mary p. hinsdale School

Mary P. Hinsdale School is designed for Winchester’s youngest students in preschool through Grade 2. As a school with approximately 230 students, we are able to offer a well balanced primary experience for all of our learners. Although there is significant emphasis on literacy and numeracy skills, we also focus on the unified arts of Art, Music, Physical Education, Library/ Media. Children participate in a STEAM block on a weekly basis, and they experience daily science instruction. Our dedicated and caring staff go out of our way to provide excellent customer service to all of our families and stakeholders. The Family Resource Center is housed at Batcheller School along with two additional preschool programs; a Head Start Classroom and a School Readiness Classroom.



Ski Club

3:30 PM - 8:00 PM


Drama Club

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM


Budget Workshop

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Unintentional Fire Alarm at Pearson School

To the Caring and Concerned Parents of the Winchester Community.  Due to the fa...

Contact Us

Roseanne Field

Roseanne Field, Principal

Mary P. Hinsdale School
15 Hinsdale Avenue
Winsted, CT 06098

Phone: 860-379-5423
Fax: 860-379-6521 


Emily Bernard

Emily Bernard, Assistant Principal

Mary P. Hinsdale School
15 Hinsdale Avenue
Winsted, CT 06098

Phone: 860-379-5423
Fax: 860-379-6521 


Hours: 8:35 am - 3:10 pm 
Early Dismissal: 1:10 pm

Tiffany Melycher, Executive Assistant to the Principal 
Phone: 860-379-5423 x1

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