Dear Families,
I would like to thank many individuals for their feedback regarding our drop-off procedures at Batcheller School. Our goal is for students, staff, and families to first and foremost have a safe experience. Many thoughtful suggestions have been shared regarding the process and I am grateful for those. To that end, I am going to implement several ideas.
Beginning on Tuesday, November 20, 2018:
- Parent drop-off will begin at 8:00 AM. There will be four staff members to greet you at your car and remove your child. In order to expedite the process, we are asking that parents remain in their cars during drop-off. If a parent would like to walk their child into the school or get them out of the car, please park your car in a parking spot.
- In partnership with All-Star Transportation, buses will not enter the loop until 8:15 AM. The buses will line the right side of Pratt Street until 8:15 AM. Parents may go around the buses on Pratt Street as long as their red-stop signs are not out. Bus drivers are aware of this procedure.
- At 8:15 AM, buses will begin to enter the loop. Parents can still enter the loop however, they will need to wait in line. Please do not pass buses when they are in the bus loop as it is a safety issue for the children.
While these procedures may not address all issues, I am hopeful that they will begin to alleviate some of the concerns. I will be on Pratt Street assisting tomorrow morning with these procedures.
I am seeking feedback regarding these new procedures. Please feel free to call me at 860-921-1747 or email me at should you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns.
Thank you,
Melony M. Brady-Shanley