Agendas & Minutes
Agendas 2022-2023
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Board Of Education Meeting Agenda
Date: June 13, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Board of Education Agenda: June 13, 2023
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of BOE Meeting – May 9, 2023
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings - May 23, 2023
c) Minutes of Special Meeting Minutes - May 23, 2023
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Letters of Resignations
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) AFT Paraprofessional Contract July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2026
c) Family Resource Grant
d) School Readiness Grant 2023-2024
e) Solar Project Pending Document
f) Sole Source for iReady
g) Administrative Stipends for 2023-2024 for Assistant Principal Coverage
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies for First Read
1) Policy #0521 – Non-Discrimination
2) Policy #1330 – Community use of school facilities
3) Policy #3281.1 – Crowdfunding
4) Policy# 3516(a) - Safety
5) Policy #3541 – Transportation Guideline
6) Policy #3541.22 – Bus Drivers
7) Policy #3542.1 - Food Service
8) Policy #4001 – Personnel/Athletic Coaches
9) Policy #4111 – Affirmative action – Recruitment and Selection
10) Policy #4112.5(a) – Security Check – Fingerprinting
11) Policy #4113.6(a)/4213.6 – Remote Work/Telecommuting Policy/Telework
12) Policy #4118.15 – Workplace Bullying
13) Policy #4152.6 – Family & Medical Leave Act
14) Policy #4410 – Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
15) Policy #5111 – Admission – Placement
b) Policies for a Second Read
1) Policy 5131.21 Students Threats or Acts of Violence
2) Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
IX. Executive Session:
a) To discuss the employment request of Elizabeth Neumann, the request is in response to HIPPA protected situation covered under section 1-210(b)(2) - medical files.
b) To discuss the evaluation and contract extension of Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent.
Post Executive Session:
a) To consider and possibly act on the request for additional personal time due to a HIPPA-related situation.
b) To consider and possibly act on the request for a contract extension for Melony Brady-Shanley.
IX. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Board Of Education Meeting Agenda
Date: May 9, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Board of Education Agenda: May 9, 2023
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
a) CHAMPS - Summer Camp Presentation by Theresa Padin
b) EdAdvance Presentation - Jeff Kitching
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – April 18, 2023
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – April 25, 2023
c) Minutes of Committee Meetings April 25, 2023
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
b) Appointment of Sarah Schackner - Assistant Director of Student Services
c) Calendar change to move from 181 days to 180 days, with the last day of school for
students being June 19, 2023, as a 1/2 day.
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies for First Read
1) Policy 5131.21 Students Threats or Acts of Violence
2) Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
b) Policies for a Second Read
1) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
IX. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: April 25, 2023, @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Attendees: Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Roll call:
III. Business:
IV. Action Item:
a) Possible action on calendar change - Move ½ day from May 10, 2023, to Friday, May 12, 2023, due to The Gilbert School Prom.
V. Adjournment:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: April 18, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Board of Education Agenda: April 18, 2023
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – March 21, 2023
b) Minutes of Special Meeting - March 28, 2023
c) Minutes of Committee Meetings – March 28, 2023
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Letters of Resignation
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
f) Existing Grant Pre-Payment Model to a Reimbursement Grant Model
XI. Board Action Items:
a) Approve Food Service Union Contract 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2026
b) New Hires
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Possible Action on Adjustments to Proposed FY24 Budget
b) Policies for First Read
1) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
2) Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
c) Policies for a Second Read
1) Policy 6140 - Curriculum
2) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
3) Policy 6144(a) Controversial Issues
4) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
IX. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special - BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: March 21, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Special Board of Education Agenda: March 21, 2023
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
a) Drone Presentation
b) Drama Presentation
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – February 7, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – March 7, 2023
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – March 7, 2023
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Letter of Retirement
b) Letter of Resignation
c) Thank You Letter from Vision to Learn
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
f) Perfect Attendance – Strategy Update
XI. Board Action Items:
a) Berkshire Alarm Sole Source Form
b) Cannavo Construction Sole Source Form
c) CT-SEDS Implementation Stipend for Approval
d) Healthy Food Certification
e) School Security Grant Program
f) Multi-Media School Security Grant Program
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
Policies for a First Read
a) Policy 6140 - Curriculum
b) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
c) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
d) Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
e) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings
f) Policy 6144 (a) Controversial Issues
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
IX. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: February 7, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @ 6:59 pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Kristin Peterson, Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Salvatore Lovetere, Sondra Strubhar, Cheryl McGlynn. Absent: Jeannette Brodeur.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: February 7, 2023
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to make a motion to add under correspondence to the Board a letter of resignation.
MOTION to add a letter of resignation under correspondence to the Board.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to make a second motion to add a discussion and potential action for a revised job description for the Director of Student Services and the Board to consider and discuss an interview process and timeline associated with the position.
MOTION to accept the revised job description and interview process.
First: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, U.
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Doug Pfenninger mentioned that in 2014 before the receivership, an audit was conducted on our special education programs, and the results were disastrous. Things weren't being done properly, and many things weren’t being done within our district. In the time that Seamus Cullinan joined our District, he has worked miracles and has done an amazing job with our Winchester Public Schools. I hope the town appreciates what you have done not only for our children but for all the money you have saved our community by developing and implementing programs that allow us to keep kids in the district. I can’t say enough good things about you and can only say in closing that we are going to miss you, and you are going to be hard to replace.
V. Presentations:
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – January 10, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – January 24, 2023
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – January 24, 2023
MOTION to approve a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – January 10, 2022, b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – January 24, 2023, c) Minutes of Special Meeting – January 24, 2023.
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Renata Waldron mentioned that discussions continue regarding the budget process, social worker needs, and SRO.
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Bonnie B. Carney Award of Excellence for Educational Communications
b) Referendum Do’s and Don’ts
c) Letter of resignation
MOTION to accept with ultimate regret
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, U
d) CAPSS Public Policy Agenda & Blueprint Update
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI. Board Action Items:
a) Accept School-Based Mental Health Services through EdAdvance
MOTION to Accept School-Based Mental Health Services through EdAdvance
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Tara Sundie, U
b) April’s BOE Meeting Date Change to April 4th or 18th.
MOTION TO approve April’s BOE Meeting Date Change from April 11 to April 18th.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U.
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Special Meeting for Board of Education on February 28, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Fiscal Year Budget.
MOTION to approve Special Meeting for Board of Education on February 28, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Fiscal Year Budget.
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
b) Letter of Intent - Solar Project for Hinsdale School - CT Green Bank
MOTION to approve Letter of Intent - Solar Project for Hinsdale School - CT Green Bank
First: Cheryl McGlynn Second: Kristin Peterson, 6,0,2
c) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy 6144(a) – Controversial Issues
MOTION to move Policy 6144(a) – Controversial Issues to the next committee meeting.
First: Sondra Stubhar, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
2) Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline
MOTION to approve Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U.
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed the interview process, timeline, and job description for the Director of Student Services position.
MOTION to accept the interview process for the Director of Student Services position.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Gerry Martinez, 117 Preston Road, Winsted, CT.
Concerned if the company cannot fulfill the contract for the 20 years for the solar panel project. What happens to the solar panels and the roof? He hopes that this is part of the questioning process.
MOTION to adjourn.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U.
IX. Adjourn: @ 8:08 pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: January 10, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: January 10, 2023
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
a) None
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – December 13, 2022
b) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – January 4, 2023
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letter
b) Retirement Letter
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy 6144(a) – Controversial Issues
2) Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline
b) SRO/ARO Continue Discussion
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
IX. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: December 13, 2022, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: December 13, 2022
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
a) 21/22 State Accountability Results
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – November 15, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – November 29, 2022
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letters
b) Gilbert Study - Pending Release
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
b) Northwest Connecticut Community Foundations Funding/Monetary Donations
1) Parent Engagement Stipend $700.00 for School Readiness Parent Engagement
2) ECE Professional Well-Being $700.00 for Early Childhood Educator Professional
c) Approval to accept a $500.00 Donation from St. Andrews Church in Kent for the Critical Needs Fund
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Solar Project
a. Connecticut Green Bank
i. Hinsdale
ii. Pearson
b) Discussion of SDE Gilbert Study and Resume negotiations with TGS
c) Policies for First Read
1) Policy 6144(a) – Controversial Issues
2) Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline
d) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy # 4218.232 -Personnel, Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
2) Policy # 1120 Public Comment Regulations
3) Policy # 5141.213 - Opioid Antagonists in Schools
4) Policy # 6144.1 - Exemption from Instruction
5) Policy # 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality
6) Policy # 6115.3 - Flag Display
7) Policy # 5141.3 (a) - Health Assessments and Immunizations
8) Policy # 4118.11 Nondiscrimination
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
IX. Executive Session: Discussion of school security product(s).
X. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: November 15, 2022, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: November 15, 2022
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
a) Kid Governor Program - Three finalists in 5th grade and the presentation of the
locally elected student
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – October 11, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – October 25, 2022
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Honorable Mention in the Bonnie B. Carney Award of Excellence for Educational Communications - WPS Facebook Page
b) Veterans Day
c) Resignation Letters
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
f) Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
b) 2023 Board of Education Meetings
c) 2023-2024 School Calendar
d) Internet2 CAP Distance Learning Scholarship Program Grant
e) Connecticut Space Grant
f) 2022 – 2023 CT Regional Early Childhood Alliance Mini-Grant
g) Plant the Moon/Plant Mars Challenge
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies for First Read
1) Policy # 4218.232 -Personnel, Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
2) Policy # 1120 Public Comment Regulations
3) Policy # 5141.213 - Opioid Antagonists in Schools
4) Policy # 4118.11 - Discrimination
5) Policy # 6144.1 - Exemption from Instruction
6) Policy # 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality
7) Policy # 6115.3 - Flag Display
8) Policy # 5141.3 (a) - Health Assessments and Immunizations
9) ByLaws of the Board - Gilbert Board Membership
b) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund
2) Policy # 6140 Curriculum
3) Policy # 4112.1 Personnel-Certified Appointment
4) Policy # 4218.11 Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination
5) Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center
6) Policy # 5145 Behavior on Bus Guidelines
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
IX. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: October 11, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Pearson School Media Center
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: October 11, 2022
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – September 13, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – September 20, 2022
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letter
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
f) Science of Reading
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
b) Year End Critical Needs Grant 2022
c) NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium
d) Fiscal Year 2023 Food Sercice Supply Chain Assistance Grant
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Opioid and Antagonists in Schools
b) Policies for First Read
1) Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund
2) Policy # 6140 Curriculum
3) Policy # 4112.1 Personnel-Certified Appointment
4) Policy # 4218.11 Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination
5) Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center
6) Policy # 5141.3(a) Health Assessments and Immunizations
7) Policy # 5145 Behavior on Bus Guidelines
c) The Gilbert School Corporation Seat
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
IX. Adjourn:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda - Amended
Date: September 13, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: September 13, 2022
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
a) SBAC and NGSS Assessment Results
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – August 9, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – August 23, 2022
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letters
b) Attendance Information
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
d) Monthly Budget Summary - FY22
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI Board Discussion
a) Enrollment and the impact on school faculty - Discussion submitted by Sondra Strubhar.
b) Discussion of School Security Meeting (hosted by Winchester Public Schools) - Discussion submitted by Melony Brady- Shanley
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Teacher Supplies Donated - Hubbell Power Systems
IX. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are
allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
X. Executive Session - Discussion of the Assistant Principal position at Pearson School.
XI. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: August 9, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call:
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: August 9, 2022
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
V. Presentations:
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – June 14, 2022
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – July 6, 2022
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – July 13, 2022
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letters
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
d) Monthly Budget Summary - FY22
f) Monthly Hinsdale Report
XI Board Discussion
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) $100,000 Gilbert Tuition Reduction and Staff Reinstatement
b) Policies for First Read
1) Policy # 4118.114(a) Pregnant Employees in the Workplace/Lactation Accommodations.
c) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy #6172.1(a) – Gifted and Talented Students Program
2) Policy # 5112(a) - Ages of Attendance
3) Policy # 9350 - Bylaws of the Board
IX. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
X. Adjourn
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting BOE Retreat Agenda
Date: Monday, July 24, 2023, @ 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Location: 178 West Street Winchester, CT
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Roll call:
III. Business:
a) Board of Education Annual Working Retreat
IV. Adjournment:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: May 23, 2023, @ 7:10 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Attendees: Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Roll call:
III. Business:
IV. Action Item:
a) Approval of Oceanology Field Trip
V. Adjournment:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: April 25, 2023, @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Attendees: Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Roll call:
III. Business:
IV. Action Item:
a) Possible action on calendar change - Move ½ day from May 10, 2023, to Friday, May 12, 2023, due to The Gilbert School Prom.
V. Adjournment:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: March 28, 2023, @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Roll call:
III. Business:
IV. Executive Session:
a) Discussion concerning the appointment of an employee to the position of Director of Student Services.
V. Action Item:
a) Possible action on the appointment of the Director of Student Services.
VI. Adjournment:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting
Date: February 28, 2023, @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Cafeteria
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review:
V. Business:
a) Presentation of the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Amended
Date: February 28, 2023, @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Cafeteria In-Person or Zoom (Virtual)
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review:
V. Business:
a) Presentation of the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: February 6, 2023, @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
a) Discussion of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Agenda
Date: January 24, 2023, @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Center
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Roll call:
IV. Agenda Review:
V. Business:
a) Presentation Draft Contract Winchester Board of Education and The W. L. Gilbert
School Corporation by Melony Brady-Shanley and Greg Shugrue
VI. Adjournment:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special BOE Meeting Agenda
Date: January 4, 2023, @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School – Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Business
1) Discussion of Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
a) Development of the fiscal year 2024 budget.
IV. Adjournment
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting BOE Training Agenda
Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2022, @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Jessica Richman Smith from Shipman & Goodwin
Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron, and Melony Brady-Shanley
I. Call to order
II. Roll call:
III. Business:
a) Board of Education Training
IV. Adjournment:
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting BOE Retreat
Date: Monday, August 1, 2022 @ 8:45 – 2:15 p.m.
Location: 178 West Street Winchester, CT
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:
II. Roll call:
III. Business:
a) Board of Education Annual Working Retreat
Winchester Board of Education Special Meeting Agenda
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Town Hall 3rd Floor Conference Room or Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call:
III. Agenda Review:
IV. Public Comment:
V. Business:
a. Interview and Confirmation of Appointment of Tara Sundie to the Board of Education
b. Discussion of $200,000 Budget Cut for the Board of Education
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Board of Education Meeting Agenda – Virtual Meeting
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. Business – Discussion and Possible Action
a) Appointment of Tara Sundie to the Winchester Board of Education
IV. Adjourn
MINUTES 2022 -2023
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Board Of Education Meeting Minutes
Date: June 13, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order:@7:02pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, Melony Brady-Shanley, Sondra Strubhar, Cheryl McGlynn, Salvatore Lovetere. Kristin Peterson arrived at 7:07 pm
Absent: Doug Pfenninger.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Board of Education Agenda: June 13, 2023
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to add Food Services and Management Contract under XI. h)
Motion to add Food Services and Management Contract under XI. h)
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
On behalf of the Board, Nora Mocarski thanked Seamus Cullinan for all his hard work and dedication that he has done for the Winchester Public Schools. We wish you all the best in Farmington and will miss you.
Melony Brady-Shanley mentioned that we held a short ceremony for Seamus at the Hinsdale School with students and teachers. He was presented with a plaque from his daughter in which the students and staff wrote special messages in circles and put them together in a collage along with a PowerPoint presentation with special memories celebrating him. On behalf of our staff, we appreciate all your work and dedication that you have brought to our District.
V. Presentations:
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Mr. Steve Sedlak, 103 Indian Meadow Drive, Winsted. We just came through the budget cut, which is never a pleasant task, and wanted to compliment the Board and Melony Brady-Shanley for showing leadership in making cuts in salary. Many people who attended last night’s budget meeting do not have children in the school system. Hopefully, we can get the message out to vote, and the budget will pass Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Once again, appreciate all your hard work.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of BOE Meeting – May 9, 2023
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings - May 23, 2023
c) Minutes of Special Meeting Minutes - May 23, 2023
MOTION to approve
a) Minutes of BOE Meeting – May 9, 2023
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings - May 23, 2023
c) Minutes of Special Meeting Minutes - May 23, 2023
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Tara Sundie, U.
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Renata Waldron commented that students were given awards, different graduation ceremonies going on, and a lot of student end-of-year activities going on.
Nora Mocarski mentioned that there is a vacancy on the Gilbert School Corp.
MOTION for Salvatore Lovetere to serve on the Gilbert School Corp
8, 0
Melony Brady Shanley will reach out to Greg Shugrue to connect with Salvatore Lovetere.
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Letters of Resignations
● Misty Connole, Building Substitute
● Jordan Powell, Custodian
Accept with regret.
Barbara Silverio explained the Boulder Ridge field trip and Project Oceanology overnight field experience to the Board. She explained what a wonderful experience the students had, how well-behaved they were, and they all had an amazing time.
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
● Sebiye Akter, Custodian at Pearson School
● Nicole LaPlant, Second Grade Teacher at Hinsdale School
b) AFT Paraprofessional Contract July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2026
MOTION to approve AFT Paraprofessional Contract July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2026
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Kristin Peterson, U.
c) Family Resource Grant
Emily Bernard explained that the family resource center grant provides funding toward a continuum of services made available to schools and families in the community. FRC services indicate that effective education begins with access to resources that promote healthy child development. The grant amount is $101,725.00.
MOTION to approve Family Resource Grant
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Kristin Peterson, U.
d) School Readiness Grant 2023-2024
Emily Bernard explained that the school readiness grant provides funding for open access to quality preschool programs in our community that promote the health and safety of children and prepare them for formal schooling. The School Readiness Program also provides opportunities for parents to choose affordable and accredited programs that encourage collaboration and coordination within the community. This grant assures that children with disabilities are integrated into the same programs available to children who are not disabled. Therefore, approval from the Winchester Board of Education is sought to apply for the School Readiness Grant for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The total allocation is $275,764.
MOTION to approve School Readiness Grant 2023-2024
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
e) Solar Project Pending Document
MOTION to approve Solar Project Pending Document with the amendment.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Tara Sundie, U.
f) Sole Source for iReady
MOTION to approve Sole Source for iReady
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
g) Administrative Stipends for 2023-2024 for Assistant Principal Coverage
MOTION to approve Administrative Stipends for 2023-2024 for Assistant Principal Coverage
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Kristin Peterson, U.
h) Food Service and Management Contract
MOTION to approve Food Service and Management Contract
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U.
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
MOTION to review all the policies
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
a) Policies for First Read
1) Policy #0521 – Non-Discrimination
2) Policy #1330 – Community use of school facilities
3) Policy #3281.1 – Crowdfunding
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
: 4) Policy# 3516(a) - Safety
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
5) Policy #3541 – Transportation Guideline
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
6) Policy #3541.22 – Bus Drivers
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
7) Policy #3542.1 - Food Service
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
8) Policy #4001 – Personnel/Athletic Coaches
9) Policy #4111 – Affirmative action – Recruitment and Selection
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
10) Policy #4112.5(a) – Security Check – Fingerprinting
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
11) Policy #4113.6(a)/4213.6 – Remote Work/Telecommuting Policy/Telework
12) Policy #4118.15 – Workplace Bullying
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
13) Policy #4152.6 – Family & Medical Leave Act
Melony Brady-Shanley to submit edits
14) Policy #4410 – Occupational Exposure to Blood-borne Pathogens
15) Policy #5111 – Admission – Placement
Melony Brady-Shanley will submit edits
MOTION to move policies to the second read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
b) Policies for a Second Read
1) Policy 5131.21 Students Threats or Acts of Violence
MOTION to approve Policy 5131.21 Students Threats or Acts of Violence
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sandra Strubhar, U.
2) Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
MOTION to approve Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
Nora Mocarski would like to add a special policy meeting Tuesday, June 20, at 6:00 pm at Hinsdale School.
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
MOTION to adjourn to Executive Session and invited Melony Brady-Shanley.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U.
Adjourn @ 8:18 pm
IX. Executive Session:
a) To discuss the employment request of Elizabeth Neumann, the request is in response to HIPPA protected situation covered under section 1-210(b)(2) - medical files.
b) To discuss the evaluation and contract extension of Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent.
Post Executive Session:
a) To consider and possibly act on the request for additional personal time due to a HIPPA-related situation.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Tara Sundie, U.
b) To consider and possibly act on the request for a contract extension for Melony Brady-Shanley.
First: Jeannette Brodeur, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
MOTION to adjourn
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U.
IX. Adjourn @ 8:32pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Board Of Education Meeting Minutes
Date: May 9, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @ 7:02 pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Cheryl McGlynn, Salvatore Lovetere, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Kristin Peterson
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Board of Education Agenda: May 9, 2023
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Doug welcomed visitors, Jeff Kitching from EdAdvance and Theresa Padin from our CHAMPS program. We look forward to their presentations tonight. Doug Pfenninger also wanted to comment on the performance of Annie and how it was amazing. We had some serious talent on the stage, and every kid had a great time. He also mentioned it’s teacher appreciation week, and the Board does appreciate all the teachers and their hard work and dedication. We are very fortunate to have the great staff in our District and appreciate all they do.
V. Presentations:
a) CHAMPS - Summer Camp Presentation by Theresa Padin
Theresa Padin presented the CHAMPS Summer Camp Presentation
● Funding Source: ARP After School Grant
● Grant Amount: $180,000 (split between the summer of 2022, and 2023, and expansion of programs in the 23/24 school year)
● WPS Students grades K-6 qualify for the program
● Partners:
○ Winsted Recreation Department
○ American Mural Project
○ NWCT YMCA/Camp Moe
○ Warner Theater* (New for 2023)
○ All-Star Transportation
● Up to 4 weeks offered to WPS Staff with 23 students attending WPS K-6 (Camp Moe and /or Winsted Rec Camp)
● Up to 3 weeks offered to 39 students from CHAMPS After School Enrichment (Camp Moe and/or Winsted Rec Camp)
● 54 students offered up to 2 weeks of Camp based on staff recommendations (Camp Moe and/or Winsted Rec Camp)
● 12 students offered one week of American Mural Project camp
● 15 students offer one session of Camp Rising Star
● 27 Drama Club students offered one week at Warner Theater Camp
Total students offered scholarships: 171
CHAMPS After Camp is offered. Pick up at Pearson School, Monday-Friday 3:30-6:00 pm, 6/26/23-8/11/23. $5.00 per day.
Transportation provided from Rowley Street Rec Camp to Pearson
Camp Moe and Camp Rising Star bus drop off and pick up is at Pearson
This program is open to all Winchester Students attending any of the camps listed, not just those with scholarship offers.
b) EdAdvance Presentation - Jeff Kitching
Jeff Kitching, Executive Director, presented the EdAdvance Presentation
EdAdvance is a public, non-profit Regional Educational Service Center (RESC). EdAdvance exists to promote the success of school districts and their communities. Collaboratively with them, we provide educational and related services. A continuing commitment to quality and excellence is our standard of performance.
To achieve our mission, we are committed to the “Three Cs”: Connecting, Culture, and Customization
We service 29 School Districts; 32 Communities.
For Schools & Districts:
● Food Services
● Professional Learning & Instructional Coaching
● Program Research & Evaluation Services
● Skills21
● Special Education Programs
● Transition Services
● Transportation Services
For Students & Families:
● BASES (Before and After School Extended Services)
● Birth to three
● Community and Home Supports for Individuals with Disabilities
● Early Childhood and Family Programs
● Family Resource Centers & School Readiness Programs
● Head Start and Early Head Start
● Summer School and Extended School year Programs.
Specialized Services for Communities and Schools:
● Human Resources, Talent Recruitment, and Staffing Solutions
● Integrated Business and Operations Support
● Marketing and Communications
● Technology Services
For Adult Learners:
● Adult and Continuing Education Programs
● ATDN Professional Development
● Career and Technical Training
● High School Completion Programs (GED, HSDP, NEDP)
Lastly, we have big news to share. We have two new buildings in Torrington. The first building is the former Sacred Heart Church, our new facility. It will hold up to 125 students from Torrington and surrounding areas. The second building is the East School in Torrington, which will be the new permanent home for STEPS. It will provide services for the region and development career center and offer options to High Schools across the region. They will also partner with the High Schools and workforce needed areas.
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Steve Sedlack, 103 Indian Meadow Drive, Winsted, CT. Would like to congratulate Melony Brady-Shanley on the budget presentation. We have good support for education in the community. People feel good about the budget, but we still have a way to go. I know some taxpayers will get a pretty big increase in their taxes. I urge everyone to talk to friends, relatives, and neighbors to vote on the referendum on the 27th. Together we can get to the finish line. Thank you.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – April 18, 2023
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – April 25, 2023
c) Minutes of Committee Meetings April 25, 2023
MOTION to approve
a) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – April 18, 2023
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – April 25, 2023
c) Minutes of Committee Meetings April 25, 2023
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, 8, 0, 1
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Doug Pfenninger mentioned that there remains confusion within the community about the structure of our education in Winchester. I understand that, and we are somewhat unique. I suggested to Holly Cassaday that it would be beneficial to the Trust to publicize someway an article that describes the history of the Trust and the way its structure, and the way the lease of the building is set up with the school so people can have a better understanding and how it works. It would be helpful for the community to understand better the partnership between the Gilbert Trust, the Gilbert School, and the Winchester Board of Education.
Deb Lewis presented a series of results from standardized testing. I wish I could say they were great, but they were not, and Deb readily admitted that. The most encouraging part of her presentation was that she commented on strategies they were employing to identify their weaknesses structurally and instrument-wise. She was unpleased with the results, and Greg Shugrue acknowledged that we have a long way to go.
Doug Pfenninger will share a printed copy of the rest results with the Board.
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
No correspondence
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick presented the Monthly Budget Summary - FY23.
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hires
● Janessa Webb, Paraprofessional
● Alan Nolan, Behavior Technician
● Sarah Schackner, Assistant Director of Student Services, start date is July 1
b) Appointment of Sarah Schackner - Assistant Director of Student Services
Melony Brady-Shanley introduced Sarah Schackner as the new Assistant Director of Student Services, who comes to us from the Hartland School as a special education teacher. She was chosen from a pool of 7 other candidates and quickly rose to the top. She will work with the Gilbert school and the Birth to Three partnership.
c) Calendar change to move from 181 days to 180 days, with the last day of school for students being June 19, 2023, as a 1/2 day.
MOTION to approve Calendar change to move from 181 days to 180 days, with the last day of school for students being June 19, 2023, as a 1/2 day.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies for First Read
1) Policy 5131.21 Students Threats or Acts of Violence
MOTION to move Policy 5131.21 Students Threats or Acts of Violence to second read at next month’s board meeting with edits.
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and sent them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
2) Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
MOTION to approve Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment to second read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, 2, 7
b) Policies for a Second Read
1) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
MOTION to accept Policy 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
MOTION to adjourn
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
IX. Adjourn: @ 8:57 pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: April 18, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @7:00pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Sondra Strubhar, Salvatore Lovetere, Tara Sundie, Absent: Cheryl McGlynn and Kristin Peterson.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Board of Education Agenda: April 18, 2023
Melony Brady-Shanley would like the Board to make a motion to move the New Budget Discussion Possible Action.
We can discuss this instead of having possible action since the Board of Selectman settled last night, and we won’t need to make any budgetary changes. Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick will supply updated budget sheets to reflect the Board of Selectmen changes.
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Doug Pfenninger wanted to thank the Board of Education, the Town Manager, and the Board of Selectmen for supporting our budget. We are very thankful for their support.
On behalf of the Board, we want to extend our best wishes for a speedy recovery for many of our staff members who are facing health challenges in the weeks ahead, and we want you to know that we are thinking of you and wish you well.
V. Presentations:
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – March 21, 2023
b) Minutes of Special Meeting - March 28, 2023
c) Minutes of Committee Meetings – March 28, 2023
MOTION to approve
a) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – March 21, 2023
b) Minutes of Special Meeting - March 28, 2023
c) Minutes of Committee Meetings – March 28, 2023
First: Renata Waldron, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, and Cheryl McGlynn met with Greg Shugrue, Holly Cassaday, and two members from DAS regarding the eligibility of the Gilbert School for the reimbursement for Capital Project Grants. They will not require a contract with Gilbert, but they want us to have a document describing the historical relationship between the two schools.
Melony Brady-Shanley will send a summary to the Board of what was discussed.
Sondra Strubhar wanted to compliment the head coach, Jorge Pimental, who ran a summer camp program during Spring break at Gilbert. They ran an amazing camp; the coach and his coaches were excellent. It was a wonderful community experience for the town.
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Letters of Resignation
● Mario Porcello
● Jackie McAvaney (We might be losing her as a music teacher, but we are expanding our CHAMPS program with more drama, dance, and the arts). Jackie and Theresa Padin will continue to head up the musical program).
● Seth Beecher
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
f) Existing Grant Pre-Payment Model to a Reimbursement Grant Mode
● - Nancy O’Dea- Wyrick presented to the Board.
XI. Board Action Items:
a) Approve Food Service Union Contract 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2026
MOTION to approve Food Service Union Contract 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2026
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Tara Sundie, U
b) New Hires
● Rafael Anatolio, Operations Manager
● Mara White, Paraprofessional
● Victoria Hansen, Special Education Teacher
● Cassandra Murphy will replace Seamus Cullinan as the Director of Student Services as of July 1, 2023.
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Possible Action on Adjustments to Proposed FY24 Budget
● Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick presented to the Board.
● Melony Brady-Shanley will meet with Josh Kelly, Town Manager, to review and ensure numbers match and will provide the Board with the documentation.
● Melony Brady-Shanley suggested logistics be discussed at the Gilbert meeting.
● Add a new line that will include adding $200,000.00 to the Capital Fund Balance Revenue Line.
MOTION to approve the Adjustments to the Proposed FY24 Budget
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, U
b) Policies for First Read
1) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
MOTION to move Policy 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault to second read.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
2) Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
MOTION to return Policy 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment back to Policy Committee.
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
c) Policies for a Second Read
1) Policy 6140 - Curriculum
MOTION to approve Policy 6140 - Curriculum
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, U
2) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
MOTION to approve Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
3) Policy 6144(a) Controversial Issues
MOTION to approve Policy 6144(a) Controversial Issues
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
4) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings
MOTION to approve Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re Electronic Board of Ed meetings
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are
allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or
community member should be defamed within a public comment.
David LaPointe, 11 Hillside Avenue, Winsted. CT. I wanted to thank Melony Brady-Shanley and the Board for acting on the public comment regarding the policy. I also wanted to thank the Superintendent for speaking at the Selectmen meeting during budgetary comment regarding an entity.
Wednesday, April 19, is Parental Right Lobby Day from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. You can meet with your state representatives.
Thank you for being advocates for and holding the line for our children in the school system.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
IX. Adjourn: @8:33pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special - BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: March 21, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @6:59 pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere. Excused Absences: Kristin Peterson, Cheryl McGlynn, Sondra Strubhar.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Special Board of Education Agenda: March 21, 2023
MOTION to add crowdfunding request form under Board Action Items XI (g
FIRST: Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, U
MOTION to add a Field Trip request for an overnight under Board Action Items XI (h
First: Jeannette Brodeur, Second: Tara Sundie, U
MOTION to drop Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault and go back to policy.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Melony Brady-Shanley acknowledged that March is Board of Education appreciation month. We bring the students in front of the Board of Education, so the Board is able to see all the great activities our students are participating in.
Melony Brady-Shanley also explained the roles of the Board of Education to the students.
V. Presentations:
a) Drone Presentation
Rachael Manzer, STEAM Inst. The specialist explained the excitement of bringing the drone program to Winchester Public Schools. The students learn teamwork, collaboration, and communication.
Winchester Public Schools hosted the REC Drone Regional Championship for Mission Blackout 2023. We had four teams participate. Our students competed against middle and high school students.
Congratulations to our 4th-grade team, who qualified for Nationals located in West Virginia.
b) Drama Presentation
Theresa Padin, Director of CHAMPS & Partnership Development Coordinator, and Jackie McAvaney, Music Teacher, announced that the Drama Club would be performing Annie. The performances will take place at The Gilbert School on Friday, April 21, and April 22.
Several cast members performed musical highlights from the musical production.
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are
allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or
community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – February 7, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – March 7, 2023
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – March 7, 2023
MOTION to approve
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – February 7, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – March 7, 2023
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – March 7, 2023
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Renata Waldron mentioned that the budget had passed.
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Letter of Retirement - Susan Goodenough
Accept with regret
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
b) Letter of Resignation - Julia Cardillo
Accept with regret
First: Nora Mocarski, Renata Waldron, U
c) Thank You Letter from Vision to Learn
Vision to Learn donated $5,000.00 to our District and we were able to supply 200 pairs of glasses to our students.
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
f) Perfect Attendance – Strategy Update
XI. Board Action Items:
a) Berkshire Alarm Sole Source Form
MOTION to approve Berkshire Alarm Sole Source Form
First: Nora Mocarski, Renata Waldron, U
b) Cannavo Construction Sole Source Form
MOTION to approve Cannavo Construction Sole Source Form
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
c) CT-SEDS Implementation Stipend for Approval
MOTION to accept CT-SEDS Implementation Stipend for Approval
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
d) Healthy Food CertificationMotion language for healthy food option: Pursuant to C.G.S. Section 10-215f, the Winchester Board of Education certifies that all food items offered for sale to students in the schools under its jurisdiction, and not exempted from the Connecticut Nutrition Standards published by the Connecticut State Department of Education will comply with the Connecticut Nutrition Standards during the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. This certification shall include all food offered for sale to students separately from reimbursable meals at all times and from all sources, including but not limited to school stores, vending machines, school cafeterias, culinary programs, and any fundraising activities on school premises sponsored by the school or non-school organizations and groups.
MOTION to approve Motion language for healthy food option: Pursuant to C.G.S. Section 10-215f, the Winchester Board of Education certifies that all food items offered for sale to students in the schools under its jurisdiction, and not exempted from the Connecticut Nutrition Standards published by the Connecticut State Department of Education will comply with the Connecticut Nutrition Standards during the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. This certification shall include all food offered for sale to students separately from reimbursable meals at all times and from all sources, including but not limited to school stores, vending machines, school cafeterias, culinary programs, and any fundraising activities on school premises sponsored by the school or non-school organizations and groups.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
Motion language for food exemptions: The Winchester Board of Education will allow the sale to students of food items that do not meet the Connecticut Nutrition Standards provided that the following conditions are met: 1) the sale is in connection with an event occurring after the end of the regular school day or on the weekend; 2) the sale is at the location of the event; and 3) the food items are not sold from a vending machine or school store. An “event” is an occurrence that involves more than just a regularly scheduled practice, meeting, or extracurricular activity. For example, soccer games, school plays, and interscholastic debates are events, but soccer practices, play rehearsals, and debate team meetings are not. The“regular school day” is the period from midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. “Location” means where the event is being held and must be the same place as the food sales.
MOTION to approve Motion language for food exemptions: The Winchester Board of Education will allow the sale to students of food items that do not meet the Connecticut Nutrition Standards provided that the following conditions are met: 1) the sale is in connection with an event occurring after the end
of the regular school day or on the weekend; 2) the sale is at the location of the event; and 3) the food items are not sold from a vending machine or school store. An “event” is an occurrence that involves more than just a regularly scheduled practice, meeting, or extracurricular activity. For example, soccer games, school plays, and interscholastic debates are events, but soccer practices, play rehearsals, and debate team meetings are not. The “regular school day” is the period from midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. “Location” means where the event is being held and must be the same place as the food sales.
First: Renata Waldron, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
Motion language for beverage exemptions: The Winchester Board of Education will allow the
sale to students of beverages not listed in Section 10-221q of the Connecticut General Statutes
provided that the following conditions are met: 1) the sale is in connection with an event occurring after the end of the regular school day or on the weekend; 2) the sale is at the location of the event; and 3) the beverages are not sold from a vending machine or school store. An “event” is an occurrence that involves more than just a regularly scheduled practice, meeting, or extracurricular activity. The “school day” is the period from midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. “Location” means where the event is being held and must be the same place as the beverage sales.
MOTION to approve Motion language for beverage exemptions: The Winchester Board of Education will allow the sale to students of beverages not listed in Section 10-221q of the Connecticut General Statutes provided that the following conditions are met: 1) the sale is in connection with an event occurring after the end of the regular school day or on the weekend; 2) the sale is at the location of the event; and 3) the beverages are not sold from a vending machine or school store. An “event” is an occurrence that involves more than just a regularly scheduled practice, meeting or extracurricular activity. The “school day” is the period from midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. “Location” means where the event is being held and must be the same place as the beverage sales.
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
e) School Security Grant Program
MOTION to approve School Security Grant Program
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
f) Multi-Media School Security Grant Program
MOTION to approve Multi-Media School Security Grant Program
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
g) Crowdfunding Request Form for National Drone Competition in Virginia.
Melony Brady-Shanley explained that the cost of the competition is $3,592.00. To offset crowdfunding, we will post a Gofundme link on our webpage, and we will coordinate fundraising along the way.
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Renata Waldron, U
h) Field Trip Overnight
● Departing on May 18, and returning on May 21.
● Two chaperones and one male chaperon
● SUV rental: $950.00
● Gas: $400.00
● Hotel: $1,592.00 (3 nights and 4 days)
● Registration Fee: $300.00
● Parents will pay for students' food (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
● Total trip cost: $3,592.00
MOTION to approve Field Trip Overnight
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, U
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
Policies for a First Read
a) Policy 6140 - Curriculum
MOTION to move Policy 6140 - Curriculum to second read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
b) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
MOTION to move Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers to read second
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
c) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
MOTION to drop Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault and go back to policy.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
d) Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
MOTION to move Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment to the next policy meeting
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
e) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings
MOTION to move Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings to second read minus appendices a-c strike
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
f) Policy 6144 (a) Controversial Issues
MOTION to move Policy 6144 (a) Controversial Issues to second read with edits
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
IX. Adjourn: @ 9:06 pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: January 10, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @ 7:00 pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Sondra Strubhar, Salvatore Lovetere, Kristin Peterson. Absent: Cheryl McGlynn, Jeannette Brodeur.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: January 10, 2023
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Doug Pfenninger updated the Board with Dr. Richard Dutton’s health issues and will keep everyone updated.
V. Presentations:
a) None
Doug Pfenninger read the new rules and guidelines for public speaking.
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
David LaPointe, 11 Hillside Avenue, Winsted, CT
Appreciated changes to public speaking policies in December. Expressed concern over increasing utility costs. Inquired about solar panels at Hinsdale and Pearson and switching electric providers. Savings in utilities could go back into educational costs.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – December 13, 2022
b) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – January 4, 2023
MOTION to approve Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – December 13, 2022, and Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – January 4, 2023
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letter
● Jamie Duffy
b) Retirement Letter
● Donna Serafini
MOTION to accept with regret
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
Melony Brady-Shanley updated the Board on the flood issues that occurred over winter break at the Pearson school.
● Water main broke in the classroom along the exterior wall.
● One of the pipes on the outside wall in the hallway on the first-floor burst.
● The pipe caused damage to the following:
○ Classroom, the adjoining classroom, the main office, Barb Silverio’s office, Melony Brady-Shanley’s office, hallway to the Nurse’s office, the Nurse’s office, and the guidance suite.
○ Carpeting is destroyed
○ Reception furniture in the main office will need to be replaced.
Another incident occurred in the same hallway where a copper pipe burst and caused damage in the industrial arts room. Fortunately, the concrete wall stopped most of the water, but the carpet needs to be replaced.
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
● Mario Manon-Porcella, Paraprofessional
● Hazim Akter - Custodian at the Pearson School
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy 6144(a) – Controversial Issues
MOTION to table Policy 6114(a) - Controversial Issues to the next board meeting
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Renata Waldron, U
2) Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline
MOTION to approve Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline with amendments discussed
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
b) SRO/ARO Continue Discussion
● Some school districts with SRO/AROs are funded by their Police Departments and should be up for discussion.
● Data indicates that social workers are needed more than a police officer
● There are a lot of social-emotional concerns (medication, home visits, teacher complications)
● Need to be proactive when it comes to mental health concerns
● SRO would take place at a high school level rather than Pre-K - Grade 6.
● WPS Board, TGS, BOS, and WPD need to have a deeper conversation and schedule a joint meeting to discuss all the issues.
● Discuss needs, how resources are utilized, roles, streamlining, and workflow.
Melony Brady-Shanley mentioned that the intention of an SRO/ARO is more from a security standpoint than a mental health standpoint. Parents need to know that their children are protected.
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Melony Brady-Shanley made a public announcement that on Friday, January 13, the WPS Board of Education and members of the Board of Selectmen will be touring school buildings. They will be starting at Gilbert, then Hinsdale, and then Pearson. They will be starting at 9:00 a.m. This will be an opportunity to observe all the wonderful instruction in our schools.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
IX. Adjourn @ 8:16 p.m
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: January 10, 2023, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @ 7:00 pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Sondra Strubhar, Salvatore Lovetere, Kristin Peterson. Absent: Cheryl McGlynn, Jeannette Brodeur.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: January 10, 2023
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Doug Pfenninger updated the Board with Dr. Richard Dutton’s health issues and will keep everyone updated.
V. Presentations:
a) None
Doug Pfenninger read the new rules and guidelines for public speaking.
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
David LaPointe, 11 Hillside Avenue, Winsted, CT
Appreciated changes to public speaking policies in December. Expressed concern over increasing utility costs. Inquired about solar panels at Hinsdale and Pearson and switching electric providers. Savings in utilities could go back into educational costs.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – December 13, 2022
b) Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – January 4, 2023
MOTION to approve Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – December 13, 2022, and Minutes of Special BOE Meeting – January 4, 2023
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letter
● Jamie Duffy
b) Retirement Letter
● Donna Serafini
MOTION to accept with regret
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
Melony Brady-Shanley updated the Board on the flood issues that occurred over winter break at the Pearson school.
● Water main broke in the classroom along the exterior wall.
● One of the pipes on the outside wall in the hallway on the first-floor burst.
● The pipe caused damage to the following:
○ Classroom, the adjoining classroom, the main office, Barb Silverio’s office, Melony Brady-Shanley’s office, hallway to the Nurse’s office, the Nurse’s office, and the guidance suite.
○ Carpeting is destroyed
○ Reception furniture in the main office will need to be replaced.
Another incident occurred in the same hallway where a copper pipe burst and caused damage in the industrial arts room. Fortunately, the concrete wall stopped most of the water, but the carpet needs to be replaced.
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
● Mario Manon-Porcella, Paraprofessional
● Hazim Akter - Custodian at the Pearson School
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy 6144(a) – Controversial Issues
MOTION to table Policy 6114(a) - Controversial Issues to the next board meeting
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Renata Waldron, U
2) Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline
MOTION to approve Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline with amendments discussed
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
b) SRO/ARO Continue Discussion
● Some school districts with SRO/AROs are funded by their Police Departments and should be up for discussion.
● Data indicates that social workers are needed more than a police officer
● There are a lot of social-emotional concerns (medication, home visits, teacher complications)
● Need to be proactive when it comes to mental health concerns
● SRO would take place at a high school level rather than Pre-K - Grade 6.
● WPS Board, TGS, BOS, and WPD need to have a deeper conversation and schedule a joint meeting to discuss all the issues.
● Discuss needs, how resources are utilized, roles, streamlining, and workflow.
Melony Brady-Shanley mentioned that the intention of an SRO/ARO is more from a security standpoint than a mental health standpoint. Parents need to know that their children are protected.
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Melony Brady-Shanley made a public announcement that on Friday, January 13, the WPS Board of Education and members of the Board of Selectmen will be touring school buildings. They will be starting at Gilbert, then Hinsdale, and then Pearson. They will be starting at 9:00 a.m. This will be an opportunity to observe all the wonderful instruction in our schools.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
IX. Adjourn @ 8:16 p.m.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: December 13, 2022, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @7:01pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson. Absent: Sondra Strubhar.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: December 13, 2022
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to add under Action Items the approval to accept the grant in the amount of $3,000.00 for the Inchy’s Bookworm vending machine.
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to remove under Action Items the approval of the removal of the correspondence (b) Discussion of SDE Gilbert Study. The study has not been released.
MOTION to make the suggested changes.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Doug Pfenninger mentioned how happy he was with the Hinsdale project and how we completed the project on time and came in 58% under budget.
Melony Brady-Shanley informed the Board that the information would be finalized in January.
V. Presentations:
a) 21/22 State Accountability Results
Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, and Barbara Silverio presented the following:
● Accountability Index, Winchester Demographics
● Achievement Performance Indicators
● Growth Performance Indicators
● EL and Chronic Absenteeism Indicators
● High School Indicators and Physical Fitness
● State vs. Winchester
● State vs. Pearson
● Pearson Achievement Results
● Pearson Growth Results
● Pearson Chronic Absenteeism and Physical Fitness
● Winchester/Pearson School vs. Other Local Schools/Districts
● Winchester vs. DRG - District Reference Group
● Areas of Celebration
● Targeted Areas of Focus
Doug Pfenninger is very happy with the results and thanked the staff for their incredible job.
Melony Brady-Shanley informed the Board that all the information in the presentation is public knowledge and can be found online. They will be able to find all the information they are looking for.
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Actions:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – November 15, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – November 29, 2022
MOTION to approve Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – November 15, 2022, and Minutes of Committee Meetings – November 29, 2022
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letters
● Karen Eseppi, Paraprofessional
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
● Sibyl Webb, Interventionist
● Emily Miller, Kindergarten Assistant
● Alexis LaMere, Paraprofessional
● Kira Howell, Paraprofessional
● Juliana Prignano, ELL Specialist, Long-Term Substitute
● Devin Pratt, Paraprofessional
b) Northwest Connecticut Community Foundations Funding/Monetary Donations
1) Parent Engagement Stipend $700.00 for School Readiness Parent Engagement
2) ECE Professional Well-Being $700.00 for Early Childhood Educator Professional
3) Inchy’s Bookworm vending machine in the amount of $3,000.00
MOTION to approve the following:
1) Parent Engagement Stipend of $700.00 for School Readiness Parent Engagement,
2) ECE Professional Well-Being $700.00 for Early Childhood Educator Professional Well-Being,
3) Inchy’s Bookworm vending machine in the amount of $3,000.00
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Tara Sundie, U
c) Approval to accept a $500.00 Donation from St. Andrews Church in Kent for the Critical Needs Fund
MOTION to approve accepting $500.00 Donation from St. Andrews Church in Kent for the
Critical Needs Fund
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Solar Project
a. Connecticut Green Bank
i. Hinsdale
ii. Pearson
b) Discussion of SDE Gilbert Study and Resume negotiations with TGS
Doug Pfenninger was disappointed that the outcome was not positive and that there were no recommendations.
MOTION to enter into contract negotiations
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Kristin Peterson, two abstentions
c) Policies for First Read
1) Policy 6144(a) – Controversial Issues
MOTION to move to the second read with the removal of “If important viewpoints on a given issue are not expressed, they may be elicited through careful questioning; or they may be provided by asking students to role-play someone who would present that perspective” clause be removed.
First Jeannette Brodeur, Second: Renata Waldron, 1 abstention
2) Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline
MOTION to move Policy 5144.4 – Student Discipline to the second read
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
d) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy # 4218.232 -Personnel, Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
MOTION to approve Policy # 4218.232 -Personnel, Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
2) Policy # 1120 Public Comment Regulations
MOTION to approve Policy # 1120 Public Comment Regulations
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Tara Sundie, U
3) Policy # 5141.213 - Opioid Antagonists in Schools
MOTION to approve Policy # 5141.213 - Opioid Antagonists in Schools with suggested edits
First: Jeannette Brodeu, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
4) Policy # 6144.1 - Exemption from Instruction
MOTION to approve Policy # 6144.1 - Exemption from Instruction with suggested edits
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
5) Policy # 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality
MOTION to approve Policy # 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality with suggested edits
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
6) Policy # 6115.3 - Flag Display
MOTION to approve Policy # 6115.3 - Flag Display
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Tara Sundie, U
7) Policy # 5141.3 (a) - Health Assessments and Immunizations
MOTION to approve Policy # 5141.3 (a) - Health Assessments and Immunizations with suggested edits
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, 1 opposed
8) Policy # 4118.11 Nondiscrimination
Motion to approve Policy # 4118.11 Nondiscrimination with suggested edits
First: Renata Waldon, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
MOTION to move into Executive Session
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Renata Waldron, U
IX. Executive Session: Discussion of school security product(s).
X. Adjourn: 9:16 p.m.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: November 15, 2022, @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Town Hall – Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @ 6:58 pm
Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Cheryl McGlynn, Jeannette Brodeur, Sondra Strubhar, Melony Brady-Shanley, Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Renata Waldron, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere. Kristin Peterson arrived at 7:06 pm.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
Melony Brady-Shanley would like the Board to consider adding Veteran’s Day under Presentations.
MOTION to consider adding Veterans’ Day under Presentations.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
Melony Brady-Shanley would like the Board to consider adding a letter of retirement under Correspondence to the Board.
MOTION to consider adding a letter of retirement under Correspondence to the Board.
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: November 15, 2022
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Doug Pfenninger thanked Salvatore Lovetere for his service to our country as a marine.
V. Presentations:
a) Kid Governor Program - Three finalists in 5th grade and the presentation of the
locally elected student
Barbara Silverio explained the Kid Governor Program.
The three finalists were:
● Isabella Biraga
● Angela Devino
● Emma Dean
Each finalist spoke about their presentation and why it was important to them.
Tara Sundie commented on what a wonderful job they did, and Melony Brady-Shanley thanked the winners for doing such a great job on their presentations.
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – October 11, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – October 25, 2022
For the record, Nora Mocarski commented on Page 7, under Columbus Day Discussion, that the school menu is saying Indigenous People’s Day should be referred to as a holiday.
MOTION to approve Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting - October 11, 2022, with edit and approve Minutes of Committee Meeting - October 25, 2022.
First: Jeannette Brodeur, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Renata Waldron mentioned that the SRO presentation was discussed. Gilbert is still in the talking phase and looking into other possibilities.
Melony Brady-Shanley and Doug Pfenninger are waiting for Gilbert to respond to the SRO survey that was sent out. Melony Brady-Shanley received the list of school districts that participated in the survey and will share it with the Board.
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Honorable Mention in the Bonnie B. Carney Award of Excellence for Educational Communications - WPS Facebook Page
b) Veterans Day
Melony Brady-Shanley commented that the Pearson and Hinsdale Schools did a wonderful job representing our veterans.
c) Resignation Letters
● Katherine Stansfield
● Maribeth Seeger
MOTION to accept with regret.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
f) Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
● Sharon Ashley Roberts, Long-Term Substitute, Special Education
● Taylor Steeves, Paraprofessional
● Aislynn Jamieson, CHAMPS Program Assistant
● Addie Mehl, Paraprofessional
b) 2023 Board of Education Meetings
MOTION to approve with edit to move February 14, 2023 meeting to February 7, 2023.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
c) 2023-2024 School Calendar
MOTION to approve 2023-2024 School Calendar.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U.
d) Internet2 CAP Distance Learning Scholarship Program Grant
MOTION to approve to apply for the Internet2 CAP Distance Learning Scholarship Program Grant in the amount of $800.00.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
e) Connecticut Space Grant
MOTION to approve to apply for the Connecticut Space Grant in the amount of $1,500.00.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Tara Sundie, U.
f) 2022 – 2023 CT Regional Early Childhood Alliance Mini-Grant
Emily Bernard explained the purpose of the grant.
MOTION to approve to apply for the 2022-2023 CT Regional Early Childhood Alliance Mini-Grant in the amount of $1,000.00.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U.
g) Plant the Moon/Plant Mars Challenge
MOTION to approve to apply for the Plant the Moon/Plant Mars Challenge
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Doug Pfenninger, U.
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Policies for First Read
1) Policy # 4218.232 - Personnel, Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
MOTION to move Policy #4218.232 - Personnel, Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco with edit to second read.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
2) Policy # 1120 Public Comment Regulations
MOTION to move Policy # 1120 Public Comment Regulations to second read.
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Sondra Strubhar, 8,0,1.
3) Policy # 5141.213 - Opioid Antagonists in Schools
MOTION to move Policy # 5141.213 - Opioid Antagonists in Schools to the second read with edits and review with Medical Advisor
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U.
4) Policy # 4118.11 - Discrimination
The Board decided to table Policy #4118.11 - Discrimination
5) Policy # 6144.1 - Exemption from Instruction
MOTION to move Policy # 6144.1 - Exemption from Instruction to second read with changes
First: Nora Mocarski, Cheryl McGlynn, U.
6) Policy # 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality
MOTION to move Policy # 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality to second read.
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
7) Policy # 6115.3 - Flag Display
MOTION to move Policy # 6115.3 - Flag Display to second read with edits.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
8) Policy # 5141.3 (a) - Health Assessments and Immunizations
MOTION to move Policy # 5141.3 (a) - Health Assessments and Immunizations to second read with edits.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, 7, 2, 0.
9) Bylaws of the Board - Gilbert Board Membership
MOTION to move to amend by law as presented.
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Sondra Strubhar, 1 abstention.
b) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund
MOTION to approve Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Renata Waldron, U.
2) Policy # 6140 Curriculum
MOTION to approve Policy # 6140 Curriculum as amended.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U.
3) Policy # 4112.1 Personnel-Certified Appointment
MOTION to approve Policy # 4112.1 Personnel-Certified Appointment.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U.
4) Policy # 4218.11 Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination
MOTION to approve Policy # 4218.11 Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
5) Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center
MOTION to approve Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
6) Policy # 5145 Behavior on Bus Guidelines
MOTION to approve Policy # 5145 Behavior on Bus Guidelines with an amendment.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Doug Pfenninger, U
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
IX. Adjourn: @ 8:48 pm.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: October 11, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Pearson School Media Center
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @7:05pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Melony Brady-Shanley, Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Cheryl McGlynn.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: October 11, 2022
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to suggest a motion to add the Aspire contract to tonight’s discussion under New Business Discussion and Possible Action (d).
MOTION to add the Aspire contract to tonight’s discussion under New Business Discussion and Possible Action (d)
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
Salvatore Lovetere would like to add Columbus Day to tonight’s discussion under New Business Discussion and Possible Action (e)
MOTION to add Columbus Day to tonight’s discussion under New Business Discussion and Possible Action (e)
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Sondra Strubhar, 6,3.
IV. Comments from the Chairman
V. Presentations:
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
David LaPointe, 11 Hillside Avenue, Winsted, CT. I would like the Board to go back and review the policy regarding public comment. The policy is unconstitutional, and a board member doesn’t have the right to tell the public what they can and cannot say. The First Amendment states that you have the right to freedom of speech. The public should be able to speak about anything they want and name anyone on the Board.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – September 13, 2022
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – September 20, 2022
The following edits were mentioned:
● Page 8, Policy 4118.114(a) Gifted and Talented should read Policy 6172.1(a) Gifted and Talented.
● Page 9, change Linda Gruppo to Linda Groppo
● Page 11, Question: Is it Stat20-minute have a 20-minute recess? Should read: Is it a state law to have a 20-minute recess?
● Page 12, under new business change Melony Brady-Shanley discussed that for the last six years, the Board has had a vision to the Board has asked for a vision.
● Page 12, Salvatore Lovetere did not sign up to volunteer for the Portrait of a Learner Program. Please remove his name.
● Page 13, under V. New Business, a) Air-Conditioning Unit at Pearson School, the third paragraph. Please change we would pitch the $70,000 to we would apply for a $70,000 grant.
MOTION to accept Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting - September 13, 2022, and Minutes of Committee Meetings - September 20, 2022, with edits.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Renata Waldron shared that there has been a discussion about an ASO/SRO at TGS.
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letter
● Hope Zawisza
MOTION to accept with regret
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Chronic Absences
d) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
f) Science of Reading
Salvatore Lovetere made a motion to apply for a waiver for the usage of our current reading program.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
XI. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
● Amy Stone, Paraprofessional
● Madison Sipperly, Paraprofessional
● Jessica Faye, Paraprofessional
b) Year-End Critical Needs Grant 2022
MOTION to approve Year-end Critical Needs Grant 2002 from Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation in the amount of $1,300.00.
First: Kristin Peterson, Jeannette Brodeur, U
c) NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium
MOTION to approve NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium in the amount of $1,500.00.
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
d) Fiscal Year 2023 Food Service Supply Chain Assistance Grant
MOTION to approve Fiscal Year 2023 Food Service Supply Chain Assistance Grant in the amount of $14,271.13.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
XII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Opioid and Antagonists in Schools
MOTION to move Opioid and Antagonists in Schools to next policy committee meeting.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
b) Policies for First Read
1) Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund
MOTION to move Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund to second read.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Doug Pfenninger, U
2) Policy # 6140 Curriculum
MOTION to move Policy # 6140 Curriculum to second read.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, 8,1
3) Policy # 4112.1 Personnel-Certified Appointment
MOTION to move Policy # 4112.1 Personnel-Certified Appointment to second read.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
4) Policy # 4218.11 Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination
MOTION to move Policy # 4218.11 Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination to second read with opposed amendment.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, 8,0,1
5) Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center
MOTION to move Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center to second read.
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
6) Policy # 5141.3(a) Health Assessments and Immunizations
MOTION to move Policy # 5141.3(a) Health Assessments and Immunizations to second read.
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Tara Sundie, 7,2
7) Policy # 5145 Behavior on Bus Guidelines
MOTION to move Policy # 5145 Behavior on Bus Guidelines to second read.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, U
c) The Gilbert School Corporation Seat
Doug Pfenninger would like to nominate Candy Perez for the position on the Gilbert School Corporation Seat.
d. Aspire Contract
Due to the increased social/emotional needs of the students in our district, the district is seeking the support of an outside agency to provide us with BCBA support as well as a full time Behavioral Therapist for the remainder of the school year. The team will work with our Special Education students individually in a 6/8 week cycle focusing on behavior regulation and reintegration into the general education setting. They will also work on training non-certified staff on program development as well as consultation with the general education staff.
MOTION to approve Aspire Contract
First: Cheryl McGlynn Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
e. Columbus Day Discussion
Salvatore Lovetere mentioned he saw a WPS October school menu and noticed on Monday, October 10, it said Indigenous People’s Day instead of Columbus Day. His concern is that he doesn't want history to be erased and that the truth be taught in the schools.
Melony Brady-Shanley replied that the district is currently working on a social studies curriculum. The curriculum committee will review the curriculum and what information will be appropriate to move forward with for the next school year.
XIII. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
David LaPointe, 11 Hillside Avenue, Winsted, CT. In regards to the Gilbert School Corporation Seat, it should be filled with someone from this Board and not someone from the community who is not elected. In the past, it’s always been someone from this Board. Suggested that the Chairman nominate within before looking outside.
Furthermore, being forced to have your children vaccinated is in the courts right now for discussion. There are still religious exemptions and children should not have medical procedures forced on them. It’s up to the parents. Thank you for listening and I love to hear the debate and dialogue. We don’t need mandates. We need good people on this Board to make the right decisions.
MOTION to adjourn meeting
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
IX. Adjourn: @9:04pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes Amended
Date: September 13, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Nora Mocarski, Acting BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @7:00pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Tara Sundie, Jeannette Brodeur, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Melony Brady-Shanley, Renata Waldron, Salvatore Lovetere, Sondra Strubhar, Kristin Peterson. Excused: Doug Pfenninger.
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: September 13, 2022
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to request that the Board add a crowdfunding request form from teacher Victoria McDonald under Section 12, Item B.
MOTION to add to agenda.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to add a motion for Policies #6172.1(a) Gifted and Talented Students Program as an item of action for a second read.
MOTION to add Policy #6172.1(a) Gifted and Talented Students Program to the agenda for a second read under action items.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to add Policy 4118.114(a) Pregnant Employee in the Workplace/Lactation Accommodation for a second read.
MOTION to add 4118.114(a) Pregnant Employee in the Workplace/Lactation Accommodation to a second read under Board action items. Item 12.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, 7, 1 opposed.
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Nora Mocarski would like to commend Melony Brady-Shanley publicly, along with the teachers, the whole workforce, and the District, for what we are going to see today on how well the kids did on their standardized tests.
We all know it takes a village and a community and it was very clear with the opening of the new school. We had a lot of people come out over the weekend on their own time who wanted to step in and assist with the preparation of the school opening.
I would also like to commemorate the taxpayers who were willing to put forward the monies to bond for this project. I think it adds a new vitality and attracts more people to our community.
V. Presentations:
a) SBAC and NGSS Assessment Results
Presented By: Melony Brady-Shanley, Seamus Cullinan, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, Glenna Doulakis, Rachael Manzer, and Shannon Ball.
Nora Mocarski would like to recognize the efforts of everyone for the progress that we are making as a District. We need to give everyone a round of applause.
Tara Sundie added that the science achievements may correspond with enthusiasm.
At the end of August, Melony Brady-Shanley was invited by the Commission of Education to participate in a press conference along with four other superintendents to speak about Winchester’s performance for the state scores.
She highlighted the following:
Pacing and making sure our curriculum was on target and ensuring we maintained the education expectations throughout the pandemic.
Social-emotional, for our kids to have a connection to after-school programming Bringing a sense of normalcy and wanting to preserve kids being able to be kids. Kids are not meant to be isolated, and it’s not healthy. We worked hard to make sure they had experiences to thrive. We developed CHAMPS at home, which gave kids online access to activities. In the winter, we took the kids skiing at Ski Sundown and taught them how to ski.
QUESTION: Once you get back the SBAC scores, what is the process for the next school year?
We give the students their scores, and we review what they did, where they are going, and what will be taught going forward. Students are given a target which they will work towards.
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Candy Perez, 605 West Wakefield Boulevard, Winsted. I wanted to congratulate the students on their test score performance. I’m also here to support Policy 4118.114(a) Pregnant Employee in the Workplace/Lactation Accommodation. We are fortunate that the Board, and especially the superintendent over the past 6 years, have implemented best practices and kept policies up to date by law. In recent years, accommodations have been made to include everyone.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – August 9, 2022
MOTION to approve Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – August 9, 2022
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U.
b) Minutes of Committee Meetings – August 23, 2022
MOTION to approve Minutes of Committee Meetings – August 23, 2022
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Tara Sundie, 6, 0, 2.
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Greg Shugrue congratulated the Winchester staff and teachers for their hard work and dedication. He mentioned that the Gilbert School had a smooth start and is looking forward to attending Winchester Board of Education meetings going forward.
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letters
● Alison Welcome
● Roger Katz
● Julie Breton
● Sarah Goldie
● Leonel Viera
● Rhonda Holloway
● Kim Roy
● Sibyl Webb
● Lyris Milera-Rivera
● Alexis Calder
● Theresa Rode
QUESTION: How are we handling all the resignations?
We are currently working on actively hiring special education and paraprofessional positions. The paraprofessional position is the most difficult to fill due to the pay rate.
MOTION to accept with regret.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
b) Attendance Information
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
d) Monthly Budget Summary - FY22
e) Monthly Budget Summary - FY23
XI Board Discussion
a) Enrollment and the impact on school faculty - Discussion submitted by Sondra Strubhar.
b) Discussion of School Security Meeting (hosted by Winchester Public Schools) - Discussion submitted by Melony Brady-Shanley
Melony Brady-Shanley had an offer to hold a school security meeting at the end of August but, unfortunately, it didn't happen. The concept of having a security forum is extremely valuable and on the minds of families and staff. A valuable conversation we should engage in to help our community understand how we are making our schools as safe as possible. I would like to open this up for discussion tonight.
My proposal is to hold a school security community forum on Wednesday, October 5, from 6:00-7:00pm. We would hold it at the Pearson School cafeteria. It would be hosted specifically by the WPS, and we would have the following representatives:
● Melony Brady-Shanley representing WPS
● WPS hires a school security consultant to work with us on our all hazards/safety plan
● The Winchester Police Department
● The Winchester Fire Department
● The Winchester Emergency Management Director
● Winsted EMS - waiting for confirmation who will be representing
● Town Manager
● Head of Gilbert School
We have a well-rounded participation panel where we could share important information with our community.
Topics to be discussed:
● General security practices
● Some of the safety procedures
● Required training
● Local support response (from fire/police services)
● Mental health supports that we can provide in school
● Safety assessment that we go through
Melony Brady-Shanley is attending training on September 19-20 on assessing the seriousness of a school threat. She will be in a partnership with the Torrington Police Department.
We will ask people to submit questions ahead of time, so we can prepare for the questions accordingly.
Cheryl McGlynn recommended that we proceed with the school security community forum.
The Board has agreed to move forward with the school security community forum.
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
● Caroline Morales, Paraprofessional
● Erinn Hunt - Kindergarten Teacher
● Nicole Matysiak - Speech and Language Pathologist
● Jordan Powell - Custodian
● Hannah Kearns - Interventionist
● Amy Mahtaney - Fourth Grade Classroom Teacher
● Heather Erha - ELL Specialist
● Rachel Fulton - Building Substitute
● Abigail Passini - Paraprofessional
● Jennifer Labbe - Music Teacher
● Sarah Ward - Interventionist
● Kaysie Palmer - Paraprofessional
Questions: How many openings do we currently have?
We have 2 special education positions and 3 or 4 paraprofessional positions.
Melony Brady-Shanley and Barbara Silverio met with Victoria McDonald, who is a teacher at Pearson School. She had an idea that came from a story on the news that aired last year about the Hartford public school system receiving a book vending machine. It has a display of all different types of books.
We have been looking for an incentive opportunity for our students at Pearson school.
We are looking for a fundraiser to obtain one of these vending machines. The machine will have chapter books in it, and when students receive special acknowledgments, they will receive a special token. They can pick out a high interest chapter book of their choice. Mrs. McDonald is asking for the Board's support. The machine is approximately a $6,000 investment.
MOTION to grant Mrs. McDonald permission to move forward with applying for grants and seeking out potential fundraiser opportunities for the purchase of this vending machine.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U.
Policy 4118.114(a) Pregnant Employee in the Workplace/Lactation Accommodation to a second read under Board action items. Item 12.
MOTION to approve Policy 4118.114(a) Pregnant Employee in the Workplace/Lactation Accommodation
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, 6, 2, policy passes.
Policy #6172.1(a) Gifted and Talented Students Program to the agenda for a second read under action items.
MOTION to approve Policy 6172.1(a) Gifted and Talented Students Program
First: Jeannette Brodeur, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Teacher Supplies Donated - Hubbell Power Systems
Christine Goodall from a local business in Winsted reached out to Melony Brady-Shanley wanting to donate filled boxes with items teachers were in need of.
Barbara Silverio mentioned the following items that were donated:
● Paper
● Pens/Pencils
● Sticky Notes
● Tape
● Markers
● Zip lock bags
● Tissues
● General school items
MOTION to accept Teacher Supplies Donated - Hubbell Power Systems.
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
IX. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or community member should be defamed within a public comment.
David LaPointe, 11 Hillside Avenue, Winsted, CT. I came here tonight to discuss an issue I addressed with the acting Chair. September 17, 1787, was the signing of the US constitution. This gives us equally the rights granted to us citizens of this great country. Rights can be violated by all people in our country. I think it is appropriate that the district and Gilbert school teach the constitution on that day and celebrate that week. You, as a Chair and teacher, assured me that this is being done. I am very happy as a parent and taxpayer to see and hear tonight the presentation by your superintendent on the district’s success. Congratulations.
Linda Groppo - 18 Cherry Street, Winsted, CT. I’ve been here since 7:00 pm listening to all the student’s achievements and congratulations. Over a little over six years ago, the town of Winchester’s education system failed and was a total embarrassment. Thanks to a strong board of education chairman and Board who are committed and cooperative and look at what has been achieved. Change is difficult, but history has shown that change is good, and the world is changing by the minute. To be successful, we must continue to be proactive and forward-thinking and need to be inclusive to be a strong community. Everyone needs to feel safe and included in school, at home, and throughout our town. Our children are watching us, and everyone is a role model for our young people. We need to focus on what is best to prepare our students for a competitive future and to respect each other and the law.
Chris Bird, 75 Meadow Street, Winsted, CT. Congratulations to the Board and the teachers. Six years ago, we were at rock bottom, and look where we are today. We’ve come a long way, and I wanted to commend everyone. The second thing I came to talk about today is the policy that was added to the agenda. I wanted to say congratulations on passing (Policy 4118.114(a) Pregnant Employee in the Workplace/Lactation Accommodation). I work in corporate IT, and I work with billion-dollar global companies that emphasize HR policies. Being gender neutral is essential, and I would ask the Board to consider any future policy discussions that gender neutral is almost a given. It's the world that we live in. It's the way that corporate America is instructing its CEOs and its people who write policies and amend policies. I understand many views come to these meetings, but thank you for taking the right and aggressive route. Thank you.
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to include Barbara Silverio in the Executive Session.
MOTION to move to Executive Session including Barbara Silverio.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Kristin Peterson, U.
XI. Adjourn: @ 8:39 pm
X. Executive Session - Discussion of the Assistant Principal position at Pearson School
MOTION to come out of Executive Session at 9:16 pm.
First: Kristin Peterson, Second: Tara Sundie, U.
MOTION to not fill the Assistant Principal’s position and reallocate up to $35,000 for the hiring of a Behavioral Technician for Pearson School and to pay a stipend of an additional 30 minutes per day for the Superintendent of Schools and Pearson Principal.
First: Jeannette Brodeur, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U.
MOTION to adjourn the Winchester Board of Education meeting at 9:19pm.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Regular BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: August 9, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Hicks Room
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @ 7:00 pm Pledge of Allegiance:
II. Roll call: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Sondra Strubhar, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn. Absent: Tara Sundie and Kristin Peterson
III. Agenda Review Discussion Possible Action:
a) Regular Board of Education Agenda: August 9, 2022
Melony Brady-Shanley made the following recommendations:
● Under Item 5: Sole source for Berkshire Alarm Company in the amount of $5,589.08.
● Under Item 6: Sole source for Goulet Glass in the amount of $2,791.08.
MOTION to add recommendations to the agenda.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
Sondra Strubhar made a recommendation to add a discussion regarding ZOOM meetings and they should only be used in extreme emergency situations.
MOTION to add recommendations to the agenda.
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
IV. Comments from the Chairman:
Doug Pfenninger talked about the Board of Education Summer Planning retreat and how much he enjoyed it. There was a lot of information shared and now has a better understanding of people’s positions and especially when it comes to the Gilbert school.
He recently took a tour of the Hinsdale School with Melony Brady-Shanley and was happy with what he saw. The building looks great and we are doing a lot for the kids in our town. He feels it’s very important that the community understands the depth of importance for an early childhood education.
V. Presentations:
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed the updated COVID Protocols from the State of CT.
She will also reassess the difference between flu and COVID symptoms in the winter with families and staff.
VI. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are
allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or
community member should be defamed within a public comment.
VII. Consent Agenda Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting – June 14, 2022
b) Minutes of Special Meeting – July 6, 2022
c) Minutes of Special Meeting – July 13, 2022
Sondra Strubhar would like to make an amendment to the Minutes of Special Meeting - July 13, 2002 when she left the meeting it was due to disconnection from ZOOM.
Motion to approve Minutes of Regular BOE Meeting - June 14, 2002, Minutes of Special meeting - July 6, 2022m and Minutes of Special Meeting - July 13, 2022 with amendment.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
VIII. Gilbert Report from Board of Education Representative:
Doug Pfenninger asked the Board what specifics they would like our board to bring back from the Gilbert meetings. What can we do to improve better visibility as a board?
● Board minutes
● Review list of members
● Score performances on a calendar basis
● Corp financials
● Corp public documents
● Internal assessments
● Monthly updates
● Have a board member representative at Gilbert monthly meetings
● Commitment to have one representative from Gilbert Corp at our monthly meetings
● Proactive budget information
● Student preparation information
IX. Correspondence to the Board:
a) Resignation Letters
● Jennifer Hart
● Kristin Xander
● Jeffrey Durkin
● Jillian Hodgkinson
● Angel Colon
● Deborah Alduini
MOTION to accept with regret.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U
QUESTION: Why are there so many resignations?
Melony Brady-Shanley explained that several situations are a factor:
● Financial Incentives
● Retirements
● Loss of educational candidates coming out of college due to the pandemic
In regards to hiring, we are completely filled with the exception of a paraprofessional and Fourth Grade ELA teacher.
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed the Better Together Newsletter highlighting back-to-school information for parents.
X. Superintendent’s Reports & Action Items Discussion Possible Action:
a) Superintendent’s Report
b) School Enrollment
c) Gilbert Enrollment & Grade Level Enrollment
d) Monthly Budget Summary - FY22
f) Monthly Hinsdale Report
QUESTION: How are we doing with the budget?
We have a meeting regarding 2 or 3 security improvements regarding increasing camera viewing so the interior and exterior have 100% visibility.
We still have budget areas that we can transfer if necessary and we are under budget and on time.
XI Board Discussion
XII. Board Action Items:
a) New Hire(s)
● Seth Beecher, Behavior Technician
● Breanne Braun, Second Grade Teacher
● Juliet Breton, ELL Teacher
● Dominika Bzdula, Art Teacher
● Leslie Fosbrook, Preschool Teacher
● Jazmin Giles, LTS Music Teacher
● Morgan Hoadley, Behavior Technician
● Jessica Keesler, School Nurse
● Erica McClearly, Second Grade Teacher
● Brighton McGevna, Behavior Technician
● Kaylie Morris, Second Grade Teacher
● Rebecca Munday, Paraprofessional
● Monica Namey, Social Worker
● Cassandra Sipperly, Behavior Technician
QUESTION: How do we advertise for positions?
We advertise on our Website, CT Reap, CT Job Spots, and Indeed..
QUESTION: What is a behavior technician?
The Behavior Technician provides support using behavior management techniques and intervention strategies to reduce behaviors that interfere with the learning process.
QUESTION: How are the Behavior Technicians trained?
Training is done in-house. The staff goes through two days of training.
XIII. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) $100,000 Gilbert Tuition Reduction and Staff Reinstatement
MOTION for Melony Brady-Shanley to go back to Gilbert regarding the $1000,00 Tuition Reduction and Staff Reinstatement.
MOTION to the table to September finance committee meeting
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second; Salvatore Lovetere, U
Melony Brady-Shanley, Doug Pfenninger, and Nora Mocarski will discuss the calendar ora, Doug, Mel to discuss calendar regarding inform for Gilbert
b) Policies for First Read
1) Policy # 4118.114(a) Pregnant Employees in the Workplace/Lactation Accommodations.
MOTION to move to second read.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second; Jeannette Brodeur, Vote 6 - 0- 2
c) Policies for Second Read
1) Policy #6172.1(a) – Gifted and Talented Students Program
MOTION to move Policy # 6172.1(a) - Gifted and Talented Students Program to second read.
With the following change. 5th paragraph change his/her to “their”
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
2) Policy # 5112(a) - Ages of Attendance
MOTION to approve Policy # 5112(a) - Ages of Attendance
First: Doug Pfenninger, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
3) Policy # 9350 - Bylaws of the Board
MOTION to approve Policy # 9350 - Bylaws of the Board.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U.
Sole source for Berkshire Alarm Company in the amount of $5,589.08. They are installing a Fob system on the main door, receiving door, and playground door. There is no buzzer system. system.
The $5,589.08 is for the installation of door controllers, power plugs, switches, proximity card, cabling, and configure controller.
Motion to approve Sole source for Berkshire Alarm Company in the amount of $5,589.08.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Doug Pfenninger, U.
Sole source for Goulet Glass in the amount of $2,791.08 for the installation of electric retraction system, door loop, and labor.
Motion to approve Sole source for Goulet Glass in the amount of $2,791.08.
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U.
IX. Public Comment:
Board of Education Chairman to read Public Comment Regulations. Three minutes are
allotted to each speaker per Board Policy #1120. No BOE employee, student, or
community member should be defamed within a public comment.
Melony Brady-Shanley will provide information to the Board regarding ZOOM electronic meetings at the September Committee meeting.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U.
X. Adjourn: @ 9:01pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Minutes
Date: May 23, 2023, @ 7:10 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Attendees: Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @ 7:12 pm
II. Roll call: Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron. Absent: Salvatore Lovetere
III. Business:
IV. Action Item:
a) Approval of Oceanology Field Trip
MOTION for Approval of Oceanology Field Trip
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U
MOTION to adjourn
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
V. Adjournment @ 7:16 pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Minutes
Date: April 25, 2023, @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @ 6:30 pm
II. Roll call: Renata Waldron, Melony Brady-Shanley, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Kristin Peterson, Nora Mocarski, Cheryl McGlynn. Absent: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere.
III. Business:
V. Action Item:
a) Possible action on calendar change - Move ½ day from May 10, 2023, to Friday, May 12, 2023, due to The Gilbert School Prom.
MOTION to approve possible action on calendar change - Move ½ day from May 10, 2023, to Friday, May 12, 2023, due to The Gilbert School Prom
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
MOTION to adjourn
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Tara Sundie, U
VI. Adjournment: 6:33 pm
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Minutes
Date: March 28, 2023, @ 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order: @7:00pm
II. Roll call: Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Nora Mocarski, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Kristin Peterson. Excused Absence: Cheryl McGlynn
MOTION to move to Executive Session @7:02pm and inviting Melony Brady-Shanley
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
MOTION to end Executive Session @7:41pm
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
III. Business:
IV. Executive Session:
a) Discussion concerning the appointment of an employee to the position of Director of Student Services.
V. Action Item:
a) Possible action on the appointment of the Director of Student Services.
MOTION to appoint Cassandra Murphy as the Director of Student Services
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
MOTION to adjourn meeting
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Kristin Peterson, U
VI. Adjournment @7:51p.m.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Minutes
Date: March 7, 2023, @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School Cafeteria
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Renata Waldron
Call to order: @ 6:03 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Roll call: Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Cheryl McGlynn, Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron, Nora Morcarski, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Sondra Strubhar, Kristin Peterson.
Agenda Review:
a) Presentation of the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget
Melony Brady-Shanley presented the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget presentation.
At this time, the Winchester Board of Education is requesting a 6.51% budgetary increase, which equates to $1,384,119. The specific request breakdown includes:
● Town Support for Education - total amount requested $797,272
● Appropriated Education - total amount requested $21,860,360
● Total Amount Requested - $22,657,632
On behalf of the staff and students of Winchester Public Schools and the Board of Education, we ask for your support of the fiscal year 2024-school budget.
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed the following:
● FY2024 Budget Calendar
● ESSA - Next Generation Accountability Results
● Focus Areas
● Academics
● Facility
● 2024 Enrollment Projection
● Class Size Ratio Report
● 2023-24 Budget Personnel - All Staff
● Total Staff Funding
● Grants and Special Revenue Descriptions
● Revenue
● FY2024 Projected Resources
● Cooperative, Consolidation Efforts with the Town of Winchester & Others in the Northwest Corner
● Historical Appropriation Expenditures
● Historical Appropriation Budget Comparison - BOE Requested & Town Appropriation
● Budget Non-Contractual Obligations
● 2024 Working Appropriated Budget Detail
● 2023-2024 Proposed Summary Appropriated & Town Support Budget
● 2023-2024 Proposed Appropriated Budget
● 2023-2024 Appropriated Budget Change Drivers
● Town Support for Education
● Projected Out of District Student Tuition
MOTION to approve the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget as presented by Melony Brady-Shanley
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Renata Waldron, U
MOTION to adjourn
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
Adjournment: @ 6:49 p.m.
Winchester Board of Education
Type of Meeting: Special BOE Meeting Minutes
Date: January 4, 2023, @ 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School – Science Lab
Meeting Facilitator: Melony Brady-Shanley, Superintendent
Doug Pfenninger, BOE Chairman
Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Renata Waldron
I. Call to order at 6:01 p.m.
II. Roll call
In Attendance: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette, Brodeur, Tara Sundie, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Renata Waldron, Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Barbara Silverio, Rosanne Field, Seamus Cullinan, and Cassandra Murphy
Absent: Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, and Sondra Strubhar
III. Business
1) Discussed and worked on the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
IV. Adjourn at 8:45 p.m.
Winchester Board of Education
Special Meeting Minutes
August Retreat
Monday, August 1, 2022
8:45am - 2:30pm.
In-person @ 178 West Street, Winchester, CT
Members Present (alphabetical order): Jeannette Brodeur, Cheryl McGlynn, Nora Mocarski (BOE Secretary), Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger (BOE Chair), Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron
Members Absent: Salvatore Lovetere
School Improvement Plan, 2022-2023 SMART goals are developed for Math, Reading, and ScienceMath & Reading as measured by SBAC: to increase whole school SBAC scores from 49% to 51% by June of 2023.Process:
Individual student and teacher conferencing to set SBAC goals and develop action plans.
Small group instruction based upon performance on IABs (which are SBAC interim assessments)
NWEA: Goal setting for PreK-2.
Note: We cannot compare pre-COVID (2020 and earlier) NWEA scores to current COVID (2021-2022) NWEA scores because the NWEA test was not the same.
Science as measured by NGSS: to increase whole school NGSS scores from 62% to 63% by June of 2023.Process:
Use of IABs
Increase Science instructional time to 30 minutes, four times a week.
Professional development for teachers
Goal is developed for attendance:To reduce chronic absenteeism by 10% or more from last year (2021-2022) by June, 2023. Process: a whole host of possible steps and resources can include, but are not limited to:
Bi-weekly administrative meetings to identify students with 5 or more absences to proactively problem solve, informational fliers home to parents defining chronic absenteeism, home visits, monthly letters home for students who have been absent twice or more as historically this usually becomes chronic, requiring doctor’s notes, daily calls home, school services including the psychologist. Out-of-school services may include: CJR, Juvenile Review Board, Youth Service Bureau, DCF, ICAPS referrals, 211, McCalls, food services, mentors
Students are allowed nine (9) absences regardless of the reason.
On the tenth (10th) absence, the student is now “TRUANT” regardless of the reason.
On the eighteenth (18th) absence, the student is now “CHRONICALLY ABSENT” regardless of the reason. This represents a loss of 10% of school time.
Goal is developed for Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)To ensure that each student can identify a trusted adult in the school building (100% of students).Process:
September: administer a one-question survey to all students (except pre-school) asking - yes or no - if they can identify a trusted adult in the school building.
Engage in DESSA training
December: re-administer the same survey question to determine if all students can identify a trusted adult
Promoting positivity at a 3:1 ratio as measured by “Classroom Walkthroughs.”
Whole-school goal: 92% parent participation for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
BOE Goals for 2022-23Instruction:To incorporate a social studies curriculum into the Pre-K-6 school curriculum (2-year goal - 2022-23 and 2023-24)
Note: State of Connecticut Social Studies Frameworks exist.
Further, we are expecting a roll-out of a State of Connecticut PreK - 12 Social Studies Curriculum in 2022-23.
Student Performance - Reporting out on student performance data:To make reporting out of student data to the Winchester Board of Education more “accessible” to the “layman,” that is, reducing the educational jargon and using “layman’s” terms.
Process: to take and improve upon the student data presentation made to the Winchester Board of Education in June 2022.
Present to the Board examples of student problems on assessments to “show what we mean” when we say, IAB, SBAC Reading, SBAC Math, or NGSS.
To create an informational video to help parents understand test score results that get sent home.
To schedule Board members to engage in Classroom Walkthroughs.To assign and commit to two dates - one on a Monday, and the other on a Friday - where Winchester Board of Education members will participate in Classroom-Walkthroughs.
Consider one in November (Hinsdale) and one in March (Pearson) from 9 am to 10:45 am.
To increase the number of student presentations at Winchester Board of Education meetings.
Community and Climate:
Melony Brady-Shanley (MBS) will be back in Town Hall fostering communication between town stakeholders and the Winchester Board of Education
Anticipate weekly meetings to be held between MBS and the Town Manager.
Will ask the BOS to provide the BOE time on its agenda to present BOE issues including, but not limited to, budgetary issues/requests/updates
Targeting time in the fall, winter, and spring agendas
BOE members are encouraged to read the Town’s “Housing Plan” that was emailed to us from MBS to better understand our community.
Para educator’s contract will most likely include a dollar value increase (expect $3), not percent to be competitive with surrounding communities.
On policies: We are behind in the adoption of BOE policies to date. To clarify and streamline this process, BOE members are to receive a “redlined” version of a policy, including the
“recommended” version as determined by the Chair of the Policy Committee and MBS AND all alternative policies on the same to consider. This information will be in electronic and hard copy form inside Board packets prior to Policy Committee and BOE meetings.
Note: All but C. McGlynn shall receive a hard copy which will be picked up by Board members at the Police Station.
On doing business: It is expected that all Winchester Board of Education read their packets prior to every Board meeting.
Operational Goals
While Head Start was originally to be in Hinsdale, it went into Pearson because of an increase in district enrollment.
Eliminate item “d” (Ensure readiness of the Hinsdale School…) and “e” (...ESSER/ARP Funds…) from Operational Goals going forward in 2022-23.
Eliminate item “d” (Successful opening of Hinsdale…”) from “Assessment of Focus Areas”
Meeting Decorum and Press Presence
Reminder to be cognizant that what we say at BOE meetings has an impact upon the community, particularly meetings online in Zoom. Be mindful that the press is there.
Please promote constructive dialogue, and please eliminate “venting.”
You are encouraged to speak to MBS and she is available for individual discussion at any time on matters of concern.
Gilbert Relationship and Next StepsDiscussion topics included: And NO ACTION TAKEN.The merits of a possible contract with the Gilbert School Corp.
Concerns against a contract included that while we might get state reimbursement for the Gilbert roof (72% reimbursement rate), there were concerns about a “claw back” provision and a question over which entity would be responsible for first putting up the roof money prior to reimbursement from the state. Concern that a contract would have to commence 10 years after the end of construction. This is a long time for a contract.
If there is a contract, there should be an arbitration clause over the budget negotiation.
If a contract, there should be a “proportional” budget cut clause. That is if The School Corp requests a $610,000 increase and the Winchester BOE requests a $0 increase, and the Town cuts the Educational budget, then the Gilbert School Corp would bear all cuts. Or another example: if Gilbert asked for $200,000 and WPS asked for $50,000 (total $250,000) and the Town said to cut $100,000, Gilbert would bear 80% of this cut ($200,000 of $250,000 = ask is 80%, so the cut borne by Gilbert would be $80,000) and WPS would bear 20% of this cut ($50,000 of $250,000 = ask is 20% so cut borne by WPS would be $20,000).
Could a contract include a possible supermajority requirement of EACH board (6 of 9 of each Board) to agree to the annual Gilbert education budget request to WPS?
Could a possible contract include a supermajority of the Gilbert School Corp (6 out of 9) to agree to the annual Gilbert education budget request to WPS?
Concerns about how The Gilbert School Corp, which is composed of an unelected majority (5 of 9) can impermissibly control the town’s educational budget and impact the charge to the taxpayer. This is viewed by some as the root of the tensions between both Boards for the last 20-plus years. This structure lends itself to a lack of accountability to the public on behalf of The Gilbert School Corp. because the 1949 law (CGS 10-34) allows Gilbert to send WPS a bill without recourse.
Could the Gilbert School Corporation membership change to include a “50-50” split of half public representatives and half Trust-appointed representatives, rather than a 5-4 split in favor of the Trust?
Reminder that there is a State Department of Education study about our relationship and the 1949 law underway (CGS 10-34). While the State Dept. of Education (SDE) set up a meeting with MBS and Mr. Shugrue, MBS reminded us that this is the State’s study. The SDE should be setting up the process, not MBS or Mr. Shugrue.
Discussed the feasibility of the creation of a possible new high school with a 72% reimbursement rate run by the Winchester Board of Education. Possible town-wide referendum to ask this question?
How about tying financial support to student performance indicators?
There was a request for more transparency on behalf of Gilbert in all reports including specific class sizes, and disaggregated student performance amongst other examples, prior to meetings and without request. A list of wants/needs from Gilbert by the WPS Curriculum Committee in February of 2022 was resubmitted to BOE Chair, Doug Pfenninger to share with interested parties. See here.
Tabled: Vision of a Student Collaborative with EdAdvance
Minutes Submitted by N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary.
VIRTUAL Special Meeting: Winchester Board of Education Meeting
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
I. Call to Order: 6:00 PM
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review: No changes.
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business
Appointment of Tara Sundie to the Winchester Board of Education
Nora Mocarski - Motion to appoint Tara Sundie to the Winchester Board of Education
2nd - Kristin Peterson
Vote - U.
Adjourn: 6:08 PM
Standing Committee Agendas 2022-2023
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meeting Policy Agenda
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2023, @ 6:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – June 20, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – May 23, 2023
V. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
VI. New Business
1) 4118.112(a) – Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Workplace
2) 5111 – Admission – Placement
3) 5113 (a) – Attendance, Excused, Dismissal
4) 5114 (b) – suspension and Expulsion
5) 5125 (a) – FERPA Regulations
6) 5145.44(a) Personnel/Certified/Non-Certified Students Title IX
7) 5145.511 Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program
8) 6141.327 (a) Electronic Resources
9) 6142.63 Physical Education Aquatic Safety
10) 6144.1 Exemption from Instruction
11) 6145.23 Interscholastic /Intramural Athletics Gender Equity
12) 6153 Field Trips
13) ByLaws
14) 9311 – Introduction
15) 9000 Policies
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, and Policy Agenda
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023, @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – May 23, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – April 25, 2023
V. New Business
a) Review of Available Assessment Data
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – May 23, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – April 25, 2023
V. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Amend the Minutes from the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting on April 25, 2023, as follows: Under V. New Business C. Policy #5131.81 (a) Electronic Devices read.
Melony Brady-Shanley to update policy on Winchester Public Schools Website.
Amend to say:
Melony Brady-Shanley recommended continued usage of Winchester Public Schools Policy 5131.81 with no changes.
VI. New Business
1) 0521 – Non-Discrimination
2) 1330 – Community use of school facilities
3) 3281.1 – Crowdfunding
4) 3516(a) - Safety
5) 3541 – Transportation Guideline
6) 3541.22 – Bus Drivers
7) 3542.1 - Food Service
8) 4001 – Personnel/Athletic Coaches
9) 4111 – Affirmative action – Recruitment and Selection
10) 4112.5(a) – Security Check – Fingerprinting
11) 4113.6(a)/4213.6 – Remote Work/Telecommuting Policy/Telewor
12) 4118.112(a) – Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Workplace
13) 4118.15 – Workplace Bullying
14) 4152.6 – Family & Medical Leave Act
15) 4410 – Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
16) 5111 – Admission – Placement
17) 5113 (a) – Attendance, Excused, Dismissal
18) 5114 (b) – suspension and Expulsion
19) 5125 (a) – FERPA Regulations
20) 5145.44(a) Personnel/Certified/Non-Certified Students Title IX
21) 5145.511 Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program
22) 6141.327 (a) Electronic Resources
23) 6142.63 Physical Education Aquatic Safety
24) 6144.1 Exemption from Instruction
25) 6145.23 Interscholastic /Intramural Athletics Gender Equity
26) 6153 Field Trips
27) ByLaws
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, and Policy
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023, @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – April 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – March 7, 2023
V. New Business
a) iReady – Discussion
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – April 25, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2023
V. New Business
a) Policy# 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
b) Policy# 5131.21 Student Conduct
c) Policy# 5131.81 (a) Electronic Devices
d) Discussion to potentially revise gender-specific pronouns in policies and bylaws
e) Review WPS By-laws for updating and possible changes
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2023, @ 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – March 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – March 7, 2023
V. New Business
a) Policy # 5141.4 Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
b) Policy # 5145.511 Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, and Policy Agenda
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023, @ 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – February 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – January 24, 2023
a) Mid-Year Assessment Data Review – Including NWEA
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – February 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
V. New Business
a) Policy 6172.6(e) - Remote learning - Grades K-12
b) Policy 6140 - Curriculum (updated policy adding Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
c) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
d) Policy 5113.2 - Truancy
e) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
f) Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
g) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings
h) Policy 6144 (a) Controversial Issues
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, and Policy Agenda
Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2023, @ 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School In-Person and Zoom (Virtual)
Location: Join Zoom Meeting 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – February 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – January 24, 2023
V. New Business
a) Mid-Year Assessment Data Review – Including NWEA
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – February 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
V. New Business
a) Policy 6172.6(e) - Remote learning - Grades K-12
b) Policy 6140 - Curriculum (updated policy adding Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
c) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
d) Policy 5113.2 - Truancy
e) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
f) Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
g) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings
h) Policy 6144 (a) Controversial Issues
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2023, @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – January 24, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – November 29, 2022
1. New Business
a) Discussion of proposed TGS/WBOE contract.
b) Update available on the Trusted Adult survey? “December: re-administer the same survey question to determine if all students can identify a trusted adult” (August Retreat)
c) Reschedule Social Studies Committee meeting dates
d) Scores Update at mid-year: Dibels, NWEA? IABs?
1) Goals: Math & Reading as measured by SBAC: to increase the whole school SBAC SCORES FROM 49% TO 51% BY June of 2023
2) Science as measured by NGSS: to increase whole school NGSS scores from 62% to 63% by June of 2023.
V. Adjourn
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – January 24, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
V. New Business
a) Solar Project Discussion
b) Budget Update
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – January 24, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
V. New Business
a) Policy 6172.6(e) - Remote learning - Grades K-12
b) Policy 6140 - Curriculum (updated policy adding Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
c) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
d) Policy 5113.2 - Truancy
e) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
f) Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
g) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022, @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – November 29, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – October 25, 2022
V. New Business
a) Finalization of Social Studies Dates
VI. Adjourn
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – November 29, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – October 25, 2022
V. New Business
a) Initial Budget - Staffing Information
b) Resources
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – November 29, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – October 25, 2022
V. New Business
a) Policy# 6144 Controversial Issues
b) Policy # 5144.4 - Student Discipline
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – October 25, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – September 20, 2022
V. New Business
a) Sesame Street Casting - WPS Pre-School
b) Social Studies
1) Committee Membership
2) Schedule of Meetings
VI. Adjourn
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – October 25, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2022
V. New Business
a) School Resource Officer
b) Pearson Cafeteria Air Conditioning Grant Process Discussion
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – October 25, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2022
V. New Business
a) Policy # 4218.232 – Personnel – Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
b) Policy # 1120 - Public Comment Regulations
c) Policy # 5141.213 - Opioid Antagonists in Schools
d) Policy # 4118.11 – Discrimination
e) Policy # 5144.4 - Student Discipline
f) Policy # 6111 - School Calendar
g) Policy # 6144 - Controversial Issues
h) Policy # 6144.1 – Exemption from Instruction
i) Bylaws Article 2 Sec 4g - Gilbert Board Membership
j) Policy 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality
k) Policy 6115.3 - Flag Display
l) Policy 6151 - Class Size
m) Policy 5141.3(a) – Health Assessments and Immunizations
V. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – September 20, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – August 23, 2022
V. New Business
VI. Adjourn
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – September 20, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – August 23, 2022
V. New Business
a Air Conditioning Unit at Pearson School
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – September 20, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
a) Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund
b) Policy # 3171.1 Appendix
c) Policy # 6140 Curriculum
d) Policy # 4118.232 / 4218.232 – Personnel – Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
e) Policy # 4112 Personnel-Certified Appointment
f) Policy # 4118.11(a) Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination
g) Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center
h) Policy # 6142 – Instruction – Basic Instructional Program
i) Policy # 5141.3(a) Health Assessments and Immunizations
d) Policy # 1120 - Public Comment Regulations
VI. Adjourn
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, and Sondra Strubhar
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – August 23, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
a) Initial review of any Standardized Scores from 2022
b) School Improvement Plan Goals
c) Professional Development Plan
d) Discussion of possible PreK-12 Curriculum Committee (w/ Gilbert)
e) Reminder of classroom walkthroughs for 2022-23 and possible months: November and March
VI. Adjourn
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – August 23, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
a) Air Conditioning Unit - Pearson School
b) Building of Capital Improvement Project List for the next 5 years
c) Special Education Out of District Increase (students moving into district)
VI. Adjourn
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – August 23, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
a) Policy # 5141.3(a) Health Assessments and Immunizations
b) Policy # 6142 – Instruction – Basic Instructional Program
c) Policy # 4118.232 / 4218.232 – Personnel – Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
d) Policy # 1120 - Public Comment Regulations
VI. Adjourn
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair ()
Invitees: M. Bird (), M. Shanley-Brady (), D. Denning (), J. Kelly (), M. Hintz (), N. Kelly (), N. O’Dea (), C. Perez (), D. Pfenninger (), B. Stratford (), A. Rheault(), and S. Vaill ()
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review:
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business:
1. Project update
A. Current progress of punch list activity. Items completed.
B. Schedule look ahead this month into March. Project closeout.
2. Commissioning update by Horizon Engineering.
3. Pending items and/or change order proposals: None.
4. Phase 2 and 3 final update – FF+E and Playgrounds.
5. New business
6. Review of current invoices.
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, November 21, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair ()
Invitees: M. Bird (), M. Shanley-Brady (), D. Denning (), J. Kelly (), M. Hintz (), N. Kelly (), N. O’Dea (), C. Perez (), D. Pfenninger (), B. Stratford (), A. Rheault(), and S. Vaill ()
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review:
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business:
1. Project Update
2. Review pending items and/or change order proposals.
3. Discussion
a. Conditioning of the heating system at Hinsdale - uneven temperatures throughout the building
4. Review of current invoices.
a. W.B.Mason, #232185330, $76,735
b. Kinsley Group Inc., #SVC000170501, $452.50
c. Creative Recreation, #3432, $257,465
d. Silver Petrucelli, #22-1143, $6,785.50
e. Horizon, #R2021Z-023-18, $1,355
f. Onion Electric, #7474, $228
g. Insalco, #10061, $2,247.88
h. Insalco, 10005, $27,052.59
i. Insalco, #10106, $13,825.96
5. Close out Documentation
a. Operation Manuals
b. Warranty documentation
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, October 3, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair ()
Invitees: M. Bird (), M. Shanley-Brady (), D. Denning (), J. Kelly (), M. Hintz (), N. Kelly (), N. O’Dea (), C. Perez (), D. Pfenninger (), B. Stratford (), A. Rheault(), and S. Vaill ()
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review:
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business:
1. Project Update
2. Review pending items and/or change order proposals.
3. Discussion
4. Review of current invoices.
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: Monday, August 15, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair ()
Invitees: M. Bird (), M. Shanley-Brady (), D. Denning (), J. Kelly (), M. Hintz (), N. Kelly (), N. O’Dea (), C. Perez (), D. Pfenninger (), B. Stratford (), A. Rheault(), and S. Vaill ()
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review:
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business:
1. Project update
a. Current progress of construction activity. Items completed
b. Schedule look ahead this month to early next – including punch list status and inspections leading to the Cert. of Occupancy.
2. Review of pending items and/or change order proposals.
3. Phase 2 and 3 progress update – FF+E and playgrounds.
4. Review of current invoices.
5. Change Orders
standing committee minutes 2022-2023
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Policy Minutes
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2023, @ 6:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School Science Lab
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @ 6:35 pm
II. Roll Call: Nora Mocarski, Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Salvatore Lovetere. Absent: Tara Sundie and Jeannette Brodeur.
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – June 20, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – May 23, 2023
MOTION to approve Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – May 23, 2023
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U
V. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
VI. New Business
1) 4118.112(a) – Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Workplace
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and will submit to Darlene Bentley.
MOTION to move Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Workplace to first read with edits
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
2) 5111 – Admission – Placement
Committee decided to skip over this policy for review.
3) 5113 (a) – Attendance, Excused, Dismissal
MOTION to move 5113 (a) – Attendance, Excused, and Dismissal to first read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
4) 5114 (b) – Suspension and Expulsion
MOTION to move 5114 (b) – Suspension and Expulsion to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and will submit to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
5) 5125 (a) – FERPA Regulations
MOTION to approve 5125 (a) – FERPA Regulations to first read with edits
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and will submit to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
6) 5145.44(a) Personnel/Certified/Non-Certified Students Title IX
MOTION to send 5145.44(a) Personnel/Certified/Non-Certified Students Title IX to the lawyer with proposed changes and ask for her opinion on the changes we have for this policy.
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
7) 5145.511 Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and will submit to Darlene Bentley.
MOTION to table 5145.511 Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program to September’s Committee meeting.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
8) 6141.327 (a) Electronic Resources
MOTION to move 6141.327 (a) Electronic Resources to first read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
9) 6142.63 Physical Education Aquatic Safety
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and will submit them to Darlene Bentley.
MOTION to move 6142.63 Physical Education Aquatic Safety to first read with edits.
Fist: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
10) 6144.1 Exemption from Instruction
MOTION to move 6144.1 Exemption from Instruction to first read
First: Renata Waldron, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, 4, 0, 1
11) 6145.23 Interscholastic /Intramural Athletics Gender Equity
MOTION to table 6145.23 Interscholastic /Intramural Athletics Gender Equity to September’s Committee meeting to see if CABE has an updated policy version.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
12) 6153 Field Trips
MOTION to move 6153 Field Trips to first read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
MOTION to move 13) ByLaws, 14) 9311 – Introduction to Summer Retreat, 15) 9000 Policies to Summer Retreat.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Renata Waldron, U
MOTION to adjourn
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
VI. Adjourn @ 7:54 pm
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, and Policy Minutes
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023, @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @ 6:39pm
II. Roll Call: Nora Mocarski, Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Melony Brady-Shanley. Invitees: Kristin Peterson, Doug Pfenninger. Absent: Salvatore Lovetere. Cheryl McGlynn arrived at 6:54pm.
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – May 23, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – April 25, 2023
MOTION to approve Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – April 25, 2023
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
V. New Business
a) Review of Available Assessment Data
Melony Brady-Shanley discussed that the SBAC results were not as good as expected. The data is not accurate at this current time. We want to look at and compare the students that we had in our district vs. students that came into our district. We would like to look at the data on a deeper level.
NWEA data is looking on target, and we will continue to review the data that we have.
Melony Brady-Shanley presented and reviewed the NWEA testing program and explained the results with the Board. We will have additional testing results available in June.
MOTION to adjourn
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
VI. Adjourn @ 7:11 pm
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @ 7:28 pm
II. Roll Call: Renata Waldron, Cheryl McGlynn, Tara Sundie, Jeannette Brodeur.
Absent: Salvatore Lovetere. Invitees: Nora Mocarski, Doug Pfenninger, Kristin Peterson,
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley.
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – May 23, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – April 25, 2023
V. New Business Discussion and Possible Action:
a) Amend the Minutes from the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting on April 25, 2023, as follows: Under V. New Business C. Policy #5131.81 (a) Electronic Devices read.
Melony Brady-Shanley to update policy on Winchester Public Schools Website.
Amend to say: Melony Brady-Shanley recommended continued usage of Winchester Public Schools Policy 5131.81 with no changes.
MOTION to approve Amend to say: Melony Brady-Shanley recommended continued usage of Winchester Public Schools Policy 5131.81 with no changes.
First: Renata Waldron, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
VI. New Business
1) 0521 – Non-Discrimination
MOTION to move Policy 0521 – Non-Discrimination to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
2) 1330 – Community use of school facilities
MOTION to move Policy 1330 – Community use of school facilities to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
3) 3281.1 – Crowdfunding
MOTION to approve Policy 3281.1 – Crowdfunding to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
4) 3516(a) - Safety
MOTION to move Policy 3516(a) - Safety to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
5) 3541 – Transportation Guideline
MOTION to move Policy 3541 – Transportation Guideline to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
6) 3541.22 – Bus Drivers
MOTION to move Policy 3541.22 – Bus Drivers to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
Sondra Strubhar left the room at 7:52 pm.
7) 3542.1 - Food Service
MOTION to move Policy 3542.1 - Food Service to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
8) 4001 – Personnel/Athletic Coaches
MOTION to move Policy 4001 – Personnel/Athletic Coaches to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First; Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, U
Sondra Strubhar returned to the room at 7:55 pm.
9) 4111 – Affirmative action – Recruitment and Selection
MOTION to move Policy 4111 – Affirmative action – Recruitment and Selection with edits
Melony Brady Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
10) 4112.5(a) – Security Check – Fingerprinting
MOTION to move Policy 4112.5(a) – Security Check – Fingerprinting to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
11) 4113.6(a)/4213.6 – Remote Work/Telecommuting Policy/Telework
MOTION to move Policy 4113.6(a)/4213.6 – Remote Work/Telecommuting Policy/Telework
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
12) 4118.112(a) Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Table to September Policy Meeting
13) 4118.15 – Workplace Bullying
MOTION to move Policy 4118.15 – Workplace Bullying to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
14) 4152.6 – Family & Medical Leave Act
MOTION to move Policy 4152.6 – Family & Medical Leave Act to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
15) 4410 – Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
MOTION to move Policy 4410 – Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, U
16) 5111 – Admission – Placement
MOTION to move Policy 5111 – Admission – Placement to first read with edits
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits and submitted them to Darlene Bentley.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
MOTION to table the following policies to the September Policy Meeting
17) 5113 (a) – Attendance, Excused, Dismissal
18) 5114 (b) – suspension and Expulsion
19) 5125 (a) – FERPA Regulations
20) 5145.44(a) Personnel/Certified/Non-Certified Students Title IX
21) 5145.511 Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program
22) 6141.327 (a) Electronic Resources
23) 6142.63 Physical Education Aquatic Safety
24) 6144.1 Exemption from Instruction
25) 6145.23 Interscholastic /Intramural Athletics Gender Equity
26) 6153 Field Trips
27) Bylaws
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
MOTION to adjourn
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Renata Waldron, U
VI. Adjourn @ 8:25 pm
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, and Policy Minutes - Amended 5-23-2023
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023, @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @6:34pm
II. Roll Call Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Melony Brady-Shanley, Nora Mocarski. Absent: Jeannette Brodeur
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – April 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – March 7, 2023
MOTION to approve Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – March 7, 2023
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Renata Waldron, U
New Business
a) iReady – Discussion
Melony Brady Shanley presented the iReady overview video.
This program will replace NWEA. We will end the current school year with NWEA and start iReady in the Fall. Teachers will receive three training sessions in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
● Actual initiative data
● Support students with growth
● Instructional grouping and digital lessons.
● Less testing and reduces testing
● Adaptive diagnostic testing 3 times a year
● Students will have 21 days to complete assessments
● iReady is built for CT testing levels
● Assessment items and depth of understanding
● iReady diagnostic, linking studies, skills mastery, standard mastery,
● Assessment actional reports
● Diagnostic reports, can see overall placement, and see placement by domain
● Can see each students skill score and overall placement and domain placements
● Next steps and resources for instruction
● Data informing instruction and individual student reports for math and reading.
● Reports comparing year to year
● Online instruction overview
● Works for all students
● Programs are fun and engaging
● The Board would love to hear teachers feedback
● Students will have 45 minutes per week on each subject.
● Students will still receive their regular lessons
● iReady is not replacing any teacher time
● K-Grade 2 receives 15 minutes a night of homework
● Third grade and up receives 20 minutes of math of homework each night
● The approximate cost is $30,000 per year
● We plan to cross check with other districts and get their feedback and collect /review different perspectives
● The curriculum during the day is not on the computer
● By consolidating and using one program, we would be decreasing access to screen time instead of increasing
The Board would like Melony Brady-Shanley to have a discussion with Greg Shugrue so see if there is an interest in the iReady program at the Gilbert school.
MOTION to adjourn
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Tara Sundie, U
Adjourn @ 7:44pm
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @7:44pm
II. Roll Call: Nora Mocarski, Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, Melony Brady-Shanley. Absent: Salvatore Lovetere and Jeannette Brodeur
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – April 25, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2023
MOTION to approve Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2023
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Nora Mocarski, 4, 0, 1
V. New Business
a) Policy# 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
MOTION to move Policy# 5145.511 Exploitation, Sexual Harassment to first read on May BOE meeting as is.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, 4, 0, 1
b) Policy# 5131.21 Student Conduct
MOTION to more Policy# 5131.21 Student Conduct to first read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
c) Policy# 5131.81 (a) Electronic Devices
Melony Brady-Shanley to update policy on Winchester Public Schools Website
AMENDED on May 23, 2023, to read: Melony Brady-Shanley recommended continued usage of Winchester Public Schools Policy 5131.81 with no changes.
d) Discussion to potentially revise gender-specific pronouns in policies and bylaws
Cheryl McGlynn will review it accordingly
e) Review WPS By-laws for updating and possible changes
9221 Board Vacancy
Board Vacancy
Policy #9221
Amended 10/14/204
Supersedes/Amends: 12/11/2007
Melony Brady-Shanley made real-time edits to Policy #9221 and submitted to Darlene Bentley.
Melony Brady-Shanley suggested that each committee member take a bylaw, review it, and make suggestions for the next policy committee meeting. Bylaws were distributed to committee members accordingly.
MOTION to adjourn
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
VI. Adjourn@ 8:58pm
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2023, @ 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @ 6:32pm
II. Roll Call: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Melony Brady-Shanley. Salvatore Lovetere arrived at 6:36pm. Excused Absence: Cheryl McGlynn
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – March 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – March 7, 2023
MOTION to approve Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – March 7, 2023
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, 4, 1 abstention.
V. New Business
a) Policy # 5141.4 Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits with the Board to Policy# 5141.4 Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault. Edits were agreed upon for first read and were submitted to Darlene Bentley.
b) Policy # 5145.511 Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
Melony Brady-Shanley made live edits with the Board to Policy # 5145.511 Exploitation; Sexual Harassment. Edits were agreed upon for first read and were submitted to Darlene Bentley.
MOTION to adjourn meeting
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Tara Sundie, U
VI. Adjourn @7:00pm
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, and Policy Minutes
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023, @ 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order@7:03pm
II. Roll Call Nora Mocarski, Melony Brady-Shanley, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Tara Sundie
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – February 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – January 24, 2023
V. MOTION to approve Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – January 24, 2023
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Renata Waldron, U
VI. New Business
a) Mid-Year Assessment Data Review – Including NWEA
Barbara Silverio presented Hinsdale School Winter NWEA, PELI, & DIBELS Data on behalf of Rosanna Field.
QUESTION: What determines the score?
The students' scores determine the score of the other students.
41% of our students are performing at this level and higher. This is how we base our goals.
QUESTION: Why not base it on the national norm?
You will see those results in the spring and with the five bands and will see the breakouts across the board. Teachers set goals in all categories.
QUESTION: Are students provided accommodations?
Yes, if the student has a plan in their IEP.
QUESTION: Are there accommodations provided for DIBELS?
No, there are no accommodations for DIBELS. Students are being tested on their reading abilities.
Barbara Silverio presented the Pearson School Academic Data.
QUESTION: What are the dates that we use for testing?
We use the end of September, the middle of January, and the middle or end of May.
Melony Brady-Shanley added that we have 10 students that do not speak English that have moved into our district. We are struggling instructionally and we have only a few bilingual staff members. The district uses a program called Language Line that allows us to translate English into the language for a family that does not speak English in meetings.
It takes 3-5 years to be proficient in reading and writing in English. In approximately 6 months, students absorb what they are hearing.
QUESTION: Is there a struggle for students to do their homework?
Yes, it is a problem. The 6th-grade teachers said that 60% are not handing in Math homework.
MOTION to adjourn
First: Renata Waldron, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
VII. Adjourn @7:54pm
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @7:55pm
II. Roll Call Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – February 28, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
MOTION to approve Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Renata Waldron, U
V. New Business
a) Policy 6172.6(e) - Remote learning - Grades K-12
Not being moved forward
b) Policy 6140 - Curriculum (updated policy adding Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies)
MOTION to move Policy 6140 - Curriculum (updated policy adding Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies) to first read
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
c) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
MOTION to move Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
to first read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
d) Policy 5113.2 - Truancy
No action is needed. Updated on June 14, 2022
e) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
MOTION to move Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
f) Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
Motion to move Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment to first read
First: Nora Mocarski, Jeannette Brodeur, U
g) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings
MOTION to move Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws regarding Electronic Board of Ed meetings to first read with the additional language
Under Policy Statement 9321.2(b)
The Board of Education, at the Chair's discretion, may hold a public meeting that is accessible to the public by means of electronic equipment or by means of electronic equipment in conjunction with an in-person meeting.
This should include the opportunity to have a wide range of views, student freedom to express ideas in a respectful and constructive manner, and teacher willingness to discuss ideas.
Under B. Preparation of Students for Discussion
Teachers should invest time in training their students in discussion and critical thinking techniques.
Under C. Establishment of an Open Discussion Climate
The creation of an intellectually and mutually respectful environment for student participation is one of the most important elements of a successful discourse.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
h) Policy 6144 (a) Controversial Issues
MOTION to move Policy 6144 (a) Controversial Issues to first read with amendments
2. Schools and classrooms are an environment where students must feel safe.
First Paragraph after 2. It is the duty of the educational community to model for our student’s acceptance of diversity and respect for civil discourse.
Second Paragraph: Teachers must be keenly aware of their position of influence and that the classroom is not a forum to promote a particular political vantage point or ideology. As partners in our student’s education, we aspire to promote inclusive and respectful dialogue in our classrooms and corridors.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
MOTION to adjourn
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
VI. Adjourn @ 8:59pm
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2023, @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
MOTION to move the Budget & Finance Committee Meeting to the first topic of discussion.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order @ 7:18 pm
II. Roll call: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – January 24, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
V. New Business
a) Solar Project Discussion
Emily Basham from Connecticut Green Bank presented Solar Project Presentation.
Listed below are the questions the Board had for Emily Basham:
Are these installed by your direct employees or subcontractors?
● A third party is responsible for the installation.
Can we back-charge for clean-up after installation if your crew isn't diligent?
● The systems are inspected after installation by the town for permit reasons. We can also do a walk-through of the facilities.
Do we need to store any materials in case of damage/replacement?
● No, we wouldn’t store replacements. A third party would supply all the replacement equipment. They are inspected on an annual basis.
How are these structured so as not to put excessive weight on the roof?
● We have an engineer who will assess the building and roof, including the snow loads and capacity on the roof. A report will be issued informing the design of the system and would structure the capacity for installation. The panels are never touching the roof. It will be an attachment-style structure. What they recommend is how the panels should be attached and needs to be in accordance with the permit.
Diagram of expected final structures.
● Emily reviewed the diagram of the expected final structures.
What damage and leaking precautions will be taken?
● Sheet goes under the equipment and will be the existing roof membrane.
Are there any financial risks to the taxpayer?
● The only risk for the taxpayer in the event of the 20-year term for some reason using the same typical electric profile. If the school is shut down that has the panels, you are obliged to pay for the electricity.
What is the maintenance and inspection schedule?
● The material will be submitted for warranty, and will issue a waiver saying that the membrane will be preserved.
Who pays for repairs to the roof?
● The solar company pays.
Does your company provide snow removal services? If not, and our janitorial staff has to do it, what are the risks?
● We don’t provide snow removal services.
Are there any safety risks to the students and staff?
● Students and staff are not in danger from panels.
Will lead and cadmium runoff from rain harm students and teachers on the playground or custodial staff?
● No.
How will the solar panels affect the school’s insurance?
● We do require property insurance to be included in the cost of the equipment.
What will be the cost to the taxpayers?
● There would be a cost to switching where you are getting electricity from. We are providing electricity out of savings so it would not cost taxpayers.
How will we be reimbursed for our electrical production? A credit on the electric bill or a check?
● Will receive a credit
Can your company provide a list of clients who have had their solar panels for five years or more?
● Emily will provide a list of clients.
What expected costs are there to the town/BOE? Incidental? Potential?
● The town is obligated to purchase electricity and any costs incurred with the insurance coverage.
Can the school bank the energy, or is it the only option to sell it?
● The school will use their credit.
How long are the components expected to last? What is involved in removing them?
● Most components last for 25-30 years. There are catalytic converters that are anticipated every ten years. We account for the cost of the building’s system.
How much extra/less work will this be on our maintenance? Leaf removal? Snow/ice removal? Removal of debris from storms?
● No removal services were provided.
How will this affect current or future generators?
● The system would be installed with a battery.
Emergency shut-offs affected or increased?
● In case of an emergency shut-off, there is a rapid shutdown for the system.
What would we need to call you for? What is the response time for an emergency? Non-emergency?
● Emergency line provided through the Operations Department. Non-emergency calls can be taken during regular business hours.
Will the glare affect any of the houses on the surrounding hillsides?
● Modules are coated to prevent glare.
Who will monitor the collection/output? Will your system relay non-working panels?
● The system will monitor nonworking panels.
What is the company's track record (data) on installation and leaky roofs?
● We had one project where we had to pull up panels due to leaks. Very uncommon.
Is there a guarantee to fix the roof if solar panel installation causes damage to the building (leaks due to holes)?
● Solar company pays for the damage.
What happens if panels are no longer efficient/effective? Who takes them down/replaces them, and/or repairs them?
● The system monitors non-working panels.
What happens if there is any damage to the panels due to a) storm damage - wind/rain/snow, b) firefighter?
● Building insurance would cover damages.
b) Budget Update
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed the following:
● BOE Appropriated Budget Summary Slide
● BOE Town Support for Education Slide
● Budgetary Non-Contractual Obligations
● BOE Budget Notes Slide
MOTION to Adjourn
First: Cheryl McGlynn, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
VI. Adjourn @ 8:50 pm
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @8:50pm.
II. Roll Call: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – January 24, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – November 29, 2022
MOTION to approve Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – November 29, 2022
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
New Business
a) Discussion of proposed TGS/WBOE contract. - None
b) Update available on the Trusted Adult survey? “December: re-administer the same survey question to determine if all students can identify a trusted adult.” (August Retreat)
We are surveying at the end of January and will have it in February.
c) Reschedule Social Studies Committee meeting dates
Tuesday, February 14, 1:00-3:00 pm, Nora Mocarski and Sondra Strubhar
MOTION to postpone d) Scores Update at mid-year: Dibels, NWEA? IABs?
1) Goals: Math & Reading as measured by SBAC: to increase the whole school SBAC SCORES FROM 49% TO 51% BY June of 2023
2) Science as measured by NGSS: to increase whole school NGSS scores from 62% to 63% by June of 2023 to the February Board meeting
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
MOTION to adjourn
First: Tara Sundie, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
V. Adjourn @ 8:5 6pm
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @ 8:56 pm
II. Roll Call: Tara Sundie, Sondra Strubhar, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – January 24, 2023
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
MOTION to approve Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2022
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
MOTION to move New Business items a)-g) to the next Policy meeting
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
V. New Business
a) Policy 6172.6(e) - Remote learning - Grades K-12
b) Policy 6140 - Curriculum (updated policy adding Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
c) Policy 4113.12 - Minimum Duty-free lunch period for teachers
d) Policy 5113.2 - Truancy
e) Policy 5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
f) Policy 5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
g) Policy 9321.2- Board Bylaws re: Electronic Board of Ed meetings.
MOTION to adjourn
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Renata Waldron, U
VI. Adjourn @ 9:00 pm
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022, @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley Absent: Kristin Peterson
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @ 6:33 pm
II. Roll Call Jeannette Brodeur, Sondra Strubhar, Nora Mocarski, Renata Waldron, Tara Sundie
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – November 29, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – October 25, 2022
MOTION to approve Curriculum Committee Minutes – October 25, 2022
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
V. New Business
a) Finalization of Social Studies Dates
Melony Brady-Shanley confirmed that Sondra Strubhar and Nora Mocarski would be members of the social studies committee. The meetings will be held from 2-3:00 pm on Tuesdays. Melissa from the State will attend the first meeting tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, to review the information, including the process and module curriculum.
The second meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 24. The committee will review the information from Melissa and decide if we can build from the framework or go in a different direction. The second meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, and we can decide where we need to go. This will roll out in the 2024-25 school year, which is a realistic time frame.
Melony Brady-Shanley will share the state documents via Google Docs under a folder named Social Studies, which will include resource documents.
Optional walk-through at Pearson School on Wednesday, November 30, and will begin at 8:45 for teachers and support staff.
Iris from the State will participate in the optional walkthrough for Hinsdale School on Wednesday, March 22, beginning at 8:30 am.
When walkthroughs are completed, staff hold a Google meeting to discuss the positive and improvement opportunities that are then shared with staff.
Melony Brady-Shanley discussed and reviewed the letter from Fran Rabinowitz.
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – November 29, 2022
Approval of Minutes
a) Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – October 25, 2022
IV. New Business
a) Initial Budget - Staffing Information
Melony Brady-Shanley shared good news regarding the upcoming season. Legislation didn’t move forward, and they added 3 Alliance Districts. Our District gets to keep our $200,000.00 until 2027.
Regarding special education students who are outplaced. Our current anglec number is about $30,000.00 for kids who go through DCF. For the anglec formula, they take the number x 4.5 (76%), which is the number we have to spend beyond. The anglec formula has changed to $133,952.00 which is what we are responsible for. This is a huge hit for us, and we have to make up $40,000 per placement. This is happening all across the State.
Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea Wyrick have been working on budgets for staffing. Nancy O’Dea Wyrick passed out the 2023-24 Budget Personnel - All Staff document, and Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed the document.
In our previous budget, we have expiring grant sources, inflation costs, the cost of transportation going up, and we have excess costs for special education. For next year’s budget, we have excess cost increases which are projected at $558,000. Next, we have in the past the non-lapsing fund for maintenance, repairs and supplies which is projected at $530.000. Our bus contract with All Star Transportation is going up to $108,000. Wage increases total $525,000. Melony Brady-Shanley and Nancy O’Dea Wyrick will continue to work together to drive costs down
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed an email regarding excess cost.
Melony Brady-Shanley resent the Doodle Survey to the Board regarding budget meetings.
b) Resources
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – November 29, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of the Policy/Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes – October 25, 2022
V. New Business
a) Policy# 6144 Controversial Issues
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed the 3 versions of this policy.
Nora Morcarski read the controversial issues policy from CABE from 2003 from Canton. Melony Brady-Shanley shared the document on the projector.
MOTION to move Policy# 6144 Controversial Issues version C with edits to first read
First: Sondra Struhbar, Second: Tara Sundie, U
b) Policy # 5144.4 - Student Discipline
MOTION to move Policy # 5144.4 - Student Discipline to first read
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
VI. Adjourn @ 8:47pm
Winchester Board Education
Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Budget and Finance Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley,
Call to order @ 6:56 pm
Roll call
Present: Doug Pfenninger, Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Absent: Kristin Peterson and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Agenda ReviewReview Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – October 25, 2022
Approval of MinutesBudget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2022
MOTION to approve minutes: R. Waldron, J. Brodeur → U.
New BusinessSchool Resource Officer
Discussion topics included recognition that this is a big topic requiring further deliberation centered upon two major subtopics: philosophy and financial cost to the town and to the school boards. It was not expected that this position - SRO - would be in the budget for the 2023-24 school year in light of all the questions. Members expressed requests for more behavioral data from Gilbert (local and national data), information on any research - if any - from other districts that have SROs, questions as to whether there would be a joint hiring process between both boards, and whether community input would be solicited. There was a short description between the benefits and differences between SROs and AROs. Discussion also included a recognition that effective solutions to issues require a holistic approach that includes all resources such as teachers, social workers, psychologists, and administration.
Pearson Cafeteria Air Conditioning Grant Process Discussion
Cost estimates and grant process was discussed.
It was decided that Option 3, “wait to see what impact the new HVAC system has on the Pearson Cafeteria has on cafeteria first,” before we decide to invest $110,000 upfront. This was in part because there is no guarantee we would receive the grant.
a) Option #1: Wait to see if the BOS would pay for the installation. Cannot predict.
b) Option #2: Apply for the grant at the 72% reimbursement rate, giving us $79,000 back of the estimated $110,000, leaving $30,000 for the WBOE to pay. But no guarantee we would be awarded this grant after paying the upfront costs.
MOTION to Adjourn @ 7:47 pm: S. Strubhar, R. Waldron → U.
Minutes submitted by: N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley
I. Call to Order @ 6:30 pm
Roll Call
A. Present: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, and Melony Brady-Shanley
B. Absent: Cheryl McGlynn and Kristin Peterson
Agenda Review
A. Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – October 25, 2022
Approval of Minutes
A. Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – September 20, 2022
MOTION to approve minutes: R. Waldron, J. Brodeur → U.
New Business
A. Sesame Street Casting - WPS Pre-School
Sesame Street Casting called WPS to ask to screen our Preschool teachers and program to determine if we would be selected to showcase positivity in the classroom in their professional development series. This fits well with our district’s PD focus for the year. If selected, all constituents would be notified, and procedures will be put into place to ensure parent permission and protections for student privacy. It is anticipated that the program will air in November/December.
B. Social Studies
Committee Membership
a. A committee composed of parents, teachers, and Board of Education members
Schedule of Meetings shall be created and meet every other week during the school day for 1.5 to 2 hours each session for a minimum of two months to craft a Pre-K through 6 social studies curriculum.
MOTION to adjourn @ 6:56pm: S. Strubhar, J. Brodeur → U.
Minutes submitted by: N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Sondra Strubhar, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
I. Call to Order @ 7:47 pm
II. Roll Call
A. Present:
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, Jeannette Brodeur, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, Tara Sundie, and Melony Brady-Shanley
B. Absent: K. Peterson, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
III.Agenda Review
To include in the next Policy Committee meeting a discussion and possible approval of the Town’s FOI Consider the next meeting, we will review the town’s FOI policy.
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
Policy # 4218.232 – Personnel – Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
Change Shipman’s language from “marijuana” to “cannabis” to match the legal term.
Cheryl to send a note to Melony to check with Legal (Jessica)
MOTION to move to first read: S. Lovetere, R. Waldron → U
A. Policy # 1120 - Public Comment Regulations
Regulations are formally attached to Policy #1120
Samples of other policies read out loud and discussed
a. Review and discussion and comments to be considered by the BOE in line with our comments today. Melony will come back with first-read regulations
b. MOTION to first read with first read regulations: J. Brodeur, R. Waldron → U
B. Policy # 5141.213 - Opioid Antagonists in Schools
MOTION to move to first read with edits: T. Sundae, J. Brodeur → U.
C. Policy # 4118.11 – Discrimination
MOTION to move to first read with edits: S. Lovetere, R. Waldron → U
D. Policy # 5144.4 - Student Discipline
MOTION to move to the next Policy Committee meeting in November 2022: S. Strubhar, S. Lovetere → U.
E. Policy # 6111 - School Calendar
MOTION to reject Policy #6111: S. Lovetere, R. Waldron → U
F. Policy # 6144 - Controversial Issues
MOTION to table to next this November’s Policy Committee meeting to discuss there
S. Strubhar, R Waldron → U
G. Policy # 6144.1 – Exemption from Instruction
MOTION to move to first read: S. Lovetere, R. Waldron → U
H. Bylaws Article 2 Sec 4g - Gilbert Board Membership
MOTION to move to first read with edits discussed: R. Waldron, J. Strubhar → U
I. Policy 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality
MOTION to move to first read: S. Strubhar, R. Waldron → U
J. Policy 6115.3 - Flag Display
MOTION to move to version #2 first read: S. Strubhar, R. Waldron → U.
K. Policy 6151 - Class Size
MOTION to reject policy #6151: R. Waldron, S. Lovetere
L. Policy 5141.3(a) – Health Assessments and Immunizations
MOTION to move to first read with language with notarized language: R. Waldron, J. → U
VI. Adjourn
MOTION to adjourn at 9:03pm. S. Lovetere, J. Brodeur → U.
Minutes submitted by: N. Mocarski, BOE Secretary
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Hinsdale School
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady Shanley.
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @6:36pm
II. Roll Call: Committee Members: Tara Sundie, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, and Sondra Strubhar. Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley and Salvatore Lovetere. Absent: Jeannette Brodeur.
Kristin Peterson arrived at 6:40 pm. Cheryl McGlynn arrived at 7:07pm.
III. Agenda Review
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed the Pearson Third Grade schedule slide, and Barbara Silverio explained the week's schedule in detail. Information is online for families to view.
QUESTION: Does sixth grade have a 20 minute recess?
Yes, it is a state law to have a 20 minute recess.
Melony Brady-Shanley also reviewed the 6th and 5th-grade schedules to show the comparison within the grades.
QUESTION: Do the kids settle in after recess to read?
Yes, the students settle in very well.
Melony Brady-Shanley will forward the grade schedule slides reviewed to the Board.
QUESTION: What grade do students change teachers?
Students change teachers in the 4th grade, and the classrooms are right next to each other.
QUESTION: What does WIN mean?
WIN means: What I need.
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes – August 23, 2022
V. New Business
Melony Brady Shanley asked the Board to add Portrait of a New Learner for discussion.
Melony Brady-Shanley discussed that for the last six years, the Board has asked for a vision of what a student would look like when they graduate from the Gilbert school and move on.
The process is done within many districts, and our district will cover 3 age spans, including Pre-K through Grade 5, 6-8, and then work on the graduate, which we will call a learner.
A system would be set up including multiple parents, staff, administrators, a member from the Gilbert Corp, and a member from our board. The process would be on a particular site where parents and community members can rank certain characteristics that they feel students should have. Afterward, we would review the traits and determine how we can incorporate the attributes, so students are prepared when they graduate in 2035. The process is time-consuming will include 3 different age groups. We have to put an assessment together and a rubric to ensure we have done the necessary steps. We will start with the Gilbert school and work backward.
QUESTION: When would the process begin? Is this a volunteer commitment?
Melony Brady-Shanley checked the dates, which are November 12, 26, and 29. Yes, this is a volunteer commitment.
Sondra Strubhar and Doug Pfenninger volunteered to assist.
Renata Waldron posted the Gilbert Board of Education minutes so materials can be viewed from our board accordingly.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
VI. Adjourn@ 7:08pm
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Renata Waldron, U
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, and Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order at 7:09pm
II. Roll call: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, and Tara Sundie. Absent: Jeannette Brodeur,
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – September 20, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
a) Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – August 23, 2022
MOTION to approve Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – August 23, 2022
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Renata Waldron, 5, 0, 2
V. New Business
a) Air Conditioning Unit at Pearson School
Melony Brady-Shanley shared the email from the vendor with the Board.
It is not recommended to have a separate unit in the kitchen. The best practice is to keep the door open. This is what has been done in the past with no issues.
Melony Brady-Shanley had a HVAC grant update. We would apply for a $70,000.00 grant and would be reimbursed up to 72%, which brings the amount to $50,000.00, and we would be responsible for $20,000.00.
If we go for the grant, another option would be to inquire if the town would split the $20,000.00 with us.
Melony Brady-Shanley will meet with the Town Manager, Josh Kelly, and Mayor Todd Arcelaschi before the October Board meeting.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
VI. Adjourn @ 7:22pm
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Salvatore Lovetere
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order at 7:23 pm
Roll Call: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Salvatore Lovetere. Invitees: Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, and Melony Brady-Shanley
II. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – September 20, 2022
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. New Business
a) Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund
MOTION to move Policy # 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund to first read at October Board meeting.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
b) Policy # 3171.1 Appendix
c) Policy # 6140 Curriculum
MOTION to move Policy # 6140 Curriculum to first read at the October Board meeting.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, 7, 0,1
d) Policy # 4118.232 / 4218.232 – Personnel – Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
MOTION to move Policy # 4118.232 / 4218.232 – Personnel – Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco with revisions to the October Committee meeting.
First, Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Renata Waldron, U
e) Policy # 4112.1 Personnel-Certified Appointment
MOTION to move Policy # 4112.1 Personnel-Certified Appointment to first read to October Board meeting.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondrs Strubhar, U
f) Policy # 4218.11 Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination
MOTION to move Policy # 4218.11 Certified Non-Certified Nondiscrimination to first read to October Board meeting.
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
g) Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center
MOTION to move Policy # 6163.11 Instruction Media Center to first read to October Board meeting.
First: Sondra Strubhar, Second: Salvatore Lovetere, U
h) Policy # 6142 – Instruction – Basic Instructional Program
MOTION not to consider moving forward Policy # 6142 – Instruction – Basic Instructional Program.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Nora Mocarski, U
i) Policy # 5141.3(a) Health Assessments and Immunizations
MOTION to move Policy # 5141.3(a) Health Assessments and Immunizations to first read at October Board meeting with regulations and optional language excluded.
First: Renata Waldron, Second: Nora Mocarski, 3, 0, 2
j) Policy # 1120 - Public Comment Regulations
MOTION to table Policy # 1120 - Public Comment Regulations
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Renata Waldron, U
k) Bus Policy
MOTION to move Bus Policy to first read at October Board meeting.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
l) Formation of the Sub Committee to review the 9,000 series bylaws
Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Melony Brady-Shanley will review accordingly and make recommendations and come back to the committee for the June board meeting.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Cheryl McGlynn, U
VI. Adjourn @ 8:36pm
Winchester Board Education
Type of Meeting: Committee Meetings Curriculum, Policy, and Finance Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Town Hall – Blue Room
Curriculum Committee Meeting Facilitator: Nora Mocarski
Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Nora Mocarski, and Sondra Strubhar.
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere, Cheryl McGlynn, Kristin Peterson, and Melony Brady-Shanley.
Quorum: 4
I. Call to Order @6:32 PM.
II. Roll Call: Committee Members: Jeannette Brodeur, Renata Waldron, Sondra Strubhar, Nora Mocarski. Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Melony Brady-Shanley, Tara Sundie, Salvatore Lovetere. Absent: Cheryl McGlynn. Kristin Peterson arrived at 6pm.
Would like to nominate Tara Sundie as a Curriculum Committee Member.
Doug Pfenninger approved Tara Sundie as a Curriculum Committee Member.
Melony Brady-Shanley would like to add the Commissioner’s meeting to the agenda, Item F.
QUESTION: Do Scores reflect how we kept our kids in school?
They absolutely do, and that is why I was asked to speak at Thursday’s Press Conference.
III. Agenda Review
a) Review of Curriculum Committee Agenda – August 23, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
a) Initial review of any Standardized Scores from 2022
Melony Brady-Shanley discussed the test scores received, which are confidential until Thursday, August 25. She will be speaking at a press conference discussing Winchester’s test scores and how we handled keeping our students in school post and pre-pandemic. A detailed presentation will be discussed at the September board meeting.
VI. b) School Improvement Plan Goals
Melony Brady-Shanley reviewed goals, including an award incentive plan to drive attendance.
QUESTION: How will the award incentive plan be communicated?
The information will be mailed home and communicated to all families.
QUESTION: Do the incentive programs work?
Yes, the incentive programs bring simple awareness to families.
Melony Brady-Shanley asked the Board to send her feedback/suggestions by September 13, to be discussed at the September Board meeting.
Melony Brady-Shanley will add “Attendance is Important” to the top of the flier.
c) Professional Development Plan
-Tentative schedule presented will be sent to all BOE members as DRAFT
d) Discussion of possible PreK-12 Curriculum Committee (w/ Gilbert)
Doug Pfenninger, Nora Mocarski, and Melony Brady-Shanley met a few weeks ago to discuss a joint Curriculum Committee. Holly Cassidy from Gilbert is in the process of reorganizing the School Corp committees, and the TGS Board doesn’t think they need a Curriculum Committee. All business is done at the school level.
QUESTION: Is it possible to have a person in that role?
It’s all about the way the District is structured. WPS is all about structure. We schedule weekly Monday meetings with the Team to review instruction, ways to support the classroom, what we can do to support the classroom, and covering all topics at hand.
It was suggested to organize a joint Curriculum Committee to help prepare students for Gilbert and to improve student outcomes.
Melony Brady-Shanley would like the Gilbert team to walk through our 6th-grade classrooms to see what work is being done.
Doug Pfenninger will discuss the following with The Gilbert Corp:
● Process for course adoption and textbook adoption.
● Identify a policy for curriculum adoption.
Renata Waldron will research other local High Schools and the structure of their Board of Education to see what standing committees they have in place. She will also deposit shared documents for Board to review.
Doug Pfenninger will ask Greg Shugrue if he would like to attend our board meetings quarterly with any questions he might have.
e) Reminder of classroom walkthroughs for 2022-23 and possible months: November and March.
Melony Brady Shanley will send the proposed dates to the Board.
Melony Brady-Shanley announced the Hinsdale Heroes are the new school mascots for Hinsdale. She showed the Board pictures of the costumes.
VII. Adjourn @7:53
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Facilitator: Doug Pfenninger
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, and Sondra Strubhar
Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Tara Sundie
Quorum: 5
I. Call to order: Committee Members: Doug Pfenninger, Renata Waldron, Jeannette Brodeur, Salvatore Lovetere, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, and Sondra Strubhar. Absent: Cheryl McGlynn. Invitees: Melony Brady-Shanley, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, Tara Sundie.
II. Roll call
Tara Sundie was properly placed as Committee Member, not Invitee
III. Agenda Review
a) Review Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – August 23, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
a) Air Conditioning Unit - Pearson School
Pearson School Cafeteria Air Conditioning System has stopped working and is not repairable.
System replacement cost is $67,730 as estimated by Fran at (XYZ Company)
Do not replace now and budget for replacement in FY2024.
Use the $50,000 balance of the non-lapsing fund and try to find funds in the FY2023 budget.
Petition the town to help by funding the full $67,730.
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick will ask Fran if we have the capability to split the system and have air conditioning just in the kitchen.
Make a recommendation to move to the September Committee meeting.
b) Building of Capital Improvement Project List for the next five years
Motion to table to September Board meeting.
First: Doug Pfenninger Second: Nora Mocarski
c) Special Education Out of District Increase (students moving into the district)
Melony Brady-Shanley stated Seamus Cullinan’s team has done a great job keeping students educated within the district with appropriate programs. His office presented a presentation to educate me that we have 25-30 out-of-district students placed, and 50% have moved into the district. We had a student move out of the district, which saved us $40,000. Then we had another student move back into the district, and since we are responsible for their tuition, the cost will be $278,000 plus transportation. This will hit the excess cost level. The amount that we are responsible for is estimated at $92,000, and we will get reimbursed for the remaining balance.
Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick will keep the Board updated every month.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
First: Nora Mocarski, Second: Sondra Strubhar, U
VI. Adjourn 8:20 PM
Policy & Bylaws Committee Meeting Facilitator: Cheryl McGlynn
Committee Members: Cheryl McGlynn, Renata Waldron, and Salvatore Lovetere,
Invitees: Doug Pfenninger, Jeannette Brodeur, Nora Mocarski, Kristin Peterson, Sondra Strubhar, Tara Sundie, Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick, and Melony Brady-Shanley
Quorum: 3
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Absent- Cheryl McGlynn. MBS to facilitate.
Correction to Roll: Sondra Strubhar and Jeanette Brodeur are Committee Members
III. Agenda Review
a) Review the Policy/Bylaws Committee Agenda – August 23, 2022
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. New Business
a) Policy # 5141.3(a) Health Assessments and Immunizations
b) Policy # 6142 – Instruction – Basic Instructional Program
c) Policy # 4118.232 / 4218.232 – Personnel – Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
d) Policy # 1120 - Public Comment Regulations
MOTION to table to September Committee meeting.
First: Salvatore Lovetere, Second: Jeannette Brodeur, U
MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
First: Salvatore Lovetere Second: Doug Pfenninger
VI. Adjourn @8:22 PM
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair (x)
Invitees: M. Bird (), M. Shanley-Brady (x), D. Denning (x), J. Kelly (x), M. Hintz (x), N. Kelly x(), N. O’Dea (x), C. Perez (x), D. Pfenninger (x), A. Rheault(x), and S. Vaill (x)
I. Call to Order: 6:00 PM
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review:
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business:
1. Project update
A. Current progress of punch list activity. Items completed.
B. Schedule look ahead this month into March. Project closeout.
2. Commissioning update by Horizon Engineering.
3. Pending items and/or change order proposals: None.
4. Phase 2 and 3 final update – FF+E and Playgrounds. 100% complete.
5. New business
6. Review of current invoices.
Montagno $155,902.67 - Motion to approve Kelly, 2nd Denning - U.
SP&A $1,278.41 - Motion to approve Sandonato, 2nd Vail - U.
Horizon - $1,505 - Motion to approve Denning, 2nd Sandonato - U.
Horizon - $1,035 - Motion to approve Vail, 2nd Sandonato - U.
Montagno - $582,506.98 - Motion to approve Denning, Vail - U.
Insalco - $2,246.05 - Motion to approve Sandonato, 2nd Kelly - U.
Adjourn - 6:45 PM
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, November 21, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair (X)
Invitees: M. Bird (), M. Shanley-Brady (x), D. Denning (x), J. Kelly (), M. Hintz (x), N. Kelly (x), N. O’Dea (x), C. Perez (x), D. Pfenninger (x), A. Rheault(x), and S. Vaill (x)
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review:
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business:
1. Project Update
Last visit to the site was Thursday (11/17/22)
Working on the exterior metal panels - estimated to have about 2/3 weeks left.
Site work - additional reseeding in select areas.
Neighbor is upset about water on site. This is not an issue for this project.
Paperwork is the outstanding issue for the project. Some manuals have been provided to WPS.
Toilet issue - This item will be replaced in a couple of weeks.
Closeout review is a fast process - We are about one week out from this part of the project.
Retainage reduction will be last.
Playground - Install is complete. Third-party inspector will complete the final inspection.
2. Review pending items and/or change order proposals.
Commissioning update from Horizon - Dampers need to be added in the kitchen and cafeteria areas. This is leading to some of the uneven temperatures in the cafe wing.
CO #62 - Table until the next meeting
CO #64 - Three Dampers for Ventilation System - $9,354.18
Motion to approve - Dale D.
2nd - Norman K.
Vote - 5-1-0
CO #65 - Insurance and Bond - $36,146.80
Motion to approve - Steve V.
2nd - Dale D.
Vote - 6-0-0
3. Discussion
a. Conditioning of the heating system at Hinsdale - uneven temperatures throughout the building (see above)
b. Environmental Monitoring - This should be closed.
4. Review of current invoices and financial updates.
Estimate - $16.091
Estimate Reimbursement - $15.583 ($11.184 estimated reimbursement)
Estimate Bond Amount - $4,398,774 or less ($9.950 original estimates to be bonded)
a. W.B.Mason, #232185330, $76,735
Motion: Norman K.
2nd: Steve V.
Vote: U.
b. Kinsley Group Inc., #SVC000170501, $452.50
Motion: Norman K.
2nd: Dale D.
Vote: U.
c. Creative Recreation, #3432, $257,465
Motion: Steve V.
2nd: Norman K.
Vote: U.
d. Silver Petrucelli, #22-1143, $6,785.50
Motion: Steve V.
2nd: Norman K.
Vote: U.
e. Horizon, #R2021Z-023-18, $1,355
Motion: Steve V.
2nd: Norman K.
Vote: U.
f. Onion Electric, #7474, $228
Motion: Norman K.
2nd: Steve V.
Vote: U.
g. Insalco, #10061, $2,247.88
Motion: Steve V.
2nd: Dale D.
Vote: U.
h. Insalco, 10005, $27,052.59
Motion: Norman K.
2nd: Steve V.
Vote: U.
i. Insalco, #10106, $13,825.96
Motion: Steve V.
2nd: Norman K.
Vote: U.
j. SP&A - 22-1360, $2838.41
Motion: Norman K.
2nd: Dale D.
Vote: U.
k. Montagno - $144,161.70
Motion: Steve V.
2nd: Norman K.
Vote: U.
l. Thomas Testing INC. Not to exceed $2,400
Motion: Steve V.
2nd: Dale D.
Vote: U.
5. Close out documentation
a. Operation Manuals
b. Warranty documentation
c. Building Renovation Plaque?
6. Meeting - Monday, 26, 2022 at 6 PM via Zoom
Adjourn: 7:05 PM
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Minutes
Date: Monday, October 3, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099
Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair (x)
Invitees: M. Bird (x), M. Shanley-Brady (x), D. Denning (x), J. Kelly (a), M. Hintz (a), N. Kelly (a), N. O’Dea (x), C. Perez (x), D. Pfenninger (a), A. Rheault (a), and S. Vaill (x)
I. Call to Order: 6:08 PM
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review: No Changes
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business:
Project Update
Playground installation is estimated to be completed by the end of October.
Metal panels continue to be an area of concern. Montagno is actively working on this situation.
Commissioning and balancing are about 75% to 80% complete.
The building as a whole is at 97.5% completion.
Review pending items and/or change order proposals.
CO 58 - Site work for security - $20,900 Motion for approval by Dale D., 2nd Melissa B. - Vote U.
CO 59 - Electrical changes in the Kitchen - $3,650.22 Motion for approval by Dale D., 2nd Melissa B. Vote - U.
CO 60 - Flow Testing per the Fire Marshal - $4,015.00 Motion for approval by Steve V., 2nd Dale D. - Vote - U.
CO 61 - Storage for the kitchen - $1,512.50 - Motion for approval by Dale D., 2nd Steve V. - Vote U.
CO 62 - Table to next meeting - Motion by Steve V., 2nd Melissa B. Vote - U.
CO 63 - Carpentry Trim - $3,931.40 Motion by Dale D., 2nd Steve V. Vote U.
CO 46 - Revised Duct Opening - $12,327.38 Motion by Steve V., 2nd Melissa B. Vote U.
4. Discussion - None
5. Review of current invoices:
a) Horizon Engineering Associates, R2021Z-17, $4,900
i) Motion - Approval by Dale D.
ii) 2nd - Melissa B.
iii) Vote - U.
b) Test Con, 11613, $392
i) Motion - Approval by Steve V.
ii) 2nd - Dale D.
iii) Vote - U.
c) Onion Electric, 7474, $228
i) Motion - Table by Melissa B.
ii) 2nd - Steve V.
iii) Vote - U.
d) Berkshire Alarm, 111133, $1,077.41
i) Motion - Approval by Dale D.
ii) 2nd - Steve V.
iii) Vote - U.
e) Total Communications, 127552, $253.75
i) Motion - Approval by Melissa B.
ii) 2nd - Dale D.
iii) Vote - U.
f) Insalco, 10061, $2,247.88 (tables)
i) Motion - Joint table for all Insalco Invoices - Dale D.
ii) 2nd - Steve V.
iii) Vote - U.
g) Insalco, 10005, $27,052.59
i) Motion - See previous motion
ii) 2nd -
iii) Vote -
h) Insalco, 10106, $13,825.96
i) Motion - See previous motion
ii) 2nd -
iii) Vote -
i) WB Mason, 232185330, $76,735
i) Motion - Table by Melissa B.
ii) 2nd - Dale D.
iii) Vote - U.
j) Silver Petrucelli, 22-1066, $11,693.75
i) Motion - Approval by Steve V.
ii) 2nd - Dale D.
iii) Vote - U.
k) Montagno, 16, $459,312.86
i) Motion - Approval by Dale D.
ii) 2nd - Steve V.
iii) Vote - U.
Adjourn: 6:52 PM
Meeting: Hinsdale School Renovation Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, August 15, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: #: 9292056099Meeting ID: 796 667 1341
Passcode: 12345
Meeting Facilitator: Tony Sandonado, Chair (x)
Invitees: M. Bird (), M. Shanley-Brady (x), D. Denning (x), J. Kelly (), M. Hintz (), N. Kelly (x), N. O’Dea (x), C. Perez (x), D. Pfenninger (), A. Rheault(x), and S. Vaill (x)
I. Call to Order: 6:00 PM
II. Roll Call: See above
III. Agenda Review:
IV. Public Comment: None
V. Business:
1. Project update.
a. Current progress of construction activity. Items completed
b. Schedule look ahead this month to early next – including punch list status and
inspections leading to the Cert. of Occupancy.
2. Review of pending items and/or change order proposals.
a. PCO 51 - End Wall Steel - $9,705.30
i. Motion - Steve V.
ii. 2nd - Dale D.
iii. Vote - U.
b. PCO 56 - Cameras for security - $23,000
i. Motion - Norman K.
ii. 2nd - Steve V.
iii. Vote - U.
c. PCO 57 - Additional Fencing
i. Motion - Norman K.
ii. 2nd - Dale D.
iii. Vote - U.
d. Pending PCO’s
i. Water Meter, Back Flow Preventer, and Bonds on Change Orders
3. Review of current invoices.
a. R2021Z023-15 - Horizon Engineering - $1,517
i. Motion - Norman K.
ii. 2nd - Dale D.
iii. Vote - U.
b. R2021Z023-16 - Horizon Engineering - $500.00
i. Motion - Dale D.
ii. 2nd - Norman K.
iii. Vote - U.
c. 1150540 - TestCon - $809.20
i. Motion - Steve V.
ii. 2nd - Norman K.
iii. Vote - U.
d. 11571 - TestCon - $746.60
i. Motion - Dale D.
ii. 2nd - Norman K.
iii. Vote - U.
e. Insalco - Tabled to September
f. Langon Environmental $6140
i. Motion - Norman K.
ii. 2nd - Dale D.
iii. Vote - U.
g. Langon Environmental - Table to September
h. SPA - 22-0839 - $16,863.75
i. Motion - Steve V.
ii. Norman K.
iii. Vote - U.
i. Motagno - #15 - $906,015.14
i. Motion - Dale D.
ii. 2nd - Norman K.
iii. Vote - U.
Adjourn: 6:59 PM
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