Agendas 2020-2021
Agendas & Minutes
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: June 8, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: In-Person - Town Hall - Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: June 8, 2021
V. Comments from the Chairman:
VI. Presentations:
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Special Public Hearing for Stakeholder input on the usage of the American Rescue PlanFunds.
IX. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – May 11, 2021
X. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
XI. Correspondence to the Board:
a) CABE Liaison Newsletter - June 2021
b) Resignation of Melanie Pallotto - 1st Grade Teacher
XII. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
f) Monthly Hinsdale Report
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) St. Andrew’s Parish - $250.00 donation
c) Appointment of Cassandra Murphy- Assistant Director of Student Services - July 1, 2021
d) Extension of Contract Melony M. Brady-Shanley to June 30, 2024
e) Memorandum of Understanding Agreement 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2022 with EdAdvance for Child Nutrition Program services. Annual increase is $780 which is 1.5%.
f) Contract 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2026 with All-Star Transportation for student transportation services. Annual increase is 3% each year.
g) Award DAS Alliance Grant project for Pearson Fence Replacement to Landworks Fence, LLC for $25,000.
h) Pearson Door Replacement of both small front doors on Wetmore Ave and the doors to the playground between the gym and cafeteria.
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) WBOE and Litchfield Public Schools Contract for Student Enrollment (max 10, 9th graders for the 21-22 school year)
b) Kindergarten Enrollment Numbers - Potential need for a 5th teacher
c) Date Selection for BOE Retreat
d) BOE Meeting August 10, 2021 move to August 17, 2021
XV. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: May 11, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: In-Person - Town Hall - Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: May 11, 2021
V. Comments from the Chairman:
VI. Presentations:
a) Learning Model for the 2021-2022 School Year - MBS
b) Restructuring of the Department of Student Services - MBS
c) Transitioning from Commissioner’s Network Support to Independent Programming - MBS
d) Update on ESY Planning and Programming - SC
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – April 20, 2021
b) Minutes of Policy and ByLaws Meeting – April 27, 2021 - Canceled
c) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – April 27, 2021 - Canceled
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
X. Correspondence to the Board:
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
f) Monthly Hinsdale Report
g) Updates on the Pearson Bathrooms (pictures)
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) 2nd -Read Policy # 4113.6/4213.6 - Remote Work/Telecommuting
b) CABE Express District Membership for BOE Members Professional Development - $400.00 Annual Membership Fee
c) Schedule Melony Brady-Shanley, End of Year Evaluation
XIV. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: April 20, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: April 20, 2021
V. Comments from the Chairman:
VI. Presentations:
a) Hygiene Protocols for WPS during Pandemic
b) CHAMPS Presentation
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Special Meeting – March 4, 2021
b) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – March 9, 2021
c) Minutes of Policy and ByLaws Meeting – March 23, 2021
d) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – March 23, 2021
e) Minutes of Special Meeting - April 14, 2021
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
X. Correspondence to the Board:
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollmen
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● Fiscal Year 2021
f) Monthly Hinsdale Report
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) WBOE and TGS Special Education MOU July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
c) School Readiness Grant Program
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Gilbert School Corporation Representation
b) Discussion of the need for an updated Residency Policy
c) Tina Koutroumanis request for one year of child-rearing leave for the
21-22 school year - no salary, benefits, nor time accumulation.
d) First Read Policy # 4113.6/4213.6 - Remote Work/Telecommuting
XIV. Executive Session:
XVI. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: March 9, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: March 9, 2021
V. Comments from the Chairman:
VI. Presentations:
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – February 9, 2021
b) Minutes of Special Meeting - February 18, 2021
c) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Meeting – February 23, 2021
d) Minutes of Policy and ByLaws Meeting – February 23, 2021
e) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – February 23, 2021
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
X. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Letter from Congressman Larson
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● Fiscal Year 2021
XII. Discussion:
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) Healthy Food Certification
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies Second Read
1) Policy # 5141.4(a) Reporting of Child Abuse
XV. Executive Session:
a) Teacher Non-Renewal Process
XVI. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: February 9, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: February 9, 2021
V. Comments from the Chairman:
VI. Presentations:
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - December 17, 2020
b) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – January 12, 2021
c) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Meeting – January 26, 2021
d) Minutes of Policy and ByLaws Meeting – January 26, 2021
e) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – January 26, 2021
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
X. Correspondence to the Board:
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● Fiscal Year 2021
XII. Discussion:
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) Extension of Oak Street School Lease Agreement - $77,200.00
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies Second Read
1) Policy # 4111.3 Minority Recruitment
b) Policies First Read
1) Policy # 5141.4(a) Reporting of Child Abuse
XV. Executive Session
a) Update on Gilbert Negotiations
XVI. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: January 12, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: January 12, 2021
V. Comments from the Chairman:
VI. Presentations:
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – December 8, 2020
b) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - November 19, 2020
c) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - December 3, 2020
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
X. Correspondence to the Board:
a) 816 Low Performing Schools Bond Technology Funding
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● Fiscal Year 2021
XII. Discussion:
a) Fiscal Year 2022
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) 2021 Board of Education Meetings
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies Second Read
1) Policy # 4116 Probationary / Tenure Status
2) Policy # 7100 New Construction Planning
b) Policies First Read
1) Policy # 4111.3 Minority Recruitment
c) Certified Teacher Retirement Incentive
d) Cyber Insurance Quote Analysis
XV. Executive Session
a) Negotiations update with Gilbert
XV. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: December 8, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: December 8, 2020
V. Comments from the Chairman
VI. Presentations:
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – November 10, 2020
b) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – November 24, 2020
c) Minutes of Policy Meeting – November 24, 2020
d) Minutes of Finance Meeting – November 24, 2020
e) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - November 12, 2020
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
X. Correspondence to the Board:
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● Fiscal Year 2020
● Fiscal Year 2021
f) Update on In-Person vs. Distance Learning Numbers
g) Cares & Esser Grant Update
h) Update on Pearson Bathroom & Water Fountain RFP
XII. Discussion:
a) Address any BOE questions related to COVID and in-person learning
b) Preliminary DRAFT Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Revenue
c) Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Calendar
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies – Second Read
1) Policy # 3517 Security of Buildings and Grounds
2) Policy # 3516 Safe and Secure School Facilities, Equipment & Grounds
3) Policy #4118.112 Sex Discrimination and Sexual harassment in the Workplace
b) Policies - First Read
1) Policy # 4111.3 Minority Recruitment
2) Policy # 4116 Probationary / Tenure Status
3) Policy # 7100 New Construction Planning
4) Policy # 4118.16a Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties
c) Grant Application - Low Performing School Bond Funding for Technology
1) Submitted 12/1/2020
2) Application amount - $156,150
3) Paraprofessional Chromebooks, Student Chromebooks, Headphones with microphones and protective cases for Chromebooks
XV. Executive Session:
a) Discussion of Gilbert Negotiations
XVI. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: November 10, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room – In-Person or Virtual
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: November 10, 2020
V. Comments from the Chairman
a) Appointment of Bob Passini to Gilbert Board
VI. Presentations:
a) Social-Emotional Supports - DESSA Screening and Relationship Mapping - Presented by School Psychologist Cassandra Murphy
b) Equity Presentation – Melony Brady-Shanley
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – October 13, 2020
b) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – October 27, 2020
c) Minutes of Policy Meeting – October 27, 2020
d) Minutes of Finance Meeting – October 27, 2020
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
X. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Retirement Letter – Maria Summa
b) Letter of Resignation – Debra Erickson
c) CABE Liaison Newsletter
d) How has EdAdvance served Winchester in 2019-2020
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
Fiscal Year 2020
Fiscal Year 2021
XII. Discussion:
a) Virtual / Hardcopies of Board of Education Packets versus Chromebooks
b) Discussion of Letter to The Gilbert School Corporation
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies – First Read
1) Policy # 3517 Security of Buildings and Grounds
2) Policy # 3516 Safe and Secure School Facilities, Equipment and Grounds
3) Policy #4118.112 Sex Discrimination and Sexual harassment in the Workplace
b) Policies – Second Read
1) Policy #5111(a) Admissions
c) Administrators Contract: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024
d) Cafeteria Workers: July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023
e) Snow Days as Distance Learning Days
f) 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
XV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - AMENDED
Date: October 13, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room – In Person
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: October 13, 2020
V. Comments from the Chairman
VI. Presentations:
a) Social-Emotional Supports - DESSA Screening and Relationship Mapping - Presented by School Psychologist Cassandra Murphy
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – September 8, 2020
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – September 15, 2020
c) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – September 29, 2020
d) Minutes of Policy Meeting – September 29, 2020
e) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - October 8, 2020
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
• FY2020
• FY2021
XI. Discussion:
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) Alliance Districts’ School Buildings Grant Program Application - $477,600
i. See inclusions for application
c) TEVAL Temporary Waiver 2020-2021
d) Approval to apply for the Following Grants:
* Coronavirus Relief Fund - $152,255
* Title I - $214,960
* Title II - $32,601
* Title III - $4,797
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies – Second Read
1) #4115.01(a) Evaluation and Support Program
2) #4118.238(a) Self-Quarantine Policy / Regional Travel Advisory
3) #4118.237(a) Face Masks/Coverings
4) #5145.44(a) Certified/Non-Certified/Students - Title IX
5) #4152.61(a) Family and Medical Leave Act
6) #6114.82(a) Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness
b) Policies – First Read
1) #5111(a) Admissions
XIV. Executive Session:
a) Discussion of upcoming Gilbert School Corp and WPS negotiations
XV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: September 8, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room – In Person
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: September 8, 2020
Comments from the Chairman
a) Opening of School
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – August 18, 2020
Correspondence to the Board:
a) Retirements
1) Victoria Fontana – August 10, 2020
2) Rosemary Drescher – August 19, 2020
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
e) Magnet School Enrollment
f) Monthly Budget Summary
g) Hinsdale Update
a) WBOE Representation of the Gilbert School Corp.
b) Potential Negoitiation on the Gilbert School Corp Board for Tution for 2021-2022
Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) Sole Source – Repair Catch Basin at Batcheller
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Proposed Legislation to Amend Connecticut State General Statue 10-34
b) Policies – First Read
1) #4115.01(a) Evaluation and Support Progam
2) #4118.238(a) Self-Quarantine Policy / Regional Travel Advisory
3) #4118.237(a) Face Masks/Coverings
4) #5145.44(a) StudentsTitle IX
5) #4152.61(a) Fmily and Medical Leave Act
6) #5145.44(a) Personnel Certified / Non-Certified Title IX
7) #6114.82(a) Emergencies and Diaster Preparedness
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: August 18, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room – In Person or
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone Number: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: August 18, 2020
Comments from the Chairman
Gilbert Report:
Steve Sedlack
a) Updated Reopening Plans
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – June 9, 2020
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – June 23, 2020
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – July 15, 2020
d) Minutes of Special Meeting – July 21, 2020
Correspondence to the Board:
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) Financial Update
1) Cares Act Funding
2) Budget Projections
a) Middle & High School Enrollment
Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) Approval to Apply for Following Grants
1) Alliance Grant -$200,966.00
2) Commissioner’s Network - $450,000.00
3) Family Resource Center - $101,530.00
4) Title IV - $16,676.00 Shared with Gilbert
a) $7,971.03 The Gilbert School
b) $8,704.97 Winchester Public Schools
5) Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) - $191,756.00 Shared with Gilbert
a) - $93,667.56 The Gilbert School
b) - $98,088.44 Winchester Public Schools
6) Second Round of Cares Funding Grant
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Date: Tuesday, June 22 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business – Discussion and Possible Action
a) Door Replacement at Pearson
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 @ 5:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business – Discussion and Possible Action
a) Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2021 @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business – Discussion and Possible Action
a) Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting – Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Presentation
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021 @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business
a) Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Presentation
b) ESSER II Usage
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: BOE Budget Workshop
Date: Monday, January 11, 2021 @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Pearson School Cafeteria
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
a) Budget Workshop
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: September 15, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone Number: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Action:
A) Required Signature on SCG - 042 - Request for Review of Final Plans
1. For the Town or Regional Board of Education:
Need: Chairperson’s Name, Signature, and the Date FORM SCG-042 was signed
IV. Adjournment
MINUTES 2020 -2021
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business – Discussion and Possible Action
a) Door Replacement at Pearson - Three different locations
1. Motion - To select Expert Glass by Cheryl McGlynn
a. 2nd - Tara Sundie
b. Vote - U.
IV. Adjourn - Motion Cheryl McGlynn, 2nd Tara Sundie - U. at 7:23 P
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Minutes
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2021 @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
I. Call to order at 6:31pm
II. Roll Call
BOE Present: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary, Richard Dutton, Cheryl McGlynn, Alexandria Propfe, Kristen Peterson, and Michelle Hintz
A. BOE Absent: Shana DeVaux
B. Central Office: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business Services and Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
III. Business – Discussion and Possible Action
a) Fiscal Year 2022 Budget presented, Budget packet presented 2.66% budget increase for FY 2021 or $531,157 Overall a 1.0 decline in staffing Budget drivers are personnel and Gilbert School Tuition
MOTION to approve the budget as presented
First: D. Pfenninger, Second: K. Peterson
Yes: 6, No 0, Abstentions: 2 → Budget Passes
IV. Adjourn
MOTION to adjourn at 7:30pm
First: C. McGlynn, Second: D. Pfenninger → U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Winchester Board of Education Budget Meeting - Minutes
Date: February 18, 2021 @ 6:30pm
Location: Zoom
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
BOE Members: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order at 6:32 pm
II. Roll Call:
A. BOE Present: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary, Richard Dutton (as of …), Cheryl McGlynn, Alexandria Propfe, Michelle Hintz
B. BOE Absent: Shana DeVaux, Kristin Peterson (excused)
C. Central Office: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O'Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business Services and Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
III. Business
A. Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Presentation
1. Budget document access:
2. Superintendent Brady-Shanley expressed her appreciation for Nancy O'Dea Wyrick and Seamus Cullinan's efforts in their efforts in the development of this presentation.
3. The budget continues to be extremely fiscally responsible while meeting state ESSA goals seven years ahead of the state's expected schedule, supporting the District Improvement Plan, and meeting Alliance Grant targets.
4. The budget is constructed to continue to focus on the following goals to support student's continued growth. These goals include:
- Peer classroom walk-throughs with feedback loops. Next year it will be collegial walkthroughs - teachers giving teachers feedback
- Full-year focus on data analysis and strategic instruction. Detailed training from Ed Advance to train teachers to use formal and informal data to drive instruction. Grouping, altering instruction to meet all students' needs. Important to answer expected learning gaps because of COVID. Multiple years roll out of programmatic improvements included:
- Year 1 - communicating non-negotiables in instruction.
- Year 2 - curriculum implementation and unit design for instruction
- Year 3 - Student engagement, student-talk in the classroom
- Year 4 - analysis of data for 2021-2022Preschool - Ed Advance to develop curriculum to align reading and math programs to feed into our already developed kindergarten. Early childhood team
- Continue our facilities are up to code and in good repair.
5. Gilbert's request is $7,345,297, or an increase of 4.1% or $286,055.
a) A request has been made to itemize out capital improvement requests from the remaining tuition request.
6. Winchester's "Supply" request has increased by 78.% because of the Commissioner's Network funds' loss.
7. Total proposed budget is $20,558,504 or an increase of 2.99% or $596,818.
8. Non-negotiable costs drive 95% of the budget.
9. Winchester is seeking a $310,763 increase which accounts for 52% of the whole requested budget increase, while Gilbert is requesting $286,055 or 48% of the budget increase.
1. Discussed.
IV. Adjourn
A. Motion to adjourn at 7:53 pm.
1. First: C. McGlynn, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: FY 2022 Budget Workshop Minutes
Date: January 11, 2021 @ 6:30 pm
Location: Pearson Library
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Shana DeVaux, Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandria Propfe, and Tara Sundie
PRESENT: Richard Dutton, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Tara Sundie
Winchester Central Office: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, Nancy O’Dea Wyrick.
I. Call to order at 6:39pm
II. Budget Workshop included a presentation and discussion of the 2022 Winchester Board of Education
Proposed budget.
III. MOTION to adjourn at 8:00pm.
First: N. Mocarski, Second: C. McGlynn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: June 8, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: In-Person - Town Hall - Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson (7:09), Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order: 7:03pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call:
A. BOE Present: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, Richard Dutton, Kristin Peterson, Alexandria Propfe, Michelle Hintz, Tara Sundie
B. BOE Absent: Nora Mocarski (excused), Cheryl McGlynn (excused), Shana DeVaux (unexcused)
C. Central Office: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business Services and Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
D. Administration: Principal B. Silvero, Principal Rosanne Fields
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: June 8, 2021
MOTION to move Item C under Board Action Items, Appointment of Cassandra Murphy - Assistant Director of Student Services - July 1, 2021
First: M. Hintz, Second: A. Propfe → U.
MOTION for Appointment
First: M. Hintz, Second R. Dutton →U.
V. Comments from the Chairman:
N. Mocarski, D. Pfenninger, K. Peterson, M. Hintz completed Superintendent Brady-Shanley’s annual evaluation. It was a standout year due to COVID-19, yet 80% of students remained in-person; this success was noted by the Governor and Commissioner.
VI. Presentations:
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Special Public Hearing for Stakeholder input on the usage of the American Rescue Plan Funds.
There is currently an active survey. As of last night, 40 individuals participated. Survey can be accessed online, including through the “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” Facebook page and Winchester Public Schools Facebook page.
No public comment.
IX. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – May 11, 2021
MOTION to approve the Minutes of the Regular BOE meeting from May 11, 2021.
First: R. Dutton, Second: K. Peterson → U.
X. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Kristen Peterson reported.
*Senior Night, prom, graduation all still happening
*8th Grade promotion tomorrow
*Cafeteria still running at a deficit
*Roofing contract in place
*Discussion of how to use “COVID fund”
*Gilbert Administrators Association recognized and contract ratified
*School Corp members recognize lack of policy in regard to non-certified staff salary, include cafeteria staff
*Welcoming Mr. Shugrue, new Head of Schools 7/1/21
*Sue Sojka and Dr. Serio are slated to retire on 6/30/21
XI. Correspondence to the Board:
a) CABE Liaison Newsletter - June 2021
b) Resignation of Melanie Pallotto - 1st Grade Teacher
Board accepts resignation with regret.
XII. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
Page 8 was read into the record.
b) School Enrollment
531 as of June 1.
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
445 total enrollment.
e) Monthly Budget Summary
Grant budget YTD amount on Page 15 is not legible/number was cut off - $400,768
f) Monthly Hinsdale Report
Hinsdale construction continues. No safety concerns noted. Playground demolition is completed. 1st and 2nd floor abatement is completed. Site demolition is completed. In regard to MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing), crew is currently working on capping, electrical is working on tracing circuits, all in progress. Abatement in tunnels is in progress. Interior demolition is in progress. Removal of glass in the media center will be completed within the next two weeks, as will the oil tank removal. Foundation construction for the new section will be done in the last week in June. 1st and 2nd story demolition will be done the last week in June.
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
Cassandra Murphy, Assistant Director of Student Services
Julia Cardillo, Operations Manager
Erica Moore, Services Coordinator & Parent Trainer
Katherine Stansfield, Building Substitute
b) St. Andrew’s Parish - $250.00 donation.
This will go to the Critical Needs Fund, to be used for winter attire for those in need, including new sneakers.
MOTION to Accept
First: D. Pfenninger, Second: K. Peterson → U.
c) Appointment of Cassandra Murphy - Assistant Director of Student Services - July 1, 2021 <moved to beginning of meeting>
d) Extension of Contract Melony M. Brady-Shanley to June 30, 2024.
MOTION to Accept
First: K. Peterson, Second: R. Dutton → U.
e) Memorandum of Understanding Agreement 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2022 with EdAdvance for Child Nutrition Program services. Annual increase is $780 which is 1.5%.
MOTION to Accept
First: M. Hintz, Second: A. Propfe → U.
f) Contract 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2026 with All-Star Transportation for student transportation services. Annual increase is 3% each year.
MOTION to Accept
First: K. Peterson, Second: A. Propfe → U.
g) Award DAS Alliance Grant project for Pearson Fence Replacement to Landworks Fence, LLC for $25,000.
MOTION to Approve
First: R. Dutton, Second: M. Hintz → U.
h) Pearson Door Replacement of both small front doors on Wetmore Ave. and the doors to the playground between the gym and cafeteria.
Estimates range from $35,000 - $62,000. This is still under review. Will require a special meeting, TBD.
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) WBOE and Litchfield Public Schools Contract for Student Enrollment (max 10, 9th graders for the 21-22 school year)
One year contract initially. Potential for extension. There are conversations around transportation opportunities.
MOTION to Proceed
First: M. Hintz, Second: R. Dutton → U.
b) Kindergarten Enrollment Numbers - Potential need for a 5th teacher.
92 students definitely to be enrolled, 7 outliers.
MOTION to Approve
First: R. Dutton, Second: M. Hintz→ U.
c) Date Selection for BOE Retreat.
To be determined by upcoming Doodle Poll.
d) BOE Meeting August 10, 2021
MOTION to Accept
First: M. Hintz, Second: R. Dutton → U.
Membership Fee
K. Peterson discussed the benefits of the membership including training of Board members. $400 gives the entire board access to most of the programs offered by CABE, i.e. legislative updates, webinars on equity, etc. MBS supports this initiative and funding.
MOTION to approve $400.00 for CABE Express District Membership for WPS
First: R. Dutton, Second: M. Hintz → U.
XV. Adjourn:
MOTION to Adjourn
First: A. Propfe, Second: M. Hintz, → U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: May 11, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: In-Person - Town Hall - Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order: 7:20pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call:
A. BOE Present: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary, Richard Dutton, Kristin Peterson, Alexandria Propfe, Michelle Hintz, Tara Sundie, Shana DeVaux
B. BOE Absent: Cheryl McGlynn (excused), Tara Sundie (excused), Shana DeVaux, (unexcused)
C. Central Office: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business Services and Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
D. Administration: Principal B. Silvero, Principal Rosanne Fields
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: May 11, 2021
MOTION to subtract Item C under presentations to push to the Curriculum Committee Agenda
First: N. Mocarski, Second: M. Hintz → U.
V. Comments from the Chairman:
VI. Presentations:
a) Learning Model for the 2021-2022 School Year - MBS
Winchester Public Schools will open fully for education in line with the direction from the State Department of Education.
b) Restructuring of the Department of Student Services - MBS
Assistant Director of Curriculum placed at The Gilbert School to support the largest Special Education population in the District. Case in point, Seamus Cullinin has conducted over 150 PPTs in the past year. And over 350 PPTs are conducted in PreK-6. This is to allow for Mr. Cullinan to continue developing the department.
Operations Manager to analyze, direct, and oversee the WPS reporting systems and communicate with the SDE. Financial background. Five years minimum experience.
Anticipated savings $18,196.00. Further savings could be realized by developing programs in-house that can reduce outplacements.
c) Transitioning from Commissioner’s Network Support to Independent Programming - MBS
d) Update on ESY Planning and Programming - SC
Five years ago ESY was 15-20 students. Since, assessments are conducted to determine who should attend ESY. This year we have invited over 90 students to ESY due to the amount of need. We are expecting 79 students and 30 staff/faculty. Critical initiative because of loss due to COVID and “summer slide.” This is during the month of July. 13 of our Special Education students will be sent to The Gilbert ESY program for credit recovery. Itinerant services are also available (ie. Reading or OT or PT services only for fewer hours).
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – April 20, 2021
b) Minutes of Policy and ByLaws Meeting – April 27, 2021 - Canceled
c) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – April 27, 2021 - Canceled
MOTION to approve the Minutes of the Regular BOE meeting from April 20, 2021.
First, N. Mocarski Second: R. Dutton → U.
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Kristen Peterson and Richard Dutton reported.
Replacing the telephone system at The Gilbert School. There is no determination of cost or timeline at this time. Question raised if Serio has or will apply for the School Security Grant. This grant could be used as an alternative funding source provided that the semi-private school is eligible for it.
Roof bid awarded
MOU on Special Education between WPS and The School Corporation is upcoming.
New Head of Schools as of 7/1/2021 - Greg Shugrue
The Gilbert School Graduation and prom dates established
8th grade Promotion Night will be live-streamed
May 19, 2021 is the next Gilbert School Corporation Meeting, student scholarships to be awarded at this meeting.
X. Correspondence to the Board:
Letter from Mutual Link received by the Chairman of the Board.
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
Page 11 was read into the record.
The Social Worker position was filled,
SBAC revealed some needs for remote students to reenter the school setting next year
New Commissioner of Education is not officially appointed but the acting Commissioner is Charlene Russel Tucker
b) School Enrollment
528 as of this meeting. More registrations are coming in as a whole vis-a-vis Homeschooled students are returning.
c) Chronic Absences
Numbers are getting better, but expecting the data to ebb and flow because of possible COVID cases in the future. Our attendance is probably “average” when comparing to State numbers.
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment 424 for March.
e) Monthly Budget Summary
Year-end projection is at $48,000. Grant funding - we are trying to take advantage of maximizing the carryover for next year.
We were just awarded a $20,000 grant from the State of Connecticut. Special Education grant. We allotted the full amount. Has to be spent by September 30, 2021.
We did get the amount for American Rescue Funds. 20% has to go to academic recovery.
Pearson bathroom renovation photos were shared. Second floor bathroom should be completed by the end of this week and they are removing up to the third floor thereafter. Breakless mirrors are backordered. Larger tiles for less grout which attracts dirt and dark stalls to discourage graffiti.
f) Monthly Hinsdale Report
Happy to report that Hinsdale construction is well underway. Workers are in the building. The fence around the property is up. Capping off all the mechanicals is underway to continue their work. Getting ready to cut holes in the floor to send piping. Abatement should be done this week. Destruction of the two story structure should be done by June. This will happen while the digging for the new foundation should be underway.
May 20th for ground breaking at 10am at Hinsdale. Invitations sent.
g) Updates on the Pearson Bathrooms (pictures)
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
Paraprofessional, a Library Media Specialist, a new Social Worker at The Gilbert School
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) 2nd -Read Policy # 4113.6/4213.6 - Remote Work/Telecommuting
MOTION to approve Policy #4113.6/4213.6
First: N. Mocarski Second: R. Dutton → U.
b) CABE Express District Membership for BOE Members Professional Development - $400.00 Annual Membership Fee
K. Peterson discussed the benefits of the membership including training of Board members. $400 gives the entire board access to most of the programs offered by CABE, i.e. legislative updates, webinars on equity, etc. MBS supports this initiative and funding.
MOTION to approve $400.00 for CABE Express District Membership for WPS
First: R. Dutton, Second: M. Hintz → U.
c) Schedule Melony Brady-Shanley, End of Year Evaluation
Wednesday, May 26, 3pm @ Oak Street School
XIV. Adjourn:
MOTION to adjourn at 8:25pm ,
First: K. Peterson, Second: N. Mocarski, → U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting MINUTES
Date: April 20, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator:
Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order @ 7:04pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
A. BOE Present: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary, Richard Dutton, Kristin Peterson, Cheryl McGlynn, Alexandria Propfe, Michelle Hintz
B. BOE Absent: Shana DeVaux, (unexcused)
C. Central Office: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business Services and Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
D. Administration: Principal B. Silverio, Principal K. Roy, E. Bernard.
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: April 20, 2021
MOTION to remove Executive Session
First: M. Hintz, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
V. Comments from the Chairman:
Thank you for all hands involved in the budget process. It marks the first increase in ten years.
VI. Presentations:
a) Hygiene Protocols for WPS during Pandemic
Page 7 of the packet was shared. Practices that will continue were discussed.
b) CHAMPS Presentation, Director Theresa Padin presented the news of the success of the program and its success as a model for the rest of the State of Connecticut in general during COVID. Dr. Anthony noted the high participation rate (Enrollment 80 students - the highest enrollment ever). Slide deck was presented. Grant-funded since 2011. New partners were added in light of COVID. These included Greenwoods Country Club, American Mural Project. The focus was to keep parents and students engaged. An “At-Home Kit” was provided to those who signed up with CHAMPS with additional supplemental material on a monthly basis. Kudos to the staff for participating in the development of these materials. Next goals include 130 students. Requested a grant increase to maintain both, At-Home and in-person programs. Theresa has requested $200,000, up from $127,000 from the State. This program is thriving with WPS faculty well involved.
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Special Meeting – March 4, 2021
b) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – March 9, 2021
c) Minutes of Policy and ByLaws Meeting – March 23, 2021
d) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – March 23, 2021
e) Minutes of Special Meeting - April 14, 2021
MOTION to approve all five consent agenda items a) through e) above.
T. Sundie, C. McGlynn → U.
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
A new Head of School was hired. Extracurricular programs have started. There is a Gilbert School Corporation meeting tomorrow night.
X. Correspondence to the Board:
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
Pages 16 through 17 were read into the record. PD next year will focus on Formative Assessments
b) School Enrollment
WPS - 535.
c) Chronic Absences
Cut in half from the month prior; Average daily attendance is strong: only two percentage points off of where we were last year.
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
Gilbert, 7-12: 426 (April) + 20 International Students = 447 Total.
e) Monthly Budget Summary
Fiscal Year 2021
Appropriated Budget: $136,498 in the black.
Lunch budget: $22,680 in the black.
f) Monthly Hinsdale Report
Superintendent MBS will provide the WBOE monthly updates.
Page 27 was read into the record.
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires - Two paraprofessionals were hired and a custodian Page 28 and 29.
b) WBOE and TGS Special Education MOU July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
This memo is the exact language as the current year.
MOTION to accept the MOU as presented in the BOE packet.
R. Dutton, C. McGlynn → U.
c) School Readiness Grant Program
- Emily Bernard discussed the School Readiness Grant Program.
- Goals of the program were shared.
- WPS BOE must approve this grant.
- Two recipients are Winchester Area Child Care and Ed Advance Head Start Readiness Program.
MOTION to approve the School Readiness Grant Program
First: N. Mocarski, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Gilbert School Corporation Representation
Looking for someone to serve on the Gilbert School Corp. Please let BOE Chair D. Pfenninger know if you, someone you know, if someone is interested in serving.
b) Discussion of the need for an updated Residency Policy
5111 - Admission Placement. Amended on 11/10/2020 - residency requirement
MOTION to move this discussion to the Policy Committee
First: N. Mocarski; Second: R. Dutton → U.
c) Tina Koutroumanis request for one year of child-rearing leave for the 2021-22 school year - no salary, benefits, nor time accumulation.
MOTION to approve the one year child-rearing leave per WEA Teacher Contract.
First: D. Pfenninger, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
d) First Read Policy # 4113.6/4213.6 - Remote Work/Telecommuting - Move to Second read in May
XIV. Executive Session: Removed from Agenda
XVI. Adjourn:
MOTION to adjourn at 8:28pm
First: C. McGlynn, Second: A. Propfe
Submitted by Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular B.O.E. Meeting Minutes
Date: March 9, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, B.O.E. Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order: at 7:02 pm.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call:
B.O.E. Members Present: Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandria Propfe, Tara Sundie. Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz (7:16 p.m.)
Absent: Shana DeVaux. Kristin Petersen
Central Office Members Present: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools, Nancy O'Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business and Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services, K. Roy Vice-Principal of Batcheller, and B. Silverio, Principal of Pearson School
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: March 9, 2021
Motion to remove The Gilbert School Report and replace it with the discussion of April B.O.E. Meeting date change
Motion to add Budget Transfer Request to Board Action Items
First: C. McGlynn
Second: R. Dutton
V. Comments from the Chairman:
M. Brady-Shanley and D. Pfenninger met with R Geiger to discuss the budget plan's presentation to Town Selectmen. He expressed concern over the acceptance of a 2.9% increase. M.B.S. and D.P. are hopeful that the Selectmen will support the budget.
VI. Presentations:
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No B.O.E. employee, Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment. None.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular B.O.E. Meeting - February 9, 2021
b) Minutes of Special Meeting - February 18, 2021
c) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Meeting – February 23, 2021
d) Minutes of Policy and ByLaws Meeting – February 23, 2021
e) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting - February 23, 2021
MOTION to approve minutes above from a) through e) as presented.
First: C. McGlynn, Second: A. Propfe → U.
f) MOTION to reschedule April Regular B.O.E. Meeting to April 20, 2021
First: C. McGlynn, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
X. Correspondence to the Board:
D. Pfenninger and M. Brady-Shanley shared a letter from Congressman John Larson. It references the possibility of a 1.84 million dollar grant through the Rescue America Plan. The grant is in the preliminary stages and must be approved before there are any definitive plans for using the monies awarded.
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
Page 20 was read into the record.
Hinsdale School renovation bids are due by the 16th of the month.
b) School Enrollment
Holding steady at 528.
c) Chronic Absences
Chronic Absenteeism at 18.37 % overall year to date.
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
Enrollment has increased slightly to 447, with 21 international students enrolled at The Gilbert School.
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● Fiscal Year 2021
We are in the "black" by $186,278 at this point in the Appropriated Budget school year.
MOTION: Budget transfer of $107671 from Transportation to Property Services;
To cover rent and refuse removal at Oak Street School. The balance of transfer will be utilized for districtwide repairs of facilities.
First: A. Propfe, Second: R. Dutton → U.
XII. Discussion:
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
Carolyn Lezon has been hired for Building Substitute Teacher at The Gilbert School under Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services.
Erica Monroe has been hired as a Building Substitute at Batcheller.
b) Healthy Food Certification
MOTION Language for Healthy Food Option :
Pursuant to C.G.S. Section 10-215f, the Winchester board of education certifies that all food items offered for sale to students in the schools under its jurisdiction, and not exempted from the Connecticut Nutrition Standards published by the Connecticut State Department of Education, will comply with the Connecticut Nutrition Standards during the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. This certification shall include all food offered for sale to students separately from reimbursable meals at all times and from all sources, including but not limited to school stores, vending machines, school cafeterias, culinary programs, and any fundraising activities on school premises sponsored by the school or non-school organizations and groups.
MOTION: To approve
First: D. Pfenninger, Second:R. Dutton → U.
MOTION: Language for Combined Food and Beverage Exemptions
The Winchester Board of Education or governing authority will allow the sale to students of food items that do not meet the Connecticut Nutrition Standards and beverages not listed in Section 10-221 of the Connecticut General Statutes provided that the following conditions are met:
1) the sale is in connection with an event occurring after the end of the regular school day or on the weekend;
2) the sale is at the location of the event; and
3) the food and beverage items are not sold from a vending machine or school store.
An "event" is an occurrence that involves more than just a regularly scheduled practice, meeting, or extracurricular activity. For example, soccer games, school plays, and interscholastic debates are events, but soccer practices, play rehearsals, and debate team meetings are not. The "regular school day" is from midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. "Location" means where the event is being held.
MOTION: To approve
First: C. McGlynn, Second: T. Sundie → U.
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies Second Read
1) Policy # 5141-6 Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
MOTION to accept Policy # 5141-6 as presented.
First: C. McGlynn, Second: A. Propfe → U.
XV. Executive Session
a) Teacher Non-Renewal Process
MOTION to move into Executive Session at 7:35 pm and inviting Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, K. Roy, B. Silverio, S. Cullinan
First: D. Pfenninger, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
MOTION to come out of Executive Session at 7:48 pm.
First: T. Sundie, Second: A. Propfe → U.
XVI. Adjourn
MOTION to adjourn at 7:48 pm.
First: A. Propfe, Second T. Sundie → U.
Minutes submitted by A. Propfe, B.O.E. Member.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: February 9, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order: at 7:01 pm.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call:
BOE Members Present: Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandria Propfe, and Tara Sundie.
Absent: Shana DeVaux.
Central Office Members Present: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business and Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services, K. Roy, Assistant Principal, and B. Silverio, Principal of Pearson School
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: February 9, 2021
V. Comments from the Chairman:
Ten months ago, Governor Lamont and Commissioner of Education Cardona came to Winchester to support the opening of in-person learning. And so far, Winchester has been in person for all but 11 days for instruction. Our curriculum is pretty well on-track.
Kudos to the administration, teachers, staff, parents, and students to promote and engage in in-person learning.
VI. Presentations:
Special guests include Ms. Iris White, Turnaround Consultant, who has worked with us and our Commissioners Network grant, and Ms. Lisa Lamenzo, Division Director from the turnaround office at the State Department of Education. PowerPoint shared (Slides 1-8).
They recognized the administrative leadership, teacher, faculty, staff, parents, and students. Turn around is possible and proven right here in Winchester.
The investments have resulted in progress and can be proven with the Accountability Index and Academic Progress, and Cultural and Climate vis-a-vis attendance.
Next Steps: Audit findings - Network School Exit Audit Report and they note sustainability is at the core of both schools improvement plans, so they look forward to continuing the work.
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - December 17, 2020
b) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – January 12, 2021
c) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Meeting – January 26, 2021
d) Minutes of Policy and ByLaws Meeting – January 26, 2021
e) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – January 26, 2021
MOTION to approve minutes above from a) through e) as presented.
First: K. Peterson, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
K. Peterson and R. Dutton shared comments from the Gilbert School Corporation, including the appointment of Astrid Robelli to the Gilbert School Corporation absent seat. Other discussions included the impacts of COVID and a discussion of capital projects.
X. Correspondence to the Board:
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
Pages 20-21 were read into the record.
A question on when staff will be vaccinated - Answer: Several staff members fall under the 65 years +, so some have selected to be vaccinated, but others have declined. We will have to wait about a month with this age group, and then teachers will be after that. Perhaps this will be in mid-March. But it is expected to be longer than that
The New Town Manager will begin in April.
There was a mix of persons interested in bids for Hinsdale - both general contractors and subcontractors
b) School Enrollment
Holding steady at 533.
c) Chronic Absences
The state is not putting out attendance numbers, but Winchester is consistent with other districts in the state.
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
422 Winchester students are enrolled at The Gilbert School. This number represents ten fewer students in August.
Twenty-one international students are enrolled at The Gilbert School.
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● Fiscal Year 2021
We are in the “black” by $129,794 at this point in the Appropriated Budget school year.
Grants are in the black at this time at $205,408.
The “Meals Count” - a monthly comparison report has been created for the Board
Foodservice budget is in the black by $25,515.
XII. Discussion:
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires Ms. Julia Cardillo has been hired as Student Services Financial Executive Assistant. Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services, recognized Linda for her long-term service to the Winchester District. Her financial knowledge, as well as knowledge of the district, helped to turn around this district.
Erica Monroe has been hired as a Building Substitute at Batcheller.
b) Extension of Oak Street School Lease Agreement - $77,200.00
RATIONALE for recommending the lease agreement for the 2021-2022 school year: Students ages 16 and below currently will not be vaccinated. The vaccination for adults is not moving as quickly as expected. Superintendent Brady-Shanley would like to continue social distancing. Per Board Chair, we are committing to more than $77,000 because of the operational costs, but Covid is not going anywhere.
Per Superintendent Brady-Shanley, operational costs and staffing costs associated with this will be funded outside of ESSER II funds. Its use is in alignment with the design of these funds.
MOTION to lease Oak Street School for the 2021-2022 school year.
First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies Second Read
1) Policy # 4111.3 Minority Recruitment
MOTION to accept Policy $4111.3 as presented.
First: T. Sundie, Second: R. Dutton → U.
b) Policies First Read
1) Policy # 5141.4(a) Reporting of Child Abuse
Policy #5141 is a combined version here, and regulations are included in the policy here. We will move this into a second read and approval at our next BOE meeting
XV. Executive Session
a) Update on Gilbert Negotiations
MOTION to move into Executive Session at 7:48 pm and inviting Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley 7:48 → U.
First: K. Peterson, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
MOTION to come out of Executive Session at 8:11 pm.
First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
XVI. Adjourn
MOTION to adjourn at 8:11 pm.
First: A. Propfe, Second K. Peterson → U.
Minutes submitted by: N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: January 12, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Shana DeVaux, Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, ok Alexandria Propfe, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order at 7:02 pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call:
BOE Members Present: Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandria Propfe, and Tara Sundie. Shana DeVaux Entered at 7:20 pm
Central Office Members Present: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools, Nancy O'Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business and Finance, R. Fields, Principal of Batcheller, and B. Silverio, Principal of Pearson School
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: January 12, 2021
V. Comments from the Chairman:
VI. Presentations:
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, Students, or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – December 8, 2020
b) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - November 19, 2020
c) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - December 3, 2020
MOTION to approve the minutes as presented a) through c) above
First: R. Dutton, Second: K. Peterson → U.
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
Kristen Peterson to report that Gilbert is currently in the process of finding a new Head of School
COVID protections are in place, and the focus is on keeping healthy.
X. Correspondence to the Board:
a) 816 Low Performing Schools Bond Technology Funding. We applied a month ago, and Friday, January 8, we received primarily to replace the current 5-year old Acers for Chromebooks. Approximately 156K is available
XI. Superintendent's Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent's Report
The instructional walk-through report was presented. Science programming being recognized at both the state and local levels. The district will be highlighted by the SDE for in-person and remote instruction. Winchester is one of two districts in the state. Winchester will present at the national level
Kudos to our science experts in the district, including Rachel
This information will be shared with the community to celebrate the district's success
Reading over the Winter Break engage students in "Holiday Book Read" online of district teachers and administrators was a success
IEP coverage is happening while the Director is absent
Multiple parent meetings to address attendance.
Little Owls are opening enrollment soon. Anticipating 55 PreK students. Automatic grandfathering kids then first come, first serve basis Via Google Forms to record recept. PreK enrollment currently: 46 or 47. Looking to see an increase to 55.
Finance and Operation - weekly meetings with union leadership is occurring.
Budget process underway.
Hinsdale has been legislatively approved. In the reimbursement process. DAS gives us money. Hinsdale meeting is next week, and we should have clearance with our architectural designs. Reading to move on.
MBS attended Ad Hoc meetings with Gilbert in distributing vaccines. Teachers are round 1b.
COVID situations exist. Parents are beyond pleased with the way we handle situations
New CDC has shortened quarantine time, but we have decided to stay with the 14-day quarantine until this week because of the holiday break.
School lunch program: We had a delay in our reimbursement. Therefore no profit/loss report today. Lunch volumes have remained relatively steady. We feed any child 18 and under. Served 1400 distance meals is 8% of the total served.
b) School Enrollment
Steady enrollment. 533 kids. Down two students from the beginning of the school year.
c) Chronic Absences
Averaging at 92% daily attendance.
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
Holding steady at 427. 22 international for a total of 450.
Two years from now, 41 fewer students will be attending Gilbert. It looks like a 10% reduction in Gilbert enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
Fiscal Year 2021 - 49,000 in the black at the moment. Operating budget discussed.
Grant budget - maximizing two-year grant opportunity. We won't have as much carryover money as last year because the state won't let us.
XII. Discussion:
a) Fiscal Year 2022
No discussion
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires -
1) Building sub has been hired at Oak Street and will be working with the Champs Program.
Champs program
2) A part-time administrative assistant was hired, filling a vacancy
b) 2021 Board of Education Meetings
MOTION to approve the school calendar
First: C. McGlynn, Second: R. Dutton
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies Second Read
1) Policy # 4116 Probationary / Tenure Status
MOTION to approve Policy # 4116
First: C. McGlynn, Second: S. Devaux → U
2) Policy # 7100 New Construction Planning
MOTION to approve Policy #7100
First: C. McGlynn, Second: D. Pfenninger
b) Policies First Read
1) Policy # 4111.3 Minority Recruitment
The longer policy was the direction.
To leave out the regulations and put in the policy.
MOTION to table this policy to next month
First: D. Pfenninger, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
c) Certified Teacher Retirement Incentive
We have nine (9) teachers eligible for regular certified retirement. If we offer an incentive, it will open up some money for the budget for FY 2022. Teachers would have to provide irrevocable notice by February 12, 2021.The incentive would pay each retiree $5000 in August as a one-time payment per retiree. The money would be paid out of this current budget.
Anticipated savings would be $50,000 or $60,000 per person who accepts.
MOTION to approve the voluntary retirement incentive plan specific to teachers
First: D. Phenniger, Second: R Dutton → Unanimous
d) Cyber Insurance Quote Analysis
This is in response to malware attacks and our discussions in the fall. We needed to get quotes, which took time to get. This would be protection should there be a cyber-attack.
MOTION to accept the Axis 1 million policy for a $6784 annual premium
First: T. Sundie, Second: A. Propfe → Unanimous
XV. Executive Session
a) Negotiations update with Gilbert
MOTION to move into Executive Session at 8:06 pm inviting Melony Brady-Shanley and
Nancy O'Dea-Wyrick
First: R. Dutton Second: C. McGlynn → U.
MOTION to move out of Executive Session at 8:47 pm
First: K. Peterson, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
XV. Adjourn:
MOTION to adjourn at 8:47 pm
First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
Submitted by: N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: December 8, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Shana DeVaux, Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandria Propfe, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order at 7:03pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
BOE Members Present: Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandria Propfe, and Tara Sundie
BOE Members Absent: Shana DeVaux
Central Office Members Present: M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business and Finance, R. Fields, Principal of Batcheller, and B. Silverio, Principal of Pearson School
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: December 8, 2020
MOTION to add correspondence to the Winchester Board of Education from CABE
First: D. Pfenninger, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
V. Comments from the Chairman
VI. Presentations
VII. Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee,
Students or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
VIII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – November 10, 2020
b) Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – November 24, 2020
c) Minutes of Policy Meeting – November 24, 2020
d) Minutes of Finance Meeting – November 24, 2020
e) Minutes of Ad Hoc Meeting - November 12, 2020
MOTION to approve all minutes above a) through e)
First: K. Peterson, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
IX. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
No one in attendance.
X. Correspondence to the Board:
CABE recognition of the Winchester School’s Facebook Page.
Congratulations expressed to the district for such a recognition.
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report was read into the record, pp. 14-15.
Walkthroughs continue to be critical for the district.
b) School Enrollment
531 - Holding steady.
c) Chronic Absences
Figures do not look good on paper because of quarantining measures due to COVID.
We are at 25% average daily attendance is good. We are averaging about 93% across the district.
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
There is an error on the paper - 22 international
427 Gilbert enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● Fiscal Year 2020
Non-lapsing amount of $362,912 was accepted by the Winchester Board of Selectmen.
Currently, there is $17,525 which will be added to $362,912 to the total non-lapsing fund.
● Fiscal Year 2021
Appropriated budget is currently at $37,006 as of November 30, 2020
While there are some CARES Act monies available for repairs, these are big ticket items
Heating and PPE are largest costs
f) Update on In-Person vs. Distance Learning Numbers
In-person learning v. distance learning numbers are consistent. There hasn’t been a huge swing.
g) Cares & Esser Grant Update
CARES - $152K access to as a reimbursement grant covers from March to December 31st. This was awarded in November after we applied in October. This is to offset facility costs i.e. Custodial and Nurse at Oak Street. $114K spent so far.
CARES ESSER fund - $192K covers obligations that go through this school year.
We have spent 137K so far. This went to PPE and cleaning supplies at the start of the year as well as some equipment to faculae distance learning.
BOE Question: Do we have enough for the rest of the year? No. Supplies line on the appropriated budget line matters here.
BOE has the ability to use the non-lapsing funds at our discretion, but these are already targeted for non-operational costs
h) Update on Pearson Bathroom & Water Fountain RFP
Six bids have come in showing good interest in the project. Still sifting through the details of each bid. The monies in the grant are enough to cover the bid.
XII. Discussion:
a) Address any BOE questions related to COVID and in-person learning
There was a positive case at the 6th grade level today. Therefore, 6th grade will go to remote learning as of tomorrow until Christmas break Returning January 4th. This is due to an inability to staff.
The BOE Chair expressed his thank you to Melony Brady-Shanley and the administration for their efforts in working through this difficult time. And to note for the Board and Community to be aware that there is an extensive process that goes into action if there is a positive case in the building. The hours involved are extensive. For example, today there were 20 different phone calls that had to be made for contact tracing and then staff and faculty had to be contacted, as did the Department of Public Health, the Department of Education, Winsted town officials, and parents, etc. on this one instance alone.
COVID seems to be spreading through in-home transmission. COVID is not spreading in the school system.
b) Preliminary DRAFT Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Revenue
Changes will come on the grant side. Keeping the appropriated amount the same for now. We are counting on items for grants. See page 25. Note that we expect a revenue deficit of $577,761 because of the reduction of grants. Ex. No more Commissioner’s Network grant. CN does not extend into a 6th year.
c) Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Calendar
Page 26 was shared.
XIII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
Speech and Language Pathologist was hired due to a high need
Para educator was hired at Batcheller. This person is bilingual
XIV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies – Second Read
1) Policy # 3517 Security of Buildings and Grounds
MOTION to adopt Policy #3517
First: D. Pfenninger. Second: C. McGlynn → 7-0-1
2) Policy # 3516 Safe and Secure School Facilities, Equipment & Grounds
MOTION to adopt Policy #3516
First: C. McGlynn, Second: T. Sundie → 7-0-1
3) Policy #4118.112 Sex Discrimination and Sexual harassment in the Workplace
MOTION to approve
First: N. Mocarski, Second: R. Dutton → U.
b) Policies - First Read
1) Policy # 4111.3 Minority Recruitment
MOTION to table and move back to First Read.
First: D. Pfenninger, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
2) Policy # 4116 Probationary / Tenure Status
MOTION to move to Second Read:
First: C. McGlynn Second: D. Pfenninger → U.
3) Policy # 7100 New Construction Planning
MOTION to move to the Second Read
First: C. McGlynn Second: R. Dutton → U.
4) Policy # 4118.16a Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties
MOTION to move to Second Read:
First: C. McGlynn, Second: T. Sundie → U.
c) Grant Application - Low Performing School Bond Funding for Technology
1. Submitted 12/1/2020
a. We applied.
2. Application amount - $156,150
3. Paraprofessional Chromebooks, Student Chromebooks, Headphones with microphones and protective cases for Chromebooks. Some of our Chromebooks are at the end of life so this grant should help replace these items. A technology recycling program is being used for those Chromebooks that die.
XV. Executive Session:
a) Discussion of Gilbert Negotiations
MOTION to move into Executive Session at 8:05pm inviting M. Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business and Finance.
First: C. McGlynn, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
MOTION to come out of Executive Session at 8:24 pm.
First: D. Pfenninger, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
XVI. Adjourn:
MOTION to adjourn at 8:24pm
First: C. McGlynn, Second: R. Dutton → U.
Submitted by: N. Mocarski, WBOE Secretary.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes\
Date: November 10, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room – In-Person & Remote
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
Call to order @ 7:08pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call:
BOE Present: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary, Richard Dutton, Cheryl McGlynn, Alexandria Propfe, Kristin Peterson, Michelle Hintz
BOE Absent: Shana DeVaux
Central Office Present: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O'Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
Administration Present: B. Silverio, Pearson School
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action
MOTION to move items c, d, e, and f to the top of "New Business and Possible Action" as "a," "b," "c," and d."
First: M. Hintz, Second T. Sundie -->U
Regular Board of Education Agenda: November 10, 2020
Comments from the Chairman
Appointment of Bob Passini to Gilbert Board
Welcome, and thank you are conveyed.
Social-Emotional Supports - DESSA Screening and Relationship Mapping - Presented by School Psychologist Cassandra Murphy
● It is a team effort to provide students with a positive environment.
● Handout provided describing the screening of students' social-emotional instruction.
● Screening includes CASEL
● Relationship mapping is conducted to ensure that all students have positive adult relationships and identify any struggling students.
● Tier 1 techniques include restorative practices and support from the "Choose Love" curriculum to address coming back to school during COVID and to provide coping skills. Routines and clarification of expectations are critical.
● Tier 2 intervention: Among others, the faculty has received training on trauma
● Tier 3 intervention: "Coping Path" - a software program to address anxiety
● Part of this is in partnership with DCF.
○ "CBTs" Cognitive Behavior Theory - "Bounce Back" - 10 week modular; fully funded by DCF was discussed.
○ looking for reduction of trauma symptoms
Consultation, supplies, and possibly sustainability funding
● Winchester is one of only a few school districts in the northwest corner.
● This is a data-drive process requiring parent permission via consent forms.
Equity Presentation – Melony Brady-Shanley
● In response to the BOE request to address questions from the last BOE meeting. Demographics workaround SEL that addresses the diversity issues that might come across the district.
Superintendent M. Brady-Shanley presented a PPT that included statistics on student diversity:
Prek-6: 7 Asian, 7 Black, 27 male Hispanic, 31 female Hispanic, 1 Hawaiian. 22 identify as two or more races. (536 kids in total). The rest identify as White.
Languages spoken include 15 Spanish, 1 Arabic, 1 Filipino, 1 Cantonese.
Batcheller Free and Reduced Lunch: 117 free, 25 reduced, 107 not eligible.
Pearson Free and Reduced Lunch: 137 free, 28 reduced, 122 not eligible.
Staff demographics: 98% as white, 2% as black, the average for the State of CT: 8.2% minority
Of the faculty, four teachers speak Spanish, and one speaks Portuguese.
Gender: 19 male staff members
Recruiting to mirror the community
Paying "Indeed" to recruit more diverse candidates, and we have found this to be an effective strategy to staff some hard to staff disciplines.
Other methods to recruit diverse talent includes person-to-person recruitment (most effective) and tapping into colleague to universities to connect with talent, and word of mouth from colleague to colleague.
We also offer internships to help "grow our own."
How were are defining terms:
Equality (everyone gets a pencil whether they need it or not) equity (everyone receives the supports they need to be successful) diversity (a whole lot of everything in addition to race. It also includes perspectives, job experience, age, sexuality, gender, etc.)
As a school system, we have a fine balance between supporting home beliefs with an educational community that respects everyone. We believe between home environments and school; we can build a respectful climate.
Winchester Schools creates a safe, equitable environment regardless of what the home life has been by way of communication, modeling, training, etc., day in and day out.
How does this impact the curriculum?
Tier 1 - offering interventions, selecting curriculum materials that are respectful, purposeful, looking like the kids, growing selection of library books, offering PD to increase our understanding, honoring staff and student diversity, celebrating student differences, and making sure they feel proud. Direct teaching to these areas via the first 8-week program Second Step, lunch bunch, DESSA to identify kids are excelling or suffering in this area.
What do we do when we have issues around this issue?
Grade 5 and 6 - students begin to process individual differences. We teach /have conversations on differences, student mediation, and sometimes parent mediation. We follow up with students and, in some cases, engage in constant check-ins to make sure kids follow up with what they have learned.
Tier 2 and 3: Counselor.
Next steps:
Continue to focus on SEL, recruiting staff, partnerships with parents in the community, monitoring trends via data, continuing partnering with parents, and reaching out to students who are excelling and struggling, adding materials to the library/curriculum, PD for staff, etc.
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, Students, or community members should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – October 13, 2020
Minutes of Curriculum Meeting – October 27, 2020
Minutes of Policy Meeting – October 27, 2020
Minutes of Finance Meeting – October 27, 2020
MOTION to accept all the minutes with the deleted double "T. Sundie" on page 3 under "Roll call."
First: R. Dutton, Second: K. Peterson → U.
Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative
Peterson and Dutton to report
Board member K. Peterson:
The Gilbert Personnel Committee is to begin searching for a Headmaster to start in July 2021. Steve Sedlack is serving as the Chair. Gilbert has found a few companies to help in the search. The Gilbert School Corp is looking for someone with curriculum expertise.
The Gilbert School is in the Hybrid Learning schedule.
Correspondence to the Board:
Retirement Letter – Maria Summa - Special Education at Batcheller School.
MOTION to accept the letter of resignation with regret
First: R. Dutton, Second: K. Peterson→ U.
Letter of Resignation – Debra Erickson
MOTION to accept the letter of resignation
First: N. Mocarski, Second: K. Peterson → U.
CABE Liaison Newsletter is in our BOE packet as an FYI
How has EdAdvance served Winchester in 2019-2020.
2019-2020 letter highlighting the work they have done for the past year
Superintendent's Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
Superintendent's Report
Page 19 read into the record.
The COVID case in the district took 11 hours to process. It was very time-consuming.
Communication on COVID-related issues with the community has been excellent.
School Enrollment
Page 20 discussed. Current: 535 students.
Chronic Absences
Numbers are starting to come down. This is good.
Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment Shared.
There are very few substitutes available. In some cases, administrators have taught lessons.
Monthly Budget Summary
The fiscal Year 2020
The year is closing. $391,018 - will be money to petition to go into our "non-lapsing fund."
The fiscal Year 2021
Balance: $5343 at this time.
Virtual / Hard copies of Board of Education Packets versus Chromebooks
Hard copies will be made available for all Board members but Alex, Cheryl, and Shana.
Discussion of Letter to the Gilbert School Corporation
Topic: Should the Winchester Board of Education request a reduction of tuition that would reflect the reduction of enrollment in Gilbert School?
Intent: Enrollment has dropped from 450 to 425 as of November 1, 2020, a loss of 5.7%
This request for reducing the tuition bill is consistent with the Gilbert Trust requests in past years.
MOTION: Send a letter to Gilbert to request a tuition reimbursement due to the reduction of enrollment using the October 1 data and to include language as Winchester as a sending district.
First: N. Mocarski, Second: M. Hintz → 7-0-1.
Board Action Items:
New Hires
Eric Opperman welcomed to the district.
Elizabeth Wright welcomed to the district.
New Business Discussion and Possible Action
Administrators Contract
MOTION to accept the Administrator's Contract as presented
First: R. Dutton, Second: M. Hintz → U.
Cafeteria Workers Contract
MOTION to approve the Cafeteria Workers Contract as presented
First: K. Peterson, Second: T. Sundie → U.
Snow Days as Distance Learning Days
MOTION to approve Snow Days as "Distance Learning Days."
First: C. McGlynn, Second: T. Sundie → U.
2021-2022 Academic Calendar
MOTION to approve the 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
First: N. Mocarski, Second: K. Peterson → U.
First Read
1) Policy # 3517 Security of Buildings and Grounds
2) Policy # 3516 Safe and Secure School Facilities, Equipment and Grounds
3) Policy #4118.112 Sex Discrimination and Sexual harassment in the Workplace
MOTION to move policies to second read in December
First: C. McGlynn Second: K. Peterson → U.
Policies – Second Read
1) Policy #5111(a) Admissions
MOTION to accept Policy #5111(a)
First: K. Peterson, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
XV. Adjourn
MOTION to adjourn at 9:41 pm
○ First: N. Mocarski, Second: K. Peterson → U.
Submitted by N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting MinutesDate: October 13, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room – In Person
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
Call to order @ 7:01pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call:
BOE Present: Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary, Richard Dutton, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandria Propfe, and Tara Sundie
BOE Absent: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair - excused, Michelle Hintz - excused, Shana DeVaux - unexcused
Central Office: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
Administration: R. Fields, Principal Batcheller School, B. Silverio, Pearson School
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
MOTION to move presentation of Social-Emotional Supports - DESSA Screening and Relationship Mapping to be presented by School Psychologist Cassandra Murphy to the next BOE meeting in November.
First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
Regular Board of Education Agenda: October 13, 2020
Comments from the Chairman:
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
MOTION to accept all minutes
First: C. McGlynn, Second: R. Dutton → U.
Correspondence to the Board:
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary
● FY2020
● FY2021
Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
MOTION to accept new hires as presented
First: K. Peterson, Second: T. Sundie → U.
b) Alliance Districts’ School Buildings Grant Program Application - $477,600
MOTION to approve
First: R. Dutton, Second: T. Sundie → U.
c) TEVAL Temporary Waiver 2020-2021
d) Approval to apply for the following grants:
● Coronavirus Relief Fund - $152,255
● Title I - $214,960
● Title II - $32,601
● Title III - $4,797
MOTION for approval to apply for all grants
First: C. McGlynn, Second: R. Dutton → U.
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies – Second Read
1) #4115.01(a) Evaluation and Support Program
MOTION to approve
First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
2) #4118.238(a) Self-Quarantine Policy / Regional Travel Advisory
MOTION to approve
First: K. Peterson, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
3) #4118.237(a) Face Masks/Coverings
MOTION to approve
First: R. Dutton, Second: K. Peterson→ U.
4) #5145.44(a) Certified/Non-Certified/Students Title IX
MOTION to approve
First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson→ U.
5) #4152.61(a) Family and Medical Leave Act
MOTION to approve
First: C. McGlynn, Second: T. Sundie→ U.
MOTION to reconsider motion to approve
First: C. McGlynn, Second: T. Sundie→ Aye: 5 - Nay: 0 - Abstain: 1
MOTION to refer to Policy Committee
First: C. McGlynn, Second: T. Sundie→ Aye: 5 - Nay: 0 - Abstain: 1
6) #6114.82(a) Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness
MOTION to approve
First: N. Mocarski, Second: C. McGlynn→ U.
b) Policies – First Read
1) #5111(a) Admissions
Spelling error to heading on pp 99, 100, 102
Executive Session:
a) Discussion of upcoming Gilbert School Corp and WPS negotiations
Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, invited into Session
MOTION to enter into Executive Session at 8:21 pm
First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
MOTION to leave Executive Session at 8:45 pm
First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
MOTION to adjourn at 8:45 pm
First: T. Sundie, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
Submitted by T. Sundie, BOE
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: September 15, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom Meeting
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
Call to order @ 7:01pm
Roll call:
BOE Present: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Cheryl McGlynn, Alexandria Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Kristin Peterson
BOE Absent: Shana DeVaux, Nora Mocarski
Central Office: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley
Item of Business:
Seeking permission to sign form SCG-042. Such form is necessary to move forward to the final plan review of Hinsdale School renovation at the state level.
MOTION to approve that Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, sign form SCG-042
First: C. McGlynn, Second: R. Dutton Vote: Unanimous
MOTION to approve that Superintendent, Melony Brady-Shanley sign form SCG-042
First: K. Peterson, Second: T. Sundie Vote: Unanimous
MOTION to adjourn. 7:08 PM
First: C. McGlynn, Second: T. Sundie
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: September 8, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room – In Person
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
Call to order @ 7:01pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call:
BOE Present: Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chair, Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary, Richard Dutton, Cheryl McGlynn, and Kristin Peterson [entered at 7:05pm]
BOE Absent: Shana DeVaux, Michelle Hintz
Central Office: Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
Administration: R. Fields, Principal Batcheller School, B. Silverio, Pearson School
Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
MOTION to amend the July minutes to reflect the July appointment of Cheryl McGlynn as the Winchester Board of Education liaison to the Board of Selectmen to discuss the creation of possible legislation to review with the State of Connecticut regarding The Gilbert School.
First: N. Mocarski, Second: R. Dutton → U.
Regular Board of Education Agenda: September 8, 2020
Comments from the Chairman
BOE Chairman D. Pfenninger is impressed with what everyone in the district has done to open the school system during this difficult time.
a) Opening of School
Superintendent MBS presented to highlight reopening information now that we are in our second week of opening.
Update on in-person, distance, and homeschooling was presented. [packet page #4-9]
Successes and hurdles were discussed including
No mask issues. Wearing masks has become the norm.
No COVID cases other than at WACCC
The bus ridership has allowed one student or family per seat
Weather has cooperated allowing outdoor activity
Request by K. Peterson that ergonomic posture be discussed/encouraged with students and staff
Difficulty finding substitutes
Academic data - next week we will be gathering performance data to allow a comparison of fall to fall performance
K-3 students have transitioned very well into school. Students are engaged and creative
Public Hearing:
Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – August 18, 2020
To correctly spell Batcheller in III-D.
To correctly spell D. Pfenninger’s last name in V-A.
To alphabetize the BOE members listed in III.
To strike, “None” to replace with “Not in attendance” under VI. Gilbert Report
To change “in” to “at” in XI-3 for SRC is “here at Oak Street”
To correctly spell “synchronous” in XI-A-4.
To change from “Two” to “Four” online forums in XI-A-8.
To correctly identify the first initial of C. McGlynn in XII-B.
To clarify by adding “of setting the education side” in line three under XII-B
To correctly spell T. Sundie’s last name in XIII-B-6
To add “distance learning” in VII-A-1-f to clarify for the record
MOTION to accept the edits as presented:
First: K. Peterson, Second: T. Sundie → U.
○ July -
■ MOTION: to amend the July BOE minutes to reflect that BOE member C. McGlynn is to act as liaison to approach the Winchester BOS through Mayor Perez to discuss if the BOS was open to working together to consider seeking an amendment of relevant legislation relative to the Gilbert tuition process.
● First: R. Dutton, Second: T. Sundie → U.
Correspondence to the Board:
a) Retirements
1) Victoria Fontana – August 10, 2020
2) Rosemary Drescher – August 19, 2020
Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
MBS discussed packet pages 14-20
Seeing more families coming back to in-person learning. Asking by Thursday to really commit to distance or in-person instruction so that we can balance classes. The hope is this is the commitment for the entire trimester to reduce disruptions.
Virtual video Open Houses
Staff Flu shot clinics scheduled to come up soon.
b) School Enrollment
535 in the district - 254 based at Batcheller and 281 based at Pearson
c) Chronic Absences
95.1% as a district. Attendance meetings are being held to look for patterns and to mitigate issues
d) Gilbert Enrollment
456 total as of September 1, 2020. Breakdown: 435 + 20 international.
e) Magnet School Enrollment
See page 19 in BOE packet
f) Monthly Budget Summary, packet pages pp. 21-27
As presented by Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick. FY 2020 - $378,520 - closing out June 30th landing where we thought we would land.
Used up all town support for education monies and we are very thankful
Carried out more 2-year grants than in past years
Food service came in pretty even. Kicked in a few thousand dollars to balance it out but pretty even.
Question from BOE member: When can we close out this FY? Response: We are currently waiting only for invoices related to grant-purchased items. The invoices are delayed because they are coming from overseas. We should get these invoices in the next two weeks to have a better idea on closing out FY 2020. The appropriated budget has only $18,000 worth of outstanding in purchase orders. The appropriated budget is closed once the $18,000 is accounted for or expunged.
FY 2021 - Projecting no issues, but it is still too early. Note that the CN grants are a lot smaller, but CARES Act monies have been available to us which has helped. The Second Round of CARES Act relief fund of $151,000 is a non-share with Gilbert, whereas the first round of the CARES Act was shared.
Grant budget on pp. 27 is showing good carry-over amounts which will help for future unanticipated issues.
g) Hinsdale Update
Countless evening meeting. This Thursday, there will be a full report at the Hinsdale School Renovation Committee.
Monument sign was denied by the ZBA because of the height of the sign. MBS is seeking participation from the School Committee to discuss the buffer at 19 feet as an improvement.
a) WBOE Representation of the Gilbert School Corp.
N. Mocarski has resigned from the Gilbert School Corp. Chairman Pfenninger is asking if anyone on this board would like to participate.
No one from the Winchester BOE has stepped forward at this time.
b) Potential Negotiation on the Gilbert School Corp Board for Tuition for 2021-2022
MOTION to create an Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee that includes Doug Pfenninger, C. McGlynn, Kristin Peterson with the authority to negotiate the Gilbert Contract for FY2022.
First: N. Mocarski, Second: T. Sundie → U.
Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
MOTION to accept new hires as presented
First: T. Sundie, Second: R. Dutton → U.
b) Sole Source – Repair Catch Basin at Batcheller
Town crew was too busy to help with this issue and as school was scheduled to open, WPS hired Cannavo Construction Inc. to complete it prior to the opening of school. It was completed in two days. We are very pleased with their work.
MOTION to approve C. McGlynn, second: D. Pfenninger → U.
Unfinished Business:
New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Proposed Legislation to Amend Connecticut State General Statute 10-34
Proposed amendment to Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-34 (Italicized words are added language)
C.G.S. §10-34 Approval by state board of incorporated or endowed high school or academy
The State Board of Education may examine any incorporated or endowed academy in this state and, if it appears such school or academy meets the requirements of the State Board of Education for approval of public high schools, said board may approve such school or academy under the provisions of this part, and any town in which a high school is not maintained shall pay the whole of tuition fees of pupils attending such school or academy, except if it is a school under ecclesiastical control. Notwithstanding the provisions of C.G.S. §10-33 or any other section, in the event that the budget of an incorporated or endowed high school or academy is financed 80 percent or more by one public board of education, the tuition for said board of education’s pupils shall be negotiated between the respective parties. If agreement cannot be reached then the issue shall be submitted to binding arbitration for final determination. The arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator appointed by the State Department of Education. Arbitration must be concluded prior to March 15th of each year. Tuition for such incorporated or endowed academies shall be billed on a per pupil basis and based on the number of students enrolled from the sending Town as of October 1st of each school year.
MOTION to approve the proposed amendment as presented and written here above to the Winchester Board of Education.
First: R. Dutton Second: D. Pfenninger → U.
b) Policies – First Read
1) #4115.01(a) Evaluation and Support Program
One edit: Change the typo on page 35 of “om to “on”
2) #4118.238(a) Self-Quarantine Policy / Regional Travel Advisory
To call this section “Students and Staff” on page 38 and throughout and to add the following “Under Implementation Protocol” to add as #5 that “all employees should not travel to states on the travel advisory list. If they must, faculty must report in advance within 24 hours before leaving and within 24 hours upon return. Email MBS instead of the school nurse as COVID liaison.”
Fix #7
Page 42: take out the word “voluntary” in the first one and the second one (really #4 and #5) “alternative language” write parents and students are expected to”
Page 42 - #12 remove to strike all of #12
Page 40 - #7 to add “with” and to take out “the” for “in compliance WITH” “the” Government Lamont’s
Page 43 - #2 - third bullet and fourth bullets to be stricken from the record.
3) #4118.237(a) Face Masks/Coverings
P. 47 to add word “gaiter”
P. 51 on outreach - community education programs - who is the community? Per Melony this is defined as the educational community.
Face Shields alone are not enough
4) #5145.44(a) Students Title IX
This is a federal mandate. Letter I under “Regulations” page 74: Look for the R at the top, not the P. Bottom of page. The title IX coordinator is Seamus so his information needs to be inserted here. Under Letter L under Regulations we need to insert “Winchester” on the form.
5) #4152.61(a) Family and Medical Leave Act
P. 77 MBS is suggesting no changes to this policy because this is federal policy
6) #5145.44(a) Personnel Certified / Non-Certified Title IX
Delete duplicate pages 84-107.
7) #6114.82(a) Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness
P. 108 - suggesting language for option #1 and not option #2
P. 109 - suggesting on top of page on option #1 recess ...guidelines. [Period here]. Playgrounds are open in the State of CT. Change the words from “without” to “prohibited.”
P. 110 - would like to remove the last sentence “...hand sanitizer kept out of the hands of...”
P. 112 - Letter E, the “vulnerable individual” language needs to be removed because it is governed under the federal guidelines. We have to follow federal guidelines.
P. 113 - Letter F - COVID liaison needs to be added to the blank line.
● Adjourn
○ MOTION to adjourn at 9:07pm
■ First: N. Mocarski Second: T. Sundie → U.
Submitted by N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary and Kristin Peterson, BOE
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting MINUTES
Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room In-Person or
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone Number: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Members: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Alexandria Propfe, Cheryl McGlynn, Michelle Hintz, Shana DeVaux, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to order @ 7:01pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
A. Board of Education (BOE) Members (in alphabetical order by last name): Cheryl McGlynn (via Zoom), Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski (via Zoom), Secretary; Doug Pfenninger, Chairman; Alexandria Propfe (via Zoom), Tara Sundie, Dr. Richard Dutton, Kristin Peterson
B. ABSENT: Shana DeVaux
C. Central Office: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Director of Finance
D. Administration: R. Fields, Principal Batcheler School
IV. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
A. Regular Board of Education Agenda: August 18, 2020
B. MOTION to add a discussion of the Board of Selectmen's meeting regarding The Gilbert School from August 17, 2020, under “Discussion”
1. First: C. McGlynn, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
V. Comments from the Chairman
A. Governor Lamont and Commissioner of Education Cardona met with Superintendent MBS and Chair D. Pfenniger to discuss the opening of schools. Our Administration is held in high regard by both the governor and the Commissioner of Education Cardona.
B. The Board Chair mentioned he was puzzled by Gilbert’s decision to continue to separate the administration of the two systems given the proven skills of our district’s leadership for grades Pre-K-6.
C. Discussed Mayor Perez’s introduction to the BOS and the unanimous adoption by the BOS of exploration of legislative solutions to the financial struggles between the two districts. The Chair is very pleased the BOS has unanimously approved the decision to explore a legislative solution.
VI. Gilbert Report: Steve Sedlack
A. None.
VII. Presentations:
A. Updated Reopening Plans
1. MBS shared Google slides and the Winchester Public Schools Website that contained reopening information with the public, particularly for parents.
a) Viewers would do well to pay attention to the updated date of the slides to ensure that information shared is the latest.
b) Bus routes must be stable. WPS is not allowing for different drop-offs to different places on different days.
c) Note that “synchronous” means live instruction
d) Absentees - teachers will take attendance for all subjects in PowerSchool, whether virtual or in-person, the student will be marked absent.
e) The number of parents selecting in-person and at-home instruction is fluctuating.
f) For clarification: “Homeschooling” is different from WPS plans to open schools
g) Asking parents to make a choice on in-person vs. at-home for a trimester. Helps us figure out the appropriate staffing, consistency of delivery of programs (curriculum, assessment, and instruction), and its impact upon the budget.
h) Parents are ready to send their children back to school!
i) No set formula exists in the State regarding going to at-home/remote only if COVID cases hit. It is really a case-by-case basis and it is important to do contact tracing. We are working with the Torrington Area Health District to help on these matters.
VIII. Public Hearing:
A. Five minutes allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #9325 No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
1. None.
IX. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
A. Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – June 9, 2020
B. Minutes of Special Meeting – June 23, 2020
C. Minutes of Special Meeting – July 15, 2020
D. Minutes of Special Meeting – July 21, 2020
1. MOTION to accept the minutes of the above meetings A through D.
a) First: M. Hintz Second: K. Peterson → U.
X. Correspondence to the Board:
A. Kid-Governor Program was shared by the Chair. To be placed on the Curriculum Committee Agenda for discussion [Next curriculum committee meeting is September 29, 2020].
XI. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
A. Superintendent’s Report - pages 13- 15 of BOE Packet was discussed
1. The operational side of the report was discussed regarding Summer School. We had 40 students in person. All students were compliant. No issues. It was wonderful to watch. Smoothest-run summer school we’ve ever had. “Predictability” was critical to its success. It was safe, prepared, and it was well run. Bus unloading was quick and strategic. School nurses and the school custodian did an excellent job of supporting this session.
2. Instructions side of Summer School - able to provide 1:1 instruction/help support. Not right there with them, but able to address their needs. Able to provide “Running Records” and acquire pre/post data. We delivered instruction the way it should be done. Kudos to the faculty in working with students. Proactive planning a full-day prior was important. Overall, positive experience. Had no mask issues. Masks did not hinder learning.
3. Oak Street School preparation discussed. No visitors will be allowed in any building. SRC is here in Oak Street, Teacher Team Room, CHAMPs/Art/ OT/PT room, small groups, PPT conference rooms are all at Oak Street. MBS’s desk is in the hallway.
4. Distance Learning Numbers were discussed. Numbers have been steady at 20-22%. Education of what “syncryons learning” has helped parents make decisions.
5. Staffing - notices are still coming in from faculty. There is a rigorous process / the threshold is high for a “leave of absence.”
6. Bussing - There is an increase in parents taking responsibility for transporting their children. Again, parents must have one consistent location where to drop off in the afternoon every day, every week.
7. Class sizes - following the contracted obligation. 4 classrooms per grade to increase distance. 13 to 20 in the room. “Maximum distance,” does not necessarily mean 6 feet. Average: 18. We did not add staff. We are providing a Distance Learning teacher.
8. Online Forum Update: Two online forms have been conducted thus far. MBS’s emphasis: “Have I answered your question for you?” to ensure parents are clear. Spanish version of videos to be released.
9. Masks are to be worn all day, unless during a break.
10. Guidelines for COVID Benchmark Data was discussed. Connecticut is in a good place to start school. EdAdvance information is further informative by town in Litchfield County.
11. MOU - 39 bulleted items have been discussed. Down to the last bullet.
12. In good years, it is difficult to find substitute teachers. So given this, there is an MOU for Paraprofessionals. A Bachelor’s degree is required to be used as a substitute and this person would be paid with a stipend to cover classes.
13. Re: CEA hoping to delay two weeks, but Winchester will be ready to open and will open as scheduled unless there is a major state-wide order/health department mandate otherwise.
14. Cares Act Funding
a) Operating and Appropriated Budget information was shared.
15. Budget Projections
16. Financial Update
XII. Discussion:
A. Middle & High School Enrollment
1. Gilbert enrollment numbers on page 16 of the packet were shared. It looks like the enrollment numbers are less than anticipated. Approximately 15 students fewer. It looks like 40-50 kids in the 9th-grade group but should wait until the October 1, 2020 report to be firm on this number. It appears that a significant number of students have selected VoAg or other schools than Gilbert.
2. Discussion, whether students from China that attend The Gilbert School will be quarantined, was discussed. N. Mocarski sent an email to A. Serio and S. Sedlack to get an answer.
a) Answer: overseas students will be quarantined for 14 days and tested for COVID per T. Serio.
3. Questions arose as to whether The Gilbert School has a bottom-line figure that would be used to determine if and when the International Program is insolvent.
a) Email sent to A. Serio asking this question.
B. M. McGlynn discussed the Winchester BOS meeting from last night, Monday, August 17, 2020, whereby BOS unanimously agreed to explore a legislative remedy to the on-going issues associated with the process of the setting the educational side of the town budget by the Gilbert School Corp. On July 1, 2019, after the town had voted on the budget, The Gilbert School Corp submitted a bill to the Winchester Schools for an additional $100,000 without voter approval. This impacts the Town Budget. The BOS is looking for a possible remedy including requiring mediation and arbitration in the process of setting the tuition amount as a possible way to solve the on-going problem of the budget process.
a) It was agreed that C. McGlynn will make arrangements to sit down with Mayor Perez to draft legislation for the State Legislature to find a legislative remedy to the problem of the structure and law in relation to the budget-making process with regards to the Gilbert School Corp, Winchester Schools, the Town of Winchester, and the taxpayers.
XIII. Board Action Items:
A. New Hires
1. MOTION to accept the new hires as presented
a) First: K Peterson, Second: M. Hintz → U.
B. Approval to Apply for Following Grants
1. Alliance Grant: $200,966.00
2. Commissioner’s Network: $450,000.00
3. Family Resource Center: $101,530.00
4. Title IV: $16,676.00 Shared with Gilbert
a) $7,971.03 The Gilbert School
b) $8,704.97 Winchester Public Schools
5. Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) - $191,756.00 Shared with Gilbert
a) $93,667.56 The Gilbert School
b) $98,088.44 Winchester Public Schools
6. Second Round of Cares Funding Grant
MOTION to approve the application for the grants listed above # 1-6.
First: A. Propfe, Second: T. Sundae → U.
XIV. Unfinished Business:
A. None.
XV. New Business Discussion and Possible Action
A. None.
XVI. Adjourn at 8:40 pm.
A. First: C. McGlynn, Second: M. Hintz → U.
Minutes submitted by N. Mocarski, WPS Board Secretary
Standing Committee Agendas 2020-2021
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 6:00 PM - Postponed to June 7, 2021
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – May 25, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Minutes – February 23, 2021
V. New Business
a) How did the administration of the Smarter Balanced for ELA and Math go
b) Transitioning from Commissioner’s Network Support to Independent Programming
c) NWEA Assessment Results
d) Administrative Data Analysis Training – Overview
e) Classroom walkthroughs - observations in general
VI. Adjournment
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 6:30 PM
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – February 23, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Minutes – January 26, 2021
V. New Business
a) Winter Assessment Update
VI. Adjournment
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 6:30 PM
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – January 26, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Minutes – November 24, 2020
V. New Business
a) Coordinate Curriculum with The Gilbert School
V. Adjournment
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – November 24, 2020
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Minutes – October 27, 2020
V. New Business
a) Overview of ELL Program – J. Prignano
VI. Adjournment
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 6:30 PM
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – October 27, 2020
IV. New Business
a) Review of finalized assessment data
b) Race and equity presentation
1. What training has staff had to help bridge any cultural divides for our students?
2. Is the ELL program thriving?
3. What are their challenges?
4. What are the next goals to promote equity in results?
V. Adjournment
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 6:30 PM
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II .Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – September 29, 2020
IV. New Business
a) Review of initial data for reading, NWEA, ect.
b) Kids Govenor Program
V. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 @ 8:00 p.m. - Postponed to June 7, 2021
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – May 25, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – March 23, 2021
V. New Business
a) 2021 Budget Update – Capital
b) Planning for ARP ESSER Grant Application
c) Alliance School Building Project(s) Update
d) All Star Transportation Contract
e) EdAdvance Food Service Management Contract
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – April 27, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – March 23, 2021
V. New Business
a) 2021 Budget Update – Capital
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – March 23, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – February 23, 2021
V. New Business
a) Planning for the American Rescue Funds
VI Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 @ 8:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – February 23, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – January 26, 2021
V. New Business
a) Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Update
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 @ 8:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – January 26, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – November 24, 2020
V. New Business
a) The Gilbert School Expenditures
b) Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Information
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 @ 8:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Join Zoom Meeting Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – November 24, 2020
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – October 27, 2020
V. New Business
a) Future Impact of Opening Hinsdale on Operating Budget
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 @ 7:15 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – October 27, 2020
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – May 26, 2020
V. New Business
a) Gilbert Negotiation Seeking Refund re: Gilbert PPP
b) Proposed Legislation Update
c) Update on Alliance District Building Grant
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 @ 7:30 p.m.- Postponed to June 7, 2021
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
Call to Order
Roll Call
Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – May 25, 2021
Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – March 23, 2021
Open Issues
a) Discussion of Residency Policy # 5111(a)
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
Call to Order
Roll Call
Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – April 27, 2021
Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – March 23, 2021
Open Issues
a) Discussion of Residency Policy # 5111(a)
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
Call to Order
Roll Call
Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – March 23, 2021
Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – February 23, 2021
Open Issues
a) Policy # 4113.6 / 4213.6 - Remote Work / Telecommuting
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – February 23, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – January 26, 2021
V. Open Issues
a) Policy # 1328 – School Mascots
b) Policy # 3281.2 – Online Fundraising Campaigns-Crowdfunding
c) Policy # 4000.1 / 5145.44 – Title IX
d) Policy # 0525 – Responding to Hateful Speech in Schools
e) Policy # 4113.6 / 4213.6 - Remote Work / Telecommuting
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
Call to Order
Roll Call
Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – January 26, 2021
Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – November 24, 2020
Open Issues
a) Policy #5141.4a Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Virtual Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
Call to Order
Roll Call
Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – November 24, 2020
Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – October 27, 2020
Open Issues
a) Policy #4111.3 Minority Recruitment
b) Policy #4116 Probationary/Tenure Status
c) Policy #5141.4a Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault
d) Policy #7100 New Construction Planning
e) Policy # 4118.16a Rights, Responsibilites and Duties
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 @ 8:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall - Blue Room
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – October 27, 2020
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – September 29, 2020
V. Open Issues
a) Policy #4152.61(a) Family Medical Leave Act.
b) Policy #4118.112 Sex Discrimination and Sexual harassment in the Workplace
c) Policy # 3516 Safe amd Secure School Facilities, Equipment and Grounds
d) Policy # 3517 Security of Buildings and Grounds
e) Policy # 4111.3 Minority Recruitment
f) Policy # 4116 Awarding of Tenure
g) Policy # 4118.16 Rights, Responsilbilities, and Duties, Domestic Violence
h) Policy # 7100 New Construction Planning
i) Policy # 5141.4(a) Mandated Reporting
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Town Hall - Blue Room
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – September 29, 2020
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – January 28, 2020
V. Open Issues
a) Policy #5111a - Admissions
b) Policy #5112a - Age of Attendance
c) Policy #5141.4a - Mandated Reporting
d) Policy #4118.231a/4218.231 - Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco (mandated update)
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, June 21, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, J. Kelly, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Agenda Review:
1. Review of Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda – June 21, 2021
Public Comment:
1. Construction update
a. Schedule
b. Revisions and/or unforeseen conditions with potential schedule or budget impact.
2. Invoices
a. Horizon Engineering - Invoice #R2021Z-023-3 - Amount: $280.00
b. Silver, Petrucelli & Associates - Invoice #21-991 - Amount: $9,632.31
c. Langan - Invoice #LCT 0058494 - Amount: $1,600.00
d. Joseph Merritt & Company - Invoice #10399468 - Amount: $352.76
e. Joseph Merritt & Company - Invoice #10398805 - Amount $241.55
f. Langan - Invoice #LCT 0600226 - Amount $17,438.25
g. Silver, Petrucelli & Associates - Amendment Number-007R -$661.10
h. Silver, Perrucelli & Associates - Invoice #21-1209 - Amount $45,085.07
i. Montagno Construction, Inc. – AIA Document G702 - Period to 5/31/2021- $775,077.69
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, May 10, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonato, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady (P), D. Denning (P), R. Geiger (P), M. Hintz, N. Kelly (P), N. O’Dea (P), C. Perez (P), D. Pfenninger, B. Stratford (P), and S. Vaill (P)
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call:
III. Agenda Review:
1. Review of Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda – May 10, 2021
IV. Public Comment:
V. Business Discussion and Possible Action:
1. GC award and contract. Current project progress, including submittals & RFI’s
2. Material Testing RFP results, discussion and award
3. Environmental construction monitoring proposal (Langan)
4. Review of G802 #9 and #10 for civil and environmental design items.
5. Ground breaking ceremony discussion
6. Commissioning agent (Horizon) invoice #2
7. SP+A April and May invoices
VI. Adjourn:
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call:
III. Agenda Review:
a) Review of Hinsdale School renovation Committee Meeting Agenda – March 25, 2021
IV. Public Comment:
V. Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Property Easement Update and G802 (#7) Easement Map for $479.60 NTE
b) Review of Hinsdale Bids
c) Selection of Bid Recipient
d) Update of Timeline for Project
e) G802 (#8) Additional Civil services to meet Inland Wetland requirements during construction for $3,696.00 NTE
f) Approval of Invoices:
1. Silver Petrucelli 11/1/2020 $3,733.05
2. Silver Petrucelli 12/1/2020 $17,891.40
3. Silver Petrucelli 2/1/2021 $3,120.00
4. Silver Petrucelli 3/1/2021 $19,110.00
5. Commissioning Agent, Horizon Engineering invoice R2021Z-023-1 for $1,995.00
VI. Adjourn:
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Agenda Review:
Public Comment:
1. Hinsdale state review status - approval to bid
Newly Proposed Bid Dates (to be confirmed)
- Issued for Bid: January 21, 2021
- Pre-bid meeting: January 28, 2021
- RFI Deadline: February 25, 2021
- Bids Due: March 4, 2021
- Committee award of project: March 8, 2021 (or March 15)
2. Review of commissioning agent RFP submissions and next steps
3. Contract amendments
- G802 #5 - Geotechnical / Town approval process, hours for Civil & LS
- G802 #6 – Environmental specifications, oversight and sampling for tank removals
4. Hinsdale Financing Update and Clarification
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, November 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: In-Person - Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Agenda Review:
Public Comment:
1. Third Party Review and Comments
2. Commissioning Agent RFP
3. OSCG&R Process, Including Grant Commitment
4. Project Bid Timeline
5. Invoices
ACV Enviro - $4,228.05
Silver Petrucelli & Associates, Inc. - $96,442.68
Silver Petrucelli & Associates, Inc. - $13,046.18
6. Grant Commitment Notification Letter
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: In-Person - Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Agenda Review:
Public Comment:
Environmental Phase 2 – underground tank investigation update
○ Review of G802 Contract Amendment.
Civil update and review
Local review process update (P+Z, ZBA and IW)
Review and approval of final plans, specifications and estimates.
State OSCG+R process and timeline.
Resignation of Member - Michael Ruzabson 6/1/2020
InvoicesSilver, Petrucelli, and Associates
6/1/2020 $ 85,520.00
7/1/2020 $ 73,179.20
8/1/2020 $104,003.31
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to order
Roll Call
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of December 17, 2021
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and
The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Negotiations
III. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to order
Roll Call
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of December 3, 2020
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and
The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Negotiations
III. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Thursday, January 7, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to order
Roll Call
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of December 3, 2020
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and
The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Negotiations
III. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Thursday, December 17, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to order
Roll Call
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of November 19, 2020
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Negotiations
III. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of November 19, 2020
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Negotiations
III. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to order
Roll Call
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of November 12, 2020
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and
The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Negotiations
III. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m. Rescheduled to Thursday, November 12, 2020
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Call to order
Roll Call
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of November 14, 2020
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and
The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Acceptance of Ground Rules
III. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m. - Reschedule to Thursday, November 5, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Call to order
I. Roll Call
II. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of November 14, 2020
III. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and
The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Acceptance of Ground Rules
IV. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: AD Hoc Sub-Committee Meeting
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m. RESCHEDULED to
October 8, 2020 @ 5:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 2
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. New Business
a) Discussion of Ground Rules
b) WPS Membership Norms
c) Discussion of Areas to Address in Negotiations
IV. Adjourn
standing committee minutes 2020-2021
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2021, 6:18 PM
Location: In-person, Town Hall, Blue Room
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, and Kristin Peterson
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, & Richard Dutton
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order at 6:18pm
II. Roll Call
A. Board of Education: Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Tara Sundie, Kristin Peterson, and Richard Dutton
B. Central Office/Administration: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services, Barbara Silverio, Principal of Pearson School, and Rosanne Field, Principal of Batchellor School
III. Agenda Review
A. Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda - May 25, 2021 (Rescheduled to June 7, 2021)
1. No changes
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes of Curriculum Committee Minutes - February 23, 2021
1. MOTION First: K. Peterson, Second: D. Pfenninger → U.
V. New Business
A. NWEA Assessment Results for ELA and Math
1. Reports of student performance for each, NWEA Reading and NWEA Math were discussed beginning with Pearson School Academic Data presented by Principal Silverio. [Handout distributed].
a) Percentages were discussed
b) Strengths and Areas of Growth were read into the record
c) Comparisons between Remote and In-person learners were made and discussed
2. Reports for Special Education student performance for each, NWEA Reading and NWEA Math were discussed with Director of Student Services Seamus Cullinan. [Handout distributed]
a) Percentages were discussed
b) Strengths and Areas of Growth were read into the record
c) Comparisons between Remote and In-person learners were made and discussed
3. Reports for student performance for each, NWEA Reading and NWEA Math were discussed for students in Batcheller School as presented by Principal Rosanne Field. [Handout distributed]
a) Percentages were discussed
b) Strengths and Areas of Growth were read into the record
c) Comparisons between Remote and In-person learners were made and discussed
B. Transitioning from Commissioner’s Network Support to Independent Programming
1. Impacts were discussed
a) We are not losing staffing
b) We are losing financial support for instructional supplies
c) We are losing financial support for PD funding
(1) However, ARP funding can be used to replace these losses
(2) Additionally, perhaps some field trips can be virtual to save monies
C. Administrative Data Analysis Training - Overview
1. Working with Ed Advanced on training
2. Two training sessions thus far. One more training session is due.
3. Need to develop and work with an “actionable system” of review of student work
4. Spring data will lead to summer school support
D. Classroom Walkthroughs - observations in general
1. A reminder that the BOE has been presented with Classroom Walk Through conclusions in the past. These conclusions have been shared with the entire faculty in the past. These reports included “Successes” and “Opportunities.”
2. Next year, the district will be looking at individualized instruction and will be looking to EdAdvance for training.
VI. Adjournment
A. MOTION to adjourn at 7:30pm
1. First, K. Peterson, Second: T. Sundie → U
Minutes submitted by N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 6:30 pm
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, Tara Sundie, and Richard Dutton at 6:34pm
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Kim Roy
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – February 23, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Curriculum Committee Minutes – January 26, 2021
MOTION to approve minutes First: Tara Sundie, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
V. New Business
a) Winter Assessment Update:
Principal B. Silverio presented graphs of student data
Math celebrations here for 41st percentile
3rd-grade math - 20% increase from Fall to Winter
5th-grade math - 3% increase
Math celebrations here for 61st percentile as well
New students to the district need time to transition to the school, curriculum, etc.
The performance of new students to the district was analyzed.
Remote v. In-person learners
Most Remote students are independent and happy, and successful.
K. Roy on Batcheller School
Handout shared graphs of student data
- NWEA Reading Math averages from winter 2019 to winter 2020 have improved
- Kindergarten Dibels: The 57% to 27% dip was discussed
- Instruction has been consistent
- Action plans for specific bands of students are in place
VI. Adjournment
MOTION to adjourn 7:00 pm.
First: Alex Propfe, Second: Tara Sundie → U.
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 6:30 pm
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, and Richard Dutton
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order at 6:34 pm
II. Roll Call
A. Board of Education: Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Tara Sundie and Alexandra Propfe
B. Central Office/Administration: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, and Rosanne Field
III. Agenda Review
A. Review Curriculum Committee Agenda – January 26, 2021
1. MOTION to approve - First: D. Pfenninger, Second: T. Sundie → U.
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes of Curriculum Committee Minutes – November 24, 2020
1. MOTION to approve - First: K. Peterson, Second: T. Sundie→ U.
V. New Business
A. Coordinated Curriculum with The Gilbert School
1. Discussion of ways Winchester Schools has historically provided curricular support for Gilbert, including 6th grade supports for transitions into 7th grade. This included Special Education training of people up at Gilbert and professional development for math and science
a) Science: WPS uses "Open-SciEd" from the Gates Foundation, a free program except for consumables. Commissioner's Network paid for the three-day training. WPS has allowed Gilbert Faculty members to join for three days of professional development conducted by trainers on the Open-SciEd program. Curriculum units were identified for grades 6 and 7 to prevent overlap/redundancy. Open SciEd is a three-year rollout. COVID will have a slight impact on this schedule.
b) Math: We use Illustrative Math - Professional development trainers came into the district, and WPS afforded training to Gilbert. Four Gilbert faculty members joined in aligning 6 to the 7th-grade curriculum because Illustrative Math was new to Gilbert. Our Special Education teachers were very interested in this training. COVID will have a slight impact on this schedule.
c) A question about the placement process from grades 6 to 7 was asked of the WPS administration, which was explained. Placement criteria include teacher recommendation, NWEA scores, unit averages, class participation, and Gilbert's request that the top 20 performers be identified for placement into their most challenging classes.
d) Seamus is working on widening paraprofessional's roles across the district. He reported that paraprofessionals are engaged much more with students in and outside the classroom, beyond "cueing for expected behaviors." This includes calling home, running Google Meets, and bilingual work. Seamus reports that Case Managers and Paraprofessionals are under a lot of pressure this year due to Gilbert's many remote days. A WPS paraprofessional was awarded "Employee of the Month" by The Gilbert School.
VI. Adjournment
A. MOTION to adjourn at 7:18 pm
1. First: T. Sundie, Second: K. Peterson→ U.
Submitted by: N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Curriculum Committee Meeting MINUTES
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 6:30PM
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: N. Mocarski
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order at 6:32pm
II. Roll Call
a. PRESENT: N. Mocarski, D. Pfenninger, A. Propfe, K. Peterson, S. Cullinan, B. Silverio, M. Brady-Shanley, T. Sundie, and R. Fields
III. Agenda Review - No change.
IV. MOTION to accept minutes of Curriculum Committee Minutes from October 27, 2020
a. First: K. Peterson, Second: T. Sundie → U.
V. New Business
a. Overview of ELL Program by J. Prignano [PPT presented]
i. ELL students are tested for progress on four domains: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
ii. Students need to test into level 4 or 5 to exit the program. There is follow up on individual students for two years after they have exited.
iii. Student progress varies depending upon student.
iv. We service students with multiple languages. While Spanish is the most common, we help students who speak Chinese, Arabic, Urdu, and Portuguese, among others.
v. A general day-to-day schedule was shared
1. Everything in a student’s room would be labeled. Students are taught basic greetings, given a schedule with pictures. Teachers use Lexia, Rosetta Stone, and the Reach Program for content areas (Math, Science, Social Studies), students walk the school, work five days a week in Batcheller until students know their body parts, games are used, the seasons are taught.
vi. A question was asked about students transitioning to Gilbert.
vii. Parent support is available and encouraged. Teachers reach out for parents. We also use The Language Line for EL parents. Translators are in the district (6 to 7 employees speak Portuguese or Spanish). We also are considering translating some our materials for PPTs IEPs,
viii. Regarding COVID - Much effort was spent to build trust with the family. There were a number of weeks with 100% of EL participation.
ix. Note: Kudos to J. Prignano for supporting Regional 7’s program in need.
VI. MOTION to adjourn
a. First: K. Peterson, Second: T. Sundie → U.
Submitted by N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary
Winchester Board of Education
Curriculum Committee MINUTES
Date: October 27, 2020, 6:30pm
Location: Blue Room, Town Hall
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
I. Call to Order @ 6:30pm
II. Roll Call
A. Present: N. Mocarski, D. Pfenninger, T. Sundie, K. Peterson (enter 6:34pm)
B. Absent: A. Propfe, R. Dutton
C. BOE: Superintendent Brandy-Shanley, Principal Silverio, Principal Fields, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
III. Agenda Review
A. Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda - October 27, 2020
1. No changes.
IV. New Business
A. Review of initial data for reading, NWEA, ect.
1. Batcheller/Oak Street [See Handout for details]
a) Grades PreK through 2 data were reviewed and impact of COVID was discussed
b) Small group, targeted instruction, reteaching, and work in Data Teams are critical in supporting growth
2. Pearson [See Handout for details]
a) Grades 3 through 6 scores were shared and the impact of COVID was discussed
b) Work ahead includes building reading stamina, engagement, critical thinking, reading comprehension of a variety of genres and for a variety of purposes, as well as focus on using metacognitive strategies.
c) Math scores were shared. Action plan was discussed including the practice of identifying and working with weaknesses in skills and continued after school work with the Math Interventionist.
B. Race and Equity - Melony will put together a presentation for November, 2020 focusing on
1. The training has staff had to help bridge any cultural divides for our students
2. Identifying appropriate curricular topics on equity, race, gender, bias and share any initiatives to break down barriers
3. Economic diversity
4. Demographics for staff and student, hiring practices
5. We need to continue to discuss what we are we going to do with this information
V. Adjournment @7:17pm
A. MOTION: First: K. Peterson, Second: D. Pfenninger → U.
Minutes submitted by: N. Mocarski
Winchester Board of Education
Curriculum Committee MINUTES
Date: September 29, 2020, 6:30pm
Location: Blue Room, Town Hall
Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Call to Order @ 6:33pm
Roll Call:
Present; N. Mocarski, D. Pfenninger, T. Sundie, A. Propfe, K. Peterson @ 6:35, R. Dutton BOE: Superintendent Brandy-Shanley, Principal Silverio, Principal Fields, Seamus Cullinan, Director of Student Services
Agenda Review
- Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda
- Review of Data for Reading, NWEA, etc.Pearson Data [Handout] - NWEA was renormed due to COVID. Nationally-normed test.
- Data highlights shared
- Batcheller/Oak Street Data presented [handout]
- Data highlights shared
- Distance Learning (DL) students are in their own classroom with a teacher. Teacher is working within the school building.
- Kid Governor Program
- Conversation tabled to Spring meeting (May meeting)
Adjournment @7:27pm
MOTION: First: A. Propfe, Second: T. Sundie → U
Minutes submitted by: N. Mocarski
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting MINUTES
Location: Pearson School
Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2021
Meeting Facilitator: D. Pfenninger, BOE Chair
Committee Members: S. DeVaux, M. Hintz, R. Dutton, C. McGlynn, N. Mocarski, K. Peterson, A. Propfe, T. Sundie
Invitees: M. Brady-Shanley and N. O’Dea-Wyrick
Attendees: D. Pfenninger, K. Peterson, R. Dutton, T. Sundie, N. Mocarski
Absent: M. Hintz, C. McGlynn, A. Propfe, S. DeVaux
Postponed to September, 2021 due to lack of quorum.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger (P)
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn (P), Kristin Peterson (P), Alexandra Propfe (P), Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton (P), Doug Pfenninger (P), Alexandra Propfe (P), Michelle Hintz (P), and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley (P), Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick (P), Seamus Cullinan (P), Barbara Silverio (P)
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order - 7:15 PM
II. Roll call - See above (P) = Present
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – March 23, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – February 23, 2021
Motion: Michelle Hintz, 2nd - Cheryl McGlynn, - U.
V. New Business
a) Planning for the American Rescue Funds
I. Committee reviewed the details of the following grants:
1. Security Grant - ReKey Pearson
2. Alliance Building Grant - Pearson Bathrooms, Electrical Service Upgrade, Athletic Playfields - Must be spent by August 2021
3. Preliminary Planning for the American Rescue Funds - Pearson A/C, Academic Intervention Programming - Currently grant funds have not been allocated, grant application is not open as of yet.
VI Adjourn - 8:07 PM
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 @ 8:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
Call to order
I. Roll call
a) Board of Education:
1. Present: Cheryl McGlynn, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger,
Michelle Hintz, and Kristin Peterson
2. Absent: Nora Mocarski, Shana DeVaux, and Alexandra Propfe
b) Central Office: Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
c) Building Administration: Barbara Silverio
II. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – February 23, 2021
III. Approval of Minutes
a) MOTION to approve minutes of Finance Meeting on January 26, 2021
1. First: C. McGlynn, Second: R. Dutton → U
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting MINUTES
Location: Zoom:
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 @ 8:00pm
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order at 7:19 pm
II. Roll call
A. Board of Education:
1. Present: Cheryl McGlynn, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Michelle Hintz, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, and Alexandra Propfe
2. Absent: Shana DeVaux
B. Central Office: Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Seamus Cullinan
C. Building Administration: Barbara Silverio and Rosanne Field
III. Agenda Review
A. Review of Finance Committee Agenda – January 26, 2021
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. MOTION to approve minutes of Finance Committee Meeting on November 24, 2020
1. First: K. Peterson, Second: A. Propfe → U.
V. New Business
A. Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Information
1. Budget workshop date at the next February BOE meeting. To present budget assumptions for FY 2022 based upon the previous workshop. Waiting for one more grant source from CARES Act, which will help support intervention staffing. Much can happen in the next week/week in half.
2. First time, we will have to increase the budget; otherwise, it will decimate programs.
3. Slide Deck was shared to frame the discussion and education of the public to advocate for the FY2022.
a) Suggestions of additions and adjustment discussion
b) The Gilbert School Expenditures
1. Winchester Board member stressed the importance of including Gilbert’s capital improvement request to discuss the overall budget.
VI. Adjourn
A. MOTION to adjourn @ 8:30pm
1. First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
Minutes submitted by N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting MINUTES
Location: Zoom
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 @ 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
Call to order at 8:27pm.
I. Roll call
PRESENT: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, and Nora Mocarski, Melony Brady-Shanley, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
ABSENT: Richard Dutton, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
II. Agenda Review - Review of Finance Committee Agenda - November 24, 2020
a. No change.
III. Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting - October 27, 2020
i. MOTION to approve - First: C. McGlynn, Second D. Pfenninger → U.
IV. New Business
a. Future Impact of the Opening Hinsdale on Operating Budget
i. Neutral impact
b. Negotiation Team Pre-meeting caucus called for on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at 7 pm via Zoom
V. Adjourn
a. MOTION to adjourn at 8:36 pm
i. First: A. Propfe, Second: K. Peterson → U.
-submitted by Nora Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 @ 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Tara Sundie, Richard Dutton, Doug Pfenninger, Alexandra Propfe, Michelle Hintz, and Shana DeVaux
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order - 8:00 PM
II. Roll call - Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristen Peterson, Tara Sundie, Michelle Hintz, Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Finance Committee Agenda – October 27, 2020
a. Motion DP, 2nd - CM, Vote U.
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting – May 26, 2020
a. Motion TS, 2nd - KP - Vote U.
V. New Business
a) Gilbert Negotiation Seeking Refund re: Gilbert PPP - Doug to DRAFT a letter and present to the BOE for consideration.
b) Proposed Legislation Update - Discussion, no action
c) Update on Alliance District Building Grant - Grant has been submitted,awaiting approval.
VI. Adjourn 8:37 PM - Motion DF, 2nd MH - Vote U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Policy Committee Meeting - Minutes
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: June 7, 2021 @ 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Invitees: D. Pfenninger, N. Mocarski, A. Propfe, and T. Sundie
N. O’Dea-Wyrick, M. Brady-Shanley
Present: D. Pfenninger, K. Peterson, R. Dutton, T. Sundie, N. Mocarski
Absent: M. Hintz, C. McGlynn, A. Propfe, S. DeVaux
I. Postponed to September, 2021 due to lack of quorum.
A. Policy Issue # 5111(a)
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz (P)
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn (P), Kristin Peterson (P), Alexandra Propfe (P),
Invitees: Richard Dutton (P), Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger(P), Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick(P), and Melony Brady-Shanley(P)
Quorum: 3
Call to Order - 6:30 PM
Roll Call - See above present = P
Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – March 23, 2021
Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – February 23, 2021
Motion: Cheryl McGlynn, 2nd: Kristin Peterson - U.
Open Issues
a) Policy # 4113.6 / 4213.6 - Remote Work / Telecommuting
Motion: To move to a 1st read for April BOE Meeting - Doug Pfenninger
2nd: Cheryl McGylnn - U.
Adjourn - 7:02 PM
Motion: Alex Propfe, 2nd: Kristin Peterson - U.
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and Bylaws Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
Call to Order – 7:15 PM
Roll Call
a) BOE Present: Michelle Hintz, Doug Pfenninger, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, and Richard Dutton
b) District & Building Administration Present: Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea- Wyrick
Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – February 23, 2021
Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – January 26, 2021
MOTION to approve minutes → U
Open Issues
a) Policy # 1328 – School Mascots
b) Policy # 3281.2 – Online Fundraising Campaigns-Crowd funding
c) Policy # 4000.1 / 5145.44 – Title IX
Decided not to review policy’s a,b, and c.
d) Policy # 0525 – Responding to Hateful Speech in Schools
Need to due a comparison between this policy and the existing bulling and student conduct policy.
e) Policy # 4113.6 / 4213.6 - Remote Work / Telecommuting
Move to the Policy Meeting in March.
Adjourn – 7:40 PM
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021, @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Zoom -
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe
Invitees: Shana DeVaux, Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order 7:18
II. Roll Call
a. BOE PRESENT: Michelle Hintz, Douglas Pfenniger, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Alexandra Propfe, and Tara Sundie
b. DISTRICT & BUILDING ADMINISTRATION PRESENT: Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field
c. ABSENT: Shana DeVaux.
III. Agenda Review
a. None.
IV. Approval of Minutes
a. MOTION to approve the minutes of November 24, 2020
i. First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
V. Open Issues
a. Policy #5141.4a Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
i. Melony to consolidate Policies of Version 2 with the Regulations of Version 3.
1. MOTION to bring the consolidated policy #5141.4a to the next Regular BOE meeting on February 9, 2021.
a. FIRST: N. Mocarski, SECOND: R. Dutton → U.
VI. Adjournment
a. MOTION to adjourn at 7:32
i. First: K. Peterson, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
Submitted by: N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting MINUTES
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020, @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order 7:20 pm
II. Roll Call
a. PRESENT: Michelle Hintz, Alexandra Propfe, Douglas Pfenninger, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Nora Mocarski, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosie Fields, Tara Sundie
b. ABSENT: Richard Dutton
III. Agenda Review.
a. None.
IV. Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – October 27, 2020
a. MOTION to approve Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes
i. First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
V. Open Issues
a. 4111.3 - Minority Recruitment
i. MOTION to move policy 4111.3 with the exception of the fourth paragraph under “OR” that starts with “For the purposes of the Board’s affirmative action policy…” to the BOE’s First Read
1. First: C. McGlynn, Second: K. Peterson → U.
b. 4116 - Probationary/ Tenure Status
i. MOTION to move the policy on page 1 (the first example) to the BOE’s First Read with the addition, “The standard for tenure is demonstrated excellence.” to the second paragraph that begins, “The Board of Education will expect thorough and competent…”
1. First: C. McGlynn, Second: A. Propfe → U.
c. 5141 - Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault
i. MOTION to examine “Version 3” and its regulations as well as “Appendix E and F” of “Version 1” to ensure language and/or terms do not contradict itself to determine if both can go together into a combined version for the next policy meeting in December of 2020. The two parts will be cut and pasted together for all BOE members to review prior to the Policy Meeting in December, 2020.
1. First: N. Mocarski, Second: C. McGlynn → U.
d. 7100 - New Construction Planning
i. MOTION to move the last version, pages 8-10 of the pdf to the BOE First Read
1. First: C. McGlynn, Second: A. Propfe → U.
e. 4118.16a - Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties
i. MOTION to move policy to the BOE First Read with “Additional language to consider” on page one included to the BOE First Read.
1. First: C. McGlynn, Second: A. Propfe → U.
VI. Adjournment
a. MOTION to adjourn @ 8:26 pm.
i. First: C. McGlynn, Second: N. Mocarski → U.
Minutes submitted by N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Policy and ByLaws Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 @ 7:15 p.m.
Location: Town Hall - Blue Room
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe,
Invitees: Richard Dutton, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order - 7:20 PM
II. Roll Call - Michelle Hintz, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – October 27, 2020
A. Motion MH, 2nd KP - Vote U.
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Minutes – September 29, 2020
A. Motion MH, 2nd CM, Vote U.
V. Open Issues
a) Policy #4152.61(a) Family Medical Leave Act.
1. Discard
b) Policy #4118.112 Sex Discrimination and Sexual harassment in the Workplace
1. Move to first read
c) Policy # 3516 Safe and Secure School Facilities, Equipment and Grounds
1. Move to first read
d) Policy # 3517 Security of Buildings and Grounds
1. Move to first read
e) Policy # 4111.3 Minority Recruitment
1. Move to Policy Meeting in November
f) Policy # 4116 Awarding of Tenure
1. Move to Policy Meeting in November
g) Policy # 4118.16 Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties, Domestic Violence
1. Move to Policy Meeting in November
h) Policy # 7100 New Construction Planning
1. Move to Policy Meeting in November
i) Policy # 5141.4(a) Mandated Reporting
1. Move to Policy Meeting in November
VI. Adjourn - 7:58 PM = Motion MH, 2nd TS - Vote U.
Winchester Board of Education
Policy Committee MINUTES
Date: September 29, 2020, 6:30pm
Location: Blue Room, Town Hall
Facilitator: Michelle Hintz
Committee Members: Kristin Peterson, Alexandra Propfe, Doug Pfenninger, and Tara Sundie
Call to Order @ 7:28pm
Roll Call:
Present; N. Mocarski, D. Pfenninger, T. Sundie, A. Propfe, K. Peterson, M. Hintz, R. Dutton
Central Office: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent of Schools, Nancy O'Dea-Wyrick, Director of Business Services & Finance
Agenda Review
Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda of September 29, 2020|
a) MOTION: A. Propfe, Second: K. Peterson → U.
Open Issues:
Policy #5111a - Admissions
Per Superintendent Brady-Shanley: There is nothing contrary to current practice and has no worries about adopting this policy in full.
a) MOTION to send to Winchester BOE for first read with Melony to update forms
(1) First: D. Pfenninger, Second: A. Propfe → U.
Policy # 5112a - Age of Attendance
Per Superintendent Brady-Shanley: Note the removal and addition
a) MOTION to move to first read with the Winchester BOE
(1) First: N. Mocarski, Second: K. Peterson → U.
Policy #5141.4a - Mandating Reporting
a) MOTION to table to next policy meeting
(1) D. Pfenninger, M. Hintz → U.
Policy #4118.231a/4218.231 - Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco
Extensive discussion occurred over CBD products, and optional addition to the policy. Concern is the liability of bringing these items on campus. Concern also included “workplace” in light of distance learning teachers.
a) MOTION to table to October Policy Meeting
(1) First: T. Sundie, Second: M. Hintz → U.
Adjournment MOTION to adjourn at 8:00pm
First: N. Mocarski, Second; M. Hintz → U.
Minutes submitted by N. Mocarski
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, June 21, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair (p)
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair (p)
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady (p), D. Denning (p), J. Kelly (p), M. Hintz (p), N. Kelly (p), N. O’Dea, C. Perez (p), D. Pfenninger (p), B. Stratford (p), and S. Vaill (p)
Call to Order: 6:01 PM
Roll Call: See above
Agenda Review:
1. Review of Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda – June 21, 2021
a. Some removal of invoices due to duplication.
b. Add conversation and possible action for permission for action based on change orders. Committee to determine amount and allowance.
Public Comment: No public comment
1. Construction update
a. Schedule
1. Paul from S,P&A
a. Abatement is close to being finished. All areas are complete except for the tunnel area.
b. Demolition - Two-story will begin next week (middle of the week). This process will take about three weeks. In the process they will uncover the river.
c. Supplies/materials - Many materials were bought out early. Culvert under the driveway (easement). This culvert is behind schedule due to the lack of precast materials. They are working around this in the schedule to accommodate continued movement in the schedule. Aluminum windows are twenty weeks out on ordering. Roofing materials are also pushed out due to demand. Underground storage tank removal is in progress. Demolition in the building is going smoothly.
b. Revisions and/or unforeseen conditions with potential schedule or budget impact.
1. Abatement - Small exterior roof in the music room. This needs to be abated; it was uncovered during demolition. A proposal has been requested.
2. Floor In-Fill - A floor topping needs to be addressed however the topping is crumbling. It is about a 900 sq foot area. A proposal has been requested.
3. Vault Area and 2nd grade classroom abatement - The chase wall needs to be replaced with gypsum board. A proposal has been requested.
4. Underground Storage Tank - There is some type of fill inside the tank in the front. More information is being sought.
5. Duct design is being impacted by electrical rack and conduit. The mechanical engineer did not see the rack. It runs the length of the corridor. Currently all engineers are looking at different solutions.
2. Committee to discuss dollar amount set for change order requests between meetings.
a. $10,000 amount
b. Tony Sandonato and Melony Brady-Shanley to make allowance.
c. If a pressing issue arises and exceeds the threshold between meetings, a second meeting may be called if necessary.
i. Steve Vaill - Motion - To allow Tony and Mel permission not to exceed $10,000 allowance on change orders not to exceed more than $25,000 on a monthly basis.
2nd - David Carter
Vote - U.
3. Invoices
a. Horizon Engineering - Invoice #R2021Z-023-3 - Amount: $280.00
Motion: Dale Denning, 2nd: Steve Vaill - U.
b. Silver, Petrucelli & Associates - Invoice #21-991 - Amount: $9,632.31
Previously paid
c. Langan - Invoice #LCT 0058494 - Amount: $1,600.00
Previously paid
d. Joseph Merritt & Company - Invoice #10399468 - Amount: $352.76
Previously paid
e. Joseph Merritt & Company - Invoice #10398805 - Amount $241.55
Previously paid
f. Langan - Invoice #LCT 0600226 - Amount $17,438.25
No action needed due to item ‘h’
g. Silver, Petrucelli & Associates - Amendment Number-007R - $661.10
Amend - This is included in invoice #21-1209
Motion: David Carter, 2nd - Norman Kelly, U.
h. Silver, Petrucelli & Associates - Invoice #21-1209 - Amount $45,085.07
Includes Langan invoice ‘f’.
Motion: David Carter, 2nd - Dale Denning - U.
i. Montagno Construction, Inc. – AIA Document G702 - Period to 5/31/2021- $775,077.69
Motion: David Carter, 2nd Norman Kelly, U.
Adjournment: 7:05 PM
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, May 10, 2021, at 5:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonato, Chair (P)
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair (P)
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady (P), D. Denning, J. Kelly, M. Hintz (P), N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger (P), B. Stratford (P), and S. Vaill (P), Steve Savino (P), Joe Montagno (P), Anthony Montagno (P), Paul Jorgensen (P), Gabriel Holzthum (P)
I. Call to Order: 5:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review:
1. Review of Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda – May 10, 2021
a. No changes
IV. Public Comment:
a. Asked three times - No Comment
V. Business Discussion and Possible Action:
1. GC award and contract. Current project progress, including submittals & RFI’s
a. PJ reported that the project had been awarded. Notice to Proceed is in place, and signed contracts are in place.
b. Current Progress by KM & SS - Mobilized on-site, fence installed, erosion control measures, abatement has started in the two-story building, MEP’s - (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) and walls demolition will start in the next few days the utilities will be capped off. The trailer will be delivered on Thursday. They are working on the buyout of subcontractors this week. All should be bought out and awarded by next week.
c. Kick-off meetings will be forthcoming with Montagno and the owners. During this meeting, subcontractors, schedule/values, and submittal log will be prepared. Tentative Meeting - May 18 at 10 a.m. - Trailer Location.
2. Material Testing RFP results, discussion, and award
a. Special inspections requirement - Owner, hire an independent testing company that works with Montagno - RFP went out last month, issued per state contract, four firms met the requirements. TESTCON, IMTI, TERACON all submitted an RFP - Selected Company - TESTCON out of Danbury (lower side of the scale) - Test rates and hourly rates are competitive. Also, a minority-owned business.
Dave Carter - What is the frequency of how often TESTCON will be on sight? Is there a schedule for this? Answer - The contractor will set the schedule for the testing cycle. The cycle will be done in bi-weekly intervals.
i. Motion - Dave Carter
ii. 2nd - Steve Vaill
iii. Vote - U.
3. Environmental construction monitoring proposal (Langan)
a. This has started 5/10/21. Langan has performed some services under the original contract. Monitoring is a separate billing document. This monitoring has been signed off on by the Superintendent. Estimate was $53,000 for the entire monitoring period during the construction.
Steve Vaill - Is it better to have Silver, Petrucelli and Associates oversee the monitoring. What are the pros and cons - benefit S, P&A - reviews the invoice prior to payment.
Candy Perez - What is the markup? How many invoices will there be? Right now, it is at $5,300. 10% markup
1. Motion - Dave Carter - To have S, P & A oversee the monitoring of Environmental Construction.
2. 2nd - Steve Vaill
3. Vote - U.
4. Review of G802 #9 and #10 for civil and environmental design items. Contract Amendment
a. Overrun of testing - $5,659.22 - Allowance was for $15,000
b. Specifications for bidding $3,770.00
c. Total overrun was $10,372.14 (all services with Langan accounted for)
i. Motion - To approve the $10,372.14 by Dave Carter
ii. 2nd - Steve Vaill
iii. Vote - U.
d. Don Smith - Civil Engineer - For additional land use meeting - Total fee - $4,123.35 (all services with Don Smith are accounted for)
i. Motion - To approve $4,132.35 by Dave Carter
ii. 2nd - Steve Vaill
iii. Vote - U.
5. Groundbreaking ceremony discussion
a. May 20, 2021, at 10 a.m. at Hinsdale in the parking lot area
b. MBS to develop a press release
6. Commissioning agent (Horizon) invoice #2
a. Must be independent by the owner.
b. Has been reviewed by SPA
i. Invoice - $665.00
1. Motion - Steve Vaill
2. 2nd - Dave Carter
3. Vote - U.
7. SP+A April and May invoices
a. Invoice - April 2021 - $24,200
i. Motion - Approve $24,200 - Dave Carter
ii. 2nd - Steve Vaill
iii. Vote - U.
b. Invoice - May 2021 - $9,632.31
i. Motion - Approve $9,632.31 - Steve Vaill
ii. 2nd - Dave Carter
iii. Vote - U.
8. Tony Sandonato- Request periodic safety report
a. Request to have feedback at the monthly renovation committee meeting.
b. If there is a “First Report of Injury” is filed, we will be notified.
VI. Adjourn: 6:19 p.m.
1. Steve Vaill
2. Dave Carte
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady (P), D. Denning (P), R. Geiger (P), M. Hintz, N. Kelly (P), N. O’Dea (P), C. Perez (P), D. Pfenninger, T. Sandonato (P), B. Stratford (P), and S. Vaill(P)
I. Call to Order: 6:31 PM
II. Roll Call:
III. Agenda Review:
a) Review of Hinsdale School renovation Committee Meeting Agenda – March 25, 2021
1. Material Testing Services
2. Clerk of the Works
3. Resignation of of Steve Frazier
4. Nomination for Committee Chair
Motion: Tony S., 2nd Dale Denning - U.
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Property Easement Update and G802# (#7) Easement Map for $479.60 NTE
Invoice Motion: Dale Denning, 2nd Norman - U.
b) Review of Hinsdale Bids
Viewed the overview of all bids
a. Consistency with all 13 bids
b. All bids far less than original financial plan
c. 9 bids within $12 million to $12.9 million
d. Montagno is the low bidder - 281K less than second bidder. All alternates are included.
e. Reviewed in detail, the three low bidder information sheets. Paul at Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates, called all contractors and spoke to their principal to ensure accuracy of information.
f. Montagno - Bid qualified; met all requirements
g. Overall - $15.3 million with all phases and materials. This is about $2 million below original finance. Cost to the town will be about $4.3 million.
h. MBS to reach out at the direction of the committee to discuss a solar project.
c) Selection of Bid Recipient
Motion to select Montagno Construction Inc. of Waterbury, CT as the recipient, qualified, low bidder at $13,067,507 with all nine bid alternates included.
Motion - Tony S., 2nd - Steve V. - U.
d) Update of Timeline for Project
1. Timeline for Montagno - 30 Calendar Days, will complete with 456 days to finish the project.
2. ‘Notice to Proceed’ will be sent by Silver, Petrucelli and Associates.
3. 15 months out. June 2022 deadline for the project.
4. There is a liquidated damages clause at about $500 per day.
e) G802 (3*) Additional civil services to meet Inland Wetland requirements during construction for $3,696.00 NTE
Motion: Norman, 2nd: Tony - Vote: U.
f) Approval of Invoices:
1. Silver Petrucelli 11/1/2020 $3,733.05
2. Silver Petrucelli 12/1/2020 $17,891.40
3. Silver Petrucelli 2/1/2021 $3,120.00
4. Silver Petrucelli 3/1/2021 $19,110.00
5. Commissioning Agent, Horizon Engineering invoice R2021Z-023-1 for $1,995.00
Motion to accept all invoices - Steve V. , 2nd: Dale D. - Vote: U.
g) Material Testing Services
Building Code requires certain aspects of the project have an independent lab test. Concrete, mortar, soil compaction, steel, steel welds, etc. We are currently carrying $25,000 for testing. Material testing numbers have been coming in high on other projects. We need to ensure we plan as efficiently as possible in this area. At the next meeting, we would select and qualify a materials testing company from the state bid list.
h) Clerk of the Works
i) Resignation of of Steve Frazier
I. Accept with Regret
j) Nomination for Committee Chair
Dale Denning - Motion to nominate: Tony Sandonato
2nd - Steve V. - U.
VI. Adjourn: 7:57 PM
Motion: Dale, Steve: 2nd - U.
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Agenda Review:
Public Comment:
1. Hinsdale state review status - approval to bid
Newly Proposed Bid Dates (to be confirmed)
- Issued for Bid: January 21, 2021
- Pre-bid meeting: January 28, 2021
- RFI Deadline: February 25, 2021
- Bids Due: March 4, 2021
- Committee award of the project: March 8, 2021 (or March 15)
2. Review of commissioning agent RFP submissions and next steps
3. Contract amendments
- G802 #5 - Geotechnical / Town approval process, hours for Civil & LS
- G802 #6 – Environmental specifications, oversight, and sampling for tank removals
4. Hinsdale Financing Update and Clarification
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, November 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: In-Person - Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair
Invitees: M. Bird, M. Shanley-Brady, D. Denning, R. Geiger, M. Hintz, N. Kelly, N. O’Dea, C. Perez, D. Pfenninger, T. Sandonato, B. Stratford, and S. Vaill
Call to Order: 6:02 PM
Roll Call: M. Brady-Shanley, Michelle Hintz, Steve Vaill, Steven Frazier, Tony Sandonato, Doug Pfenninger, Bob Gieger, Bruce Stratford, Nancy O'Dea-Wyrick, David Carter, Norman Kelly (phone), Paul Jorgenson (phone), Melissa Bird (phone), Dale Denning
Agenda Review: No changes
Public Comment: No public comments
1. Third Party Review and Comments - Report from Paul Jorgensen - Drawings have been reviewed and completed. Comments have been provided to the design team. There were about 30 comments that we're able to be addressed, and written responses were given. The Reviewer has signed off on the project. Local officials are in the process of signing off, including the Health Department in Torrington. We are only missing one or two signatures. Following the signatures, we will submit the drawings to DAS. They will stamp them in 1 or 2 weeks and then receive an approval to bid letter.
2. Commissioning Agent RFP - High-Performance Standards Project requires the owners to hire an independent commissioning agent to review the mechanical aspects of the building during design and construction. Cost is built into the estimate for the project (40-60K) - built into the professional services line and is reimbursable by the state. Usually about $1.00 per square foot of project. This person will work with engineers regarding the scope of the project and follow the design into construction. They will work with contractors to get them operational at the highest level.
3. OSCG&R Process, Including Grant Commitment - DAS will issue a formal approval letter to bid on the project. DAS will ensure that the review is complete before the bid. The bid will be ready in one week following the approval.
4. Project Bid Timeline - There will be milestone dates set up during the bid process. We are anticipating a bid timeframe of 6-7 weeks.
5. Invoices - ACV Enviro - $4,228.05 - Motion by Tony S, 2nd Michelle - U.
Silver Petrucelli & Associates, Inc. - $96,442.68 - Motion by David Carter, 2nd Steve Vaill - U.
Silver Petrucelli & Associates, Inc. - $13,046.18 - Motion by Steve Vaill, 2nd David Carter - U.
6. Grant Commitment Notification Letter - Shared and distributed.
Adjourn: 6:34 p.m. - Motion David Carter, 2nd Dale Denning - U.
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: In-Person - Blue Room
Meeting Facilitator: Steven Frazier, Chair (absent)
Dave Carter, Vice-Chair (present)
Invitees: M. Bird (absent), M. Shanley-Brady (present), D. Denning (present), R. Geiger (absent), M. Hintz (absent), N. Kelly (absent), N. O’Dea (present), C. Perez (present), D. Pfenninger (present), T. Sandonato (present), B. Stratford (present), S. Vaill (present), Dean Petrucelli (present), Paul Jorganson (present)
Call to Order: 6:05 PM
Roll Call:
Agenda Review:
Public Comment:
1. Environmental Phase 2 – underground tank investigation update
-Review of G802 Contract Amendment.
Langon conducted an investigation of the two tanks. They have completed the review of one tank. The first tank was not placed according to the map. It has taken extra hours to locate and analyze the tank.
Motion: The HSRC authorizes an amount not to exceed $1,700 for the investigation of the second oil tank.
David Carter Motion, 2nd Steve Vaill - U
Review of G802 - This request came off of the request of the Winchester Planning and Zoning for an independent review of the construction documents.
Motion: The HSRC authorizes an amount of not to exceed $5,135 for an independent review by Loureiro and three applications for planning and zoning, inland wetlands, and Zoning Board of Appeals.
Tony Sandonato, 2nd Dale Denning - U
2. Civil update and review
a. Planning and Zoning - Thorough process, no comments that have significantly changed the scope of the project. The next focus will be on the buffer zones, the buffer is currently only 5 feet from the property line. We are seeking a variance to increase the buffer to between 20-25 feet however it is still under the 35 foot requirement.
b. Location of the dumpster was moved by Planning and Zoning away from the building.
c. Planning and Zoning requested us to investigate screening the rooftop units on the building.
d. Hinsdale and Spencer sidewalk are currently not covered under the scope of the project.
e. Planning and Zoning also requested that the pipes be camera’d to ensure it is viable for the future. The pipes that was installed is from 1988.
f. Permanent and Temporary Easement for construction and usage for the pipe for the Petit household.
3. Local review process update (P+Z, ZBA and IW)
a. MBS will share the dates and calendar invites to participate in the meetings.
4. Review and approval of final plans, specifications and estimates.
a. Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates has provided a complete set of drawings.
b. Seven signatures will be needed to finalize the drawings.
c. There may be a few changes based on Planning and Zoning, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Inland Wetlands commentary.
Motion: To direct Melony Brady-Shanley to work with Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates on bid alternates in relation to the probable construction costs to ensure the construction costs is below the approved referendum amounts. This task must be completed by Friday, September 18, 2020.
David Carter, Dale Denning 2nd - U
Motion: Committee approves the final construction plans, specifications, and estimate dated September 1, 2020 with the understanding that land use board requirements and bid alternates will be implemented to ensure the cost is met at or below the approved referendum amount.
Steve Vaill, David Carter - U
5. State OSCG+R process and timeline.
a. Review with the state will be October 7, 2020.
6. Resignation of Member - Michael Ruzabson 6/1/2020
Motion: To accept resignation
David Carter, Tony Sandonato - U
7. Invoices
a. Silver, Petrucelli, and Associates
i. 6/1/2020 $85,520.00
ii. 7/1/2020 $73,179.20
iii. 8/1/2020 $104,003.31
Motion: To approve all invoices as noted. Invoice 20-1214 for $85,520.00 20-1479 for $73,179.20, 20-1733 for $104033.31
Tony Sandonato, Steve Vaill - U
Adjourn: David Carter, Dale Denning - 7:28 PM
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, December 17, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to order - Motion - Doug, 2nd Cheryl - 7:04 PM
Roll Call - Doug, Cheryl, Dick, Kristin, MBS, Steve, Ellen, Jen, Tony
November 19, 2020
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
Motion - Doug, 2nd - Steve - U.
1) Negotiations
a. Doug - Thank you for reformatting the document. Ellen - DRAFT of this contract was based off of the Canterbury Contract.
1. Designation - Doug - Concern - Not obligated to share potential sending district information.
2. Enrollment - Clarification of June 1st date - Ellen - purely to provide an update on enrollment figures.
3. Tuition Payment - Focused on per pupil amount. Winchester will provide some models/contract language as potential clarifications regarding tuition/enrollment.
4. Last sentence of the paragraph in Section 6 - Clarification due to the space in the building.
5. MOU - Will be updated and remain in force.
6. Procedures for Establishing Tuition - Agreeable to the idea of a committee. Timelines are a concern regarding budget development. Need to have a timeline that works for all parties. Membership suggested was agreed upon.
6a. - Propose changing the date to December or January 1.
7. Remove the language of Winchester’s budget.
8. Arbitration - Winchester would like to caucus on this topic. Would like to only have one arbitrator instead of three. Winchester would like to suggest a pure arbitration with the high/low.
9. Expulsion - Would like to look further into this for a topic of discussion.
10. Term - Ellen - Would like to discuss the term further.
Next Meeting - 1/7/2021 - 7:00 PM
III. Adjourn - 8:15 PM - Motion - Cheryl, 2nd Ellen - U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to Order: 7:06 PM
Roll Call: Doug Pfenninger, Kristin Peterson, Cheryl McGlynn (absent - excused), Steve Sedlack, Jennifer Marchand, Ellen Marino, Dr. Tony Serio, Alison Shea (absent - excused), Melony Brady-Shanley, Dr. R. Dutton
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of November 19, 2020
Motion - Sedlack, 2nd Marino - U.
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Negotiations
E. Marino - Sole Designation - Open for discussion but would like more information regarding other designated districts. Length of contract - Believes that historically, WPS has been unstable more so than TGS, e.g. receivership. Would prefer a long-term contract, more than two years. October 1, 2020 - Willing to consider using this date to set the enrollment figure that’s used to calculate per pupil cost and pro rata shares in the following year. Seeking to establish a process for establishing tuition rather than setting a flat rate.
D. Pfenninger - Sole Designation - Gilbert would remain a choice. Acknowledges that TGS has been around for a significant time. WPS would like to observe the transition to the new Head of School model. Enrollment - October 1 - Adjustment is made in the following school year. Capital expense - Expecting significant spending in the near future. Seeking clarification on how to handle capital increases over the coming years. Need to protect taxpayers from sudden surge.
E. Marino - Does not believe the contracts set by the Receiver were precedent setting. Believes WPS should appreciate having seats on the Corporation as they have direct input on budget. Does not believe the capital improvements are the responsibility of the Trust just like the Town side of municipal budget is not responsible for capital improvement, the WBOE is. Reports that history shows the budgets have been relatively stable so concern about a million or two million dollar surge is unfounded.
D. Pfenninger - Does not believe that TGS would be irresponsible with regards to capital improvements. WPS is seeking to protect capital increases through planned savings for projects. Concerned regarding the cost of the five year plan and how the projects would be funded.
E. Marino - Budget - Gilbert has a capital reserve account and plans ahead for capital improvements. Proposing a process to establish tuition. Trust paid for the renovation of TGS as well as building the facilities. By closing the door on a long-term contract, WPS denies GBOE access to state for reimbursement for school construction projects. Winchester is the vehicle through which bonding is obtained. GBOE position is we can work together on capital improvements. Questioned the Mayor’s proposed legislation to change state law regarding endowed academies and what WBOE position is as it relates to our negotiations.
D. Pfenninger - Not looking to talk about proposed legislation during this negotiation session.
E. Marino - Seeking WPS to “sell” the educational program to the town should increases need to be made. Acknowledges WPS has, post receivership, made tremendous and needed improvements to the Winchester school system and the loss of commission funds was expected. Now is the time to maintain what has been established and it would be better for the town if both districts promote the education system collaboratively. Seeking a process for setting tuition.
D. Pfenninger - Need clarification on what impact enrollment decrease/increases have on tuition amounts.
E. Marino - Trust the superintendents to set the budget and the board ultimately approves it. We need to respect the process and let them do their jobs. Both districts must offer a quality education to all students.
D. Pfenninger - Budget development committee. What would the role of the committee be?
E. Marino - Committee would pre-determine prior to the board and determine if the budget is reasonable. Committee membership would have insight/input into the budget process/development. Communication in the process would be key but the board is the only entity that approves the budget.
D. Pfenninger - Agree regarding the importance of communication and transparency. Committee would have no say over the budget approval. Approval would only be done at the Board level.
E. Marino - Would like the Boards to be more collaborative.
D. Pfenninger - BOE has concerns regarding small class size. Seeking for explanation regarding scheduling and class development. Thought process behind determining sections vs. enrollment.
E. Marino - Enrollment - Agreeable to use October 1 date for census. Adjustment in following year.
D. Pfenninger - Would like to discuss with the team and reconvene in 2 weeks.
III. Adjournment - Motion - Marino, 2nd Sedlack - U. 7:55 PM.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Call to Order - Doug Pfenninger, Kristin Peterson, Cheryl McGlynn, Steve Sedlack, Ellen Marino, Dr. Tony Serio, Melony Brady-Shanley
Roll Call - 7:19 PM
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of November 12, 2020 - Motion Steve Sedlack, 2nd Doug Pfenninger
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Negotiations Steve Sedlack appointed Ellen Marino as the new chief spokesperson for TGS.
a. Ellen Marino - Does not want to discuss finances. EP - Listing demands not reasonable, finances - this is a non-starter. TGS is open to a contract. Seeking that the two superintendents create the budget. Ellen would like to establish the budget based on projected spending not per pupil. Does not want to adjust amount based on per pupil, Oct 1. EM - seeking clarifying position on - sole designation, long-term contract, and fixed costs/vs/tuition. Concerned regarding sole designation, fixed costs.
b. Doug Pfenninger - Does not want a “contract” without price included. DP - Questions where is the most appropriate place to discuss finance/tuition. Believes our stance is a proposal. Presented reasons for not pursuing a contract with TGS. Cheryl McGlynn would like the finances to be handled in a transparent fashion. WPS is responsible to the taxpayers and citizens. Concerned regarding the 4 members on the TGS board. WPS is seeking to pay per pupil based on actual October 1 enrollment. DP - Seeking - 2 years, non-sole designation, firm cost established by mid-to-late January.
c. Both parties are willing to engage in a process regarding length of the contract.
III. Adjourn - 9:02 PM - Motion - Sedlack, 2nd Pfenninger
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting - Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.
Rescheduled To: Thursday, November 12, 2020
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Call to Order - 7:07 PM
Roll Call - Doug Pfenninger, Kristin Peterson, Cheryl McGlynn, Steve Sedlack, Jennifer Marchand, Ellen Marino, Dr. Tony Serio, Alison Shea (Zoom), Melony Brady-Shanley
I. Acceptance of Minutes
a) Meeting of November 14, 2019 - Minutes to reflect that the preempted contract language was based on a long-term contract. Motion - Sedlack, 2nd - McGylnn - U.
II. Business
a) Winchester Board of Education Ad Hoc Negotiation Committee and The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation
1) Acceptance of Ground Rules - Motion - Pfenninger, 2nd - Sedlack, U.
1. Each party will be represented by a negotiating team consisting of no more than three individuals. In addition, the Superintendents of the Winchester Board of Education (WBOE) and The Gilbert School (TGS) will be included as non-voting ex-officio members of their respective party’s team. Each party will have the right to designate one alternate who may replace an absent member. Each party may permanently replace a team member who has resigned or otherwise been removed from the team.
2. Negotiations will take place Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM and ending by 9:00 PM, commencing 11/19/2020, 12/3/2020, 12/17/2020. We will reassess the schedule in the beginning of January 2021.
3. New proposals shall be submitted in writing to the other party at least five (5) days in advance of the next scheduled meeting. The exception would be for the 11/19/2020 meeting, proposals would be submitted by 11/17/2020.
4. Each party shall designate a chief spokesperson to represent and speak for its team. The spokesperson shall have the right to yield to other team members or resource witnesses to speak. Only members of the negotiating teams and their legal counsel (if any) may participate in negotiations, except by mutual agreement.
5. Each party has the right to have legal counsel present. Ten days’ notice shall be given to the other party should legal counsel be invited to be present at negotiations
6. Only the chief spokesperson or his/her designee shall be authorized to make proposals, requests, commitments and tentative agreements with the other party.
7. Each party has the ability to call for a caucus at any time. If a caucus is called an effort will be made to estimate the length of time it will last.
8. Twenty-four hours’ notice shall be given for any requested postponements, except in cases of emergency. Such requests will be given to the chief spokesperson and the Superintendent of the other party.
9. Negotiations will be held in public. Caucuses and meetings of the negotiating teams will be held in executive session, consistent with the law. There will be no comments to the press, on social media, or 3rd parties who are not members of the respective boards by either party until the conclusion of negotiations.
10. Negotiating teams have the authority to approve a tentative agreement. When such an agreement is reached it will be presented in writing to the WBOE and TGS boards for their approval. The negotiating teams recommend the tentative agreement to their respective boards.
11. All those present at negotiations shall wear masks at all times and maintain social distance of at least six feet. Venues for all negotiations will allow for social distancing to take place both during negotiations and during caucuses. Virtual meetings held via Zoom going forward from 11/12/2020. Caucusing will be conducted via breakout rooms/conference call and potentially executive session.
III. Adjourn - 8:00 PM - Motion McGlynn, 2nd Marino - U.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: AD Hoc Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m. RESCHEDULED to
October 8, 2020 @ 5:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 2
I. Call to order - 5:05 PM
II. Roll call - Kristen Peterson, Cheryl McGlynn, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley
III. New Business
a) Discussion of Ground Rules
1. Implementation of opening statements from both sides
2. Written proposals should be submitted to the team 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
3. Set negotiations date during the first meeting. Negotiation schedule - October 29, Nov 5, 12, 19, Dec. 3, 10, 17, 2020.
4. Agreement that negotiations team members will not make commentary during the negotiation process to the press until the conclusion of the negotiation process.
5. Agreement with Ground Rules submitted by The Gilbert School Corporation for numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
6. Establish a meeting location that allows for social distancing and private consultation time. Masks must be worn at all times. Six foot distancing required.
b) WPS Membership Norms
1. Professional demeanor will be represented at all meetings
2. Active participation
3. Prepared for all meetings
4. Timely and continuous attendance
c) Discussion of Areas to Address in Negotiations
1. Discussion of potential areas for negotiation
a. Financial
b. Term
c. Student Count
d. Ground Rules
IV. Adjourn
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