 10.15%, or $657,000 increase, resulting in a charge of $15,709 per student, or a 17.7% increase.
- Initial Budget Presentation, 2019-2020 [Handout]
- Five minutes -
- Representative Jay Case - West Wakefield Blvd, Winsted, CT
- Five minutes -
a) Comments concerning Friday’s Hearing in Hartford concerning the proposed school consolidations for districts with 2000 pupils or fewer, or populations of 40,000 or fewer.
b) Representative Case will serve on the Appropriation Education Committee
c) The ECS Grant is unknown at this time. Perhaps $2000 less in Governor’s budget
d) State aid may drop even further.
- MOTION to approve Consent Agenda Items: M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan → U.
- None
- Superintendent Brady-Shanley read the monthly report to the BOE [pages 17-18]
- School enrollment read [page 19]
- Chronic absences read [page 20]
- Gilbert Enrollment [page 21]
- Approval of Donation from the Valley Thrift Shop for the Summer Lunch Program
- Letter read into the record by O’Dea-Wyrick - almost $1450.
a) MOTION to accept a donation from the Valley Thrift Shop: S. DeVoux, Second: R. Dutton → U.
- Letter read into the record by O’Dea-Wyrick - almost $1450.
- Approval of Donation from the Valley Thrift Shop for the Summer Lunch Program
- CLARIFICATION: This is the second read on policies, not first as stated on the BOE Agenda. (This was amended on 3/12/19 BOE meeting to read "FIRST READ" here on 2/26/19.)
- 5141.3
- 5141.4
- 5144.1
- 5144.4
a) MOTION to adopt policies above - First: N. Mocarski, Second: C. Heffernan → U.
- MOTION to adjourn at 9:16 pm - First: M. Hintz, Second: R. Dutton, → U
Date: TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2019
Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
- CALL TO ORDER @ 7 pm
- ROLL CALL - Present: S. DeVoux, K. Peterson, A. Propfe, M. Hintz, D. Pfenninger, N. Mocarski, R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Service, M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent., N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, Pearson School, Barbara Silverio, Principal, Rosanne Field, Batcheller School Principal
- Excused: C. Royer,
- Unexcused: None.
- Students from the Pearson Drama Club and Show Choir sang three songs from the production of “Alice in Wonderland” for a Board of Education appreciation presentation. These students were directed by teacher Jacqueline Petriello and Theresa Padin.
- to move “Public Hearing” before “Comments from the Chairman.”
- to strike from the agenda, “Bridges Math Presentation” under “Presentation.”
- to strike from the agenda, “Approval of Donation to the Critical Needs Fun from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Kent” under “Board Action Items.”
- to add “Assistant” to “Approval of Custodial and Executive & Administrative Contracts.”
a) FIRST: C. Heffernan, SECOND: M. Hintz, → U.
- Presentation by Dr. Jeffrey Kitching, Ed.D., Executive Director of EdAdvance on services [Handout]
- EdAdvance would welcome a WBOE member to serve on their Executive Board.
- None.
- Batcheller & Pearson Mid-Year Audits - Principal Barb Silverio and Principal Roseanne Field
- To change the “Minutes of Special BOE Meeting” from February 26, 2019, to read, “FIRST READ” of the following policies and thus, nullify the motion in the Agenda of February 26, 2019, that accepted these policies:
a) 5141.3 - Students Health & Immunization
b) 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
c) 5144.1 - Use of Physical Force
d) 5144.4 - Discipline
(1) FIRST: M. Hintz, SECOND: C. Heffernan → U.
- MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
- FIRST: C. Heffernan. SECOND: Dr. Dutton → U.
- MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
- None.
- Superintendent’s Report was delivered [PAGE 8]
- School Enrollment was delivered [PAGE 9]
- Chronic Absences were reported out [PAGE 10]. Pre-K is not included in this report because Pre-K is not mandatory per the State of Connecticut. Reporting is only K through 12.
- Gilbert Enrollment presented as reported by Gilbert [PAGE 11]
- 2019-2020 Budget [HANDOUT of Presentation]
- Presenting a 0% increase and we are asking for $330,000 for town support for education.
- Notification of any possible funds from the Commissioner’s Network would be received by mail. It is the “E-Grants System” that delivers the money. Superintendent Brady-Shanley stated that we could not count on any monies until we see monies in the E-Grant System. Notification may not be until June. Variables that might impact whether Network monies will be received include a new Commissioner of Education. Superintendent Brady-Shanley stated that it would be irresponsible for our district to presume monies are coming from the Commissioner’s Network when we do not have any guarantee that monies arrive at all.
- Grant monies that are received must be spent on very specific items per grant agreements. Grants get written each year.
- MOTION to adopt the 2019-2020 budget as presented for the Board of Selection.
- 2019-2020 Budget [HANDOUT of Presentation]
(1) FIRST Dr. Dutton, SECOND M. Hintz. → U.
b) DISCUSSION before the vote:
(1) Concern was expressed about the awkward timing of the negotiation process with Gilbert: How can it be that Gilbert approves their budget without first settling on the tuition amount with the Winchester Board of Education?
(2) The Winchester Board is working on the assumption that the Selectmen and Town Manager will not accept any more than a zero percent.
(3) Down the road, this negotiation process with Gilbert has to be fixed. With any other vendor, there would be a process. Here it appears that we are held, hostage. There has to be an end-date for negotiations.
(4) It does not seem fair that a “Joint Finance Committee” between the Gilbert Trust and the Winchester Board of Education is to be formed to help, as it appears to the Winchester School System, to cut its budget
(5) We have been asking for meetings. We have done our part.
(6) The current contract does have a mediation process in the language.
(7) The Gilbert Board has approved a $657,000 (17% increase). The concern is that this increase will come out of the WBOE side.
- Approval of Custodial and Executive & Administrative Assistant Contracts.
- Custodial Contract as presented.
- Approval of Custodial and Executive & Administrative Assistant Contracts.
a) MOTION to approve: FIRST: Michelle, SECOND: Dr. Dutton. → U
- Administrative Assistant Contract.
a) MOTION to approve: FIRST: C. Heffernan, SECOND: K. Peterson → U
- Second Read
- Policy #5141.3
- Second Read
a) For the record: Concern was shared by the Board Chair that exemptions allowed by families in this policy may also put the rest of the population at risk. This has shown to be problematic in districts in some states.
- Policy #5141.4
- Policy #5144.1
- Policy #5144.4
a) MOTION to accept and adopt all four policies as presented.
(1) First: C. Heffernan, Second: S. DeVoux → U
- First Read - the following policies will move to April for a second read:
- Policy #6142.101 - Student Nutrition & Physical Activity. Necessary to adopt to receive federal aid. There were parts of this policy to pick from. So we selected an allowance for organizations outside the school day, for example, such as the PTO to sell pies during the Drama Production intermission.
- Policy #6200 - Adult Continuing Education.
- First Read - the following policies will move to April for a second read:
- MOTION to adjourn at 9:06 pm
- FIRST: M. Hintz, SECOND: A. Propfe → U
- MOTION to adjourn at 9:06 pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting MINUTES
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: April 9, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order @ 7:00 am
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Winchester Board of Education:
S. DeVaux (@7:22 pm), R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, M. Hintz, N. Mocarski, K. Peterson, D. Pfenninger, A. Propfe, C. Royer
District/Central Office Staff:
M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Service, Barbara Silverio, Principal of Pearson School, Rosanne Field, Principal of Batcheller School
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: April 9, 2019
MOTION to add to the agenda a letter regarding Substitute Bill # 874 (SB #874) “Testimony in Support of Section 6 of Proposed Substitute Bill No. 874 An Act Concerning Education Initiatives and Services in Connecticut by Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Winchester Public Schools”
FIRST: C. Royer, SECOND: M. Hintz → U.
MOTION to add to the agenda discussion of possible “Contribution of increase line item to Gilbert tuition” after the “Executive Session.”
FIRST: C. Heffernan, SECOND: M. Hintz → U.
Comments from the Chairman
a) 250 years Winchester, 50 years Earth Day
The Board Chair hoped that the curriculum would recognize the occasion of 250 years of Winchester in some small way.
Principals Silverio and Field described plans to recognize “Earth Day” with analysis of protecting the species, particularly honeybees.
The Board recognized those adults and students who did a tremendous job at producing a very successful “Alice and Wonderland” this past month
Hinsdale Renovation architects were very informative at the first meeting at Pearson
Next Hinsdale Workshop scheduled Thursday, April 11 at 7 pm @ Pearson
a) 3rd Quarter Financial Report
N. O’Dea-Wyrick presented [Handout] - We are $37,117 “in the black” at the end of the 3rd quarter due to in-house savings realized from faculty hires and Medicaid reimbursements.
Object #560 Special Education Out of District Tuition line item is over by $286,596 due to Special Education students moving into the district. To be remedied by a request to move line items #340 and #512 to Object #560 if approved.
Discussion of the rationale for moving Object #011 to #430 included need to complete internal painting Pearson and discussion of the rationale for moving Object #200 included need to purchase collaborate furniture to support instructional strategies.
MOTION to transfer Line item # 340 $150,000 of “Special Ed Contracted Services” to 560 “Special Ed Out of District Tuition” and item #512 $100,000 “Special Ed EX cost Out of District Transportation” to #560 “Special Ed Out of District Tuition” and item # 011 $75,000 “Wages” to #430 “Maintenance & Repairs Pearson” and #200 $50,000 “Benefits” to #738 “Collaborative classroom furniture”
FIRST: M. Hintz, SECOND: N. Mocarski → U.
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – March 12, 2019
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – March 21, 2019
c) Minutes of Policy Meeting – March 26, 2019
d) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – March 26, 2019
e) Minutes of Special Meeting – April 3, 2019
MOTION to amend the “Policy Committee Minutes” to include “R. Dutton” to the “Invitees” listed above.
FIRST: M. Hintz, SECOND: K. Peterson. → U.
MOTION to approve all the minutes, items a) through e), with the amended change made in the first motion that included “R. Dutton” to the Invitee list in the “Policy Committee Meeting Minutes” [Page 9]
FIRST: C. Royer, SECOND: R. Dutton → U.
Correspondence to the Board:
a) State of CT waiver request letter [pages 15-19]
The State of Connecticut, again for the fourth time, waived the repayment of $144,173 that would have been due April 30, 2019. There is one more repayment that remains due as required under Section 304(a) of Public Act 15-5 as discussed on page 16 of the BOE packet.
b) 2019 Connecticut 4-H Leadership Award – R. Manzer [page 20]
c) Report on Hinsdale Renovation Public Session
Superintendent Brady-Shanley will work with Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick to videotape the next Hinsdale workshop that will take place on Thursday, April 11 at 7 pm @ Pearson. This will be made available for the community.
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report was read [pp. 21-22]
Grade 6 to 7 transition plans for students are underway.
Pearson playground has been busy on the weekends.
Five families attended the Internet Safety Presentation at Pearson School
We expect 46 students for the P-K program. We have room for 46.
b) School Enrollment
+1 student as of April 1. [page 23]
c) Chronic Absences
Attendance is returning to normal levels. 6.9% for district [page 24]
d) Gilbert Enrollment
As of 466 students + 48 international +3 Other District = 517 total enrollment. [page 25]
We are close to that number of 24 students where the 5% rule comes into play with enrollment.
e) New Hire
Brenna Bourke will be the new Special Education teacher. This is a replacement hire. Brenna Bourke will be working at the Gilbert School [page 26-27]
Board Action Items:
a) Approval to submit the School Readiness Grant
Presented in the amount of $275,764.00 [p. 28-42]
b) Approval of School Readiness Agreement
MOTION to approve of the School Readiness FY19 Community Proposal
FIRST: C. Royer, SECOND: Michelle Hintz → U
c) Approval of Healthy Food Certification
Presented and discussion of possible approval of the Healthy Food Certification [page 43]
MOTION to approve “A” as written on page 43 in “Healthy Food & Beverage Certifications 2019-2020 Winchester Board of Education”
FIRST: C. Heffernan, SECOND: K. Peterson → U.
MOTION to approve “B” as written on page 43 in “Healthy Food & Beverage Certifications, 2019-2020 Winchester Board of Education”
FIRST: M. Hintz, SECOND: N. Mocarski → U.
MOTION to approve “C” as written on page 44 in “Healthy Food & Beverage Certifications, 2019-2020 Winchester Board of Education”
FIRST: S. DeVaux SECOND: A. Propfe → U.
d) Approval of non-renewals as it relates to the reduction in force.
Discussion of reduction in force of 12.95 in FTEs due to budgetary constraints.
MOTION: Approval of non-renewal letters as presented on pages 46-53 of the Winchester Board of Education Packet.
FIRST: C. Royer, SECOND: C. Heffernan → U.
Letter read aloud on Substitute Bill # 874 (SB #874) “Testimony in Support of Section 6 of Proposed Substitute Bill No. 874 An Act Concerning Education Initiatives and Services in Connecticut by Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Winchester Public Schools.”
MOTION to support submission of the letter on Substitute Bill # 874 (SB #874) “Testimony in Support of Section 6 of Proposed Substitute Bill No. 874 An Act Concerning Education Initiatives and Services in Connecticut by Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Winchester Public Schools” for Section 6 of Proposed Substitute Bill No. 874”
FIRST: R. Dutton, SECOND: C. Heffernan → U.
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy #6142.101 – Student Nutrition & Physical Activity – 2nd Read
MOTION to adopt: FIRST: N. Mocarski, SECOND: C. Heffernan → U
b) Policy #6200 – Adult Continuing Education – 2nd Read
MOTION to adopt: FIRST: C. Royer, SECOND: C. Heffernan → U
c) Policy # 6114.1 – Fire Emergency Drills/Crisis Response Drills – 1st Read
We are already operating under this policy as is.
d) Policy # 6159 – Individualized Education Program / Special Education – 1st Read
This policy is a more general policy as per CABE and our attorney’s advice
e) Policy # 6172.12 – Magnet Schools – 1st Read
Executive Session:
a) Update on Gilbert Corporation / Winchester Public Schools Negotiations
MOTION to go into Executive Session and to invite Melony Brady-Shanley, 8:38 pm for the purposes of discussing the update on Gilbert Corporation / Winchester Public Schools Negotiations of discussing Gilbert.
FIRST: C. Royer, SECOND: M Hintz → U
MOTION to come out of Executive Session at 9:25 pm
FIRST: C. Heffernan, SECOND: A. Propfe → U.
MOTION to not accept the proposed financial resolution, which was not recommended by the Winchester Board of Education’s Finance Committee, to increase the Gilbert line to $450,000 financed by a line item transfer of $150,000 from the Winchester Public Schools and $150,000 from the Town Budget and $150,000 tax increase to the taxpayer and Gilbert would reduce their proposed budget to the Winchester Public Schools by $150,000 and the Gilbert Trust would increase their funding to the Gilbert Corporation by $57,000 as discussed in the Joint Finance Committee.
FIRST: C. Heffernan, SECOND: C. Royer → U.
MOTION to direct Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley to increase The Gilbert School line item by $300,000 as funded by, $100,000 from the 1% Non-Lapsing Fund, pending permission from the Winsted Board of Selectmen, and as funded by $50,000, pending a line item transfer within the Winchester Board of Education budget, and as funded by an increase to the Winchester Board of Education budget of $150,000 for FY 2020.
FIRST: C. Heffernan, SECOND: R. Dutton.
In favor: 6
Opposed: 3
Motion carries.
MOTION to adjourn at 9:28 pm
FIRST: M. Hintz, SECOND: C. Heffernan → U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting MINUTES
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Date: May 14, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Call to order @ 7:04pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Winchester Board of Education:
R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, M. Hintz, N. Mocarski, K. Peterson, D. Pfenninger, A. Propfe, C. Royer
Absent (unexcused): S. DeVaux
District/Central Office Staff:
M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, Barbara Silverio, Principal of Pearson School, Rosanne Field, Principal of Batcheller School
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: May 14, 2019
MOTION: To change under “Presentations” to move Gilbert Presentation on Assessment Results” ahead of “Science Walkthroughs”
First: C. Royer, Second: K. Peterson, → U
MOTION to include under “Correspondence to the Board” a letter celebrating Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick’s Award and to add under “Action Items” discussion and possible permission for an out-of-state field trip.
First: C. Royer, Second: M. Hintz, → U
Comments from the Chairman
Student Acknowledgements:
a) Purpose Topic of Reading
Winchester Teacher Susan Goodenough, Reading Specialist/TAG Reading Program announced the two Winchester students who received recognition for their writing. The awardees read their work aloud to the BOE.
a) Science Walkthroughs
Rachel Manzer presented “Science Walkthroughs” packet. Of note, email from P. McLaren was read aloud recognizing the vision and leadership of Melony Brady-Shanley and Rachel Manzer as well as the teachers and administrators for their work in moving the district forward in Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Lessons were shared.
b) Gilbert Presentation on Assessment Results
BOE Packet 3-22 was presented and Q & A was conducted.
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – April 9, 2019
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – April 29, 2019
c) Minutes of Policy Meeting – April 30, 2019
d) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – April 30, 2019
e) Minutes of Finance Meeting – April 30, 2019
MOTION: to approve minutes of only a, c, d, and e above.
First: C. Royer Second: C. Heffernan → U
MOTION to table approval of the “Special Meeting” minutes (Item b above) until the June Winchester BOE meeting after discussion and clarification from the Recorder, Steve Sedlack.
First: C. Heffernan, Second: M. Hintz → U
Correspondence to the Board:
a) All-Star Transportation Letter
All-Star has been bought out by Student Transportation of America.
We are currently in the middle of a long-term 5-year contract. We have a set increase in the contract. We should not see any different charges.
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick will be recognized at the end of the month at Mystic for her award Celebrating her work with transparency, communication with the BOE on our BOE budget.
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
Packet pages 37-38 were read aloud by Superintendent Brady-Shanley
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
We are currently under 5% overall as a district. Concerted efforts to improve student attendance include, but not limited to, parent meetings, home visits, documentation. Pearson at 3.5% chronic absenteeism. Kudos to Pearson.
d) Gilbert Enrollment
466 students at Gilbert
e) New Hire
Tina Cruden is to be hired as a full-time paraprofessional. This is not a new position.
f) RFP for Pearson - Nancy O'Dea-Wyrick
Two RFPs related to Pearson. The first is to replace two sets of doors and add handicap access to one of them. Financed by carry-over security grant monies with cameras and buzzers. The second RFP is to replace student bathroom sinks as all one piece. Funded by either the appropriated budget if monies are left or by bond funding request.
Board Action Items:
a) Anticipated Community Eligibility Provision Monthly Federal Reimbursement for School Lunch Program
Not an action item, but for discussion: To be brought back to us as a Board that we will apply for full free breakfast and lunch regardless of income for all grades, Pre-K through 6. Still projected to be in the black. SNAP program will be fiscally responsible for us and will be a benefit for our families. Anticipated to be a big saving for families so we will be applying.
b) 2019-2020 School Calendar Revised
Superintendent Brady-Shanley asks the WBOE to change the school calendar to have no school on April 28, 2020, to allow for the Presidential Primary to be held at Pearson. We need to revise the Winchester calendar to add a day to the calendar at the end of the year.
MOTION to change the 2019-2020 school calendar to give faculty, students, and staff the day off on April 28, 2020, because of the Presidential Primary and to extend the school year by one day.
First: R. Dutton, Second: C. Heffernan → U
c) Approval of Sponsorship from Brown & Brown Insurance of $1000.00
MOTION to accept with thanks the donation from Brown and Brown
C. Royer, Second: K. Peterson → U
d) Approval of Donation to the Critical needs fund from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Kent
MOTION to accept the donation from the Critical Needs fund from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.
First: M. Hintz, Second: K. Peterson → U
e) Out-of-state field trip approval
Monies to be paid for by either Commissioner’s Network, or by any surplus, we may have at the end of the school year. This field trip is in conjunction with NWCC.
MOTION to allow approximately 10 students to go overnight to Virginia to fly their “Cubes in Space - Rocketfest Trip” from June 17th and returning on June 20th with the stipulation that Superintendent Brady-Shanley to look at including a male chaperone and will double-check our district insurance about liability coverage for the district drivers.
First: M. Hintz, Second: C. Royer → U
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policy # 6114.1 – Fire Emergency Drills/Crisis Response Drills – 2nd Read
MOTION to accept policy #6114.1 as presented.
First: R. Dutton, Second: C. Heffernan → U
b) Policy # 6159 – Individualized Education Program / Special Education – 2nd Read
MOTION to accept policy #6159 as presented.
First: C. Heffernan, Second: C. Royer → U
c) Policy # 6172.12 – Magnet Schools – 2nd Read
MOTION to accept all policy #6172.12(a) presented.
First: K. Peterson, Second: C. Royer → U
MOTION to adjourn @ 9:30pm. M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan → U.
Winchester Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - Minutes
Call to order at 7:03 pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call -- Shana DeVaux, Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandria Propfe, and Christine Royer present.
Agenda Review
- A motion to add a discussion regarding BOE Retreat to action items made by Christine Royer, seconded by Michelle Hintz, unanimously approved.
- A motion to move approval of Superintendents Contract to First Order of Business under Chairman’s Comments made by Alexandria Propfe, seconded by Richard Dutton, unanimously approved.
Comments from the Chairman
Doug discussed highlights of Superintendent Mel Brady-Shanley’s Contract—pg 107
Extension to June 30, 2022, BOE will contribute 80% to HSA in contract year ending 6/30/2022
$4075 salary increase to $167,075 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2022
Increase in BOE contribution to Super’s retirement account $1000 to $14k
Motion to approve made by Kris Peterson, seconded by Richard Dutton unanimously approved and BOE members offered their gratitude for her service.
- End of Year Assessments presented by Barbara Silverio and Rosanne Fields
Highlights in Handout labeled Academic Growth—increased test scores and diminished absenteeism
- Year to Date Business Report presented by Nancy O’Dea- Wyrick End of year balance of $76,741 see pages 3-5
Public Hearing--- none
Consent Agenda Items (5) as listed page 13-24
Motion to approve consent agenda items made by Christine Royer, seconded by Michelle Hintz, unanimously approved.
Correspondence to The Board
Superintendent Brady-Shanley spoke to the board regarding letter all BOE members received from a custodian. She commented that she has spoken with the Department of Labor and Union Representatives regarding a response.
Superintendent’s Report—see pages 25-34
New Business
- PowerSchool EFinance Plus—new accounting/HR/ reporting system to replace Phoenix
Total cost $ 45,064.08 Motion to approve made by Michelle Hintz, seconded by Shana DeVaux unanimously approved
- Otis Elevator—motion to approve $ 32,000 for Otis Elevator to fix/replace old general optical eye hoistway selector with an upgraded hoistway selector (elevator) at Pearson School made by Chris Royer, seconded by Richard Dutton unanimously approved
- Pearson Sinks—A motion to approve $68,625.00 contract with Avon Plumbing and Heating to replace Pearson sinks, faucets and all associated plumbing made by Michelle Hintz, seconded by Shana Devaux unanimously approved
- Pearson Doors—A motion to approve $87,607.00 contract with Goulet Glass to replace front and side entry doors at Pearson school with Secure Access made by Alexandria Propfe, seconded by Kristin Peterson, unanimously approved
- Nurse’s Contract—A motion to approve a Nurse’s Contract as outlined on page 105 made by Chris
Royer, seconded by Richard Dutton, unanimously approved.
- Gilbert School Designation—Doug and Superintendent Brady-Shanley discussed the contract agreement on the table between the Winchester Board of Education and the Gilbert School. Two items had been agreed to for a one year contract-1) $6,849,000 cost and 2) continuation of MOU for Special Education. The Gilbert School then asked that sole designation be added for The Gilbert School.
A motion was made to add the sole designation of The Gilbert School to the tentative contract by Chris Royer, seconded by Michelle Hintz. The motion fails with 0 votes for and 7 votes against.
- Education Spec—A motion to approve the Education Specifications for the Hinsdale Renovation Project as provided pages 109-119 made by Chris Royer, seconded by Richard Dutton unanimously approved.
- FRC Grant Approval—motion to approve $100,00 FRC Grant made by Chris Royer, seconded by Alexandria Propfe, unanimously approved.
- The hiring of 4th-grade teacher—motion to approve made by Richard Dutton, seconded by Chris Royer, unanimously approved
- Discussion of Committee Membership—discussion only
Unfinished Business
Discussion only Gilbert School Negotiations—already discussed
New Business
- Board Retreat Date of July 22, 2019 set
- First Read Policy # 6141.327(a) Electronic Resources—no action is taken
Motion to adjourn at 9:08 pm made by Michelle Hintz seconded by Alexandria Propfe unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Royer
Special Meeting Minutes 2018-2019
Date: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2018
Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
Call to Order
Meeting called to order @ 7:10pm
Roll call:
Dr. Richard Dutton, Christine Royer, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary, Doug Pfenninger, Chairman.
Excused: Alexandria Propfe
Unexcused: Shana DeVoux
Interviews for vacant Board of Education position
Candidate #1 - Dale Denning
Interview held in public session
Candidate #2 - Kristin Peterson
Interview held in public session
Executive Session
MOTION to enter into Executive Session to discuss candidates for the Winchester Board of Education vacant position at 7:35 pm:
1st Cheryl Heffernan, Second: Michelle Hintz → Unanimous, 6-0
MOTION to exit Executive Session at 8:06 pm:
1st Nora Mocarski, Second: Michelle Hintz → Unanimous, 6-0
MOTION to appoint Kristin Peterson to serve as the Winchester Board of Education member to fill the vacant position:
1st Dr. Richard Dutton, Second: Cheryl Heffernan → Unanimous, 6-0
MOTION to Adjourn at 8:07 pm
1st Michelle Hintz, 2nd Dr. Richard Dutton → Unanimous, 6-0
W. L. Gilbert School Corporation – Ad Hoc Negotiations Team and
Winchester Board of Education –Ad Hoc Negotiations Team – Joint Minutes
Date: October 22, 2018
1. Roll Call – Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM in the Guidance Conference Room at The Gilbert School.
Present: Charles Seaback, Holly Cassaday and Steven Sedlack, School Corp Members and Dr. Anthony Serio, Superintendent of the School representing the Gilbert Team
Present: Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Winchester Board of Education Members and Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools representing the WBOE Team.
2. Discussion regarding negotiations of the successor contract between the W.L. Gilbert School Corporation and the Winchester Board of Education.
It was agreed that negotiations would not require formal ground rules.
The teams discussed the important need for joint marketing of the budget to the town.
The teams agreed to consider using the July 1, 2011-June 30, 2014 contract as the benchmark for discussion. A wide-ranging discussion included exploration of positions on sole designation, duration, the composition of the Gilbert board of directors, establishing tuition, resolving budget issues and future student enrollment.
3. Next Meeting – will be held on Wednesday, October 24 at 3:00 in the third-floor conference in the town hall.
Agenda for that meeting will include data on class sizes at Gilbert, the 2018-19 budget for Gilbert, by-laws on Gilbert board of directors and a re-iteration of the contract on the part of the Gilbert team.
4. Adjournment – a motion to adjourn (Sedlack/Cassady was made at 8:05 PM and was unanimously accepted.
Respectfully submitted for the teams,
Steven Sedlack
W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
Ad Hoc Negotiations Team and
Winchester Board of Education
Ad Hoc Negotiations Team – Joint Minutes
Date: October 24, 2018
1. Roll Call – Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM in the 3rd Floor Conference Room, Town Hall, 338 Main Street, Winsted, CT.
Present: Charles Seaback, Holly Cassaday and Steven Sedlack, School Corp Members and Dr. Anthony Serio, Superintendent of the School representing the Gilbert Team
Present: Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Winchester Board of Education Members and Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools representing the WBOE Team.
2. Approval of Minutes – on a motion from S. Sedlack with a second from H. Cassaday the minutes of the October 22, 2018 negotiations meeting were unanimously approved.
3. Discussion regarding negotiations of the successor contract between the W.L. Gilbert School Corp. and the Winchester Board of Education.
Information on class sizes and the Gilbert budget had been distributed to all members before this meeting. Information from the Gilbert by-laws regarding Directors was presented.
The 2011-2014 contract was then reviewed in its entirety with C. Seaback suggesting changes to various sections from the perspective of the Gilbert team and with the response from Winchester. Many of the suggestions received general agreement.
A review of Section 4, Procedures for Establishing Tuition, received considerable discussion. Supt. Brady-Shanley presented ideas for a hybrid plan for budget adoption. Other topics covered include: setting budget timelines, streamlining the Joint Budget Committee, quarterly meetings of the joint boards and the concept of arbitration. These items remain on the table for future deliberations.
4. Next Meetings – will be held on Thursday, Nov, 1st at 6:00 PM in the Guidance Conference Room at the Gilbert School and on Wednesday, November 14th in the third-floor conference room at Town Hall.
Before the next meeting, a Word version of the contract will be marked up by Gilbert and distributed to all members of the teams.
5. Adjournment – a motion to adjourn (Heffernan/Pfenninger) was made at 5:07 PM and was unanimously accepted.
Respectfully submitted for the teams,
Steven Sedlack, Recorder
W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
Ad Hoc Negotiations Team and
Winchester Board of Education
Ad Hoc Negotiations Team – Joint Minutes
Date: November 1, 2018
1. Roll Call – Meeting called to order at 6:10 PM in the Guidance Conference Room at The Gilbert School, 200 Williams Avenue, Winsted, CT.
Present: Charles Seaback, Holly Cassaday and Steven Sedlack, School Corp Members and Dr. Anthony Serio, Superintendent of the School representing the Gilbert Team
Present: Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Dr. Richard Dutton Winchester Board of Education Members and Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools representing the WBOE Team.
2. Discussion regarding negotiations of the successor contract between the W.L. Gilbert School Corp. and the Winchester Board of Education.
The members walked through the red-lined version of the 2011-2014 contract between the parties. Changes were noted based on the conversation at the October 24, 2018 negotiations meeting. The WBOE team noted that they proposed further consideration of the 5% enrollment concept in Section 4, Procedures for Establishing Tuition, of the 2017-2019 contract between the parties. In that same contract, they proposed further consideration of the monthly enrollment reports in Section 12, Student Data.
The parties agreed to caucus at 6:22 PM and the main meeting resumed at 6:56 PM.
The WBOE team put forth proposals regarding (1) term of contract, (2) designation, (3) a plan to simplify tuition, (4) elimination of arbitration, (5) student data, (6) requirements for Gilbert to meet annual ESSA targets and (7) discussion about potential shared school leadership. The Gilbert team asked for consideration on the $216,000 owed to the School Corporation in 2016-17.
The parties again agreed to caucus at 7:11 PM and the main meeting resumed at 7:45 PM.
The Gilbert team decided it needs time to research the issues around the annual ESSA targets as well as the financial risks the school would face under the tuition ideas that WBOE had proposed. The discussion will continue at the next meeting.
4. Next Meeting – will be held on Wednesday, November 14th in the third-floor conference room at Town Hall.
5. Adjournment – a motion to adjourn (Heffernan/Cassaday) was made at 8:15 PM and was unanimously accepted.
Respectfully submitted for the teams,
Steven Sedlack
Board of Education
Special Meeting - Minutes
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Blue Room, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
- Open the meeting. - Special Meeting. 6:32 pm
- Roll Call:
Present: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, Dr. Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandria Propfe, Chris Royer, Shana DeVaux, Kristin Peterson
Absent (excused): Michelle Hintz, Cheryl Heffernan
Also in attendance: Rosanne Field, Principal, Batcheller School, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance & Business Services, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services, Barbara Silverio, Principal, Pearson School
Grievance Issue:
Doug Pfenninger: BOE Chair, Hearing Officer.
The Defendant, Mr. Bujar Bauta & Mr. Zbigniew Sypniewski, Custodians, Batcheller School
Speaking in their defense: Mr. Edward Kosinski, NAGE National Representative for NAGE Local # R1-234 and Ms. Linda Farnham - Winchester NAGE President
For the BOE: Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, and Rosanne Field, Principal, Batcheller School.
Mr. Bauta & Mr. Zbigniew elected to have this Grievance Procedure conducted in Open Session.
Evidentiary portion of meeting with questions and answers from the BOE.
7:00pm MOTION to recess into a non-meeting for the purpose of conducting deliberations regarding the grievance and to invite the for Superintendent Brady-Shanley.
Motion: C. Royer. Second: R. Dutton. → Unanimous, 7-0.
7:25pm MOTION to come out of executive session:
Motion: C. Royer. Second: K. Peterson → Unanimous, 7-0.
7:25pm MOTION to deny Grievance:
Motion: C. Royer. Second: A. Propfe → Unanimous, 7-0.
Motion to adjourn
W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
Winchester Board of Education
December 6, 2018
Joint Board Meeting Minutes
1. Roll Call – Meeting called to order by Steven Sedlack at 6:02 PM at the Beardsley & Memorial Library, Winsted, CT.
Present: Charles Seaback, Holly Cassaday, Jennifer Marchand and Steven Sedlack, Gilbert School Corp Members and Dr. Anthony Serio, Superintendent of the School.
Present: Dr. Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Theresa Padin, Kristen Peterson, Doug Pfenninger and Alexandria Propfe, Winchester Board of Education Members and Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools.
2. General Discussion regarding the following areas.
- Curriculum
- Project-based Learning
- Inquiry-based Learning
- Scheduling – Block vs. Modified Block
- Benefits of Professional Development for Teachers and Students
- Explanation of Reset Room – Information and Benefits
- Crisis Team Coordination
- Safety Plans Alignment
- Facilities Updates included Hinsdale, Batcheller and Gilbert
3. Next Meeting – will be held on March 7, 2019 at 6:00, site to be determined.
4. Adjournment – Holly motioned to adjourn meeting @ 7:39 p.m., seconded by Michelle Hintz. Vote was unanimous.
Ellen C. Marino
W. L. Gilbert School Corporation Ad Hoc Negotiations Team
Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiations Team
January 14, 2019
Joint Minutes
1. Roll Call – Meeting called to order at 6:05 PM in the Guidance Conference Room at The Gilbert School.
Present: Charles Seaback, Holly Cassaday and Steven Sedlack, School Corp Members and Dr. Anthony Serio, Superintendent of the School representing the Gilbert Team
Present: Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Dr. Richard Dutton Winchester Board of Education Members and Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools representing the WBOE Team. Also present was WBOE Finance Director Nancy O’Dea Wyrick.
Present and observing was WBOE member Chris Peterson.
2. Discussion regarding negotiations of the successor contract between the W.L. Gilbert School Corp. and the Winchester Board of Education.
On behalf of the Gilbert Team C. Seaback responded to the proposal of the WBOE at the last meeting that Gilbert consider a 2% increase on all lines except medical insurance at 4%, a 50 student enrollment projection on the part of the sending district, the W.L. Gilbert Trust Corp, and a re-visit of enrollment on October 1st.
Supt. Brady-Shanley presented a document entitled Winchester Public School Proposal – Things to Know and reviewed its contents.
A caucus to consider the proposal was suggested and began at 6:23 PM. The main meeting continued at 6:51 PM.
C. Seaback requested more time to analyze the data presented commenting that it does not seem to reflect the Gilbert situation as Gilbert perceives it. He rejected the proposal and suggested that for this year the groups follow the budgeting process as used in the past.
Another caucus was requested and held from 6:59 to 7:12 PM.
D. Pfenninger summarized the financial situation in which the town finds itself and the WBOE has been asked to keep flat its budget request. Discussion ensued about budget strategies.
It was agreed that Dr. Serio would present his preliminary 2019-20 budget to the School Corp Finance Committee on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 6:00 in the library media center at the Gilbert School. Members of the WBOE and Supt. Brady-Shanley are invited to attend.
D. Pfenninger requested further consideration of the other language items in the contract (designation, duration, etc.). It was agreed that H. Cassaday would forward to everyone the red-lined version of the 2011-2014 contract that was discussed at a previous meeting.
3. Next Negotiations Meeting – will be held on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 in the Third Floor Conference Room at town hall at 5:30 PM.
4 Adjournment – a motion to adjourn (S. Sedlack/H. Cassaday) was made at 8:00 PM and was unanimously accepted.
Respectfully submitted for the teams,
Steven Sedlack
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: March 21, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley - Superintendent, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick - Director of Finance
Invitees: Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Shana DeVoux, Dr. Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Secretary; Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe, Christine Royer
- Called to order at 6:00 pm.
- Roll Call - Present: K. Peterson, M. Hintz, D. Pfenninger, N. Mocarski, R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, C. Royer entered at 6:45.
- New Business
- Discussion of the Gilbert / Winchester Board of Education budget.
- MOTION: To send D. Pfenninger, C. Heffernan, from the BOE as well as Superintendent M. Brady-Shanley and Director of Finance Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick to meet the Gilbert School Corporation on March 27, 2019, for purposes of discussing the tuition rate for 2019-2020.
- First: N. Mocarski, Second: M. Hintz → Aye: 6 - Nay: 0, Abstain: 1
- Discussion of the Gilbert / Winchester Board of Education budget.
- Adjourn at 7:06 pm
- MOTION: M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan → U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting MINUTES
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT – Blue Room
Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 7 p.m.
Roll Call
Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Doug Pfenninger, Richard Dutton, Christine Royer, Nora Mocarski, Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools
Discuss the 2019 -2020 Fiscal Year Budget
MOTION to increase the Gilbert line to $450,000 financed by a line transfer of $150,000 from the Winchester Public Schools and $150,000 from the Town Budget and $150,000 tax increase to the taxpayer and Gilbert would reduce their proposed budget to the Winchester Public Schools by $150,000 and the Gilbert Trust would would increase their funding to the Gilbert Corporation by $57,000 as discussed the Joint Finance Committee to send this to the full Winchester Board of Education for action.
First: Christine Royer
Second: Douglas Pfenninger
In favor: 2
Opposed: 4
Motion fails
MOTION to advise the Gilbert School that this Winchester Finance Committee is not recommending to the full Winchester Board of Education the suggestion of a resolution which was to increase the Gilbert line to $450,000 financed by a line transfer of $150,000 from the Winchester Public Schools and $150,000 from the Town Budget and $150,000 tax increase to the taxpayer and Gilbert would reduce their proposed budget to the Winchester Public Schools by $150,000 and the Gilbert Trust would would increase their funding to the Gilbert Corporation by $57,000 as discussed the Joint Finance Committee.
First: Cheryl Heffernan
Second: Michelle Hintz
In favor: 5
Opposed: 0
Abstention: 1
Motion carries
MOTION to adjourn at 8:28 pm.
First: Michelle Hintz
Second: Cheryl Heffernan
6-0 → Unanimous
W. L. Gilbert School Corporation Ad Hoc Negotiations Team
Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiations Team
May 31, 2019
Joint Minutes
1. Roll Call – Meeting called to order at 11:09 AM in the Blue Room at Town Hall, 338 Main Street, Winsted, CT.
Present: Charles Seaback, Holly Cassaday and Steven Sedlack, School Corp Members and Dr. Anthony Serio, Superintendent of the School representing the Gilbert Team
Present: Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Dr. Richard Dutton Winchester Board of Education Members and Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools representing the WBOE Team.
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the May 23, 2019 meeting was made by C. Seaback, seconded by Dr. Dutton and accepted unanimously.
3. Discussion regarding negotiations of the successor contract between the W.L. Gilbert School Corp. and the Winchester Board of Education.
The Gilbert Team requested time to caucus to consider the agreement reached by the superintendents to close the gap in the proposed 2019-2020 education budget proposal. The teams caucused from 11:12 and the meeting resumed at 11:38.
The teams agreed with the decision on budget reached by the superintendents.
The Winchester team then submitted a proposal which was a red-lined copy of the 5/23/19 draft proposal submitted by the Gilbert team. The salient points of the proposal were reviewed by C. Heffernan.
The Gilbert team requested a caucus to consider the proposals, and the teams caucused from 11:54 to 12:25.
When talks resumed, the consensus was that there were substantive issues on which the teams were far apart and could not agree. Talks are discontinued indefinitely.
It was agreed that the two superintendents and two board chairs would meet and sign a one-page, one-year agreement establishing the tuition that The W. L. Gilbert School will be paid for the 2019-2020 year.
4. Adjournment – a motion to adjourn (C. Seaback/Dr. Dutton) was made at 12:40 PM and was unanimously accepted.
Respectfully submitted for the teams,
Steven Sedlack
Standing Committee Minutes 2018-2019
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Committee Members: Nora Mocarski, Alexandria Propfe, and Jamie Duffy, Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools, Barbara Silverio, Principal, Rosanne Field, Principal, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
Call to Order - 6:35 pm
Roll Call:
Committee Members in Attendance: Nora Mocarski, Alexandra Propfe, Rosanne Field, Barb Silverio, Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan
Committee Members Not in Attendance: Jamie Duffy (unexcused)
Also in Attendance: Christine Royer, Ruthann Horvay
Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
- Open Issues
- Informational: Discussion on how the Little Owls Program, School Readiness, and Head Start programs all work together.
- Ruth-Ann Horvay discussed the collaboration in place and on how preschool is doing.
- History of the program was discussed. Highlights: Initial start was in 1996 FRC came into our district. Seven components. Approached by the state to qualify for school readiness money. Collaborated with Torrington, Ed Connection. Only providing for a full day, full spaces. YMCA pulled out, and 15 spaces went to Winsted Area Child Care. We received Discovery money for providing preschool experiences. The collaboration started with this grant.
- This past year: Discovery Grant led to community plans to provide equity for children. Half-day program for at-risk & three full-day programs.
- The 3, full-day programs have not impacted this community as had initially worried.
- Informational: Discussion on how the Little Owls Program, School Readiness, and Head Start programs all work together.
a) We guide parents to a program that best fits child
b) Ed Advance has waived their fee to full-time program
c) School readiness liaison = Ruth reports to the state on meeting the components of the grant.
- Friday’s meeting discussed prescreening. Varying degrees of support in integrating this program. Ruth wants to solidify the process, so all are operating with the same information.
a) BOE Question: Is there sharing of curricula with all pre-school programs? Answer: We cannot prescribe for other programs. They are required to meet their accreditation requirements. Head Start has federal guidelines to follow. On the other hand, they have been very receptive to ideas.
- BOE Question: Are these programs tracking progress? At Kindergarten registration time, we look at screening. We found our half-day program students were coming less prepared.
a) We must be careful and be sure to measure growth, not necessarily achievement. Must look at baseline information. We now have 3 and 4 years in programming. We are getting kids enrolled earlier. Peer models are critical.
- Current partnership - Melony and Ruth meet every two weeks. Meet with Ed Advance - very open meetings.
a) Transportation is an issue. Creating a little inequity. Meeting with community members to troubleshoot.
(1) Jodi and Mel agreed to transport Little Owls. The option was offered. About 12-15 families use free transportation (without IEPs). Some parents are resistant to putting their child into a five day, a full-day program in school readiness program at Batcheller.
(2) Ed Advance and Winsted Area Childcare might be feeling the pain that Little Owls can offer transportation.
(3) Families that didn’t switch are not unhappy. It is parent choice. Obligated in offering parents options.
(4) Consider a shorter day to get more in...see success and then eventually send more a more time.
(5) Little Owls Program is full at the moment. There is a waitlist.
(6) School readiness requires classrooms have a % of special needs equal to % IEP kids in the district.
(7) 50% have to be a full day, full year (12 months) who go to Winsted Area Child Care for us to keep the 275K 8:30-3pm ish = full day.
(8) Parent as Teachers Program as the feeder to the Little Owls program.
- Soups on” Pre-K families 23-24 families were there today. The purpose is to have students and parents socialize/network. Reading was the focus. One hour. Every month. Teachers were present, the social worker, coaches, and Chicken noodle soup was served.
(1) Brainstormed “Soup Kits” for next Soups-on event.
(2) School-based health program has been helpful - can get appointment and appointments are in the same building.
- Adjourn, 7:13 pm
- MOTION: First: Alexander Propfe. - Second: Chris Royer
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting - Minutes
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 6:30 pm.
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Christine Royer, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3.
- Call to Order – 6:30 PM
- Roll Call – A. Propfe, K. Peterson, D. Dutton, S. Cullinan, N. Mocarski, D. Pfenninger, C. Royer, R. Field, R. Manzer, M. Brady-Shanley
- Open Issues
a) Presentation - Year 2 Science Roll Out- Rachael provided a detailed explanation of NGSS roll out. NGSS State Assessment – This year will be our baseline year. Equal weight will be given in science like math and reading. An NGSS Overview was provided to the committee, 3D Assessment and Design was provided as a reference for the team. Cross-Cutting Concepts are expected across all content areas. Application of concepts is the goal, no longer memorizing facts. How science is taught is the biggest shift with NGSS. You should see more critical thinking skills, solving real-world problems, etc. Science planning will take a long-term plan not a short-term plan. Our plan will build the capacity of teacher leaders. Professional learning will be targeted. There is no current publication that has adequate NGSS curriculum.
- Presented the 6 Pillars in design the transition plan. All the pillars leading to the 3-D Implementation Plan.
- Presented the Overview of the NGSS Transition Plan. Entire Administration Team attended the NGSS Overview Training. Attended Transition Planning workshops – Teams of teachers and administrators attended. The Transition Plan has had teacher input. Attended the 3D Assessment Workshop. Participated in the CONCEPT Grant and taught them how to write curriculum. We are nearly almost 100% of staff being inquiry trained. NGX standards training were attended to help teachers understand the new methodology of teaching. This year (2nd year), training continues, specialized PD is being offered for curriculum writing. NGSX2 focused on classroom application. Rachael and Dave will be trained in chemical hygiene next week.
- Reviewed the NGSS Curriculum Template. Crosscutting Concepts and connections are highlighted across multiple subject areas. Unit Storylines are the different lessons that need to be introduced. All storylines have a question that needs to be addressed. All units have a keystone text (reading always involved). Differentiated is purposefully integrated into the unit plan.
- All grade levels are required to teach science at least 4x per week.
b) Report out on October 5 PD - How did it go? Cover during BOE Meeting
- Future collaborative plans with Gilbert?
c) Walkthroughs including BOE? November 29, 2018, 8 AM -1 PM
d) First impressions on SRBI Data – Next Curriculum Committee Agenda - Adjourn at 7:20 PM
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting - Minutes
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2019, @ 6:30 pm
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Facilitator: N. Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Christine Royer, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan.
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3. Reached.
- Call to Order @ 6:30pm
- Roll Call - Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Nora Mocarski, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Dr. Richard Dutton.
- Open Issues
- Update on ESSA since Devos has been in office.
- The full ESSA Plan was presented as. 200+ pages. We were welcomed to read.
- Summary of ESSA Plan (19 pages) was presented and discussed - No Child Left Behind “Take two” = ESSA.
- Update on ESSA since Devos has been in office.
a) National ESSA Plan, state ESSA plan, and then local. Each state has to test and have “must meet” targets
b) Testing is at the core. How are students progressing towards / projecting to be proficient on SAT? Are students on the right track?
c) High schools use SAT and they no longer use SBAC and CAPT
d) Elementary school uses SBAC
- Accountability piece - developed by each state. If off-track, districts need to develop a plan to get on track.
a) Multiple measures: District Performance Index. SIP = School Improvement Plan: school performance, or in-district: DIP - District Improvement Plan
b) Feb. 22, 2019 - Deadline. We had to update ESSA scores for the district.
- School Choice & Alternative Education inside ESSA includes the following (but not limited to):
a) Allowing for Mastery-based learning for CT
b) HS in CT 25 credits beginning with current 8th into 9th graders
c) College-ready curriculum
d) Charter schools - can apply for federal funds
e) Title I
f) Waivers as a state. Can be at the district level
- Winchester is waiting on results on state tests - 3rd year for ESSA. Results come via email
a) We are slightly below - 64.1 last year.
b) Moved up from Category 4 to Category 3 (this is good).
c) We can compare to other districts via DRG
- Updates presented on the performance of December assessments
- Dibels & NWEA assessment progress
- Updates presented on the performance of December assessments
a) Principal Field and Principal Silverio shared updates [handout] for Batcheller and Pearson respectfully. Handouts provided that showed student performance levels at each school by grade for NWEA, PELI & Dibels, Running Records, Bridges Math.
b) Expecting spring performance to be higher than current performance.
- Discussion of Hinsdale design and school instructional programs
- Floor plan ideas shared.
- 1st year employee conversation
- Superintendent shared new staff feedback from 1:1 meetings on the level of support received as new members to the district [Handout]
- Melony recorded their comments without commentary. Questions were: “On a scale of 1-10, what is your experience at WPS like?” “Do you feel supported?” “What is going well?” “What needs to be improved?” “What would you like me to know?”
- Discussion of Hinsdale design and school instructional programs
a) Teachers reported they feel supported in the district. On a scale of 1-10, an average report from new staff was 8.1
IV. Adjourn @ 7:46 pm
MOTION: A. Propfe, Second: D. Pfenninger → U.
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2019, @ 6:30 pm
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Facilitator: N. Mocarski
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Douglas Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Christine Royer, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan.
Quorum - Curriculum Committee - Quorum needed: 3
Call to Order
- Roll Call - Nora M., Dr. Dutton, Doug P., Mel B-S, Barb S., Seamus C., Rosie F., Beth N., Chris R.
- Open Issues
- Bridges Math Presentation
- Beth Neumann presented the Bridges Mathematics Program. The Math Learning Center developed the program.
- She reviewed the problem-centered approach/inquiry approach to mathematics
- 75 minutes per day
- Themes are related to ELA and Science
- Workplaces are incorporated.
- Assessments are completed in the form of observations and formal assessments
- She then presented the different components of the Bridges Program
- Problems and Investigations
- Work Places
- Math Forums
- Problem Strings
- Assessments
- Number Corner
- The program is differentiated daily based on student needs and understanding. Challenge and reinforcement activities are provided daily.
- At the beginning of April Bridges will model lessons and small group work. Pearson will be completed in June.
- STMath was reviewed as a workplace and highlighted that it can be accessed at home.
- Parent communication letters are available.
- Reviewed student expectations for formalized assessment.
- Bridges Math Presentation
IV. Adjournment - 6:55 PM
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting MINUTES
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Location: Pearson School - 2nd Floor Conference Room
Facilitator: N. Mocarski
Committee Members: K. Peterson, A. Propfe
Quorum: 2
District Support Staff: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Service, Barbara Silverio, Principal of Pearson School, Rosanne Field, Principal of Batcheller School
Invitees: S. DeVaux, R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, M. Hintz, D. Pfenninger, C. Royer
- Call to Order @ 6:05pm
- Roll Call
- Present: R. Dutton, N. Mocarski, K. Peterson, D. Pfenninger, C. Royer
- Open Issues
a) Observed and participated in STEAM Family Night @ Pearson School.
- Adjourn @ 6:54pm
- First: C. Royer, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2018
Town Hall, Blue Room
Committee Members: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski (Secretary), Cheryl Heffernan, Doug Pfenninger (Chair), Jamie Duffy, Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services.
Call to Order: 8:00 pm
Roll Call:
Committee Members in Attendance: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Cheryl Heffernan, Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan
Committee Members Not in Attendance: Jamie Duffy (unexcused), Doug Pfenninger, Chair (excused), Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick (excused)
Also in attendance: Christine Royer, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field, and Richard Dutton
Motion: Approval of agenda: First: Cheryl Heffernan, Second: Michelle Hintz
Tuition - out of town.
- At this time, we are not accepting requests for out of district tuition students. But this will be revisited at a later time.
1% fund - Clarification of what we are doing with this money [handout]:
- $155,025 left over at the beginning of the FY2018 to put into the non-lapsing fund.
- The BOS approved for the BOE to use this non-lapsing fund ($155,025).
- To be used for TBD.
- The BOS approved for the BOE to use this non-lapsing fund ($155,025).
- $155,025 left over at the beginning of the FY2018 to put into the non-lapsing fund.
Alliance Building Grant to Alliance School Districts to clarify what it was spent on:
- Grant came from Administrative Services, not from the Department of Education
- Given to schools for construction not covered under town funds
- $338,000 was given to the BOE for repairs that don’t typically get covered by local funds. If this grant were available, repairs would have had to come out of local funds. These items include 11 to 12 things (ex. staircases, chimneys)
- We used 95% of grant at Pearson
- Examples include replacing broken sinks in the bathrooms, hairdryers, handles, faucets, resurfaced the parking lot, created a walkway, replaced a 31-year-old walk-in cooler, exterior gym doors, exterior receiving entries at loading docks, dishwasher...
- Used 5% to Hinsdale steps.
- We were approved to use the 5% to repair/replace steps at Hinsdale
- All the work had to be invoiced by Oct. 31st, and we are on target to be invoiced by October 31st.
- Motion to adjourn at 8:24 - First: Cheryl Heffernan, Second: Michelle Hintz.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting - Minutes
Location: Town Hall, 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 @ 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, and Cheryl Heffernan.
- Call to order
- Roll call – Hintz, Peterson, Mocarski, Heffernan, Pfenninger, O’Dea-Wyrick, Cullinan, Field, Silverio
- Approval of Agenda
- New business
- Year to date budget update – Will send to Doug and Kristin
- Anticipated expense changes for special education – Budget is even and holding steady.
- Anticipated facilities projects – Rocks removed from playground need to be moved, Finishing the Alliance Projects at Pearson (Gym Doors and Freezer), Batcheller School – Two trees need to be removed. Discussion of traffic backup at Batcheller School.
- Teacher Negotiations update – Ratification next week.
Adjourn at 8:45 PM
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Location: Town Hall 338 Main Street Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 @ 6:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Kristen Peterson, Shana DeVoux, Chris Royer, Richard Dutton, Alexia Propfe, and Cheryl Heffernan.
Call to order - 6:14 pm.
I. Roll call: N. Mocarski, B. Silverio, R. Field, C. Heffernan, D. Pfenninger, M. Brady-Shanley, S. Cullinan, M. Hintz, N. O’Dea-Wyrick.
II. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: First: Cheryl, Second: Michelle Hintz - U
III. New business
a) The fiscal Year 2019 Timelines shared and discussed
b) Update on Negotiations ongoing.
Next Gilbert Negotiation meeting: January 14, 2019
c) Open Discussion - See website on “Hinsdale Renovation.”
Hinsdale Renovation Commission - D. Pfenninger to report
- Architects came with three proposals.
- Most basic costs: 10 million
- Discussion at the meeting was looking into Option #3.
- Option #3 To demolish the 16,000 sq. foot, the two-story portion over the river @ approximately 21 million dollar project
- There was a discussion of the reimbursement rate from the State of Connecticut Possible 60% reimbursement for new construction
- See Hinsdale Renovation Webpage for details
IV. Adjourn
MOTION: Cheryl motion at 7:02 pm, Second: M. Hintz, → U
Winchester Board of Education
Finance Committee Meeting - Minutes
Location: Town Hall, 338 Main Street, Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: January 31, 2019
Meeting Facilitator: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, and N O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, M. Hintz S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, and C. Royer, K. Peterson, Dr. R. Dutton
- Call to Order @ 8:10pm
- Roll Call - Michelle Hintz, Alex Propfe, Cheryl Heffernan, Dr. Richard Dutton, Douglas Pfenninger, Barbara Silverio, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Rosanne Fields, Melony Brady-Shanley, Nora Mocarski
- Approval of Agenda
- MOTION: First: M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan
- New Business
- Gilbert Contract
- Discussion of current state of negotiations with Gilbert.
- Reminder of Gilbert’s budget presentation meeting on Tuesday, February 5, 2019.
- 2020 Budget
- Two handouts shared and discussed: 1) “FY2020 Total Anticipated Resources Budget” and 2) “Projected FY2020 Budget - Town Appropriation and Support.” A loss of $1,894,721 will mean (-7.9%) presuming no help with Commissioner’s Network and Alliance Networks
- Gilbert Contract
- Adjourn @ 9:07pm
- MOTION: First: M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan → U
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting MINUTES
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 @ 7:30 pm
Location: Pearson School - 2nd Floor Conference Room
Facilitator: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Committee Members: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Alexia Propfe, Kristin Peterson, Shana DeVaux, Chris Royer, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 5
District Support Staff: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Service, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Alexia Propfe, Kristin Peterson, Shanna DeVoux, Chris Royer, Richard Dutton, and Leander Dolphin
Call to Order @ 7:30 pm
- Roll Call
- Present: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, Melony Brady-Shanley, Leander Dolphin
- Absent: Alexia Propfe, Chris Royer, and Shana DeVaux
- Agenda Review
- MOTION to add to the agenda an “Executive Session to discuss Gilbert Corporation and Winchester Board of Education negotiations under ‘New Business’”
- First: C. Heffernan, Second: M. Hintz → U.
- MOTION to add to the agenda an “Executive Session to discuss Gilbert Corporation and Winchester Board of Education negotiations under ‘New Business’”
- New Business
- Update on Gilbert Corporation & Board of Education Negotiation and Budget Planning
- Executive Session to discuss Gilbert Corporation and Winchester Board of Education
- MOTION: to move into executive session and to invite Leander Dolphin, Director of Finance, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick, and Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley into the executive session as per attorney-client privilege communication regarding Gilbert school contract negotiation at 7:35 pm
a) First: Cheryl Heffernan Second: Michelle Hintz → U
- MOTION to move out of executive session at 8:32 pm
a) First: M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan → U.
- Adjourn
- MOTION to adjourn at 8:32 pm
- First: M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan → U.
- MOTION to adjourn at 8:32 pm
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting MINUTES
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 @ 7:15 pm
Location: Blue Room, Town Hall
Facilitator: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Committee Members: Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl Heffernan, Alexia Propfe, Kristin Peterson, Shana DeVaux, Chris Royer, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 5
Call to Order - @ 7:24pm
Roll Call
Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Melony Brady-Shanley, Michelle Hintz, Richard Dutton, Cheryl Heffernan, Doug Pfenninger.
Approval of Agenda
MOTION to approve the agenda
First: Michelle Hintz, Second Kristin Peterson → U.
New Business
Gilbert Update Regarding Finances
Discussion - We still have a $168,000 gap with The Gilbert School to date.
Superintendent Brady Shanley will negotiate to close the gap with Gilbert Superintendent Serio.
Update on Negotiations with Gilbert Corp
Discussion of updates associated with negotiations with the Gilbert Corp
MOTION to adjourn @ 8:31pm
First: Richard Dutton, Second Kristin Peterson → U.
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Location: Town Hall, Blue Room
Committee Members: BOE Members: Cheryl Heffernan, Michelle Hintz, Alexandria Propfe, Jamie Duffy, and Richard Dutton.
Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance, Barbara Silverio, Principal, Rosanne Field, Principal
Call to Order: 7:15 pm
Roll Call:
Committee Members in Attendance: Michelle Hintz, Alexandria Propfe, Richard Dutton, Melony Brady-Shanley, Barb Silverio, Rosanne Field
Committee Members Not in Attendance: Jamie Duffy (unexcused), Nancy O’Dea Wyrick (excused)
Also in attendance: Cheryl Heffernan, Christine Royer, Seamus Cullinan, Nora Mocarski
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz.
- Open Issues
- Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley will contact Vin of CABE regarding the research into a bylaw to direct the BOE on social media etiquette/use. To ask CABE to consider “9327.1 Appendix.”
- To discuss consideration for a bylaw (perhaps 9327.1 Appendix) in October.
- First read will be at the BOE meeting in November, the second read in December 2018.
- Regarding Policy 5114 -
- Question regarding the section of due process on Student Expulsion beginning on p. 15.
- Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley will contact Vin of CABE regarding the research into a bylaw to direct the BOE on social media etiquette/use. To ask CABE to consider “9327.1 Appendix.”
a) To change language from “shall” to “may” under P5114(f) and
b) to take out “mandatory” in the title on the same page.
- Policy committee to discuss in October. First read for BOE in November, Second read in December 2018.
- To redo Packet 3 for October.
- Adjourn at 8:00. Motion - First: Cheryl Heffernan, Second: Dr. Richard Dutton
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting - Minutes
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: October 30, 2018 @ 7:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, and C. Royer.
I. Call to order at 7:26 pm
II. Roll call
M. Brady-Shanley, R. Dutton, R. Field, C. Heffernan, M. Hintz, D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, N. Mocarski, K. Peterson, A. Propfe, B. Silverio, S. Cullinan. C. Royer
Absent: S. DeVoux, Unexcused.
III. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
MOTION: First: C. Heffernan, Second: N. Mocarski → Unanimous.
IV. Open issues
a) None
V. New business
a) Review policies P5114, P5141.3, P5141.4, and P5144.1
P5114 (a-f) (Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)
“Shall” must remain “Shall” per state statute.
MOTION to bring P5114 (a-f) to the next BOE meeting
First: N. Mocarski, Second: C. Heffernan → Unanimous.
b) Social Media
Note that 9000 series are automatically part of our Bylaw Section of the BOE
9327.1 (a-d) and Appendix (Social Media)
NOTE: Items # 13-24 as presented pertain to “ district activities…”
Leave: # 23 and 24.
NOTE: Will renumber items # 13-24 under 9327.1(c).
NOTE: To add the following in BOLD into 9327.1 (b) “Board members or others, [while listed, not limited to], a personal, social, racial, and/or religious basis.”
NOTE: To adopt the two paragraphs under “OR” in 9327.1(b). The first paragraph starts with “Board members using social networking sites may inadvertently…” and the second paragraph which starts, “Board members will not have online conversations…”
NOTE: To add, “General Social Media Etiquette” to clarify that the Appendix section here is a “guideline” for BOE members.
MOTION to bring 9327.1 (a-d) and Appendix to the next BOE meeting
First. C. Heffernan, Second: D. Pfenninger → Unanimous.
Second read of 9000 series and social media will be in December.
c) Policy 4000.1 (Sex Discrimination & Sexual Harassment in the Workplace)
Current Title IX policy is from 2001.
MOTION: Move to approve 4000.1 at the next BOE in November with the understanding to check with Shipman and Goodwin to expand the language to include, “sexual orientation - actual or perceived, gender identity, transgender status” in addition to “sex”
First: C. Heffernan, Second: D. Pfenninger → Unanimous.
VI. Adjournment
MOTION: To adjourn at 8:13pm
First: C. Heffernan, Second: D. Pfenninger. → Unanimous.
Winchester Board of Education
Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Location: Town Hall, 338 Main Street, Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: January 31, 2019
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, and C. Royer, M. Hintz
I. Call to Order at 7:45 pm.
II. Roll Call - Michelle Hintz, Alex Propfe, Cheryl Heffernan, Dr. Richard Dutton, Douglas Pfenninger, Barbara Silverio, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Rosanne Fields, Melony Brady-Shanley, Nora Mocarski
III. Approval of previous minutes
A. MOTION: First: C. Heffernan, Second: M. Brady-Shanley → U
IV. Open
A. None
V. New Business
A. 5141.3 - Students Health and Immunization
a) Paragraph 5 omit “health assessments” and substitute…” on religious grounds...must request an exemption to the superintendent in writing. The request must be acknowledged by the clerk, CT license, attorney, or school nurse.”
2. CABE - suggested as 3a) Melony recommended, to follow CABE’s language and attached as specific dosages of immunizations and dates by when immunizations and doctor visits, countries coming from, TDABT, health assessment record, form…
a) MOTION: First: Dr. Dutton move 5141.3 to first read and include regulations and appendix. Second: C. Heffernan → U
B. 5141.4 - Act Protecting School Children
1. Reporting of child abuse and sexual assault.
2. Three different versions of this policy. 5141.4 - policy is short, but regulations are explicit.
a) Not changeable because it is all statutory.
b) MOTION: First: Michelle Hintz to move short version of 5141.4 with regulations attached to first read, Second: C. Heffernan → U
C. 5144.1 - Use of Physical Force/Restraint/Seclusion and Time Out.
1. No choice here on this policy.
2. Page 2 policy starts and goes to Form 3. Include all (appendix, etc.) but take out “alternate SDE version.”
3. Do not insert alternate.
a) MOTION: First: Dr. Dutton to move all but “alternate” in 5144.1 to first read Second: Cheryl Heffernan → U
D. 5144.4 - Time Devoted to PE Classes
1. Similar to our current policy. We cannot restrict 20 min. recess and cannot remove recess as punishment.
a) MOTION: First C. Heffernan to move as is 5144.4 to first read. Second: Dr. Dutton → U
VI. Motion to adjourn at 8:08 pm.
A. MOTION: M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan.
Winchester Board of Education
Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Location: Town Hall, 338 Main Street, Winsted, CT - Blue Room
Date: February 26, 2019
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, M. Hintz, C. Heffernan, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, R. Fields, S. Cullinan, K. Peterson
- Call to Order at 6:30 pm.
- Roll Call - D. Pfenninger, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, M. Hintz, C. Heffernan, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, R. Fields, S. Cullinan, K. Peterson
- Approval of minutes from the previous meeting
- Motion: Cheryl. Second Doug. → U
- New Business
- 6114.1 - to bring to the first read in March at BOE meeting
- 6142.101 - Updated CABE policy from 2/26/19 as read by Melony. - to bring to the first read in March BOE meeting
- 6159 - table to next policy meeting in March
- 6172.12 - table to next policy meeting in March
- 6200 - to bring to the first read in March at BOE meeting
- Personal belief on vaccinations discussed.
- Currently, there are no families that have utilized the personal exemption in the Winchester District.
- Adjournment at 6:52 pm
- Motion: Cheryl, Second Kristin
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 @ 7:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, N. Mocarski, S. DeVoux, C. Heffernan, A. Propfe, and C. Royer
I. Call to order - Doug, Dr. Dutton, Nora, Alex, Kris, Rosie, Seamus, Barb, Mel
II. Roll call
III. Approval of minutes from the last meeting - U.
IV. Open Issues
V. New Business
a) Policy #6114.1 - Instruction – Fire Emergency (Drills)/Crisis Response Drills - Move to 1st Read - U.
b) Policy # 6159 – Instruction – Individualized Education Program/Special Education - Move to a 1st Read - U.
c) Policy # 6172.12 – Instruction – Magnet Schools - Move to 1st Read - U.
VI. Adjournment - 7:25 PM
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting MINUTES
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 @ 6:45 pm
Location: Pearson - 2nd Floor Conference Room
Facilitator: M. Hintz
Committee Members: R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, M. Hintz, K. Peterson, and A. Propfe
Quorum: 3
District Support Staff: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Service, B. Silverio, Principal of Pearson School, R. Field, Principal of Batcheller School, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: S. DeVoux, N. Mocarski, D. Pfenninger, and C. Royer
Call to Order & 6:56pm.
- Roll Call
- R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, M. Hintz, K. Peterson, D. Pfenninger, N. Mocarski
- Absent (excused): A. Propfe
- District Support Staff: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, N. O’Dea-Wyrick
- Approval of minutes from the last meeting
- First: D. Pfenninger, Second: C. Heffernan → 5-0-1 (abstain)
- Open Issues
- None
- New Business
- Review Packet 3 – what was complete - There are 5 Packets in total.
- Completed 15 in Packet 1
- Completed 17 in Packet 2
- Completed 15 in Packet 3
- Review Bylaws (in the 3rd packet – 9130)
- MOTION: to ADD as letter “H)” under Section 4: “All communication of the Winchester Board of Education shall follow the provision of the Freedom of Information Act as required by Connecticut state statute.”
- Review Packet 3 – what was complete - There are 5 Packets in total.
a) First: N. Mocarski, Second: D. Pfenninger → U.
- Review Packet 4
- Moved Packet 4 to next meeting
- Agenda for next meeting: To discuss “Cyber Security,” page 67 and “Electronic Devices”
- Review Packet 4
- Adjourn
- MOTION to adjourn @ 7:25p
- First: C. Heffernan, Second: M. Hintz → U
- MOTION to adjourn @ 7:25p
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting MINUTES
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
Location: Blue Room, Town Hall
Facilitator: M. Hint
Committee Members: R. Dutton, C. Heffernan, M. Hintz, K. Peterson, and A. Propfe
Quorum: 3
District Support Staff: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, S. Cullinan, Director of Student Service, B. Silverio, Principal of Pearson School, R. Field, Principal of Batcheller School, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
Invitees: S. DeVoux, N. Mocarski, D. Pfenninger, and C. Royer
Call to Order at 6:35 pm.
Roll Call
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Melony Brady-Shanley, Michelle Hintz, Cheryl Heffernan, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Prophe, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton (entered 6:50 pm).
Approval of Minutes
MOTION to approve minutes from the last meeting
First: C. Heffernan, Second: A. Propfe → U
Open Issues - None
New Business
Policy #3520.14 - Cybersecurity -- First Read. An optional policy.
MOTION to table Policy #3520.14 to September’s Policy Committee meeting
First: Cheryl, Second: Michelle → U.
Policy #6141.327 - Electronic Resources
Proposal to drop the “Regulations” and just leave “Policy.”
Acceptable use already in effect
MOTION to move only the “Policy” portion of this policy to the Regular BOE meeting in June for the first read
First: C. Heffernan, Second: D. Pfenninger → U.
Policy #5131.81 - Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices
MOTION to have Superintendent M. Brady-Shanley take this to her Instructional Cabinet for review and recommendation as to whether we should attach the “Regulations,” and this Policy is to be added to the September Policy Committee meeting to discuss
First, C. Heffernan, Second: A. Propfe → U.
Policy #5132 - Dress and Grooming
MOTION to have Superintendent M. Brady-Shanley take this to her Instructional Cabinet for review and recommendation.
First, C. Heffernan, Second: A. Propfe → U.
MOTION to adjourn at 7:18 pm
First, M. Hintz, Second: C. Heffernan → U
Date: JULY 23, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
I CALL TO ORDER - Doug Pfenninger 6:00 PM
II SWEARING IN OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS (Sheila Sedlack) - Shelia Sedlack performed swearing in for David, Steven F., Tony, Dale, Norman, Steven V., Michael
III ROLL CALL - Doug Pfenninger, Michelle Hintz, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, David Carter, Steven Frazier, Tony Sandonato, Dale Denning, Norman Kelly, Steven Vaill, Bruce Stratford, Michael Ruzbasan
IV INTRODUCTIONS AMONG MEMBERS - All members introduced themselves and shared their personal and/or professional experience.
Packets distributed and a list of other documents available to the committee
Each member received a binder that included previously analyzed reports.
VI ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES - minutes, posting meetings, etc. D Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley
VII PUBLIC COMMENT - Steven Sedlack - Thank you to the entire committee and appreciation for the expertise of the building committee.
VIII CHARGE OF THE COMMITTEE (with proposed timeline) D Pfenninger
Document describing charge distributed. D. Pfenninger describes the historical issues that have faced the district with regards to school closures. He addressed the Receiver closing Hinsdale due to the belief of mold; Receiver did not “turn the building back over to the town.” Town formed a committee to find a way to repurpose Hinsdale. No one was interested in the purchase of the property and demolition would be about $700,000. At no point did the building get returned to the town. BOE has maintained the building since the closure. Receivers encouraged BOE to look at both Batcheller and Hinsdale. CREC was hired to review all documents associated with Hinsdale. The report indicated that Hinsdale would be a better choice for renovation. Ad Hoc Committee made a formal recommendation that we renovate Hinsdale. BOE approved this recommendation. BOS in July 2018 established a Renovation Committee for Hinsdale.
The obligation to provide a sound educational system in the town. Benefits both town and school. Good, clean, up to date building is an important part of the solution. The town has not maintained school buildings in quite some time. With a fairly modest budget, we can create a sound school building at Hinsdale.
Tonight or the next meeting, you will elect your officials.
Review of the charge, and Statement of Need
Melony reviewed the Mystic Air Quality Reports and explained the sequence and process of testing. The committee engaged in conversation regarding Air Quality and new system requirements to ensure routine air quality testing.
Melony reviewed the DRAFT of the Request for Proposals. A few members of the committee volunteered to assist with formally DRAFTING the RFP for consideration at Monday, July 30, 2018 meeting. The committee has determined, they will include energy-saving opportunities in the RFP for investigation.
Chair - Nomination of Chair Steven Fraizer - Unanimous
Vice Chair - Dave Carter - Unanimous
6:00 PM on July 30, 2018 - Blue Room
RFP Development Session - Thursday, July 26, 2018, 4th Floor, 9:00 A.M.
Friday, July 27, 2018 - Committee Walkthrough of Hinsdale
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: July 30, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order – 6:02 PM
II. Roll call – Melissa B., Nancy OW, Norman K, Tony S, Doug P, Michelle H, Melony BS, Steve V., Steve F. Bob G., Dave C.
III. New Business
a) Review RFP Draft
b) Mr. Frazier instructed the team to review the document.
c) All questions that arise during the bid process will be directed to Mr. Frazier.
d) Discussion took place regarding timing with bid dates and completion goals.
e) August 10 – 2:30 PM – Walkthrough
f) Questions Due by Friday, August 31, 2018
g) September 17th – Next Meeting – Agenda – Develop Interview Questions and Review Bids
h) September 10th Monday – Bids Due
i) Monday, September 24 and Tuesday, September 25– Architects to be interviewed
j) Friday, September 28 – Selection Announcement
k) Friday, November 16 – Architect Completion
b) Melissa and Bob to research and report out for next meeting on Referendum Timeline.
c) Research must be done regarding the potential permanent closure of the water access door in the basement of Hinsdale.
IV. Adjournment – 7:21 PM
V. Next Meeting -
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: September 27, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, D. Carter, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order
II. Roll call - M. Brady-Shanley, D. Denning, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, S. Vaill, S. Carter
III. Public Comment - No public comment
IV. New Business
a) Review Bids - Committee took 10 minutes to review the submitted bid questions.
S. Carter shared his concerns that he thought the bids did not have a final number. Clarity was provided by the committee to explain the purpose of this process (phase 1) in preparation for a referendum with at cost and scope of work that would most accurately reflect the bottom line.
Frazier - stated that the purpose is to come up with a cost estimate to renovate Hinsdale. The committee felt the architects did answer the clarifying questions.
Took an additional 5 minutes to review
Tecton - Committee felt Tecton did not present a strong support plan regarding hydrology and remediation. Dismissed from process
Motion made by Frazier - Carter - 1st, Sandonato 2nd - 8-0
QA and M - Will be invited for an interview
Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates - Will be invited for an interview
Friar - Will be invited for an interview
Perkins Eastman - Will be invited for an interview
Sevigny - Will be invited for an interview
b) Develop Interview Questions - October 4, 2018, at 6 PM
Interviews will be held on: October 11, 2018 - 5:30 PM Friar, 6:30 PM Perkins Eastman, 7:30 PM QA and M
October 15, 2018 - 6:00 PM Sevigny and 7:00 PM Silver
V. Adjournment - 7:00 PM
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: September 17, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier - Chair, Dave Carter - Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Brady-Shanley, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N.
O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order - 6:00 p.m. Carter - Motion, Sandonato 2nd
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll call - Brady-Shanley, O’Dea-Wyrick, Hintz, Carter, Denning, Kelly, Perez, Sandonato, Vaill, Stratford, Bird.
III. Public Comment - Two members were present in the audience, however, did not speak during official public comment but asked questions during the meeting that were addressed.
IV. New Business
a) Review Bids
Nancy distributed the spreadsheet with information about the Cost of Referendum. She reviewed the titles and what each column means. Committee took time to review the summary sheet that Nancy developed. Nancy noted that fewer exclusions were better for purchase. Importance of flood certification was noted.
I. Friar - Need to clarify what the phase 1 services are. Will attend meetings with the school. Need a price associated with their work beyond the initial amount of $45,000.
II. Perkins Eastman - In phase 2 and 3 credit would be given back assuming a successful referendum. Listed all the other consulting firms associated with their work. Their phase 1 work includes facilities assessment, education program development, community forums, and information session. Develop specific assist with Office of School Construction and Grants, Prepare conceptual designs, develop a project schedule, estimate costs and budget, provide town meeting and referendum support.
III. QA and M - Excluded hazmat and environmental testing and geotechnical services. They have a group of support staff to support the project. They also did not specify what services were included in Phase 1. No numerics presented on phase 2 and 3.
V. Sevigny - Exclusions included mailing, and their documents are for their sole use in this process. They did provide a list of consultants; specific information was provided regarding phase 1 proposal. That included: project management, inventory of existing conditions, field measurements, code study, HVAC, bathroom renovations, water drainage, exterior security, structural engineering, roof, solar panels, ADA requirements, construction costs, schematic design report, a community presentation, referendum package.
VI. Silver Petrucelli and Associates - Costs were associated in addition to work in phase 1. Did not specify phase 1 services. They did provide phase 2 and 3 numbers. They have a full staff of project support team members.
VII. Tecton - Exclusions included: Hazmat, geotechnical, environmental, hazardous material, investigation, analysis, demographic projections. Have a team of support members. Did not provide Phase 2 and 3 numbers. Did not include a list of phase 1 services.
b) Develop Interview Questions
The committee needs to forward interview questions to Melony by Wednesday, September 19, 2018. Melony will develop a question sheet and forward to the Chair and Vice Chair for approval. Following the approval, Melony will send out to the six firms. The six firms will have until 12 PM on September 27, 2018, to respond. Interviews with selected firms will be October 4, 2018
c) Next Meeting will be on September 27, 2018, in the Hicks Room at 6 PM.
V. Adjournment - 8:07 PM
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: October 11, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitators: Steven Frazier - Chair, Dave Carter - Vice Chair
Committee Members: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, D. Carter, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order at 5:30 PM
II. Roll call - M. Brady-Shanley, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Bird, D. Denning, D. Carter, M. Ruzbason, S. Frazier, D. Pfenninger, N. Kelly, T. Sandonato,
III. New Business
The Interview Process was read before all interview was started.
- 5:30 PM - Friar Interview/Presentation
- Exterior Updates - Theme of “clock building” not expanding the square footage. Shared renderings of exterior options.
- Construction Estimate Approach - All “yellow” will not be reimbursed by the state. “White” believed to be reimbursed through the state. Looked at an apply price based on recent construction bids, apply soft costs, grants, etc.
- Site Analysis - Flood Plain Analysis - A survey has been completed from the Mad River to Hinsdale. Stone lined tunnels, large chambers, Preliminary analysis of hydrology has been done. Suggesting a pre-referendum flood management strategy. Work with the state before the referendum. This firm feels this is imperative to this process. Study alternative solutions to control water flow. This would be in partnership with DEEP and School Construction. Grant funding through FEMA will be investigated.
- Traffic Flow - Bus Drop-off and Pickup at Main School Entrance. Move the playground to the side of the building and move parking into the field. This will also play into the flood proofing process.
- Mechanical Engineers - Energy efficient, looking at perimeter radiation and Variable Air Volume and reheat boxes. Investigate all systems.
- Community Outreach - Work with parents/leaders, community events, educate the community, develop a message, polling, building consensus.
- OSCGR - input begins early, site analysis/design, renovation cost analysis - All completed pre-referendum.
- Single bond vs. Multiple projects - Analyzed to see which way will save us more money in reimbursable costs.
- Referendum - complete conceptual design, finalize the budget, fine-tune marketing material, align message.
- Client Portal - to access for school leaders and community.
- Why Friar - 40 years of experience, focused on Connecticut Schools, recent referendum success. 1.5 million sq. ft. of design work - 98% have been public schools.
- Directly Answered the questions
- Confident to bring in cost estimate within 10%.
- Engineering/construction support - have experience in this particular area.
- Value engineering - After the referendum, will provide alternate projects/materials. Cost reduction - through the way of alternative options. Cost estimator is experienced and accurate. June 30, 2019 application to the OSCGR (priority project).
- 6:30 PM - Perkins Eastman Interview/Presentation
- The statement was read to the committee.
- The firm focuses on school design. In the past 15 years, completed 22 elementary schools in excess of 15 billion. Shared local projects that have been completed. The firm has written several white papers and books on school design and concepts.
- Introductions - Perkins Eastman team was introduced.
- Project Understanding - Shared main concerns with the site and what the team would like to see addressed. Establish a solution to address remediation needs. Mechanical systems will be addressed (ventilation and air condition). Reviewed the available area for construction. Mechanical and building upgrades.
- Visioning Process - Core Educational Leadership Team, design working group, and community groups. Next move into goals and best practices, design and guiding principle become an educational specification. They shared “who” we are designing for.
- Safe, secure, and scaled - scale studies, welcoming entries, identity, interactive walls, numbered stairs, talking tubes, natural light, reflection, imagination, exploration, manipulation, experimentation. Will be provided with an educational program and space summary.
- OSGR - starting the conversation early and how we can get the most reimbursed costs.
- Following the development of the Educational Specification - Ensuring that students have inspiring spaces for scale, strength, cognitive, and problem-solving. Students would have access to neighborhoods in the school building, connections to the outdoors, security, building zones in classrooms. In 1st and 2nd grade, lockers would be in the hallway; students will foster pride, teamwork, collaboration, and manipulation in the space. All spaces would be “flexible.”
- Neighborhood Context - Site design, neighborhood “look” - church, Main Street, residential housing, commercial. Has a constrained space.
- Traffic Flow - will be addressed through a circulation analysis. Defining campus edges, exterior security would be addressed, accessibility would be addressed, and the physical condition would be addressed. Drainage and stream remediation.
- Remediation - Options would include - reroute culvert, remove the second floor of the building and open a corridor between the two. Drainage issues would be addressed in this model. Culvert - close the door off and waterproof the area. Move drainage away from the curb line. Flooding has two issue
- Energy Usage - looking at getting the energy costs to 1.21 per square foot
- Mold - Humidity causes mold, 30-50% humidity is the goal, looking into an ultraviolet light and cooling coils.
- Schedule and Cost - Development meetings begin immediately with the state. Estimated completion of January 2021. ED049 submission before June 2019. Estimating construction to be about 12 months.
- Budget - Never had a project exceed a proposed budget within 1%. Never missed a project opening date.
- Community Outreach - Did not present, ran out of time
- 7:30 PM - QA & M Interview/Presentation
- The interview process was read to the team.
- Introduction of team members
- 30 years working with K 12 schools. As a team, they have worked together for 15 years on more than 30 different projects. Full-service firm 34 full-time employees, specialized in academic and elementary projects, and some educators on staff. Transparent approach to the process - building committee, town management, WBOE, the flow of information would be shared with all stakeholders. Weekly meetings would be required.
- OSCGR - work collaboratively with state, work with cost buckets, the goal would be the highest reimbursement possible. Allowable square footage would be 30,132 sq. ft. Entertain - Renovate as New. There is three different ways to look at reimbursement - guidelines (formula for sq. ft), grant application, law.
- Approach to the project - Address site issues (drainage, parking, circulation), Hazmat, environmental, security, ADA, HVAC, Building systems, technology, roof, finishes, etc. Key issues are flooding management, drainage, parking, student drop off, site accessibility, neighboring properties. Presented a drainage map that effects Hinsdale. Looked at liabilities to the building - Need to ensure that the building is the right size for the enrollment. Address Hazmat preconstruction. One idea would be to remove the older section of the building. Add a new section of the building on the right side. One level building that would not need an elevator.
- Mechanical - Identify system options, possible reuse of current systems, energy efficient, need to build system to control humidity coming into the building.
- Presented renderings.
- Budget Management - Cost estimate professional, within 10% of the estimate. The Educational Specification is part of the scope of work. Looking at renovating as new vs. alteration project costs.
- Cost Reductions - Ensure project comes in on budget. Work with the building committee on cost estimate, cost budgeting, and cost control.
- Referendum Support - Communication, establish a vision, community engagement, informational campaign, deliver the project to approval. Inclusive, transparent, compelling, easily understood, etc. Material support for visioning.
- Schedule - QA & M - they can meet their schedule.
IV. Adjournment at 8:55 PM
OCTOBER 15, 2018 AT 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Opened at 6:05 PM
1. ROLL CALL - Tony S., David F. Melony B.S., Doug P., Michelle H., David C, Nancy O, Steve V., Dale D., Norman K.
A. Sevigny @ 6:00 p.m.
- One presenter tonight. The team has prepared a package to share tonight. Established in 1986. Philosophy to act as the client’s advocate. A team approach to design. 32 years in business. The team will include Sevigny, mechanical, landscape, structural, construction estimator, civil engineering. Previous projects - Kent Center School Project, Housatonic Valley Regional High School, Warner Theatre Renovations all projects of Sevigny Architects.
- Project Approach - Three Phases - Phase 1 - To get approvals and referendum. Phase 2 - Get to construction, Phase 3 - Construction Administration to completion (We are only considering Phase 1 at this point).
- Process - New roof/electrical/plumbing and air conditioning, ADA Compliance, New Security, New Site Improvement (pacing, drainage, bus drop off and pick up), New Interior Finishes, New Exterior Entrance Identity. Six main areas to address in the project.
- The scope of Work - Accessibility, Elevator (exterior, not necessary for ADA), Interior Finishes (painting of existing, ceiling tiles, accent colors), Cabinet Finishes (configuration), Signage (wayfinding throughout the building), Emergency Generator (cost but necessary, need to find an appropriate location)
- Challenges - Site Surface Drainage (waterproof boiler room) need to address the pitch of the roadway, new catch basins, security, air conditioning (not just ducted, piped, will need to address ceiling height), Solar panels (structural capacity may need to be addressed)
- Response to questions - A2 survey needed, will present at community meetings, etc.
- Project Cost Estimate will guarantee within 10%+-.
- Engineering and Construction Support Team will be in place
- Cost Reduction Opportunities - Bring to the building committee alternatives, recommendations, and will follow the direction of the building committee.
- Reductions/Efficiencies - Alternatives will be presented to the committee.
- Monitor Costs/Budget - Project cost associated with the referendum
- Time and Budget - Can commence work immediately with Sevigny
- Why Sevigny - Trust, confidence, listen, and solve concerns.
- Q and A - Solar potential to supplement electric (but there is a significant weight load that would need to be addressed with the roof). Consider Geothermal Wells rather than solar.
B. Silver Petrucelli @ 7:00 p.m.
- 47 architects, six engineers, designers, all in-house work, no subcontractors. Don Smith will be the civil engineer on the project.
- In-House Services - Architecture, electrical, plumbing, security, code work, etc.
- Previously worked on Hinsdale - gym and cafe floor issues, completed the roof project at Pearson (have done six projects at Pearson).
- Completed jobs - Fairfield (with students occupied), Stratfield Elementary School, Chatfield-LoPresti School, Crystal Lake School, Gallup Hill Elementary School, Enfield High School
- Programming design work would be part of the scope - color and finish selection completed by committee.
- Engineering - review current systems, the capacity of utilities, develop a baseline. MEP options, specialized ventilation. Review of code. LEED knowledge to integrate green concepts.
- State reimbursement process and analysis. We will need to meet high-performance codes for SDE reimbursement. Energy models will be completed.
- Options - review different heating, cooling, and energy systems.
- Project Understanding - Site Improvements (parking, walking, and drainage), Site Access (busses, emergency, and parent pick up/drop off), Building Improvements - security, communication, roof, paint, HVAC improvement (boilers, fuel tank removal, backup generator), Hazardous materials, etc.
- Design concepts - integrated learning, clusters, pods, extended learning areas, STEAM, natural light, etc.
- Estimating will be done in-house. Usually with 2-7% accurate. The average of all projects has come in at .8% of the original bid.
- Value Engineering - budget review, and then pick what makes the most for your project.
Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 2018, at 6 PM in the Blue Room at Town Hall.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Hinsdale Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: October 23, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
I. Call to order – 6:04 PM
II. Roll Call - M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, D. Pfenninger, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, D. Carter, M. Ruzbason, D. Denning, and S. Vaill
III. New Business
1) Possible selection of pre-referendum selection of Architecture service.
2) Michelle Hintz made a motion to rate the top firms – Tony Sandonato 2nd. Silver Petrucelli and Associates, and QA & M were the top two
Committee decided there was no need to consider a third firm.
QA and M
- Critical Path
- Could not meet current schedule
- Relocation – Project Costs
- Exclusions are a concern – HAZMAT Testing, Environmental, Geotechnical
- Concerned about square footage allowance and removing part of the building as a solution.
- Student’s involvement in the process and decision-making.
- Within 10% of costs historically.
- Addressed parking and traffic patterns.
- More focused on the program versus the scope of work.
Silver Petrucelli
- All services in-house. 47 Engineers
- Proof of final costs come in between 2-7% of actual costs.
- They provided their average square foot cost.
- Solution to address smaller square footage allowance for grants.
- History of completing projects in town.
- Connection to town/presence in the community.
- Addressed parking and traffic patterns.
- Will work within the parameters of the project funds.
- Silver had a strong presentation.
- Strong track record, 30 projects of the state, 80% of the work in schools. High-performance grants experience.
- Cost focused presentation.
3) Motion made by David Carter to perform a vote for Silver Petrucelli and Associates for the Hinsdale Pre-Referendum Services. 2nd Motion Michelle Hintz
Yes – 8, No – 0, Abstain – 0
4. Friendly Amendment to the motion to confirm the scope and costs that our vote is contingent upon verification of scope and cost ($38,500). Amendment was made by Michelle Hintz, 2nd David Carter – 8-0 approved. Melony Brady-Shanley following the meeting confirmed the price in the presence of Doug Pfenninger, Michelle Hintz, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick.
5. Next meeting date will be Monday, October 29, 2018, at 6:00 PM.
IV. Adjournment at 7:05 PM
OCTOBER 29, 2018 AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call at 6:00 PM
Present: S., Frazier, S. Vaill, M. Brady-Shanley, T. Sandonato, M. Ruzbason, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, D. Carter, N. Kelly, M. Bird, D. Pfenning, B. Stratford, D. Denning, and M. Hintz
2. Public Comment – None
3. Business
Initial planning meeting with Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates
a. Introduction - Dean Petrucelli - Project Manager, Bill Silver - Principal
b. Opening goal would be August 2020
c. Schedule of work was presented to the group for consideration
d. Program team needs to be developed. Committee decided that Melony and Nancy will
be the educational team to determine the programmatic needs of the building. Building principal will also be involved in this meeting along with select staff members.
e. Informal conversations will take place with the state grant office routinely throughout the process.
f. Architects will develop multiple scenarios and present to the team. The team will then have to decide on options and move toward a selected scenario.
4. Scheduling of next meeting November 20, 2018, at 6 PM Blue Room of Town Hall
5. Adjournment at 7:02 PM
November 20, 2018, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call at M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, M. Hintz, Steve Frazier, N. O’Dea, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, Steve Frazier, Dave Carter, N. Kelley, D. Denning, and S. Vaill
Order at 6:01 PM
2. Public Comment
John Wiarda - 16 Superior Street Winsted, CT
Chairman of the Energy Commission for Winsted. Look at different energy planning opportunities schools and net-zero refurbishment. Cost is involved. The end product is lower due to energy savings. Flooring that inhibits mold like in a surgery room. Energy efficient lighting, geothermal heating/cooling. Electric charging stations for the vehicle. White Plains New York is adding electric school buses. They are more expensive but save energy. Utility company did provide some of the grant monies.
3. Business - Audience and committee members encouraged to ask questions throughout the presentation.
a) Update from Design Team - Over the last two weeks, met with the superintendent, business office, and principal.
1) Update Schedule - Schedule remains on target.
2) Meeting minutes & first pass floor plan based on programming meeting/goals.
The floor plan tonight represents base/initial information and can be altered at any point due to function/cost/etc. All physical walls have been verified in the building. All specialty engineers have begun their facility analysis. Tonight, we will hand out preliminary findings. We are not done updating our fact-finding; this process will continue. This is the first reiteration of the floor plan, and certainly not the last. Not proposing significant alterations to the existing structure equals economic savings. They suggested moving the main office to the new main entrance of the building, and elevator access to the second floor (exterior to the building). ADA requires elevator access to all areas of the building to ensure equal accommodations. An elevator is recommended to be outside the building to keep costs in check. Outside elevators tend to be less expensive. No changes to the second floor of the building, structurally or design-wise. Adult offices have been strategically placed to assist with monitoring entrances and exits to the building. Once the estimating happens we can reconfigure the plans to ensure value engineering. Steven Frazier asked if anyone had questions regarding the plans.
Michelle H. - Question - Are all programmatic needs being met in this design. What are we getting extra?
Answer - All current programming is being accommodated in the current proposal. The design does allow for better operation/programmatic design given the layout of the proposal.
Steve F. - Question - What conversations with the state have taken place regarding the overage of square footage?
Answer - The overage of square footage is being investigated by the State and architects will be in communication at our next meeting. They look for the overage to be aligned with programmatic needs. We will work to prepare a statement of justification for space overage.
Audience Member - Question - Going forward there will be options for different design options?
Answer - Yes, as a requirement of the grant office, multiple options will need to be considered including to renovate as new, new construction, and project-based.
3) Facility conditions update based on initial architects/engineer’s field visits.
Notes provided by the architecture firm. See document at end of minutes.
4) Initial site plan options based on civil engineer’s discussion with town engineer.
Donald Smith presented the civil plan options. New bus drop off entrance in the main entry, a parent pick up and drop off loop would be developed. New play area in front of building for Pre-K and K. Currently play structure would remain in same space but updated. Reviewed the Hinsdale School Culvert and Flooding information (see PDF report from Donald W. Smith, Jr., P.E. Consulting Engineer).
5) Next steps. Finalize findings and begin estimate costs.
Comment - Norman Kelly - General concern regarding flooding and mold remediation plan is a requirement of the project, and wanted to ensure that this is non-negotiable in the site plan. Committee agreed with this request and acknowledged that this is a required element.
4. Adjournment at 8:26 PM
Winsted Hinsdale School Architectural Observations & Recommendations
Provided by Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates on 11/20/2018
Exterior Building Conditions:
Roof: All roofs, on both first and second floor, are older and near the end of their useful lives. Full replacement is recommended. Membranes, flashings, insulation and stone ballast should be removed back to the structural deck. Pitch of roof, drainage calculations and insulation levels will be reviewed designed to meet current codes.
Brick masonry: Overall, the exterior masonry is in fair to good condition. There are several areas where patching and replacement of broken masonry units will be needed. Staining, mildew and minor areas of mold were observed on the exterior. It is recommended to acid wash the exterior masonry as well as replace all soft joints, control and expansion joints. The new entrance soffit is in poor condition and should be renovated.
Windows: Overall, the existing windows are in fair to poor condition. They are 30 years old and with repairs could last another 10 or so. Some of the frames, operable and fixed, are deteriorated and physically falling apart. The glazing appears sound, with only minor replacement of failing insulated units. Caulking around all windows should be removed and replaced. To achieve security upgrades for the windows the choices are to add a security film or consider replacing the windows for a long-term solution. It was noted that the character of the gym windows is important to the image and feel of the school. If considered for replacement, the appearance of those windows would be maintained as closely as possible to the existing.
Exterior doors: Some of the exterior doors and frames are deteriorating and require replacement, others may require hardware upgrades and refinishing/painting. All exterior doors will be reviewed for accessibility, with no steps or approach problems.
Interior Building Conditions:
Floors and ceilings: The existing ceiling tiles are sagging significantly due to moisture and/or humidity within the building and should be replaced. There may be areas which can be reused on a room by room basis. Upgrades to ceilings at both former and new lobbies are being considered. This will also help accommodate above ceiling utility work. Floors are in fair to poor condition. Some flooring is deteriorating and needs to be replaced, other areas could be replaced to help brighten up the spaces. The wood floor in the gym is in need of repair and refinishing. Due to moisture/humidity concerns, it is recommended to replace the floor with a synthetic, poured sports floor.
Painting: The interior of the building should be considered for a full repainting to freshen the spaces.
Casework: The existing casework is generally in poor condition with significant damage. Much of the existing casework does not meet current accessibility standards. It is recommended to replace, rather than try to reuse or repair the existing casework.
Interior doors: The doors are in fair to poor condition. Some of the doors, exact quantity to be determined, can continue to be used with upgrades to hardware. The large movable partition separating the gym and cafeteria needs to be replaced. A new motorized partition has been requested.
Accessibility Upgrades: Elevator, etc: Should essential programs be located on the second floor of the building, it would require elevator access. An elevator could be added to the interior or exterior of the building, depending on the best practical location for the school. The stage lift will be reviewed for repair or upgrade if required. Several of the interior doors do not have code compliant access space or approach on the push or pull sides. Reconfiguration of walls or adding automatic openers where required would be recommended. The nurse’s toilet room is not accessible, requiring a full redesign. The kitchen workspaces and equipment will require a full accessibility assessment.
Moisture concerns: The building has experienced past moisture related and flooding problems due to the culverted stream under the building. These conditions will be reviewed further by the design team in coordination with the civil engineer. Options will be formulated to mitigate or reduce the likelihood of future problems.
Addition of K/pre-K toilet rooms: One of the program additions to the existing floor plan is dedicated and or shared toilet rooms for the K and pre-K rooms.
Winchester Hinsdale School Electrical observations 11/9/18
- Classroom PA system needs to be replaced. In the classrooms, the existing equipment was damaged or was missing completely. The clock/speaker units appear to be in good shape and the Simplex Time Control Center panel is located in the Main Office.
- Toilet Room Call for Aid systems will need to be installed in single toilet rooms. Only two toilet rooms currently have a system and both toilet rooms were missing the corridor light/buzzer units.
- Occupancy sensors will need to be installed in the classrooms in the old portion of the school. The new classrooms have occupancy sensors already.
- Daylight harvesting controls for all classrooms will be required. Currently, the row of lights closest to the windows is on a separate switch from the other two rows.
- Electrical panel infrastructure will need to be upgraded. With the exception of the Kitchen panel, the panels throughout the building are in fair condition at best and should be replaced with new. There are two panels that are old and in poor condition with one panel having exposed lugs. The main 600A building switch located in the Basement Boiler Room should be replaced. Only one utility meter was observed. It is assumed that the distribution panels in the new addition are fed from the equipment in the Boiler Room.
- Fire Alarm system is a combination of a zoned and an addressable system. The systems are also by two separate manufacturers (Simplex (zoned) and FireLites (addressable)). Areas of the school are lacking protection and there are corridors that are non-compliant with horn/strobe coverage being within 15 from the end of the corridor. Classrooms and Toilet Rooms do not have notification devices. The existing control panels are located in the Vestibule by the Gymnasium. If the new main entrance for the school is going to be the Vestibule in the 1988 addition, the control panels should be relocated to that location. All wiring will need to be extended or replaced with new from the new location.
- Exterior site lighting is sparse. There are pole mounted light fixtures at the 1988 Vestibule entrance and in the East parking area that only serve that area. The fixtures have been retrofit with replacement corncob LED lamps that are not specifically designed for the performance of the fixtures. The Vestibule entries have inefficient recessed PAR lamp downlights that illuminate the area in front of the doors and there is no building mounted lighting in those areas that illuminate the sidewalk or driveway areas. One large HID floodlight is mounted at the top corner of the existing building and lights the parking area between the two sections. There are HID wallpacks that light the areas by the Gymnasium and the back of the Kitchen area. There is no building lighting anywhere else on the building. Emergency egress lighting was not observed at any of the exterior exit doors.
- Interior emergency lighting will need to be replaced throughout. The battery operated ceiling mounted units are old and inefficient and the batteries could most likely have reached the end of useful life. Numerous units were damaged and were hanging from the ceilings. The units were not tested to see if they were operational.
- Existing interior lighting was mostly T8 fluorescent lamps in recessed fixtures; 2x4, 3 lamp fixtures in the Offices and Media, 1x4, 2 lamp pendant mounted wraparound fixtures in the classrooms and 1x4, 2 lamp recessed fixtures along the walls in the corridors. It is our understanding that the interior lighting will be replaced completely by the utility company with more energy efficient LED light fixtures and should not be considered as part of this report.
Winsted Hinsdale Plumbing Observations & Recommendations
Basement Boiler Room: Due to damp conditions in the boiler room, corrosion is visible on metallic piping and equipment. Basement boiler room finish floor is in an area prone to flooding due to its elevation in comparison to a large storm culvert located under the building. It is recommended to locate all equipment above the anticipated flood level elevation. A sump pump in the basement boiler room was not observed operating but should be replaced based on visible condition.
Domestic Water: A 3” domestic water service with pressure reducing valve is provided and is adequately sized to handle the building’s water demands. Main shut off valves should be cycled to determine proper operation. Backflow preventers, which protect against cross contamination between the municipal water system and the building’s devices, have been provided on all required equipment (boilers, kitchen equipment, etc.), additionally on Water Heater #1, which technically is not required by code. Portions of the existing supply piping were likely joined with lead solder based on the age of the building and past renovations. The water supply should be tested for lead content and if found to be unacceptably high action will be required. Mandatory flushing of the lines each day may be permitted to reduce levels of lead, but replacement of piping would be more desirable.
Water heater #1: (in basement boiler room) non-condensing, gas fired, 100-gallon capacity water heater is adequate for the anticipated demand, installed in 2008 and is in fair serviceable condition, currently set to deliver 120 deg F hot water, with a 5-7 year life expectancy. Hot water recirculation pump and aquastat are in fair operating condition, 3-5 year life expectancy. System will require a new NSF 61 compliant 1017 Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) .
Water heater #2: (in mechanical room) non-condensing, gas fired, 80-gallon capacity, which is adequate for the anticipated demand, installed in 2009 and is in good serviceable condition, currently set to deliver 150 deg F hot water, with a 10 year life expectancy. Hot water recirculation pump is in poor operating condition and was observed leaking, replacement is recommended immediately. Currently the system is not provided with a thermostatic mixing valve, a new NSF 61 compliant 1017 thermostatic mixing valve is required to prevent the delivery of water capable of scalding the end user.
It is recommended to store hot water at 140 deg F (to avoid the growth of Legionella), then to prevent the delivery of scalding water distribute 120 deg F hot water to all plumbing fixtures via 1017 TMV throughout the building, all handwashing lavatories / sink’s hot water temperature shall be limited to 85 – 110 deg F via 1070 TMV per code.
Plumbing Fixtures: Fixtures in the original building consisting of floor mounted water closets are operational but should be replaced with compliant ADA and low flow/water saving types. Existing floor mounted urinals shall be replaced with wall hung type with partitions per code. Fixtures in the addition are comparatively modern consisting of wall hung urinals and water closets. All urinals and water closets are commercial grade flush valve type. Some bathrooms are provided with non-ADA compliant wash stations, these should be replaced. All lavatories shall be provided with ADA compliant insulation on drain and supply lines per code and are required to have provisions to limit hot water delivery temperature between 80 to 110 deg F via 1070 thermostatic mixing valve. Each classroom is provided with a sink and drinking fountain.
DWV system: The building is provided with a gravity sanitary system which drains to the municipal sewer system. All vents terminate to atmosphere accordingly.
Roof drainage: Primary roof drains are provided on flat roofs and should be regularly cleared of debris as a precaution. Secondary or emergency roof drainage is provided in some areas but was not apparent in other areas. Means of secondary roof drainage should be provided to comply with code and to ensure the roof’s structural integrity is intact in the event of excessive ponding or water accumulation caused by primary drain obstructions. The culvert which has most likely been provided to act as a buffer for the Mad River’s 100-year flood plain level has now become a source of humidity and water / infiltration and has caused basement flooding in the past. All storm drains in the addition are routed to the municipal storm system via gravity while storm in the original building appears to be routed to the culvert.
Gas service: A 2 PSI gas service and meter assembly is provided, the current meter is rated at 5,000 CFH while building demand is approximately 6,250 CFH, this is adequately sized after considering load diversity. It is additionally beneficial to have a 2 PSI service in the event new or additional gas fired equipment will be installed, at which point a new meter assembly rated at a higher capacity maybe required.
Kitchen: Two Automatic Grease Recovery Units (AGRU) have been provided to serve grease producing equipment (3 bay sink & dish washer) per code. It is recommended to maintain AGRU’s per manufacturer’s requirements. Point of use thermostatic mixing valves have been provided on all hand washing sinks per code. All prep sinks spill to floor sinks with air gaps accordingly. Gas appliances located under the range hood are provided with a remote emergency gas shut off system and automatic chemical fire suppression system.
Winsted Hinsdale Mechanical Observations & Recommendations
- Steam boiler is serving the original portion of the school
- She rooms are served are served with a combination of unit ventilators with baseboard radiation
- No steam boiler chemical treatment was seen in this boiler room. The school has 2 boiler rooms.
- Boiler room #2 is a hot water boiler that delivers hot water to the combination of unit ventilators with baseboard radiation.
- No boiler water chemical treatment was seen in this boiler room as well.
- The heating in the rooms, that are hot water, are controlled by individual thermostats that are mounted on the wall.
- The roof mounted exhaust fans, as well has the existing fan room fans on the roof, are past their service life and need to be replaced.
- Some toilet rooms do not have transfer air ducts.
- No central Building Management Control System. Control system is the pneumatic control type. System is old, antiquated and very difficult to get parts and not supported by anyone.
Proposed System
- Remove all the existing mechanical systems in its entirety.
- Provide new Rooftop units that are gas fired with DX cooling and hot gas re-heat, 100% economizer, VFD drives. Hot gas re-heat is used for humidity control.
- Provide shut-off VAV boxes with dedicated controls in all interior spaces.
- Provide fan power VAV boxes with electric re-heat for all rooms that have an outside exposure including the roof.
- Provide dedicated units for the cafeteria areas that will see various usage.
- Provide an Energy Management System (EMS) provides a building owner with the ability to monitor, control, and adjust all HVAC (along with plumbing and electrical if desired) systems from a central location. An operator workstation consisting of a personal computer and printer can be located in the building, and this station can be accessed remotely via the internet. The building owner can set occupancy schedules, adjust set points, and monitor trouble/alarm conditions in an efficient manner with this tool. Features such as night setback, holiday scheduling and weekend scheduling will be included to allow the system to minimize energy expenditure during unoccupied periods. An alarm feature will be added which can remotely notify facilities staff of any pre-determined, alarm conditions.
December 17, 2018, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call - N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley, S. Frazier, R. Field, D. Pfenninger, R. Geiger, S. Vaill, C. Perez, N. Kelly, D. Carter, B. Stratford, D. Denning
2. Public Comment - C. Perez request that meetings not be held on the Monday’s that BOS meet.
3. Business
a) Floor plan review
b) Site plan options/discussions
Donald Smith, Civil Engineer, presented three site plans (copies presented at the meeting)
1. Option 1 - Limited Build - This option does not increase impervious surfaces on the site.
2. Option 2 - Limited Build - Relocation of the playground to further into the field, 16 additional parking spaces, a small amount of impervious surface added to the site. Increasing impervious area requires that the additional runoff is mediated. Cannot exceed pre-runoff amount.
3. Option 3 - Removal of 16,000 sq ft. of the old building. This would open up the stream with a 2:1 slope on the sides with 25 feet of embankment. It would support ten additional parking spaces on the Spencer Street side. Site improvements would be made to remediate flooding to address a choke point. There would also be a need to insert a headwall. Water would not back up onto the site, and it would remove all water issues up to a 100-year flood. An additional section would be added to the other side of the building. The new staircase would remain with an overlook and viewing into the water core. In the new building area, a variance would be needed to fully replace the 16,000 sq. ft. If you build smaller, you may not need the variance. A meeting with the state would need to be had ASAP to determine reimbursement for this particular option.
With Option 1 or 2, the flood level does not support runoff preventing the site from flooding. Option 3 does prevent the site from flooding. At 1.7 feet, the building will then overflow onto the street area.
Mr. Smith presented a relief culvert option. The choke point that previously caused issues was addressed in 1987. 750’ of 48” pipe would be installed as a relief culvert. A right of way may need to be obtained if it enters other properties. This would be approximately 1.2 million. This does not remove the stream from under the school.
David Carter inquired about why Pearson was not expanded? Candy Perez commented Committee at the BOS level, the viability of Hinsdale of a project. Candy Perez, Pearson expansion would most certainly increase taxes. Batcheller and Hinsdale were considered due to the financial benefits. Candy Perez, said that elementary schools need work, no major work has been done since the 1980’s they need to be updated no matter what building you talk about. David Carter commented back regarding the importance of education for new families.
The reimbursement rate for Winchester is 70% need clarity from the state on how this project would be reimbursed at the state level. Off-sight improvement is not typically approved by the State. However, the firm would seek approval due to the unique situation of this site.
Options 1 and 2 manage the flood issues, option 3 does remedy the flooding issue. The site will be under water, but the building would not be. Steve Vaill commented that he likes option 3.
Paul then reviewed the floor plan. No room layouts changed, one thing that did change is in renovating the building, the boiler room on the lower level needs to be moved to be moved to rooftop - mechanicals and sprinkler. The basement boiler rooms would be abandoned. No changes have been made from the previous discussion except for moving the mechanicals to the surface and roof. The roof is structurally able to handle the new weight. Solar could also be accommodated in the weight (this is not part of the scope of the job).
Candy is asking to investigate making the gymnasium able to accommodate recreation programming.
Bruce Stratford - Asked if the roof units provide proper ventilation, extensive dehumidification system would be added, this would be added to the waterproofing efforts, with sensors, Ozone would be also used.
Dean talked about being confident that his firm can mitigate the moisture, and solve all the infiltration issues to handle the moisture. On Option 1 and 2 we can keep this building within an acceptable level, we cannot keep the site dry in a 100-year event.
To keep the building dry, fill the masonry opening, doorways would be installed with floodgates. Doors would have gaskets.
c) Facility conditions update based on architects/engineer’s field visits.
d) The opinion of probable construction cost
Paul presented the financials for Option 1 and 2 - The costs are broken down by construction division. There is a subtotal for costs and then an amount that would be reimbursable by the state. 12% contingency is added. Totaling 10,287,200 and the reimbursable amount would be $3,796,000. The state tells you the final reimbursement value at the end of the project during the final audit (usually 2-3 years following student entrance to the building/completion). Dean recommended a meeting with the state with an option to investigate further.
Option 3 would cost $21 million including a 16,000 sq ft addition and renovation of the remaining facility. We would need to investigate a reimbursement rate with the state.
e) Schedule/Next steps.
Motion made by Steve Carter to investigate option 3 for a preparation meeting. 2nd by Steve Vail. Discussion by Doug Pfenninger clarity regarding floodgates, they simply get pulled up, and the outside sight would need cleaning, but the building would remain dry. Remaining moisture issue from the tunnel does that eliminate moisture in option 1 or 2. We are confident they can address any moisture issues.
Bruce asked about how mold is developed; the goal is to remove the moisture that causes the mold. All the mechanicals will assist with having a mold-free building. Bruce asked about previous works completed, and Dean said this is a common practice for their firm to address issues.
Going to the state is for an investigation, not the final process.
Vote: 5-0
Next meeting will be scheduled following the meeting with the state.
Follow Up Public Comment
Melissa Asselin - 228 Smith Hill Road - 2011 Torrington Area Health sighted the berm around the property has mold. Concern regarding the placement of the playground. All of the berms around the building would be removed in the planning process per Dean.
Rob Asselin - 228 Smith Hill Road - Electric Bill has anyone estimated the amount. Dean responded with that equipment cost will be estimated once the particular equipment is selected. Electrical expenses are likely to go up due to the fact you are adding AC, air exchange, etc. Gas would be selected for rooftop units. Other efficiencies will be added to improve costs (insulation, mechanicals).
4. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn at 7:24 PM.
JANUARY 28, 2019, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
6:00 PM
1. Roll Call – M. Brady-Shanley, C. Perez, D. Carter, D. Denning, D. Pfenninger, R. Geiger, S. Vaill, T. Sandonato, M. Ruzbason, M. Bird, M. Hintz, B. Stratford
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Public Comment
John Wilarda - Winsted, CT - Drainage under Hinsdale, has it been checked that it is clear or backed up. SV responded that there are no obstructions in the tunnel.
Candy Perez - Comments are mentioned to me often. Reminder, thank you to the committee. The BOS and BOE formed this committee to look into the issues; this takes time and investigation. Our elementary schools have not had work done in a very long time. Whichever way we go, we do need to do some work on an elementary school. We learn more each time we meet, and we will continue the investigation process. There will be community meetings, and all meetings are open to the public. Winsted is in a better place now. Schools drive economics and home values. The town has been making purposeful efforts to improve our finances to address the infrastructure.
4. Business – Update from Design Team
a) Recap of our last meeting - Reviewed the minutes and conversations from the previous meeting. Highlighted the information regarding taking down the part of the building down over the river. On 1/23/19 team met with the state. The town was interested in the reimbursement rate.
b) Update on meeting with the State of CT, School Construction grants on 1/23/19
The meeting was held on 1/23/19 the state looked at a district holistically. Two concepts were shared - keeping the building as is or taking down the part over the river. The state favored taking down a portion of the building that is over the river. This will once and for all solve the issue of the river. They would penalize us if we didn't take the old building down (2 story building) by giving us a lower reimbursement rate. The state favored this solution from a financial, programmatic, and corrective measure. This direction was strongly encouraged. David Carter further explained the reasoning - The head the grant office is very familiar with Winsted. He was insistent on doing this project correctly.
c) Space Standards discussion (including directive from the State)
Every year around June, the state establishes a reimbursement rate - the rate is currently at 70.+%. The other part of the calculation is population - space standards calculation. There is always wiggle room in the space standards calculation.
The district has provided the current and future enrollment projections - we are allowed to look at eight years. We are allowed to use the highest enrollment number within the eight years. The district provided them with five years; we will be providing them with the additional three years. The current number is 269, as the highest five-year projection. The max square footage is 33,625 for the building. You do get charged if you go over the allowed square footage. However with an existing building, there is another calculation, you actually get an additional 25% allowance since the building was built before 1950.
The question was asked about reimbursing on the current square footage Answer - The state we will not reimburse beyond the allowable square footage without a change to the reimbursement rate.
If we take a portion down, would you entertain rebuilding it and maximizing the reimbursement. The state said they will give a 10% space standard allotment. They are saying if you don’t solve the river issue, we will not finance that square footage. They will pay for the demo of the building and reconstruction at the full 70%. See the chart for detailed information titled square footage allowance.
If we do not proceed with taking the building down, the reimbursement rate will drop to 48%.
You can apply in June and have a referendum after the grant application is submitted.
Michelle Hintz - Is the state not recommending building a K-6? David Carter - Responded no, the state sees this as a better option.
Tony Sandonato - What does a post-June referendum do to the schedule? If the district filed in June, we would not have funding until after a referendum passes so it would likely be December or January.
Next space standard looks at taking the give back, and the old area down - 33625 allowable, 36988 sq footage with 10% bonus area. The downside of this is we lose square footage, and will need to make programmatic space changes. This keeps the reimbursement rate at 70%. The new addition would be 4400 sq ft.
d) Floor plan impact & initial concepts
Doug Pfenninger - What is in the original two-story section? Answer - 4 classrooms, stairs, two bathrooms, gym/cafe, four classrooms, state, toilets, kitchen.
Stairs on Hinsdale would stay.
The new addition would have a multipurpose room, kitchen, and two classrooms (this is only a suggestion). You can always build beyond the allowable square footage, but the reimbursement goes down.
Jay Markwell - Are you able to build up? The current building is all on grade, building on top is always feasible, we need an elevator, two stairs. It would add 350K for just circulation, restructure the load, the building is so small it doesn't lend itself well to a second story. The new addition does not require us to seek any variances from planning and zoning. From an economic standpoint, and practicality of keeping young children at grade. It comes down to the cost and if you want the additional fees.
How many square feet would a multipurpose space need to be to house the entire school - approximately 3000 sqft
e) Updated estimates based on the above information
Keeping the building as it is currently 50000 square foot model - the cost would be $9,217,245 to the town with a 48.3% reimbursement rate.
Tear Down Model - 36,000 square foot model, cost to the Town $7,792,854 with a 70% reimbursement rate
Melissa Asselin - Clarified about the total cost, are all costs of the site work included in this. Dean Petrucelli responded - yes, everything is included
Renovating Batcheller - The state did not like the idea of Batcheller.
Rob Asselin - Is the kitchen being taken down? Response - from Dean Petrucelli, The kitchen will be installed in the new section.
f) Next steps
Michelle Hintz made a motion to investigate programming and design in the new addition. Tony Sandonato, 2nd. 7-0
5. Approve Invoices
- Invoice # 19-34 (1/1/2019) - Motion by David Carter, Second by Steve Vaill - 7-0
- Invoice #18-2550 (12/1/2019) - Motion by David Carter, Second by Steve Vaill - 7-0
6. Next Meeting Date - February 13, 2019, at 6 PM Blue Room
Adjournment at 7:31 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2019, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call - D. Denning, S. Frazier, M. Brady-Shanley, M. Hintz, D. Carter, N. O’Dea-Wyrick, D. Carter - 7:00 PM
2. Pledge
3. Public Comment - No public comment
4. Business – Update from Design Team - Projected enrollment for the next five years was reviewed. Aligned the number of students with the square footage allowance, equaling 36,988. We are allowed an additional 1,000 square foot due to the building being older. The addition can be 4,400 square foot according to the current enrollment. Since the last meeting, SP and A worked with the instructional team to redo the floor plan. Program goal was to get it to fit within the allowable 37,000 square foot.
a) Revised floor plan review
Dean Petrucelli reviewed the potential floor plan. See attachment of “Revised Scheme 3”. Based on 269 enrollment and Pre-K 3 to Grade 2.
BG - Asked if you could potentially seek additional classroom space. SP and A said absolutely
DF - Does this solve the water problem? - Yes, it will solve the issue. 100-year flood flows off-site.
MH - Size of school kitchen is 10% larger than previous.
SV - Is there a generator scheduled to go in. Currently, none in the plan but the DAS will support a new generator at 70% reimbursement.
DC - Solar? Eversource for solar? Dean Petrucelli - It would be a cost prohibitive to the project. The current building has not been analyzed to see if the current structure could handle the additional weight of solar.
Dean Petrucelli then presented the eight-year enrollment forecast required by the state. Maximum enrollment potential is what the state looks at. MBS explained how we arrived at the numbers. Maximizing Pre-K enrollment and averaging 80 Kindergartener.
The increase to the enrollment of 293 allows for a 40,000 sq. foot building.
BG - Talked about regionalization. Old models will be forced to change.
DP - When you file for the grant before June 30th, the grant funding amount will be funded at 70%. The number will reset on July 1. Reimbursement rates say relatively similar year to year.
MH - Wants to investigate the additional square footage.
b) Revised site plan review
Don Smith presented the site plan. See “site plan 2 13 2019.” Currently, no planning and zoning variance needed. If the building would be larger, the variance would be needed. 58 parking spaces on the site. Parent loop would remain with 23 spaces. 4 discharge spaces for student exit. A 5 bus loading area. 2 new playgrounds. Stormwater management on the sides of the field.
For the section of the building coming down. 8 parking spots off of Spencer Dr. Brook would be exposed. Fencing would be installed and guide rail for safety around the brook.
A second pipe would be added to release the water flowing under the driveway
SF - This plan takes care of water and mold issues in the building. All water issues will be resolved. All new ductwork throughout the building. Therefore all issues mitigated.
JB - Is it less expensive to go out or up. Up is a lot more expensive. DP would suggest staying on one story even if it means seeking a variance.
SF - Asked do you need a motion to investigate for the additional 3,000 sq ft.
Michelle Hintz - Made the motion
Dale Denning - 2nd.
4 - Yes
0 - No
1 - Abstain
Motion Passes
c) Revised Opinion of probable construction cost review
DP reviewed the scope of cost with the team. With the addition of the building 4,400 sq. foot. Total construction cost $14,149,400. Cost to the town - $8,842,448
If you do the addition based on increased enrollment, it would be about $9.3.
d) Schedule/Next steps.
February 25 at 6 PM Blue Room
5. Adjournment - 7:11 PM Dave Carter Motion, Michelle Hintz 2nd
Monday, February 25, 2019, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call at Michelle H., David C. Dale Denning, Candy Perez, Steve Vaill, Steve Frazier - 6:02 PM.
2. Public Comment - No Comment from Public
3. Business – Update from Design Team
- Reviewed the revised enrollment projections
- 7700 sq foot addition
- In the proposed addition - PreK and K
- Saved money on bathrooms in the existing building
- The total building would be 40,000 sqft
- Site Plan Information
- Within the set back limits - does not need a variance for the 7700 sq ft addition
- Would like to widen the driveway access from Spencer Street.
- Steve Frazier - Question regarding Generator
- Cost
- $16.7 million project
- Cost to Town - $9,871,035
- Length of Project - 24 months or less
- Next step - Final schematic plan for the building
- Motion to approve the Revised Scheme 4 (February 18, 2019) - Motion made by David Carter, 2nd by Dale Denning 6-0
- Next Meeting March 11, 2019, at 6:00 PM
3. Adjournment - 7:03 PM Motion - Michelle Hintz 6-0
Monday, March 11, 2019, AT 6:00 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call at 6:00 PM - Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, David Carter, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Steven Frazier, Rosie Field, Robert Geiger, Tony Sandonato, Steve Vaill, Michael Ruzbason, Candy Perez, Dale Denning, Michelle Hintz
2. Business – Update from Design Team
- SP and A presented the DRAFT Schematic Design Report
- The committee talked about the importance of clear information being presented to the public
- Visuals for community meetings
- SP and A shared the DRAFT rendering for the outside of the building
- Set dates, locations, and times for community meetings
- Candy spoke about the process for community meetings. Community meetings will be held before BOS, to get a sense of how the public feels.
- Flyer for community information
Next Meeting - Monday, March 18, 2019, at 5:30 PM
Community Meeting Dates - Mel to review dates from April 1-10.
Moderator - Tony Sandonato
3. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn at 7:19 PM
Tuesday, March 19, 2019, AT 5:30 PM
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
1. Roll Call at 5:32 PM - Dale Denning, Candy Perez, Tony Sandonato, Steve Frazier, Doug Pfenninger, David Carter, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Norman Kelly, Bruce Stratford, Michelle Hintz
2. Public Comment - None
3. Business – Update from Design Team
a. Action Item
i. Finalization of Informational for the Silver, Petrucelli and Associates Report Booklet
1. Doug - Change title page to Winchester, not Winsted
2. Doug - Under the plumbing section - explain the initials for the grease trap.
3. Dean - Add the space standard calculation into the booklet
4. Mel forwarded Doug’s email to Dean for clarifying information.
5. David Carter - Promotion of the booklet and flyer - Need to provide information to the public that will queue them to ask questions and input on the project.
6. Motion - Tony S. motion to act report with said changes - 6-0
7. Gilbert Trust has asked us to lease the land back to us for 30 years for $1.00 per year.
ii. Finalization of Community Meeting Flyer
1. Add Timeline for Referendum
2. Rework the storyline on the document
3. Mel will print Thursday at noon and will be open for feedback until then.
iii. Presentation
1. Creation of an FAQ list that would be distributed.
2. Capture all questions that are asked during the meeting
3. Need to address the answer to why construction hasn’t been done and why we selected Hinsdale instead of Batcheller. Mel will provide question and answers.
4. Candy clarified that the public input would be important to guide us in regards to this project.
4. Adjournment at 6:30 PM
Date: Monday, May 20, 2019, at 6:00 PM
Location: Town Hall Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair - Absent
Dave Carter, Vice Chair
Invitees: M. Bird (absent), M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz (absent), N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, M. Ruzbason (absent), T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill (absent)
1. Roll Call
2. Business
David Carter - Motion to add two items to the agenda - Two Invoices from Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates. 2nd by Dale Denning, Unanimous
a) Town process for moving forward with the project
MBS shared the three resolutions that will need approval for the grant process. The resolutions will go to the BOS during the June 3rd meeting.
b) Financing discussion
Bob Geiger and Bruce Stratford discussed the upcoming meeting with the Bond agent. They will report back following their meeting on May 21, 2019.
c) Review of Ed Specs
MBS reviewed and provided the DRAFT of the Educational Specifications. Members are to provide feedback to MBS via email by Friday, May 24, 2019.
d) DRAFT of the grant application
This was not addressed as the grant is still very much in the early development stages.
e) Invoices
19-295 - SP&A - $1,925.00
19-546 - SP&A - $1,925.00
Motion - Tony Sandonato
2nd - Norman Kelley
3. Adjournment - 6:49 PM
Motion - Dale Denning
2nd - Tony Sandonato
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